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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

Page 21

by Lilly Wilde

  “What. The. Fuck? Are you going to let her just waltz out of here saying shit like that?”

  “Aria, I can’t control what she says any more than you can,” he replied, angrily shoving his hand through his hair.

  “And it’s so fucked that she’s even here,” I said.

  “I can’t very well tell her not to come to a home that’s not mine.”

  “So, is there anything you would like to tell me? Because this was not some random act of lust on her part.” I said.

  “What do you mean?” Aiden asked, walking over to close the door.

  “You know what I mean. I’m asking if you had sex with her.”

  “Aria, I don’t want to discuss Nadia with you,” he said.

  “Did you fuck her?” I asked, calmly.

  “Aria, don’t be absurd.”

  “Answer my question, Aiden,” I said.

  “It’s not like that Aria,” he said, stepping closer to me, closing the distance between us.

  “Then how is it?” I asked, stepping back from him.

  “Nadia and I were a couple at one time but that was years ago. And, of course, we’ve been intimate.”

  “You know damned well that I’m not referring to your past with her. Did you fuck her recently Aiden? This is my last time asking.” I knew the answer even before he said it and my stomach was in knots as I looked at him.

  “The night of the gala,” he said, looking at me, absorbing my facial expression and bracing himself for my reaction.

  I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach. I turned away from him; I didn’t want to see his face. She had touched him and he had wanted it.

  “Aria, let me explain,” he said, his hands on my shoulders.

  I recoiled from his touch. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I couldn’t get you out of my head, Aria and I was furious that you were with that fucking Kellan guy.”

  The thought of Aiden touching her naked body, knowing she’d enjoyed it … it both sickened and enraged me. I sat on the bed and immediately stood back up remembering that only a few moments ago that Nadia was in the exact same spot … naked. The images of him inside her made me want to vomit.

  “I wanted you Aria,” he said.

  “So you fucked her instead, yeah that makes perfect sense.”

  “I wanted it to be you, every touch … I wished it was you Aria.”

  “Oh so you used her then? Should I feel some sense of comfort in that?”

  “Aria, stop it okay. Nadia’s a big girl, she knew what she was doing and despite her comment about her thinking you and I were only business associates, she damned well knew how I felt about you.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better Aiden?”

  “Aria, look … the fact of the matter is, you pushed me away. I made repeated attempts to get you back but you wanted nothing to do with me. I always felt that we’d find our way back but how was I to know when we’d find our way back? Was I supposed to stop living?”

  “I did.”

  It was as if I had slapped him solidly across the face. His face twisted, mimicking the torture I was feeling.

  “Aria, do you have any idea how badly I feel knowing that I let that happen?” he asked, his tone pained.

  “Is this why you wanted to speak with her alone? You were worried that she would let your recent jaunt slip? Although I’m sure it would have given her great pleasure to share that tidbit with me considering she tried to provoke me at the gala about your skills in bed,” I spit out.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “The night of the gala, she and I had words at the bar. Well, it’s more like she was welcoming me to the I’ve Fucked Aiden Club.”

  “Aria, I’m sorry; I’ll speak with Nadia. I’ll make sure that she doesn’t approach you with anything like this again,” he said.

  “I’ll fight my own battles, Aiden. I’ll handle Nadia, my way.”

  “There’s no battle here, Aria. I’m with you and I don’t intend on that changing,” he said, adamantly. He was worried I was going to run. I could see it in his eyes.

  He was right; he didn’t have to explain or justify anything to me. I had pushed him away … repeatedly. And we had found our way back to each other and I was happier about that than I thought possible but this shit was starting to be too much. I couldn’t keep fighting everyone and every situation to be with this man.

  “The thing with Nadia had nothing to do with us and it doesn’t touch anything that I feel for you. You know that. You feel that. Let’s not let this ruin our weekend.”

  “The thought of her hands anywhere on your body is utterly repulsive.”

  “I know. I feel the same about you. I don’t want anyone to look at you, let alone touch you.”

  Aiden walked over to the phone and pressed a button on the base. “Can you have the staff change the bedding before we retire for the evening?” he said, speaking into the receiver.

  He must have read my mind because there was no way I would even touch that bed after that naked bitch had been sprawled across it.

  “Come here,” he said, as he placed the phone receiver in its cradle.

  I walked over to him and he pulled me into an embrace. “Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you. Trust me when I say that my thoughts are only of you. There’s no one else. If my mind isn’t on work, it’s on you,” he said, cradling my face. “Do you believe me?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, lost in the yearning of his emerald green eyes. I did believe him and as much as it hurt, I could see why it had happened. He’d done with Nadia the exact thing I’d tried to do with Kellan. He’d wanted a small span of relief from the longing – from the pain.

  He lowered his head and softly touched my lips with his, pulling my top lip into his mouth, gently sucking before sealing his mouth over mine. He pulled me closer as his tongue sought its entrance and our kiss deepened as he lavished my mouth with slow, deep licks. His kiss was soft and gentle and full of the love that I knew he had only for me. I was pulled back in, just like that … all thoughts of Nadia evaporated.


