Hear Me Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 5)

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Hear Me Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 5) Page 10

by Lila Rose

  “Fuck you,” he yelled.

  Scoffing, I snarled. “You’ll talk soon.” Raising the shear over my head, I forced it down, straight through his right wrist and into the dirt ground. Blood squirted out as the guy screamed and thrashed, only he soon realised the more he moved, the more pain he received. Billy climbed to his feet since he didn’t have to hold the arm down due to the shears spearing it in place on the ground.

  Standing, I held out my hand. Dodge slapped the other shears into my palm, and as I strolled slowly around the man’s head whistling, I noticed he’d quieted and kept his eyes glued to me.

  Leaning in, I asked, “Huh? What’s that? You got somethin’ to say?”

  “Can’t…,” he muttered, voice filled with agony. He wouldn’t be using his hand anytime soon. Well, that was if he was gonna live through the night.

  “Can’t what?” I asked, stopping beside Beast, who still held his other arm down, leaving enough room for me to get to the guy’s wrist. “Can’t tell me what you were doin’ in my girl’s room?”

  The man’s eyes flared for a second.

  What was that about?

  “Shit, man. I’d tell him before he loses it completely,” Billy taunted.

  The dick shook his head side to side. My eyes flicked to Beast, and again, I saw the red mark on the side of his face. No one had the right to mark him but me. Pulling back my leg, I brought it forward and straight into his ribs. He coughed, groaned, and yelled, “Stop!”

  “Tell me what you’re doin’ here? This is Hawks MC property. Did you know that, fool? You fucked up big time comin’ here. You some junkie lookin’ to steal?”

  “I-if I say shit, my boss will kill me.”

  The brothers around me chuckled. Even Beast, who would have read his lips.

  “Wrong, man. They won’t kill you. I will. Up to you if you want it slow or fast?”

  “Please, don’t—”

  “Tell me.”

  “I, I can’t.”

  With a shake of my head, I sighed. “Wrong answer.” In seconds, his other wrist supported some gardening shears. As the man screamed, cried, and writhed, Beast stood up beside me and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Fuck me.

  It really wasn’t the best time to be admiring.

  Scrubbing a hand over my face, the guy finally quietened, and I demanded, “Answer me or it’ll only get fuckin’ worse.”

  He said nothing. His chest rose and fell rapidly, yet his mouth didn’t open to fuckin’ answer me. The stupid dick.

  A phone chimed. Ignoring it, I picked up a knife off the bench near me. It was my tool, how I liked to work, how I got my club name, Knife.

  Crouching, I touched the tip of the blade to the centre of his chest. “Talk,” I ordered gruffly.

  A shake of his head had me clenching my jaw in fury. Digging the blade deeper, the idiot moaned in pain but still didn’t share any words.

  “Knife,” Dodge started.


  Not payin’ any attention to Dodge, I sliced down the guy’s chest to his abdomen. He grunted, eyes squeezing tight and panting.

  “Brother,” Dodge tried again.

  Swirling the tip of the blade against his gut, I repeated, “Talk.” When no words were shared, I sank the knife deeper.

  His mouth opened. “Mr Conger o-ordered me to take the child.”

  My body froze, my eyes widening, and I whispered, “You have got to be fuckin’ me.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Jesus Christ. I saw the fuckhead’s lips move and I didn’t want to believe what I read on them. Didn’t want to understand the name, but I did.

  Knife’s father organised for the fool to take Knife’s daughter.


  I watched as Knife became unstuck and slammed the knife into the man’s gut. He screamed; only it was cut off when Knife removed the blade quickly and sliced it across the guy’s throat. Knife stood, his shoulders moving up and down rapidly with each breath he took.

  What I would have liked was to reach out to him, to know what was running through his head and help him fix it…. Then I could find out why in the hell he kissed me.

  Bloody hell.

  That kiss.

  That one kiss made me feel too much, and it was dangerous.

  Just when I was trying to get over him, he’d fucked it all up when his mouth touched mine.

  Dodge stepped around the dead guy on the floor, to get in Knife’s face.

