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No Matter What

Page 29

by Michelle Betham

  “With Michael it’s so much more clear cut.” Her hand went back to her stomach. “We’ve got this little one on the way and a wedding to plan. And I can’t imagine life without him, Reece. Not now.” Mention of the wedding suddenly made her realise one thing, one very important thing and she looked at Reece, her smile getting wider.

  “What?” he laughed.

  “I was always going to ask you to give me away at my wedding, that was never in question. You were almost like a dad to me for all these years anyway, but now ... now you really can walk me up the aisle as my father, can’t you?”

  He felt the tears return and he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Of course I can, angel. And you won’t see a prouder man that day.”

  His world was suddenly fitting together just the way he’d dreamed it would. His daughter had accepted him, she’d found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, she had a successful career and, in a few months time, she was making him a granddad. And now they’d found each other he’d make sure nothing and no-one ever came between them again. He was going to be there for her the way he should have been all her life but he’d make it up to her. If it took him every year he had left to live he’d make it up to her. Of that he had absolutely no doubt. 1997 was going to be a year to remember. For all of them. Just maybe not for the reasons any of them expected.


  “Hollywood stars Michael Walsh and India Steven began 1997 by not only announcing their engagement, but also by telling the world that they’re expecting their first baby. Actor, producer and director Walsh, 45, proposed to his 28 year old English girlfriend during a New Year’s break in New York ...”


  Michael put the newspaper down on the floor and turned over onto his side, resting up on his elbow and India smiled at him, knowing he was happy it was now all out in the open. They’d made a decision to announce both the baby and the engagement at once, mainly due to the fact that the biggest bombshell of all – that she was the daughter of Reece Brogan – was yet to come. In an ideal world she’d wanted to wait until she was at least three months pregnant before telling the media about the baby but circumstances had changed. Just a bit.

  It felt a little strange, everyone knowing she was pregnant, especially as, for the past few weeks, she’d really struggled with the idea of having this baby and she’d only just come to terms with it herself, if she was honest. Now she was about to spend the next few months more in the spotlight than ever before but that was something she’d resigned herself to. She was just going to have to deal with it.

  “That’s it then,” Michael said, sliding the sheet slowly down India’s thigh as she lay facing him. “Everybody knows.”

  She was still smiling at him. After all that had happened in that short time since Christmas she felt as though she was falling in love with him all over again, and it was nice.

  “Cue the paparazzi on our backs morning, noon and night though,” she said, pulling the sheet back up over her hip.

  “We’ll deal with them. We always do.”

  “And when the news finally breaks that Reece is my dad? That’s not going to be something they’ll let go of in a hurry, is it?”

  “I know, baby, but it’s better if you and Reece announce it yourselves before anything leaks out. That’d be a whole lot worse, you know that.”

  She knew he was right. They’d planned to give it a week or so, let the dust settle on the pregnancy and engagement story before giving everyone the real big one, but she wasn’t looking forward to it. At this particular time in her life, with everything that was happening, she could do without constant press attention, but it came with the territory. She knew that all too well now.

  “I still can’t believe you’re pregnant,” Michael went on, gently stroking her arm.

  “So, you choose to ignore the fact that I was throwing up at 5am this morning then?”

  “You know what I mean. Your body ... it’s incredible!”

  “That’s probably because I’m only a few weeks gone. There isn’t that much to show just yet, which is just as well because I’ve got a photo shoot for that perfume ad today and that requires most of a bikini.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Most of?”

  “Bottom half. Oh, get that look off your face will you, my hands are going to be covering these.” She put her hands over her breasts and he looked at them.

  “Yeah, well, as long as they’re your hands and nobody else’s.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him as he slipped the sheet down again, revealing more of her naked thigh.

  “I didn’t see you complaining last year when I took it all off for ‘Viper’.” She turned onto her back, throwing her arms above her head, drawing one leg up. He moved closer, gently running a hand over her flat stomach.

  “That was different.”

  She pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked at him, laughing. “How was that different? I really hope we’re not going to get into one of these ‘now we’re engaged it’s for my eyes only’ situations, Mr Walsh, because I don’t play those games.”

  He leaned over and kissed her.

  “What are you doing Michael?”

  “Kissing you.”


  “Because I want to.”

  “No, I’m still waiting for an answer. How come I can get it all out for ‘Viper’ and you don’t bat an eyelid, but I’m half naked with nothing on show for a perfume ad and you’ve gone all moody on me.”

  “I’m not moody.”

  “Yes you are.”

  He put a hand on her waist and gently turned her over to face him again.

  “I love you, that’s all. I don’t mean to get all possessive I just ... I get scared of losing you. I mean, look at you. I’m a middle aged man and you’re this amazing, sexy twenty-eight year old who’s young enough to be my daughter and there are men out there who would stand in line to be where I am now.”