  “I followed Aiden downstairs to find that everyone had scattered. “I’m not sure where everyone has gotten off to but I had followed you upstairs to suggest we go for a ride.”

  “Ride? Cycling?” I asked.

  “Horseback,” he replied, gauging my reaction.

  “Er – I don’t think so,” I said.

  “Why?” he probed.

  I’d only ridden a couple of times and I wasn’t very good relating to horses. “I don’t have riding clothes.” That was just as good of an excuse as any.

  “We have extra in the tack house,” he said.

  “I’m sure you don’t have my size.”

  “You and Sloan are similar in size, if all else fails, you can wear hers.”

  “You have an answer for everything,” I said, frowning.

  “Don’t I always? Any other opposition?” he asked.

  “Um – I’m afraid not,” I replied.

  “Good, let’s go,” he said, grasping my hand and tugging me alongside him.

  We stepped outside to the crisp autumn day. I glanced slowly from left to right attempting to take it all in. The property was massive and, of course, exquisitely pictorial. I could only imagine how beautiful it would be in the spring. Aiden suggested we take the scenic route to the stables, but quite frankly every inch of the grounds possessed a picturesque allure.

  We were standing in one of his mother’s conservatories. Some of the flowers appeared exquisitely delicate, as if forbidden to touch. I walked closer to one of which I was familiar, admiring the vivid orange color. I looked up from the flowers to see Aiden contently watching me. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m somewhat surprised you agreed to come,” he said, staring at me.

  And after what I’d experienced so far, I could see why. Sloan was right; Aiden did need me in his life. These people were fucking crazy. I actually wa
nted to go running for the hills but I could tough it out for one more day. “Why is that? We’ve been making progress. Don’t you think?” I asked.

  “I do.”

  “But?” I asked. I could see there was more.

  “We need to clarify a couple of things,” he said.

  “Such as?” I asked.

  “When we agreed to the sex with no emotions a couple of months ago, you’d made it clear that you wanted it to remain private … a secret if you will.”

  We recently discussed this, why was he bringing it up again? “What are you saying?” I asked.

  “I’m saying that things have changed since we first agreed to keep our relationship hidden.”

  “Yes, but the reasons for keeping it hidden haven’t,” I replied.

  “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks or says, Aria. I’m not doing the behind-closed-doors thing. The situation with Nadia could have been avoided had she known. And that guy, he needs to know. Either you make it clear to him or I will.”

  “I highly doubt anything would have diverted Nadia’s plans and as for that guy, I’ll make it as clear to him as you made it to Nadia,” I said.

  “Aria don’t compare –”

  “I’m serious Aiden. Kellan’s become a good friend; I’m not going to just toss him aside. He’s really a great guy.”

  “Yeah, a great guy who wants to fuck you.”

  “It’s not like that, Aiden.”

  “It’s exactly like that, Aria. Have you ever looked at you? What guy wouldn’t want to fuck you? Hell even my dad salivates when you walk into a room and I’ve never seen him do that.” He grabbed my hand, leading us out of the conservatory.

  “Just so you know, Kellan already knows but as I said, he’s a friend and I’m not going to push him out of my life.”

  He didn’t say anything but I knew he didn’t like it and I knew this wasn’t the end of it. “Okay, what’s the next area that requires clarification?”

  “I need to know how you feel, Aria.”

  “If my being here hasn’t made that clear Aiden, then I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Your feelings aren’t as clear as they can be.”

  “Why is that? Because I haven’t said it aloud?” I asked.

  “That’s typically how feelings are communicated. Are you afraid?”

  I squeezed his hand. “Other than my father, you’re the only man that I’ve ever had such raw emotions for. And yes, that’s a scary thing for me – to even open that door, Aiden. I actually wanted to say it when you made love to me and it wasn’t because I was caught up in the moment. I wanted to say it because it was how I felt.”


  “It’s how I still feel but I’ve shied away from saying it or even thinking it because of the implications … but I love you, Aiden.”

  He was quiet for a few moments and a slow smile appeared on his perfect lips. “Finally,” he said, picking me up and twirling me around, which quickly made me dizzy.

  “Say it again,” he urged.

  “No. Once is enough,” I replied, laughing.

  “There’s a lake out near the stables. Say it or I’ll take you there and toss you in,” he threatened.

  I laughed. “You’ll do no such thing,” I said.

  “Say it,” he said, spinning me.

  “You’re making me dizzy,” I squealed.

  “Say it and I’ll stop.”

  “I love you – you big jerk.”


  “I love you!” I yelled. He stopped spinning me and I looked down at him to see him smiling triumphantly. He eased me down until our lips met and gifted me with a sweet kiss. He gazed into my eyes for several seconds and finally placed me on the ground.

  “Now everyone is going think I’m crazy,” I said, looking around to see if anyone was in earshot.

  “No one heard you, but I wouldn’t care if they did,” he replied.

  “Who is that?” I asked, looking toward the house. Someone was standing on the third floor balcony watching us.