  I read his lips as he said, “Gotta talk, brother. Low just sent me something Mena found in Nevaeh’s diaper bag Sana dropped off with her.” Knife must have asked what, not that I could see his face, but Dodge answered with, “Wasn’t easy to find, but apparently there was a note from the mother wedged between the bottom seam. Man, you need to read it. Low took a picture of it.”

  Knife turned enough so I saw his face and caught when he said, “Read it to me.” His emotions were getting the better of him. To find out his father had ordered some dick to steal his girl was fucked up, big time.

  Flicking my eyes to Dodge, he said, “Knife, I fooled you, and I’m sorry. What I told Sana was true. I have found someone to love all of me, but he doesn’t want a child from another man in the house. I never wanted a baby either. Not until I was offered money to have one. Your father propositioned me, and I accepted because I needed the money. He got me to seduce you, which wasn’t hard (sorry, but you need to be careful who you take to bed). I tampered with the condom because I was meant to have your child for your father. He wanted an heir. A boy for his business. I knew when I wasn’t having a boy, things wouldn’t be good. I stayed in a house your dad set up until it was nearing my nine months. I used him like he used me. At least I got part of the money he offered. God, Knife, your dad’s a dick. Not a nice person at all, and he deals with even worse.

  “He wouldn’t be happy with a girl as an heir, so I faked it. Showed him a picture I stole at the ultrasound place of a baby boy. Then I ran. I hid until I had Nevaeh. I wanted to keep her safe. She’s beautiful, Knife. So beautiful. But I wasn’t made to have children, at least not on my own. Which was why I got Sana to drop her off to you. I know you’ll fall for her and protect her. You’ll have no trouble from me ever, of this I promise to you. Take care of her and make her happy. That’s all I ask. Though I know you would anyway, no matter what I say. Bye, Knife.”

  Holy fuck.

  Knife’s father wanted an heir that much he’d orchestrated the whole thing and then when she ran, he would’ve been pissed, so pissed he got someone to try and steal the baby back. The thing was, I didn’t think he knew his grandchild was a girl yet, and I honestly didn’t think that was all to the story. Maybe it was the truth for the woman Stacey and how she wanted the money. But I reckoned Knife’s dad had an ulterior motive to organise the whole thing in the first place.

  I told Knife my thoughts. He nodded, his eyes going back down to the dead guy. “Yeah, doesn’t fully fit.”

  Knife looked to Dive. “Will Mena have Nevaeh all night?”

  “Yeah, brother. I’ll take some extra shit of hers over.”

  Lifting my hands, Knife’s gaze shifted to me. What you thinking?

  His smile was vicious. “It’s time to pay Daddy dearest a visit.”

  A grin lifted my lips to match his. I’m coming.

  “We’re all in,” Pick added.

  We opted for two vehicles instead of our rides, not wanting our presence noticed until the last second. I was in a car with Dodge and Knife, while Pick and Billy stopped by to grab Dive after he’d dropped off the things I packed for Nevaeh. I was dressed in dark jeans and a black tee, with my club vest over the top, similar to what the others were wearing. We were headed to Knife’s parents’ house. He didn’t want to wait any longer, and I couldn’t blame him. Everyone was still in the car, unspeaking and barely moving. Dodge and Knife seemed lost in their own thoughts, and I couldn’t help wonder what Knife was thinkin’.

nbsp; It wasn’t the time for it, but my mind went back to that kiss.

  What in the hell did it mean?

  Why in the fuck would he want to kiss me in the first place?

  Or even ask if Ben and I were serious?

  Confusion swamped me.

  If what went down hadn’t happened, I’d be demanding answers from the man sitting up front.

  Knife’s arm came out and pointed to a goddamn mansion of a house. I blinked slowly, once, twice, and still, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Knife came from money, something he’d never told me about. It didn’t change who he was to me: a brother of the club and the man who played on my mind all the time.

  Dodge said something to Knife I didn’t catch as we pulled into the gated drive, and Knife turned in his seat. Can you do your thing on the gate?

  Nodding, I exited the car as the vehicle containing the rest of our brothers pulled up behind. Steppin’ up to the system, I pulled out my switchblade and jimmied the box open. A few seconds later, the gates slowly opened.

  As soon as my arse hit the seat, we drove down the long driveway and stopped out the front. I tapped Knife’s shoulder, and he turned. You sure your ’rents don’t have guards?

