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My Calendar Men Boxed Set

Page 22

by Rose, Dahlia

  Malachi’s hands roamed under her dress and cupped her pussy. She whimpered into his mouth and trembled. The lace of her panties ripped under his grasp, and his seeking fingers deftly searched out and found her core. He slipped them inside her, and she arched in delight. He had the most amazing hands. He caressed her pussy making her wet, and she writhed beneath him. Mae frantically unbuttoned the front of her dress, revealing her breasts to him. He buried his face in the luscious full globes and then filled his hands with the soft mounds, massaging them with a strong firm motion, letting her nipples bead to hardness against his fingers.

  “Just like that, I love how your hands feel on my skin,” she whispered.

  She pulled the top part of the dress off her body in one smooth tug. Malachi sunk his hands in her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her more to his seeking mouth, and he took her nipple into his mouth. He sucked and played with one before moving to repeat the process at her other breast. She tried to hold his head in place, but Malachi was ravenous in his concentration on her body. He loved her breasts with manly guttural moans, and Mae burned under his ministrations.

  “I must have more of you,” he said harshly.

  He took her lips again in a hot hard kiss that made her restless beneath him. How can his lips make me want to come? she wondered vaguely in the back of her mind. She could feel her body react to him by the wetness that pooled between the thick lips of her snatch. Her hands cupped around the bulge in his pants and stroked him.

  “Fuck,” he whispered harshly and took his jeans off quickly before returning to his place between her legs. He lifted her easily, walked back to the bedroom, and put her on the bed. Mae wrapped her hand around his cock. She slid her hand down the smooth shaft over and over again until Malachi’s cock pulsed in her grasp.

  “My turn for a taste,” she whispered and got to her knees in front of him.

  She raised her gaze to his face and watched as he swallowed, and he clenched his fists at his side. On her knees between his legs, Mae stroked his cock and took the thick length in her mouth. He groaned, and she felt his fingers bury in her hair. She licked and kissed her way down and up the smooth shaft, watching the pleasure cross his face. He arched his neck, and a growl escaped his lips as Mae took his hard cock in her mouth and slid her lips along his throbbing cock. She used her tongue and sucked him ravenously until she tasted his precome in her mouth.

  “Oh shit, yes…” His words came out from between his clenched teeth.

  She took her time pleasing and teasing his shaft, cupping his balls and squeezing them gently until he thrust his cock between her lips in a smooth motion.

  “God, I’ve got to have you,” Malachi groaned.

  He pulled away from her and lifted her onto the bed. He lay over her with his hand between her legs, and Mae gripped his shoulder as he slipped his fingers inside her. There was no gentle build up only a low lust-filled growl as he fucked her with his fingers. Her body arched up to meet his demanding touch, and he brought her to fulfilling ecstasy in a matter of seconds. Before she could catch her breath, he was inside her, thrusting deeply and fucking her hard. She screamed his name, and he lifted her without even a hesitation in his penetrating rhythm. Their mutual cries of pleasure filled the air.

  “You feel so hot around me. I can’t get enough of you. Your taste, smell, the feel of your body. I always have you in my mind, even when I’m sleeping,” Malachi said harshly as he moved. He pinned her hands over her head. “Tell me you love me fucking you, baby. I want you to come for me.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she cried out and closed her eyes as the sensation barreled through her. The last threads of sanity frayed and snapped, and left them in the primal throes of passion. His eyes darkened in pleasure, and his fingers tightened on her hips and dug into the soft flesh. The heat of their bodies left the sheet damp with sweat. Her head fell back in pleasure, and her hips bucked against him. He lifted her legs higher for deeper penetration, and she cried out.

  “Oh, fuck, yes, Mal, give me…let me take more.”

  “Take it all, baby. You take what you want from me,” he said between clenched teeth.

  He grabbed her hips, pulling her against him hard, and their pace became frenzied.

  She felt her body tighten like a vise around his throbbing cock. “Oh yes, I’m coming, Mal…now!”