  Aiden squinted as he looked at the figure. “It’s my mother,” he said.

  I wondered how long she’d been there. When she saw us looking at her, she turned and walked inside.

  “What’s that all about?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure,” he replied.

  I was sure we’d soon find out.

  Aiden continued with the tour of the grounds as we walked towards the stables. Everything was no less than I expected, absolutely beautiful. There were several flower gardens, conservatories, vegetable gardens, and a gardener’s cottage. Aiden pointed out that one of the flower gardens was one of which Sienna had received accolades. Aiden explained how much she loved working in the garden although her time to do so had become limited due to her charity obligations; I recalled her telling me that in Boston. Now that I’ve seen the garden, I found it difficult picturing her being one with nature.

  I was starting to get cold so we chose to postpone the horseback riding for a future visit. I was secretly relieved because I wasn’t particularly looking forward to embarrassing myself. We entered the house all smiles, our fingers interlaced. Everyone, including the Lanes, was sitting around the fire having what appeared to be a very boring conversation. They looked up as we entered and Connor asked to speak with Aiden in private. The playful energy Aiden had exuded all morning instantly vanished, being replaced with a different kind of energy. He released my hand and kissed my forehead. I stood in the middle of the room as everyone looked at me. I wanted this day to be over and it had practically just started.


  I’d survived another night and we were flying back to Boston immediately after the polo match this afternoon. It was a very beautiful home but I’d been anxious to leave it almost as soon as I’d entered it.

  “You don’t seem particularly enthused about the polo match,” I said, as I watched him dress for the Raine Industries annual equestrian event. Damn, the way he looked in those riding pants had to be a sin. They molded perfectly to him, showcasing his muscular thighs and his taut backside. Virginia twitched, urging me to offer an invite to Kingston.

  “It’s a family obligation” he replied, solemnly.

  “That doesn’t really confirm or deny my statement.”

  He smiled.

  “There it is … the smile that lets me see the real you.”

  “Real me?” he asked, his brow raised.

  “You hide so much of yourself from the world. You’re particularly inhibited when you’re in the presence of your family.”

  “Is that what you think? Maybe there’re just different aspects of me that I present to different people. Everyone does that,” he replied.

  “I suppose. The only time I’ve seen you less subdued is when you’re playing the piano. There’ve also been glimpses of inhibition when you’re with Allison and even then, it comes and goes. Quite frankly, you never really seem happy except when you’re alone with me,” I said.

  “Well, if that’s true, it’s only when you’re not being difficult,” he replied, putting on his riding boots.

  “When you say not being difficult, what you really mean is doing what you want me to do.”

  “No, I mean cooperating. My observation of your mannerisms is intact as well and I’ve noticed that you are partial to cooperating with me.”

  “Oh am I?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said. He coolly raked his eyes over me. “Come here.”

  I did love cooperating with him because it usually meant extreme pleasure for me. I walked over to him.

  “Is there something you want?” I asked.

  “You know what I want,” he said.

  “I’m afraid I’m at a loss. You’ll have to tell me just so I know we’re on the same page.”

  He placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer and leaned in kissing me softly on the neck and whispered. “I want your pussy,” he said, his voice a deep, sexy whisper.
r />   “Mmmm. Do you?” I asked. Virginia was clenching and licking her own lips in anticipation.

  “Very much so.”

  “Well it’s yours for the taking … however, whenever.”

  “Look at me. See this smile?” he asked. “This is the smile of a man with a very cooperative woman.”

  We both laughed and he kissed me quickly on the lips.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have adequate time to give that perfect cunt of yours the fucking it deserves but tonight, be ready.”

  “Why tease me like that?” I asked.

  “As if you never tease me,” he countered.

  “I don’t,” I replied.

  “Oh so it’s nothing out of the ordinary for you to bend over in front of people wearing nothing but a towel?”

  “I have no idea what you mean in regards to bending over in front of people but I’m sure if I did bend over in front of you like that, it was because I must have dropped something on the floor,” I said, innocently.

  “Yeah, okay. If you want to play that game, I’ll join in.”

  “What? What do you mean? Join in how? I see the wheels turning. What are you planning?”

  “I’m not planning anything. I’m just making you aware that I may do things that sexually stimulate you … unintentionally, of course. You know, somewhat similar to how you unintentionally exposed yourself when you bent over in front of me to pick up something. I’m sure you didn’t give any thought to the fact that I would see little Miss Virginia when you did so.”

  “So that’s your plan? More torture?” I asked.

  “Torture?” he asked.

  “Yes, torture. You do that quite well and you know it. So if you plan on increasing your level of torment, I can guarantee that this is going to be painful for one of us. And just so you know, women don’t get blue balls,” I said.

  “Is that your way of saying you’re going to tease me and then not deliver? If so, you’ve done it before and I survived.”

  “No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m just following your lead and making it clear that I may do things that stimulate you that are also unintentional,” I said.

  “How I love your competitive spirit, Princess but just so you know, the next time you get my cock, it will only be after a very significant amount of begging.”


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