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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “He’s just going through a lot right now.”I stated.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Daniel was not what I expected. Of course he was good looking. He was Dominick’s twin. His hair was styled the same way as Dominick’s, but he didn’t have a goatee. He was clean shaven, which made him look like a slightly younger version of Dominick. Even though he was seated, he was tall like Dominick. His upper body was very developed. I was assuming it was because he had a regular wheel chair and not a motorized one. All of the pushing of his chair manually must have made for a vigorous upper body workout.

  As personalities went, he was just as charming as Dominick, but definitely more relaxed and down to earth. In a way, he reminded me of Tommy. I immediately liked Daniel. I really hoped everything worked out and Dominick got to meet his brother. I think it would be great for everyone involved.

  “Ah, I see you two have met?”Anna seemed excited.

  “Yeah mom, I found Rain out here cursing at her phone.”He winked at me.

  I shook my head. Let me add that Daniel could be just as frustrating as Dominick too.

  “It’s true, I was cursing at my phone. Dominick called and I missed him.”

  “Oh dear. How did he sound?”She asked.

  “You know the usual. Annoyed that I had my phone off and he couldn’t reach me the minute he called.”

  “Did you try calling him back, Rain?”Joseph inquired.

  “No. I was about to when Daniel showed up.”

  “Are you going to call him back now?”Joseph asked.

  “No. Not now. He needs time to cool down. Besides we’re here to visit with Daniel. I’ll call him later when I get back to the Inn. I’m not going to jump after he was the one who left me in Capri.”

  In that moment and seeing Daniel and the struggles he must go through on a day to day basis, I thought to myself that I’m not going to allow Dominick to order me around. I fully understand that he’s upset about what he discovered, but he needs to deal with it as an adult. He isn’t doing that and I can’t make him. He needs to come to that realization all on his own.

  “I think that’s a good idea. Why don’t we go out to get something to eat?”Anna agreed.

  “Mom, the snow is starting to come down. Let’s just go back to my place and I’ll have something brought in from the kitchen at the center. This way we won’t be struggling with the streets and we’ll have more time for me and Rain to get to know one another better.”Daniel suggested.

  Daniel was right. I think the less time went spent driving around, the more time we had for our visit. Daniel led the way and we walked through the grounds to his condo. It was on the first floor. The second floor condo were for the teachers that could take the stairs. Daniel’s home was beautiful. It had rich warm colors. The entire living space was designed with Daniel in mind. The counters were lower. The cabinets were closer to the counter tops and the handles were designed so they were easier to grab.

  Daniel directed us over to the living room and asked us to have a seat on the sofa. He offered us something to drink. I asked him if he needed any help in the kitchen and he said that would be great.

  “What do you need for me to do?”

  “Go in the cabinet to the left of you and grab a bowl for the chips.”

  I took out a bowl and placed it in front of Daniel on the counter. Daniel emptied some organic chips for dipping in it. He then placed the chips and the dip on a wicker tray. He went to the refrigerator and took out some water and bottles of ice tea. He placed some napkins on the tray as well.

  I can’t imagine how hard it must me for Daniel to live with his limitations, but he navigated everything perfectly and made it seem so easy. There are so many things we complain about in life, but we really don’t know how good we have it. I was brought back from my thoughts when he passed me the tray to carry. We went into the living room to join Anna and Joseph.

  I sat on the end of the sofa and Daniel rolled up next to me. Anna and Joseph sat across from us on the opposite sofa. Once we were settled, our conversation began.

  “So Rain, my parents tell me that you met Dominick at the shore this past summer.”

  I looked down at my sleeves. I had to stop pulling on them when things got awkward. It was tough to resist. Old habits are definitely hard to break.

  “Did I say something wrong?”Daniel was confused.

  “No. No, not at all. Dominick and I didn’t exactly meet at the shore. Your parents were being kind. Dominick brought me there against my will.”I confessed.

  “What? You mean he kidnapped you? Are you serious? Is this true? Did he kidnap her?”Daniel couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He looked to his parents and Joseph nodded.

  “Kidnapped is such a strong word.”I said.

  “What would you prefer, Rain; abducted?”He was waiting for my answer.

  “Taken. I prefer taken, or mistaken as the case may be.”

  “Mistaken? I don’t get it.”Now I’m really confused him.

  “Well, Dominick thought he took my sister Raven, but in actuality he took me.”I revealed.

  “I still don’t get it. How did Dominick not know that he took you instead of your sister? Couldn’t he tell you both apart?”He asked.

  “No. He couldn’t tell us apart.”

  “So you're telling me you and your sister look closely alike?”

  “You’re getting warmer.”I teased.

  “No way. You’re twins?”He was surprised.