  “Ah, yes,” he growled close to her ear.

  The sensations drove her to an orgasm on a shaky cry of pleasure. With her release, she felt him let go, pounding inside her until he groaned against her neck, and his hot seed spilled in the confines of her body. They fell to the side, their bodies still intimately connected while they tried to catch their breath. She occasionally shook, and his hands roamed her body gently.

  When they could move again, they took a shower together and changed the sheets on the bed. Mae made them dinner, which they ate in bed and teased each other lovingly with bites of food.

  He held her in his arms as they fell asleep. She felt safe, warmed, loved, and ready to face anything that came their way. She was going to become his wife and knew he would be leaving sometimes on dangerous missions. It would scare the life out of her. There would be sleepless nights while she worried until he came home safe, but when he did, she would be in the arms of Malachi Gordon, the love of her life, her mate, her bear. He was her very own Army Beast.

  Holidays With You:

  Mr. December

  Cyn smiled at the couple across the counter. “Here you go, some cream puffs to have on your way.”

  The older lady smiled. “If we weren’t visiting our grandchildren I would definitely stay here for Christmas.”

  “That’s nice, Mrs. Urich, at least you had a good rest while your car was being fixed,” Cyn replied. “Merry Christmas.”

  The two waved goodbye and called out their best holiday wishes to her. Cyn smiled as she watched them drive away. She lived in the town of Greenwood, Texas, and one day before Christmas the couple had been stranded when their brake line cracked. They came in looking totally upset about being stuck. A break line would take two days to fix. They would not be able to get to their daughter’s house to spend Christmas with their grandchildren.

  Cyn always had a soft heart and luckily she had a favor due from the local mechanic. He promised to have their car fixed in hours and with an added incentive of one of her pies, he said he would be working on it first before anything else. The Urichs spent the afternoon looking around the town and antiquing before having lunch and relaxing at her diner. Slice of Heaven was her baby; she built it from the ground up and loved operating the quaint little place. She had two waitresses and a cook on staff, and her diner was known for good home-style cooking.

  The weather wasn’t even cold for December. A balmy sixty-five degrees would greet Santa when he came to deliver gifts, she thought with a grin. Greenwood had been her home all her life, and ranches and family farms surrounded the small town. It was decorated to the rafters for Christmas and the lack of snow or cold winds did nothing to dampen the festive holiday cheer of people on the street. Cyn herself was filled with holiday cheer. Each day for the month of December she’d worn an elf hat, Santa hat or stuffed reindeer horns while she worked. It usually got a laugh or someone saying something a bit fresh.

  It was all in good fun. The ones she wanted to get dirty with were just walking through the door of her shop. Jax Caldwell and Donnie Farell were two of the sexiest cowboys she’d ever seen. They’d bought The Half Moon Ranch last year and now were breeding some of the best cattle around. Jax had sandy brown hair then fell haphazardly around his head in waves, while Donnie was the dark haired, hazel bedroom eyes with a crooked grin and sweet talking tongue. They were bull riders as well, and she’d seen them in action once when they hosted a benefit rodeo for the children’s hospital. Lord, but when they took off their shirts it looked like she could wash her clothes on their abs. They hinted, she hinted but so far they hadn’t met in the middle. Not this time, she th
ought firmly. She was going to give in to her need and fully intended to have both men in her bed by Christmas morning.

  “You’re a reindeer today, huh?” Donnie leaned his hip against the counter and gave her a slow smile. ‘I’ve got a few bridles that might tame the wild in you.”

  “No one has tamed me yet darlin’, but you can sure try,” Cyn drawled in return.

  “I’ve got a partner sweetheart. Between the two of us we can probably do the job right,” Donnie replied. “Right Jax?”

  “It would sure be a hell of a lot of fun to try.” Jax’s voice was smooth as a Jack and coke going down after a hot day. He literally made her mouth water when he spoke.

