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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 25

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “I followed the GPS directions Joseph put in the SUV. It really was easy to find.”

  “Ready to paint?”He said with excitement.

  “Wait. Paint? I thought you said your class was cancelled?”

  “It was. Several of the students decided to visit their families yesterday and they were caught in the snow. They won’t be returning until late tonight or tomorrow.”

  “I see, but you still haven’t answered my question?”

  “Which was?”He asked.

  “Why are we still painting?”

  “I paint everyday and I just thought today you could join me. You’ll get to see my classroom and the work I do here. Would you like that?”

  “I’d loved to see what you do here, but I’m not sure about painting. I’ve never painted before.”I was unsure of what I agreed to.

  “Don’t worry about that. It’s fun and relaxing. I’m sure you could use a little relaxation with everything going on in your life right now.”

  I sighed deeply.“You’re absolutely right. Lead the way.”

  Daniel showed me the different classrooms. They didn’t look like the traditional school setting. There were couches instead of desks. Huge fireplaces and long windows that gave amazing views of the grounds beyond the old mansion. It was very comfortable, very welcoming. Daniel’s classroom was filled with easels. They were placed in a semi-circle. The artwork from his students hung everywhere. The room was colorful and vibrant. It was very motivational. The space just made sense.

  Daniel set up an easel next to his with the supplies he thought I would need for my first time painting. I knew I could always choose the perfect shot when I was taking pictures, but painting wasn't my strong suit.

  Both easels were placed near the windows overlooking the gardens outside. Daniel felt there were many subjects out there that I could choose from to paint.

  “Anything that catches your eye yet?”He asked.

  “Hmmm…..I think I like the way that evergreen is framing part of the french doors going out to the patio. The snow on its branches makes it even more beautiful.”I looked ti him for reassurance that this would be a good subject to paint.

  “Are you sure you’ve never taken a class before.”He teased me.

  “Oh, I’m sure.”

  “But you have a great eye.”

  “I’m a photographer. I’m paid to have a great eye.”I revealed.

  “I would say that the money is secondary to you.”He stated.

  “You’re right. It is. I love taking pictures. Grabbing that great shot. The once in a lifetime one that will never come along again and freezing it in time.”

  He was smiling at me.

  “Why are you smiling at me?”

  “That’s exactly how I feel about painting.”

  I felt like Daniel and I could be good friends. We had a common love for art and he was easy to talk to. Daniel was uncomplicated. I knew today was going to be a good day. I needed this distraction even if it was only for a few hours. I knew that tomorrow I would have to go back to reality and deal with my controlling boyfriend. Something I wasn’t looking forward to. I missed Dominick so much, but I was worried about what was going on in that head of his. I decided I wasn’t going to let what tomorrow would bring ruin my day today. I was relaxed and it was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  We moved the easels to face the patio and the french doors that I was going to sketch and then paint. Daniel explained the paints and the different types of brushes. My head was spinning. There was a lot to learn for one brief morning of painting. I went to get the rag that I had dropped while moving the easel. When I got up I felt dizzy and thought I may pass out. I held onto my stool, as not to fall over.

  “Rain, are you okay?”Daniel came to me.

  “No, I feel like I’m going to pass out.”I stated.

  “Okay, hold on to the back of my chair and I’ll get you to the couch over there. Walk slowly, Rain.”He pointed to the section of chairs by one of the windows overlooking the patio.

  I held on and we moved very carefully. Once I sat down, Daniel hovered over me to make sure I was okay.

  “Hey, are you alright? Should I call one of the doctors on staff to look at you?”He placed his hand on my cheek. He was very shaken up with concern.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Thank you for your help. I just think it’s because I haven't eaten yet.”I confessed to him.

  “You haven’t eaten? Rain, you're pregnant. Don’t you think you should have had a little something by this time of day?”He scolded.

  “Look I don’t think I need one more person telling how to take care of myself. I get enough of that from Dominick.”

  “Well,being that my brother isn’t here right now, I feel that it’s my job to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. What kind of guy would I be if I let the love of my brother’s life faint right before my very eyes.”

  I grimaced.“Aren’t you being just a little overly dramatic?”

  He chuckled.“Maybe, but do you feel faint anymore?”

  “Actually, no I don’t.”I said to my surprise.

  “We’re going to eat lunch soon, so for now I’m just going to get you a glass of orange juice. If that’s okay?”Daniel asked.

  I nodded.

  Daniel left to check on our lunch and get me a glass of juice. I was sure the juice would help. My sugar may be low. I think once I have it I’ll feel much better.

