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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

Page 22

by Lilly Wilde

  “Begging will be involved but I won’t be the one pleading baby,” I replied.

  “Okay, Princess. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.”

  Fuck. What had I just done? How the hell was I going to win this game? My pussy was already needy from the words he’d whispered a few moments ago about my pussy… and that was just his causal conversation, no way would I be able to withstand when he really let loose. He would most assuredly be pulling out all the stops. I would need to come up with a few tricks of my own to cause him to cave faster than me. I’d just started a sex war with Mr. Fuck Me but I wasn’t prepared to lose. To paraphrase Iggy Azalea, I’m going to make him beg for it.

  He tucked in his shirt and walked toward the bedroom door. He opened it and turned around to see that I hadn’t moved. “Are you coming? Or are you contemplating a way to back out of a battle you know you can’t win? If you ask nicely and if you suck my cock really well after the match today, I just may let you off the hook.”

  “Oh, I’m coming,” I said, grabbing my purse. “And if you must know, I was thinking about which B.O.B. would best suit my pussy later tonight. You know how wet it gets so I need one that can really fill me up.”

  “Is that how you’re going to play this?” he asked, extending his hand to me.

  I looked at his hand and brushed past him. He laughed aloud. I couldn’t help but smile but he didn’t see it.

  “Let the games begin gorgeous,” he said, following me down the stairs.


  We landed in Boston late Sunday evening and went directly to my place. I was confused by the mass of people gathered near the entrance of my building. Upon closer inspection, we saw that they were reporters. We approached the crowd and the flashing cameras and questions were hurled in quick succession.

  “Is it true that you flew to Chicago to meet the family before the engagement is announced Miss Cason?” asked a voice from the crowd.

  “Mr. Raine, how long have you and Miss Cason been a couple?”

  “Miss Cason, did your relationship with Mr. Raine begin before or after your promotion as CEO?”

  Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me through the mass. He didn’t say anything but I could see that he was angry. He was on the phone as soon as we were in the elevator. “I pay you to handle shit like this. If you value your job, ensure that Miss Cason never has to deal with anything like this again.” He pressed the phone off.

  “I’m sorry about this,” he said.

  “It’s not your fault,” I replied.

  “Yes, but our intimate display at the match earlier didn’t help matters. I’m sure it’s what spurred this.”

  “Well, no more secrets; the entire world knows now,” I said. This is the part I didn’t want. The part I worried about. I didn’t mind the world knowing we were a couple but I didn’t want it to cast doubts on my abilities to succeed as my own person.

  We opened the door to see Lia and Bianca sprawled out on the floor with Jade and Addison, a couple of friends from Boston Latin. I was still getting used to the idea of having teenagers around. I didn’t think I’d ever really get used to it. I loved being closer to them but I was already looking forward to them heading off to college next fall; I valued my privacy and the only time I really had any now was within the walls of my bedroom.

  “Hi guys,” I said.

  “Hi. Welcome back,” said Bianca.

  “I could say the same to you. How was the ski trip? Tell me everything,” I said.

  “Addison and Jade, this is my sister’s boyfriend, Aiden,” Lia said, introducing her friends.

  “Hi,” they chimed, gawking at Aiden.

  “Addison, Jade – nice to meet you,” he said, as he removed his jacket. We settled in and the girls dived into details of their trip. It was good to see them happy. I smiled as I thought of how pleased Mom would have been to see us together like this. We left the girls to themselves and disappeared into the bedroom for the remainder of the night. True to his word, Aiden didn’t touch me but he did enough to make me want to ask him to.


  I watched as everyone filed out of the conference room, leaving Aiden and I alone. He reached for the button that automatically locked the door and slid his chair closer to mine.

  “How do you think they took the news?” he asked.

  “I think it was well received. Why? Don’t you?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure about Adam. Since Blake’s departure, I question his loyalty,” Aiden said.

  “I think you worry too much. Adam is on board with this.” I said.

  “Stand up for me, Princess,” he said, changing the subject.

  “You aren’t supposed to refer to me by that name at work, remember?”

  “Stand up for me, Miss Cason,” he corrected.

  “That’s better,” I replied, standing up beside him.

  He eased my skirt up my thighs and sat me on the table in front of him. I didn’t say anything, neither did he. He eased my panties to the slide and slid his finger inside me.

  I bit my lip as I stared into his gorgeous eyes and melted into a puddle of lust as he eased a second finger inside my already wet pussy.

  “I do so love the sound of this wet pussy, Miss Cason,” he said. His eyes focused on mine.

  I’d forgotten where I was; only focused on the rhythmic entry and exit of his long talented fingers – lost in the invasive sensation that was taking me closer and closer to a climax. My breathing accelerated as I neared my forbidden release. He immediately stilled and slowly removed his fingers. I clinched my fists in frustration. This asshole!

  He smiled and slid his thumb between the wet slit. He moved his thumb slowly up and down and then added the slightest bit of pressure to my clit. He removed his thumb and I was certain his mouth was next but was disappointed when he slid my panties back in place and lifted me from the table. He placed me on the floor and lowered my skirt.