  Cyn grinned. “I’m sure. So what are you guys looking for today?”

  “Other than to see your gorgeous face, Cyn, we need our usual lunch before we head back to the ranch,” Jax said. “Make it to go please, we’re breaking a filly today and need our energy.”

  “Add in two of those amazing cream things you make and some apple pie too, would you darlin’?” Donnie said.

  “Coming right up,” Cyn replied and turned to the counter.

  The way Jax spoke, she had the definite feeling she was the filly he was talking about. She went to the kitchen to fill their orders with the cook.

  “Those boys look at you like you’re a piece of meat, girl.” Mabel, the cook, said to her.

  “And I would love to be in the middle of that bread,” Cyn teased.

  Mabel cackled. “And you wonder why your name is Cyn.”

  “I don’t wonder, I know.” Cyn winked and took down the Styrofoam boxes from the top of a stainless steel shelf.

  “The place has slowed down, me and the girls are going to take our lunch break,” Mabel said. “There’s live music in the park. We’re going to listen to some tunes.”

  “I’ll walk down there after I close up,” Cyn said.

  Mabel slid the steak sandwiches, fries and extra pickles into the containers while Cyn got the cream puffs and pies. She packaged it all in a half box along with two take away cups of lemonade and took it back to the counter. Jax already had the money out for their lunch as she slid the box across the counter. She reached for the twenty-dollar bill and he moved it a few inches out of reach so she would have to lean forward to take it from his hand. Cyn gave him a sexy pout before she rang up their purchase in the register and handed him the change. She pulled the same trick on him, when he reached for the money she closed her fingers round the bills and coins. The diner was clear of the lunch crowd and her workers had gone on break.

  “So tomorrow is Christmas Eve,” she said.

  “The day that comes before the actual day of Christmas,” Donnie teased.

  “Ha ha aren’t you funny, keep it up mister and you won’t get an invite to my house for Christmas Eve dinner.” She gave both a direct stare. “And it’s meant for both of you to come…to my house.”

  Jax raised his eyebrows at her choice of words. ‘Really? What’s on the menu?”

  She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “If you show up you’ll find out.”

  “Where’s my kiss, Cyn? Donnie asked.

  He came close to the cash register and she kissed him as well, lingering on his cheek.

  “Does that mean I’ll see both of you at say, maybe eight?” she asked with a sultry whisper.

  “We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Donnie said.

  “Is tomorrow here yet?” Jax teased as he took the box. “We’ll be there darlin’, with our spurs on.”

  “Oooh sexy,” she teased right back.

  She watched them head out the door of the diner before she locked it and turned the sign to “Closed.” She walked down the street to the bandstand where the Greenwood High School Band was playing holiday music for the crowd. She sat with Mable and bought an ice cream cone from the stand that was set up there.

  While the music played her thoughts were on one thing, and that was the night she had plans with the cowboys of her dreams. Just thinking of them both made her stomach clench with excitement. The diner would be closed until the day after Christmas. She had her seduction all planned. She was not the kind of woman who waited to see what hand she was dealt. Her daddy taught her if you want something, go after it with the tenacity of a pit bull and make it yours. She couldn’t wait to see what delights Christmas Eve would bring in the arms of Jax and Donnie. Hopefully her holiday would be spent in a pleasurable, exhausted state.

  * * * *

  The next day was a flurry of activity. In between making dinner and setting up her scene for seduction, Cyn was a bundle of nerves. What if they laughed in her face…or worse, if the attraction she thought they shared was in her own head? It would be like you to have a nervous breakdown right before they arrived, she told herself in the mirror. The dinner was being kept warm in the oven’ she didn’t think they would be ready to eat when they walked through the door. Cyn looked at herself in the mirror and grinned at her reflection. The elf hat she wore covered the curls she’d taken care to put into her straight brown hair. She’d placed a big red bow and silver garlands around her body, enough for then to unwrap. Yet there was enough of her ebony skin peeking though to entice. She winked at her reflection in the mirror before walking out of her bedroom. The clock on the wall read seven fifty-five as she poured a glass of red wine.