  Daniel came back and said lunch would be ready in about a half hour. I knew I would be fine until then. Instead of sitting at the easel, Daniel brought over a sketch pad and some charcoals. He thought it would be better for me to remain seated on the couch after feeling faint. Then he moved with ease from his chair to the couch and situated himself next to me.

  “Okay, let’s see what you’ve got, Rain.” He prompted me to start drawing the winter scene outside.

  I stared at the paper, then at Daniel, then outside and then at the paper again.

  “Who am I kidding. I can’t draw.”I slumped my body in frustration.

  “You haven’t even tried.”

  “Why should I try when I know it’ll just be a waste of time.”

  “I never figured you for a quitter.”

  “I’m not a quitter and how would you know anyway, we barely know each other.”I was annoyed.

  “As a counselor I see frustration everyday. I also see distraction and you are definitely distracted. So do you want to tell me what’s going on? I’m a very good listener.”He smiled to ease my tension.

  “I don’t think it will help. It won’t change anything.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that. Sometimes having a different person’s perspective will give you a new way of looking at the situation at hand.”He explained.


  “Start drawing.”

  “What? I thought you wanted me to talk to you.”I was confused.

  “I do, but when you draw and talk everything seems different, easier. You’ll be more relaxed. So begin your sketch and tell me what’s going on, Rain.”

  I started to draw the set of french doors in front of me and then I told Daniel some of my concerns.

  “I said yesterday that I wasn't worried about what Dominick would say to me, but I’m worried that Dominick and I won’t be able to work this out. He sees my choice of hearing your parents story as a direct betrayal to him.”I said as I continued to sketch the door frames.

  “So I take it you never called him last night?”He asked

  “No, I didn’t. I went back to my room and had some hot chocolate and went to bed. I thought he was calling this morning, but it was you. I don’t know what to think.”

  “I don’t know Dominick yet, but from what my parents tell me; he goes after everything he wants and it appears that even though he wanted the law firm originally that doesn’t seem to be the case now. What he discovered was life altering and even though he’s a powerful man, this couldn’t be easy. I’d give h
im some time. I’m sure he’ll come around.”

  “I know what you’re saying, but I don’t want him to just come around because I’m having his babies. I want him to trust me and I’m not sure if he can. You see, Dominick is very cut and dry. He doesn’t see that there may be other reasons for why your parents did what they did. I’m not saying what they did was right. Believe me, I’ve dealt with a lot lies in my past and I don’t like it either, but I just couldn’t walk away from Anna and Joseph. They have always been very kind to me. Never devious, so I knew there was more to their story then what Dominick had discovered.”

  “Rain, like I said, I don’t know Dominick; but I do believe he’s a smart man and I do believe he just may need some time.”

  “My dad said the same thing. I hope you’re both right.”I felt defeated.

  “I’m sure we are. If he’s as possessive as you say, he’s not going to just give up and walk away.”

  We sketched for another hour and then one of the kitchen staff brought us our lunch in Daniel’s classroom. We had a very nice conversion. Daniel explained how he came to be a teacher and a counselor here. How the center treated many different illnesses and conditions. Some patients lived here and some come on an outpatient basis. Some have physical disabilities and some have learning problems. He even teaches a monthly painting class for patients suffering from cancer. It’s a partnership with one of the local hospitals.

  All in all, the afternoon was uneventful. We definitely learned much more about one another and I felt I had a clearer sense of the years Dominick was living with Anna and Joseph. Daniel had explained he too was resentful and it was quite a long time before he was able to make peace with it. I assuming this is the point Dominick is at now.

  I asked Daniel if he would like to return with me to the Inn. This way the rest of his afternoon could be spent with his parents prior to our dinner this evening. I intended on taking a nap before we had dinner. He agreed it would be a good idea to leave with me. He said that Joseph could drop him back home after our meal.

  Once we reached the Inn, Daniel met his parents and I went to my room to lie down. I checked my phone. No more calls from Dominick, but there was one from Mr. Campania. I immediately dialed him. It was 2pm, here so it was 8pm in Naples. I was hoping I would catch him on his cell phone.

  “Ciao, Rain. How are you? I see you got my message.”

  “Ciao, Mr. Campania. I did receive your message but I didn't listen to it. So are the owners of the property willing to negotiate?”I was hopeful that he had the answer I wanted.

  “They are very willing to sell the property, but there’s only one problem.”

  “Oh no, what’s that?”

  “There is another buyer.”

  “Can I out bid them?”

  “Yes, of course, but I don’t know if you would want to.”

  “Why wouldn’t I want to? Mr. Campania, I want that property. What will it take for me to get it?”I was extremely determined not to let anyone else take the vineyard.