  I glared angrily at this beautiful man sitting in front of me. I knew why he did this. He was trying to prove a point. Did he want me to ask for it? Damn if that ever happened. I severed our angry connection and excused myself from the table to go to my office. I needed to finish what he’d started.


  *Have you seen this?* It was a text from Aiden. There was a link in the text. I clicked the link to see an article about Aiden and me. I was reading it when Raina’s voice came over the intercom announcing a call for Aiden. He walked into my office with fire in his eyes.

  “There’s a call for you,” I said, eyeing him.

  He picked up the phone. “Yes. I see. The point is I shouldn’t have to tell you about an editorial in the paper. The journalist made a very strong point and it’s your responsibility to counter that. I hired you for that. If you can’t do it I’ll get a PR firm that can!” he said, and slammed down the phone.

  “I’m afraid, I’m going to have to cancel lunch,” he said.

  “But we only have a few more hours before you leave,” I replied.

  “I know but I promise to make it up to you,” he said.

  I smiled as I considered how he would make it up to me.

  “I see where you mind went and I hate to disappoint you but it’s not what you think … unless you’ve given up,” he teased.

  “Ugh. Just go. I’ll see you later at my place.”

  He chuckled and walked over to plant a kiss on my cheek. He smelled so good. I forced myself to refrain from grabbing him.

  “I’ll see you around 6’oclock,” he said, as he sauntered out of my office.

  How the hell was I going to get what I wanted without asking for it?


  I needed to be fucked and the toys weren’t going to make the cut tonight. Other than the stunt in the conference room, Aiden had somehow managed to abstain from anything remotely sexual with me; I’d returned the favor. Well it was more like a challenge than a favor. Obviously neither one of us would back down from this silly little
game. Tonight would be especially difficult because he was leaving in the morning for a week or more on a business trip. I’d made some obscure gestures just as he had but nothing as overt as I knew would be necessary tonight.

  I was in the bedroom getting ready for bed. The girls were sleeping over at Jade’s tonight so Aiden and I had the place to ourselves. Aiden was in the front getting some work done … and I was sitting in the bedroom plotting. I was desperate for him. I knew this was killing him just as much but he seemed content on waiting for me to ask for it. That just wasn’t going to happen. He needed to be the one to ask for it; not me. Tonight I’d make him.

  I needed a catalyst; something he couldn’t refuse. I looked for my favorite ratty looking t-shirt; one complete with holes and a rip near the collar. I dropped my towel and put on the t-shirt. Panties? Boy shorts? Thong? I decided on the thong. Now I needed a reason to casually walk past him. I was thirsty, for his essence more so than water, but the water excuse would have to do. Before I walked out of the bedroom I shimmied out of the thong. I walked around without panties when he wasn’t here so why not do the same when he was here? The t-shirt was snug and super short. I wouldn’t need to bend at all for him to see what I wanted him to see.

  I walked into the sitting area and saw him looking seriously at his laptop. I strolled past him looking away from him, focused on my destination.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, glancing up from his laptop.

  “I’m thirsty. I’m getting water,” I said, looking over my shoulder.

  “Water, huh?” he replied, laughing.

  “What’s funny about water?” I asked, turning to face him.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Reviewing some reports. I need to prepare for my meeting tomorrow.”

  “I recall a time when you called me the worker bee. Seems like the tables have turned,” I said, heading toward the kitchen.

  I came back and his eyes were still on the laptop. Damn. He was really going to make me wait. I could sense that much. This was our last night together and I needed to do something quick because I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I opened the water and took a swig. Some of it miraculously dashed my t-shirt. He looked up and smiled.

  “Would you like a sip?” I asked.

  “As a matter of fact I would,” he said, his eyes focused on the exposed flesh between my thighs.

  “I was referring to the water,” I replied.

  “I know what you meant,” he said, placing the laptop on the table.

  As he stood my eyes did their own thing, taking in every delicious aspect of his torso. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck. He was an assault on my eyes. I couldn’t move; I just stared like a deer in headlights. His body was unbelievable.

  “Your body is …”

  “What?” he asked.

  “It’s very distracting. Maybe you should put on a shirt.”

  “Maybe you should put on some panties,” he countered.

  “Never mind. You’re in my way, please move,” I said, placing my palm on his chest.

  “Nice chest. I guess you have to hit the gym pretty hard to get results like that.”

  “Something like that. This body doesn’t just happen you know,” he said.

  “You’re so fucking arrogant.”

  “Seriously Aria, I only do that because you always refer to me as arrogant.”

  “So you don’t toot your horn to everyone – just me?”

  “I didn’t think I needed to toot my horn, as you say, to you.”

  “Trust me. You don’t.”

  “And in case I haven’t made it clear, your body is unbelievable too, Princess. Why do you think I can’t keep my hands off of you?”

  “I just figured you were a man whore doing what man whores do.”

  I backed away, placing several steps between us. He donned his sexy half-smile and my heart skipped a beat as he stepped towards me. I watched his eyes travel slowly down my body as he stalked closer, once again, closing the distance between us. I held my breath; I couldn’t risk falling prey to his deliciously hypnotic scent. He swiftly reached beneath my shirt and grabbed my breast. I gasped at the sudden aggression.