  She put a hand to his face and stroked his cheek, leaning forward to kiss him slowly. “But who’s here, Michael? You are. I want you, I’m marrying you, I’m having your baby, so pack it in with the insecurity, ok? And you’re only just old enough to be my father.”

  He couldn’t help but smile as she turned over again, stretching out and arching her back and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He wanted her so badly sometimes it physically hurt.

  “Hormones making you all bossy, are they?” he said, but he was finding it quite a turn on.

  She closed her eyes and smiled, stretching her arms up above her head. “You love it really.”

  He couldn’t help laughing. “Yeah, I suppose I do. Like I said, though, I love you, that’s why I act like this sometimes, that’s all. Because I love you.”

  She smiled at him as she drew her legs up, her arms still up above her head. “I know you do, and I love you too, ok? I-love-you.” She opened her legs and his eyes automatically looked down there. Jesus! He loved mornings like this. “Now get between these and make your pregnant fiancée a very happy woman.”

  He smiled back. “Your wish and all that ... anything in particular you’d like me to do?” He let his fingers trail down her stomach, down to her inner thigh, his mouth moving closer to hers as he spoke. “Because, daddy here wants to make mommy a very, very happy woman.”

  She couldn’t help giggling as he started kissing her neck, whispering things in her ear, and this is what she loved about him. He was everything she’d ever dreamed of and she couldn’t believe she’d almost thrown it all away in a moment of madness with Kenny.

  She looked up at him as he lay over her. “Michael ...”

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Let’s get married ... soon.” The words were out before she’d even had a chance to think about what she was saying.

  He looked at her, stroking her hair back off her face. “Are you sure? I mean, I thought you wanted to wait a while, wait until the baby was here?”

at’s the point? We know we want to be together so why wait?”

  He smiled a huge smile. These were words he’d hoped she’d say. He’d always wanted to marry her sooner rather than later, right from the minute she’d said yes he’d wanted to marry her, he hadn’t wanted to wait, but he’d sensed a feeling of wariness from her so he hadn’t wanted to push it. But now it seemed she felt the same way he did so who was he to argue? If his beautiful, English bride-to-be wanted to marry him tomorrow then he’d move heaven and earth to make that happen.

  “What do you think, Michael?”

  He kissed her gently, her naked body warm against his as they lay together. “I think it’s a perfect idea.”

  She smiled too, her stomach doing tiny flips as he started to make love to her, an overwhelming sense of happiness taking her over as he held her tight. Her wonderful American man. They were back where they should be and she knew now that she’d made the right decision. This year was going to be perfect, it was going to be the best, she had a feeling. This was going to be a year to remember. Of that she had no doubt. A year to remember – for every single one of them.


  Terry had made his mind up. He’d had enough - enough of waiting, enough of sitting and watching, of knowing she was there and not doing anything. He’d had enough of wasting time. If he didn’t do something soon he could lose her and he wasn’t willing to risk that happening. He’d come too far.

  It was Michael and India’s engagement party that night, just a small party for family and close friends, but it would give him the perfect opportunity to slip out, hopefully unnoticed, and finally make the move that would bring Charley back home. Back to him. He was going to drive to where he knew she was working and hopefully, God willing, she’d still be there after dark, just like she had been for the past few nights, because, when he’d found out filming was going on late into the night, he’d known this was his best chance. And he was going to grab it with both hands. He was going to get her out of there. It wouldn’t be easy and he didn’t have a concrete plan in his head but he had to do it because all he could think about now was Charley and their future. He could make her happy again. And she could make him happy. This could be the year when his life finally came together.

  He had visions of them both in the beach house, Charley back to the girl she used to be with their relationship, at last, being given the chance to go somewhere and who knew where that could lead? Maybe one day they could even give India and Michael’s baby a little cousin. Every time he thought about what could lie ahead he couldn’t stop the feelings of excitement taking over, and it was that hope and those dreams were driving him forward, giving him the strength to do whatever it was he had to do. His life had turned around in a way he could never have expected since he’d followed India to L.A. and if this worked, if he could just get Charley home, then everything would be complete.

  Love was the one thing missing from Terry Steven’s life and he was just a few hours away from finding it again. Just a few hours away from everything changing in a way he could never, ever have predicted.


  Kenny was on edge. He didn’t have a good feeling about things, and although Terry had assured him he’d backed off from this Charley business, Kenny knew he was lying. He just hoped he knew what he was doing. For India’s sake if not his own. If she knew the half of what Terry was getting himself into ...

  He’d toyed with the idea of telling her, hoping that maybe she could get through to her increasingly stubborn brother but he’d decided against it. She had enough to deal with.

  “What’s the matter with your face?” India asked, opening the door to him.

  He looked at her. “Nothing.”

  She stood aside to let him in. “That face doesn’t say ‘nothing’ to me.” She headed towards the kitchen and he followed her. “Is it the press outside? Have they been asking you questions? Michael’s such a pro at these things. He made them all quite happy just by smiling at them when he went out this morning.”