  Smirking, he shook his head before answering. “Frank thinks he’s untouchable with his system. Then again, he probably doesn’t expect an attack from his son.”

  We met Pick, Billy, and Dive at the front of the car and made our way to the front door. They separated, and I got in close. I lifted my tool kit from my pocket and got to my knees. The lock was easy to pick. Fuckin’ fools hadn’t even clicked the deadbolt in. I swung the door open and stood, entering first. No lights were on, but with the huge-arse windows, it was lit by the moonlight. Quickly, I took care of the alarm system. Top of the line, my arse. It was easy to kill.

  We spread out. I kept close to Knife’s back, knowing he would have guessed where he needed to go. We climbed the million stairs and went to the right down a hall. The place was like a museum, old pricey shit all over the place.

  We stopped at the door for only a second before he pushed it wide and turned on the lights. Two startled people quickly sat, blinking sleep away from their eyes.

  Knife advanced. The man in his late sixties called, “What is the meaning… Jay? What are you doing?” The guy was old, looking to be on his last withered legs. Why would he decide to orchestrate an heir when he was already so old? An heir wouldn’t have been of age when he took his last breath. I’d been right; it wasn’t addin’ up.

  “Jay, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?” the woman said, her eyes going to me and then back to her son. She was worried and had every right to be.

  Steppin’ up beside Knife so I could catch whatever he was gonna say, I crossed my arms over my chest and sensed our brothers coming into the room. Knife’s parents’ eyes widened, worry gone, fear taking its place.

  “You made the wrong move, Frank.” I didn’t miss the sneer when Knife all but spat Frank’s name. “A very wrong move.”

  “What are you talking about?” Mr Conger went to climb outta the bed, only to stop and glance back at his son.

  “You move, you will regret it.”

  “Jay!” I saw his mum cry.

  Knife’s eyes flashed to his mum. “Did you know?” he asked. He didn’t wait for an answer. “Did you know the man you sleep next to, my fuckin’ father, organised someone to break into the house I’m stayin’ at with my child?”

  Her hand fluttered to her chest. She glanced to Knife’s dad, whose lowered gaze was on his son. Shaking her head, she shifted her gaze back to Knife. “You have a child?”

  She didn’t have a clue what her husband had done.

  “Yeah, Mum. I have a kid. Just a baby, eight months old. Apparently your husband wanted an heir so much he got a slut to seduce me and get knocked up by me. Then, after she played him and ran with the baby, he sent some fuckhead to grab my kid by breaking into the house.” His mum’s eyes filled with tears. Knife shook his head, before whipping his gaze to his dad. “Move again and I’ll have my brothers shoot you.” Knife stepped closer. I was right alongside him. “You made a bad decision to fuck with me and mine. A very bad one.” He looked over his shoulder. “Take her out and don’t let her come back in here until I leave.”

  I wasn’t sure who he spoke to until Dive came forward to assist Mrs Conger outta the bed. Her whole body shook as Dive led her silent, shocked form from the room, closing the door behind them.


  I looked at my father, Frank Conger, while disgust churned my gut. He was an old fucker who thought his shit didn’t stink and could do anything he wanted. Well, I was about to prove him wrong. Pick, Billy, and Dodge moved in closer. Beast was already by my side so he could catch everything that was said. If I wasn’t so pissed, I would have signed for him.

  “Why’d you do it?” I asked, my nose crinkling up as he tried for a gentle smile.

  “Come on now, son—”

  Leaning in, I roared, “Do not call me that.”

  “You didn’t want anything to do with me. My only child wanted nothing to do with me.”

  Snorting, I said, “Yeah, why you think that is, Frank?”

  His fist hit the bed. “They were of a legal age.”

  “Barely. No kid wants to find out his father dealt in the shit you did. You got them hooked on crack so you could do anything to them. Shit, not only you but your mates. Make matters worse, you kept them in a fuckin’ house back in the woods so Mum didn’t know and then when I found your dirty secret, you wanted me to follow in your footsteps. Not only dealin’ in that shit but illegal works from the business. Fuck that, and fuck you.”

  Dad glared. “You know who I deal with in the business, yet you feel you can come here and threaten me. Foolish move, son.”