  She’d set up a faux fur blanket under the Christmas tree and lay herself out to wait for her guests. Her first time with the two sexy cowboys was meant to be memorable. Cyn positioned herself on the blanket seductively and took a sip of wine to calm her excited nerves. Precisely at eight she heard their boots on the wooden patio and the melodious ring as they pressed the button to her custom doorbell.

  “Come on it guys, the door is open,” she called.

  “Cyn, you shouldn’t leave your door unlocked…holy shit,” Jax said.

  “What?” Donnie gave him a nudge out of the way and Cyn smiled when his jaw dropped and his eyes follow the lines of her body.

  “Close the door, boys, I’ll catch a draft,’ she purred.

  “Tell me I’m not dreaming,” Donnie said to Jax. “Because if I am and you wake me up I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Jax laughed. “If you are them I’m having the same dream and the sentiment is shared.”

  Cyn chuckled. “You’re both awake and here I am. Care to unwrap?”

  “You know what you’re asking, right?” Jax’s nostrils flared as Cyn lifted a piece of garland from over her breast.

  “Would I be laying here like this if I didn’t?” She asked. “We’ve been playing around at this since the spring. I decided to take the bulls by the horns, so to speak, and see if I can hold on for a nice long ride.”

  “Lord, the things you make a man think when he looks at you,.” Jax murmured as he stepped closer.

  “We’ve been wanting you for the longest, since we came to town, actually,” Donnie admitted.

  “How about you two get undressed and come unwrap your gift?” She got to her knees and put her wine glass on the small table behind the couch.

  She stayed that way, with her hands resting on her knees, while she watched them take off their clothes. Her stomach clenched with excitement as shirts fell away to expose sculpted chests, hard muscled thighs and bodies that could have been shaped from granite. Just watching them made her breathless. She was going to be taken by both of them, feel their hands and lips on her body. The thought drifted away as they stood above her, two proud specimens of men just for her.

  Under the Christmas tree, they unwrapped the garland and red velvet bow. They both kissed her shoulders and neck while she gently caressed their smooth thighs. Donnie kissed her long and deep until her senses became foggy. His hands cupped her breasts. Cyn moaned into his mouth. Jax pressed against her back, and heat of his skin against hers was intoxicating as his hands roamed her body. She could feel his hardness against her, and she trembled as he kissed his way down her spine before bitin
g the rise of her ass. God yes, she thought as Donnie’s kiss bombarded her senses and Jax’s touch enflamed her. She felt her legs tremble and weaken, each man’s touch fueling an ache deep within her.

  Jax tore her away from Donnie and lay her down against the soft fur and the texture of it was a caress against skin aroused by their touch. She wanted to taste them; having waiting so long it was the first thing on her mind. She was back on her knees, and Donnie’s husky laugh turned into a groan while Jax breath hissed from between his teeth as she took them in her hands and stroked their lengths. Both men were thick, erect and hers. She turned her head and took Donnie’s cock in her mouth.

  “Damn, Cyn, your mouth feels amazing,” He groaned.

  She worked her tongue around his shaft and took him deeper between her lips. His fingers were buried in her hair as she loved with him her mouth. Not forgetting Jax, she stroked him in the rhythm of her movements with Donnie. The sounds they made excited her, and a feeling of pure adrenaline washed over her knowing that she was the one fueling their ardor. Their harsh breathing was blended with the soft Christmas music that filtered through the speaker, and it made her pussy throb in response. She switched quickly and took Jax’s cock in her mouth while she stroked Donnie’s damp rod. Jax pushed himself deeper between her lips, and she moaned in response.

  Jax pulled away panting, and kissed her long and hard. “You do that entirely too well. I don’t want to lose myself between your lips.”

  “Lie back darlin’, it’s our turn to taste,” Donnie said. “Damn, but you are so fucking gorgeous.”


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