  “Yes, were identical. Just like you and Dominick.”

  “Holy Shit. What are the odds of that?”He asked.

  “Slim to none I suppose.”

  “So he took you. Why? And why am I only hearing about this now?”He seemed slightly annoyed that his parents hadn’t let him in on Dominick’s little secret.

  “Daniel, we didn’t want to upset you. You have enough to deal with, without having to worry about what was going on with Dominick at the time.”Anna explained to her son.

  “Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m not an invalid. I can take whatever life throws at me. I can’t walk. So what? It’s the hand I’ve been dealt and sure when I was young I was bitter, but haven’t I come a long way? Trust me enough to know what I can handle and what I can’t handle.”He was firm with her, but he didn’t yell.

  “Daniel, you know I’m your mom and I will always worry about you. Not because you can’t walk, but because you’re our son. We worry about you and Dominick.”

  “Well, from the sound of things Dominick is the one you both need to worry about. Kidnapping beautiful women? Not too smart on his part. I would think as a big time attorney he would know better or at least know the law.”

  “Believe me when I tell you, we tried to stop him. He was intent on taking Raven because of a long time misunderstanding between himself and his adoptive father, Vincent.”Joseph explained further.

  “He also thought that my dad took something from him after Vincent died.”I added to the story.

  “What did he think your dad took from him?”

  “His father Vincent’s share of a the law firm that my dad and his father built together. He thought my dad inherited it after Vincent died. That wasn’t the case. Vincent didn’t leave it to Dominick, but he didn’t leave it to my dad either.”

  “Who did he leave it to?”



  “Yeah. Me.”

  “So let me get this straight. Dominick kidnapped your sister Raven. It turned out to be you instead and he did all of this for what? To ask for ransom and that ransom wasn’t to be any kind of money, but the rights to Vincent Kane’s share of your two families law firm. Yet he did it all for nothing because your dad doesn't own the rights. You do.”

  “Yeah, that’s about right.”I answered Daniel.

  “Wow, I would definitely say that you have more to worry about with Dominick than you do with me.”He grinned at his parents.

  We a
ll looked at each other and started to laugh.

  Daniel ordered food from the center’s cafeteria for our lunch. Due to the snow they were very busy and couldn’t deliver it. The building was a short walk back to the main building, so I offered to go and get it. Anna and Joseph said they would go. They said that I was their guest and wanted me to stay here and get to know Daniel better. They also said they wouldn’t be long.

  Once they left to get our food, an awkward silence filled the room. I really didn’t know what to talk about with Daniel. He now knew Dominick and I didn’t start our relationship in a conventional way. I hated to think what he thought of Dominick and I.

  “So when I asked you before if there was trouble in paradise, I wasn’t that far off the mark.”Daniel spoke first.

  I looked up at him. It was so strange to see Dominick’s face, but not see Dominick. I smiled.

  “No, you weren't far off the mark, but not because of the kidnapping. For lack of a better word. Because Dominick finally found out that Joseph and Anna are his parents.”

  “I see. So he feels betrayed.”

  “Not just by them.”

  “By you?”

  “Yeah. How did you know?”I wondered.

  “Well, you're here with my parents. That must mean you waited around to hear the whole story and from past events that you just revealed to me, Dominick doesn’t appear to be a man with any sort of patience whatsoever.”Daniel surmised.

  “Let’s just say his patience is limited.”

  “Ah, a lady in love.”

  “Come again?”

  “You’re making excuses, Rain. You're enabling him.”

  “You don’t even know him.”I started to become annoyed with this conversation and Daniel’s comments.

  “No. I don’t, but anyone can see if they look into your baby blues that you’d do anything to protect him. Even now as we talk about him your eyes are lit up.”Daniel observed.

  “You’re only partially right. I do love him, but I’m not enabling him. We aren’t even together right now. He walked out when I told him that I wanted to hear your parent’s story. He wasn’t having any of it and left. I didn’t run after him. If I was an enabler I wouldn't be here with you. I’d be with Dominick consoling him and telling him that his is the victim in all this, but I’m not doing that. Am I?”I sounded defensive.

  “Well, Dominick’s loss is my gain. Today I’m a lucky man.”He grinned.

  “You really do like to flirt. Don’t you? I smirked.

  “Of course, life is too short not to enjoy every moment of it.”

  “Even when the girl you’re flirting with is your brother’s girlfriend?”I said with my eyebrow arched as I waited for the brilliant comeback I knew Daniel was going to have for me.

  “Even more so.”He leaned in closer.

  “Why is that?”I was curious.

  “Well, once my brother and I meet, I have a funny feeling he’s not the type of guy that would let any man flirt with you. I have to take advantage of it while I can. Besides I’m harmless.”He seemed very satisfied with his answer.