  “What do you want Aria?” he asked, his voice a sultry whisper.

  Virginia’s unrestrained craving made every effort to come bursting forth. I took a sip of water. This wasn’t working the way I’d hoped. I looked at the TV screen attempting to figure out a clever but seductive reply.

  “Look at me,” he ordered. He knew he could convince me to do just about anything when his eyes captured mine. I reluctantly turned to meet his gaze. His eyes were darkening further with each passing second.

  “I asked you a question. What do you want, Princess?”

  “I want you to fuck me.” The words escaped my lips almost involuntarily.

  “How do you want me to fuck you?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, my heart rate accelerating.

  “You know exactly what I mean. Now tell me, how do you want me to fuck you?”

  “I want you to fuck me like the dirty girl that I am.” Was that Virginia talking or me? It was definitely something Virginia would say.

  “Where do you want me to fuck you?”

  “My mouth,” I said.

  “And?” he asked.

  “My pussy,” I replied.

  “And?” he urged.

  “My ass.”

  He smiled triumphantly.

  No way was he winning this game. I needed to correct my faux pas. Virginia had no will power when it came to this man and she was leading me down a path that would give him exactly what he wanted. She was causing me to give in. “But just because I want it, doesn’t mean I’ll go along with it.”

  “Oh really? Why is that?” he asked, rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  I was already wet and my body was starting to betray me, just as Virginia had. I wanted him so badly but I couldn’t be the one who gave in. I knew I was fucked. Virginia, who had been teased to the point of delirium, was throwing up the white flag, waving it like a crazy person.

  I took another sip of water. “Give me this,” he said, reaching for the bottle of water.

  “Now answer my question.” He reached for the top and twisted it on the bottle and dropped it on the floor.

  “You know why asshole.” He knew he had me in a corner and I was getting angry.

  He removed his hand from my breast and traced his finger down my chest to the top of the t-shirt. He reached for the top of my shirt and ripped it apart in one swift movement.

  I gasped. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He stepped back and I watched as his eyes toured my body, my breasts getting heavy under his heated gaze.

  “I’m doing what you want me to do,” he replied.

  “I fully expect you to reimburse me for this shirt,” I said, grabbing it pulling it together in a futile attempt to cover my breasts.

  “No problem. How do you want to be reimbursed?” he asked, playfully.

  I didn’t reply. “Let go of the shirt Aria,” he said, all traces of his smile gone. I didn’t move. He reached up and jerked my hands away. He reached for my hair, grasping a heap of it in his hands and pulled giving him full access to my neck. He placed his lips on my neck and moved them back and forth. He planted one soft kiss and moved his tongue slowly up to my ear.

  “When I ask you to do something, I expect you to do it,” he said, yanking my hair harder.

  “Ahhh,” I cried out.

  I held my breath as his other hand began its descent. Virginia twitched with voracious expectation; she’d waited long enough. He moved tortuously slow ... barely touching me as his fingers traced their way to their throbbing, wet objective. Within the next few moments, he was between my legs seeking entrance to my sex. I squeezed my thighs together, denying him access. Tonight was not going as I’d planned; I wanted
this on my terms but he was making that impossible. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. I was so hot for him – I could’ve easily had an orgasm at any second.

  “Open your legs,” he whispered … the deep, amorous tone of his voice seducing me further.

  “No,” I replied.

  He yanked my hair … hard. My scalp prickled as the pain radiated. “Open your fucking legs,” he ordered.

  “No,” I repeated.

  “You want me to beg for what’s mine. That isn’t going to happen, sweetheart.” He swiftly leaned down grasping my legs and tossed me over his shoulder. His palm came down hard on my ass … repeatedly. Virginia was now in a trance, the white flag dropping as she prepared for a feast.

  “What did I just tell you about my expectations?” he demanded, striking my ass again. I bit my lip suppressing a scream; I wouldn’t give him the pleasure. If he was hoping to spank me into submission, I would have a very sore ass by the time this was over.

  He had smacked my ass ten times at least. After the first few, I lost count – my focus on the pain. He pulled me from his shoulders and lowered me to the floor. He was rough – pushing my legs apart and ramming two fingers inside me. I gasped as he began thrusting and lowered himself for a face-to-face with Virginia. His mouth was on my clit sucking hard as he slid a third finger inside me. I clutched the back of his head forcing it closer to my wanting, aching, throbbing need for him.

  I could feel my orgasm building. I came hard as he continued to expel his torment on my clit. He pulled his fingers out of me and like a tiger who was about to ravish his prey, he moved slowly over me, his eyes never leaving mine. He reached for my mouth and forced it open. He slipped his fingers inside, rolling his fingers over my tongue making me taste myself.

  He quickly stood and removed his pants and his boxers. He was back on the floor within seconds, turning my face toward his cock. He rubbed his heavy cock all over my face before slapping it hard against my lips. I forced my thighs as tightly together as was possible to thwart Virginia’s intense throbs.


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