  He sat up on one of the barstools and pulled the paper towards him, quickly scanning the story on Michael and India. “No, they didn’t ask anything I wasn’t expecting.” He pushed the paper aside. “And if they think this is news wait until they hear about you and Reece.”

  She pulled her hair back into a high ponytail and started rooting around in her bag, making sure she had everything she needed.

  “I know. Can’t say I’m over the moon about all of that having to come out on top of everything else but what can we do?” She looked at him, and he thought how beautiful she was, devoid of heavy make-up, an air of almost calm about her despite the media circus going on around them. And the threat of the one yet to come. “Anyway, if that’s not the problem then what is? Do you want a coffee or something before we get going?”

  Kenny was taking India to her photo shoot, although Michael had no idea she was riding pillion on the back of his bike, and she’d decided against telling him. He’d gone a bit over-protective since the pregnancy so this wasn’t something he needed to know about.

  Kenny shook his head. “No, you’re ok. So, where’s Michael then? I thought he’d have wanted to go with you this morning.”

  “He did. And he’ll be there, eventually. He’s picking Vince up from the airport. He’s coming over from Vegas for a few days and staying here with us. I can’t wait to see him again. Michael’s going to ask him to be Godfather to the baby.”

  Kenny watched her running round the kitchen, full of energy, talking ten to the dozen like an excited child and he wasn’t really listening to what she was saying because all he could do was look at her. She looked so happy, so relaxed. So different to a few weeks ago when she’d had so much on her mind.

  “Did I help, India?”

  She looked up from rifling around in a drawer and smiled at him. “Sorry? Did you say something?”

  “Did I help? Did being with me get things straight in your head? Did I help you realise it was Michael you really loved?”

  She stopped what she was doing and leaned back against the counter top. “I don’t know. It was finding out about Reece that really sealed it all for me, though.”

  His eyes wouldn’t leave hers but she was stronger today, she wasn’t going to let him break her down again.

  “In what way?” he asked.

  “Security. It made me realise that I need security. And so does this baby.”

  “I could have given you that.”

  She shook her head. “No, you couldn’t, Kenny. And I wouldn’t expect you to change for me because I want you to be you, not somebody you think I want you to be. Michael is just what I need, and he’s going to be an amazing dad, I know he is.”

  Kenny looked down at the paper in front of him, at the photograph of Michael and India together. They looked so happy and excited and it almost tore him apart but she’d made it clear now. She was settling down and he’d have to accept that. Or lose her.

  “Kenny? Look at me, please.”

  He stood up and walked over to her but neither of them made any attempt to touch the other.

  “You’ll always be my escape. You’ll always be the one I turn to when I need some time out. Always.”

  He smiled. “I’ll keep the surfboard handy, huh?”

  She smiled too. “Yeah, definitely ...” She turned away first, checking her watch and grabbing her bag. “Right, come on then. Let’s get going ... oh, hang on, you never did tell me what’s bothering you?”

  He shook his head. “It’s nothing. Come on, you’re going to be late.”

  She cocked her head to one side and looked at him. “Are you sure it’s nothing?”

  He smiled again, starting to push her out of the door. “I’m absolutely positive.”

  And he just hoped he was right.


  Jimmy flicked through the pile of photographs that had been handed to him. He was a good-looking guy, this Terry Steven. Young, attractive, and he wanted Charley. Why el
se would he spend hours sitting outside here, waiting, hoping to catch a glimpse of her? Somehow he’d managed to find out every move she was making, he was here almost every day, at some point, and now they were filming in the evenings he was still turning up. And Jimmy had seen that look on Charley’s face every time she knew Terry was around. He’d seen the hope in her eyes.

  “I don’t understand why you haven’t let us get rid of him, boss.”

  Jimmy looked up and took off his dark glasses, throwing them onto the desk in front of him. “It’s not your problem. It’s mine.”

  “We could help.”

  Jimmy leaned back in his leather chair and looked at Jake, his right hand man, a huge, imposing ex-boxer who’d do anything for Jimmy and Jimmy knew that.

  “I know you could, Jake, but this is one problem I’d quite like to sort out for myself.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jimmy leaned forward again, picking up the photographs and throwing them into a drawer, slamming it shut. “I’m sure, Jake. Everything’s in hand.” He got up and walked around the desk, over to the window overlooking the street outside. “Everything’s all set.”

  He turned round and looked at Jake again. “All I need you to do is keep your eye on Charley. That’s all. I don’t want her getting suspicious; I don’t want her to think anything’s going on.”

  Jake shrugged. “If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Jimmy ...”

  “It’s sorted, Jake.”

  Jimmy turned back to look out of the window, down at the spot where Terry always parked, where he thought he was out of sight, but as far as Jimmy Cash was concerned you were never out of sight. He wasn’t there yet but Jimmy knew it would only be a matter of time.

  “This problem won’t exist for much longer. I’m going to make damn sure of that.”

  And he meant it. More than he’d ever meant anything before in his life.


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