  “I’m not too sure about that.”I joked.

  “C’mon, Rain. Look at me. How far do you think I can actually get. See harmless.”He smiled and jiggled his wheels back and forth on his chair.

  “Daniel, I have a funny feeling you are far from harmless and wheelchair or not, I think you’re pretty fast of your feet.”I smiled back.

  “Fair enough, fair enough. From you, I’m taking that as a compliment.”

  “Good, because that’s precisely how I meant it.”

  “So, are you going to call him back?”He asked and changed the subject quickly.

  “Yeah, I said I would. You heard me before. I’ll call him later.”

  “Are you afraid of what he is going to say to you?”

  “Not particularly. I never know what Dominick is thinking, so I’m not going to even hazard a guess.”

  “If he loves you as much as you love him, he probably has come to his senses and wants to make up.”

  “I hope you're right.”I whispered and let out a hopeful breath.

  Anna and Joseph returned with the food. There was soup, turkey club sandwiches and warm cookies for dessert. All in all, we had a very nice visit. I was happy that I came with them for the weekend. Daniel was very welcoming. We talked for the rest of the afternoon. I told him about the pregnancy and that he was going to be an uncle. He wished me well and hoped that the next time we came out that Dominick would be with us. The snow was now coming down much harder than before, so we decided to leave and head back to the inn. Daniel and I exchanged cell numbers, so I could keep him up to date on how Dominick was and how he was dealing with the adoption.

  Daniel invited us back tomorrow. He was having a painting class for some of the patients and asked if we would like to join him. Anna and Joseph declined, but I said I would love to. They said they would stay at the inn and rest, while I went to the class. I told them that Daniel and I would come back to meet them later. We were going to have dinner at the Inn’s restaurant. Joseph said he would make reservations in the morning when the dining room opened.

  Once we got back to the Inn, we said goodnight. It was still early, but I was full from our late lunch with Daniel. I changed in to an oversized T-shirt, turned on the fireplace and climbed into one of the oversized chairs.

  I took out my phone. When I looked at the screen my heart dropped. Twenty seven missed calls and numerous voicemails. I went through each one. Each message became more and more frustrating. It was the same old Dominick. He was trying to clean up the mess in Capri, but at the same time control my every move. I made up my mind not to call him back until Sunday when I was finally back in the city. It wasn't as if I could do anything to change the situation while I was on a visit with his parents and his twin brother anyway.

  I was happy that he was trying to talk with me, but he never said he was sorry. Usually he apologizes and begs my forgiveness. This time he just kept asking me to call him and he wondered where I was. He seemed different. I hoped this didn’t mean we were finished.




  I woke up early and looked out the window. The snow had stopped at some point during the night. It was a blanket of white as far as the eye could see. Although the holidays were over, the park outside looked like a whimsical Christmas card. I stretched and walked over to the small counter outside of the bathroom. I heated the water in the small drip coffee pot to make some hot chocolate. It was only 7am, so I had plenty of time to get ready for my class with Daniel at the center. He said to be there at 10. This way he could show me around before the class started.

  I emptied to packages of the instant hot chocolate mix in the mug and then poured in the hot water. I placed it on the table near the oversized chairs near the fireplace. It was too hot to drink, so I opted to jump in the shower while I was waiting for it to cool off a bit. I grabbed my towels and went to the bathroom when I heard my phone vibrate. This could have only meant one thing. Dominick was up as early as me.

  I took the phone and to my surprise it was Daniel. I answered immediately with some great relief. I really didn’t want to deal with Dominick until I was back in New York.

  “Daniel? Hi. Is everything okay?”I asked.

  “Hi, Rain. Yes, everything is good. I just called to let you know that my class has been cancelled. Many of the students that take the class didn’t feel like coming out because of the snow, but I wanted to know if you would still like to come by and I could show you around. We can even get a bite to eat.”

  “Sure, that would be great. I was just about to jump into the shower. How about I finish getting ready and I’ll head on over in about an hour. If that’s good for you?”

  “That would be great. See you then. Bye, Rain.”

  “Bye, Daniel.”

  An uncomplicated man. I didn’t know they existed anymore. I hopped in the shower
and when I was done I called Anna and Joseph to explain that Daniel’s class was cancelled, but that I was still going over to the center to spend some time with him. They were thrilled that we were getting along so well. Joseph said he would call the dining room in the Inn around 10 to make our reservations for our dinner tonight.

  When I got to the center there weren’t as many visitors as yesterday. I called Daniel and he said to park the car and come to the main building. He would meet me at the door. Just as I came up the steps, the front door opened and Daniel appeared.

  “Hi, Rain. I see you found the center okay.”


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