  “Rain, as much as I want to help you, I must advise you against bidding any higher than your original plan and knowing this; I don't think you will out bid this buyer. Apparently he has very deep pockets and he seems hell bent on getting the land.”He said cautiously.

  “How much was his bid?’

  “Rain, I don’t know for sure, but word has it he is willing to pay six million Euro.”

  “What? That’s double what I can afford to give. I can’t believe this is happening. No one has even looked at that property in years and now when I want it someone doubles their bid. Is there anything else you can do?”

  “I’ll try to speak with the owners, Rain. I know how badly you wanted it and I’ll discuss that with them, but I would have to say money will more than likely override emotion in this sale.”

  “I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand. It just may not be meant to be.”I felt defeated.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”He said.

  We ended our conversion and I went to lie down. I was tired and sad. Maybe a nap would make me feel better, but I doubted it.

  My phone vibrated on the nightstand near the bed. I picked it up and noticed it was 6pm. Dinner was at 7pm. I felt like I just fell asleep. I needed to freshen up. At least the restaurant was here in the Inn. So I didn’t have to travel far. Then it rang again. This time it was Anna.

  “Hi, Anna.”I answered.

  “Hello, Rain. How are you feeling? Did you rest well.?”She inquired.

  “Yes, but still I’m feeling tired, though I am hungry. I was just about to get ready when you phoned.”

  “You take it slow. We’re getting ready, too. We’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Great. I’ll see you in about an hour.”

  “See you then, Rain.”

  I laid back down for a few more minutes. I was very exhausted. I started to stroke my stomach. It was so natural to touch my belly. To comfort my babies. I was so grateful to be pregnant.

  “You two are making mommy tired, but I love you both so much. I can’t wait to meet you. I know your daddy loves you. If you’re both girls, I bet you’ll drive your daddy crazy and if you're boys; you’ll probably drive the girls crazy. Just like your daddy.”I rubbed my stomach even further and smiled at the area of my body that soon would have a large baby bump.

  I called Anna back and decided to skip out on dinner. I told her that I was going to order in for the night. I felt weak and didn’t want to overdue it. She understood and asked if a needed anything. I told her no and that I’d be fine. I explained that I would eat-in and rest and that I would meet her and Joseph downstairs in the morning for breakfast before we drove back to New York.

  I ordered room service. They said it would be about 30 minutes so I decided to take a shower before they brought my dinner up to the room.

  The water was very warm and comforting. I couldn’t believe that I would feel this tired after such a nice nap. The shower wasn’t helping to wake me up. I lathered up the sponge with my vanilla shower gel and ran it over my body. I noticed there was blood on the sponge and trail of it running down my legs which pooled into the swirling water that was emptying down the shower draining.

  I was in shock. My heart began to race. I quickly rinsed off, put on a robe and sat down to call Dr. White’s emergency number. I needed to know what to do. Was I losing the babies? Was this normal? I just needed to know.

  The phone rang for quite a long time and finally Dr. White answered.

  “Dr. White.”She stated as she answered.

  “Hello, Dr. White. It’s Rain Medici.”

  “Hello, Rain. Are you okay?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I just started my shower and I had blood on my sponge and creeping down my legs. I worried.”

  “I see. Well, it’s understandably that you’re worried, but it is very normal for there to be some bleeding in the first trimester. We need to still have you checked. Where are you now? I’d like you to go to the hospital and I’ll meet you there.”

  “I’m in Pennsylvania, near Philly. I was away for the weekend. I do have to tell you, Dr. White, that it’s been quite a stressful week.”

  “I see. Are you away by yourself or is Mr. Kane with you?”

  “I haven’t talked to him in over a week.”I was embarrassed.

  “Well, that explains the stress. Is someone there with you that can get you to the local medical center?”


  “Okay, Rain. I want to you go to U-Penn now. I have colleagues in the Obstetrics Department that will take care of you. They will update me. Should there be any issues whatsoever, you will be in the best possible care. If it’s something minor, which I suspect it is; then at least we checked it out and I’ll still see you in the office on Monday.”She was very diligent in her instructions.

  “Thank you, Dr. White. I’ll get there right away.”

  “Good. A
nd Rain, don’t worry. I’m pretty sure it’s normal and you just need to rest more.”

  “Okay, I’ll speak with you later.”We hung up and I called Anna.

  “Anna, I need your help?”

  “What’s wrong, Rain?”

  “I’m bleeding and Dr. White wants me to head to U-Penn Medical Center in Philly. She said they have very good doctors there that can check me out. Can you and Joseph take me?”

  “Absolutely, I’ll get Joseph and we’ll me you at the front desk.”


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