  That caused me to throw my head back and laugh.

  Still chuckling, I wiped away my tears of mirth and shook my head. “Shit, old man. Do you have any idea about my family?”

  He sniffed. “You mean the men at your back? I know who they are, and I have no fear of them.”

  Snorting once again, I said, “Then you’re pretty fuckin’ dumb. You tell the men you deal with who I belong to and see what they say. They probably know us better than you do, old man. They’d know no one fucks with Hawks and gets away with it. In one way or another, they would have heard the stories, so they’d feel the fear even if you don’t.” Uncrossing my arms, I pulled my phone free and stalked around to the side of the bed. After tappin’ a few things, I threw it to his lap. “However, I think after you see that, you’ll start to realise who I am, who I belong to and then, fuckin’ then, you’ll feel the fear so bad you won’t say shit to anyone. You’ll want to leave me and mine alone because if you don’t… I will do to you what I did to him.” With my chin, I gestured to the phone and the photo that lay on it.

  I could have laughed again when his hands shook as he picked up the phone and brought it close to see the photo. He gagged and threw it to the bed.

  “Yeah, I think you understand me now.” I grabbed up my phone and placed it back in my pocket. “That was the guy you sent in to get my girl.” Frank’s eyes widened. Shaking my head, I commented, “You didn’t know I had a girl. Didn’t matter to me if it was important or not to you. You still had to learn, and I was happy to bring the teachin’ your way.” Crouching enough so I was in his face, I shot my hand out and wrapped it around his throat. He choked as I tightened my grip. “Stay outta my life. Leave my mother, if she ain’t already leavin’ you, and do whatever the hell you want to, but nothing, and I fuckin’ mean nothing at all will touch me, Mum, or mine. You hear me?”

  “Y-yes,” he croaked out.

  Chapter Sixteen


  What I wanted to do was slice him open. Instead, I would let him live feeling shit scared of his own son and allowing him to relay to others who thought to fuck with Hawks not to. I did, however, land my fist into his face. I gripped
his neck and leaned in. “Tell me the real reason you wanted my girl. It wasn’t some heir bullshit.” Because Beast had been right; just wanting an heir wasn’t enough. There had to be another reason. I reckoned the heir stuff was just some bullshit he’d spewed to Stacey to fuck me over for money. But since it brought Nevaeh into my life, I couldn’t be too harsh on her, unless she came lookin’ for my girl.

  “W-what are you talking about?” he stuttered like a fool.

  I shoved his head back so it hit the headboard hard and stood. “I’ll only ask one last time before my brothers actually do start shooting. Tell me the real reason why you wanted my kid.”

  He glanced around the room at my brothers and then back to me. His chest rose and fell rapidly. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me,” I clipped.

  “I-I promised someone something.”

  My head jerked back. “What in the fuck are you sayin’?”

  “A client of mine wanted…” He glanced again around to my brother before landing his eyes on me. “He wanted an in with your club.”

  Jesus Christ.

  It all clicked into place.

  “So you thought you’d say you could get him an in by trapping me, stealing my kid, to what? Hand her over to him so it’d have me and my brothers do his illegal shit, and then you could sit back happy you’d done the deal with the devil and survived?” I laughed menacingly. “You fuckin’ dickhead. No one would ever get control over Hawks. No one. You can tell him that after you let him know we killed his man. Hell, I’ll even message you the photo to send to him.” His eyes bulged. I’d guessed right. The dead guy had been one of his client’s. “You also need to enlighten the fucker if he ever tries to pull this shit again, we will bring him down.” Turning, I stalked from the room with my brothers following.

  Only at the door, I spun back and added, “Nearly forgot, Frank.” There was no fuckin’ way he’d be anything other than Frank to me again, though fuckhead could work too. “You continue on with those girls, I’ll come back. You don’t want that to happen, do you?” It was something I should’a done a long time ago, but I didn’t because they were homeless hookers and at least they had a roof over their heads for a while. Still, the thought of not doing anything, even though I was sixteen at the time I’d found out, didn’t sit right inside of me. I’d got outta the house soon after and found Hawks, wanting my old life set behind me. I shouldn’t have built up a wall around my dad’s fucked-up deeds so high and forgotten about what he’d done.


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