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Just for the Movie (Romance on the Go Book 0)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent


  “Don’t, okay? I’ve been around couples who had romance last them a movie, and then it was gone. This is different with you.”

  “We work, and then we come here, and we work some more.”

  “We talk.”

  “About work and what we wish for out of life. We don’t go out. When all of this is over, it’s all going to be different. You may not want me. I’m not like any of those other women you’ve been with.” She bit her lip even as the pain struck her heart.

  “You’re right. You’re not like any other woman I’ve been with. You’re so much better than them. I wouldn’t be here with them, holding them. I’d be fucking them, and making them leave. The other women weren’t allowed to talk to me as I couldn’t stand their voices, Sarah. You, I love spending time with you. I’ve been waiting for you to be comfortable for us to go out together. If you’re telling me you’re ready, then I’m more than happy to go with you.”

  Was she moving too slowly?

  His hand was on her stomach, and she wanted him to move down and touch her. It had been too long, and she wanted him, so damn badly.

  “I’m ready.” She placed her hand over his, and guided him down to rest on her pussy. “I’m ready for everything.”

  “Sarah, I don’t want to rush you.”

  “I’m not being rushed. I’m ready, Adam.”

  She was tired of always living in the shadows and never getting the chance to bloom. Adam had gotten under her skin, and she’d forced them both to wait. She was tired of waiting all the time. It wasn’t going to happen any longer.

  Releasing his hand, she turned toward him. “I’m ready to be with you.” She had to keep saying it as she was afraid he was going to pull away from her.

  Adam leaned in close and took her lips. She arched up, kissing him back and never wanting him to stop. The instant his lips touched hers, her body came alive. He cupped her pussy, sliding a finger through the slit and stroking around her clit. She gasped out as he flicked his finger across her bud and her body came alive.

  Before his first touch it was like she’d been sleeping, and now she was awake, ready, and needy. The only person she wanted was lying beside her.

  “You’re so wet, baby,” he said, pulling away from her lips. She stared into his eyes as he circled her clit. “I’m going to make you scream for me.”

  “Make love to me, Adam.”

  “I haven’t got any condoms.”

  She’d made an excuse to leave the set earlier that day, having made up her mind. Reaching across the bed, she opened the drawer, and pulled out the condoms. “Will these work?”

  “Fuck, baby, they will work.”

  “I want you. I’m ready.”

  And she believed him when he said he wanted her more than anything.

  Adam moved over her, releasing her pussy and staring into her eyes. “I want you for more than the movie. This is real for me, Sarah. Is it real for you?”


  “From here on out, I don’t want to hide. I take you tonight, you become mine, no excuses. The whole crew is going to find out about us. You’ve got to be ready for that.”

  Even as her heart pounded, she nodded. She was ready—well, she’d never really be ready, but there was nothing else she could do. Her problems were her own.

  There was only one thing that she knew she wanted, and that was Adam. He made her feel happy. This was what she wanted more than anything, to belong to him, and to forget about everything else.

  Chapter Six

  Adam stared into her bright blue eyes, and he knew just like he did yesterday, and the day before that, he was in love with her. She was not like any other woman he’d been with. The beauty Sarah held was equal inside and out. When they were not together, he thought about her. He lived for the nights where he got to hold her in his arms. Niles was already aware of his feelings for Sarah, as he’d admitted them to his agent within the first month of their filming.

  All they had left to do were their intimate scenes, and unless they were called back to reshoot, it was over until promoting the film. The thought of not being with her was similar to a kick to the gut. He couldn’t handle it, and he didn’t want to think of not being with her.

  Tonight, he was going to make sure she loved every second of his touch on her body. She was beautiful in more ways than one. Sarah had not only given him a second chance with his career, she’d given him his only chance to find a woman to love.

  He wasn’t embarrassed by her. In fact, he couldn’t wait to take her out and to tell the world he loved her.

  As he claimed her lips, she arched up. Her hand went to his waist, and he held himself away from her. This was her first time, and he needed to remember that she’d never been with a man before. He’d take his time and get her used to having him. First, he needed to prepare her. She wouldn’t be able to take him right now. He wasn’t a small man, and she needed to be ready as it was already going to painful.

  Adam hadn’t been with a virgin, but he recalled reading somewhere that it was a little painful for women.

  Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he made love to her mouth before moving down, kissing her body as he went. He spent some time at her tits, sucking the hard buds into his mouth and lavishing attention to each nipple.

  He looked up in time to see her eyes close, and she was biting her lip.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked.


  “I’ve only just gotten started.” Flicking each bud, he nibbled her nipples until he couldn’t wait any longer. Running kisses down her stomach, he spread open her thighs and settled between them.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to lick this pretty pussy. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll love it.” Opening the lips of her sex, he spread her wide and stared down at her. She was beautiful.

  She’s not been with anyone else.

  You’re the only one.

  He was so damn happy about that. His dick spilled pre-cum out of the tip, covering the head of his shaft. He stemmed the urge to touch himself. Restraint and control were necessary.

  She needed him to take his time. Circling her swollen clit, he flicked over the bud. He sucked her clit into his mouth, moaning as the taste of her exploded on his tongue. She was a virgin, and he intended to claim that with his cock sliding inside her.

  “That feels so good. Adam, oh,” she said, moaning.

  Sliding his tongue across her bud, he alternated between sucking and flicking her clit, and then doing it over again. His own need started to build.

  He cupped her hips as he brought her to orgasm with his mouth, keeping her in place as he got her nice and wet, ready for his dick. Once she started to come down from her release, he grabbed a condom, tore into it, and rolled the latex over his dick.

  Resting at her entrance, he stared into her eyes. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? Once I take you, there’s no going back.”

  “I want you, Adam. I want this, and I want you.”

  Claiming her lips, he fitted his cock at her entrance and slid in. Sarah tensed up, and he knew it was going to get uncomfortable for her. Grabbing both of her hands, he pressed them beside her head, and slammed all the way inside her.

  She cried out. Tears filled her eyes, and the pain within them tore him up.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” He didn’t move, staying still inside her. Leaning down, he kissed her lips, and for several seconds, maybe even minutes, she stayed tense.

  He cursed himself, berating his lack of patience. She was perfect in his arms, and his body was shaking from the pleasure she created. Adam never wanted to hurt her, even though it had been necessary to do so.

  “It hurt,” she said.

  “I know. I know.” He didn’t feel any of the pain. Her pussy contracted around his dick, and he forced himself to stay still within her. He wasn’t going to force her, nor was he going to make her uncomfortable.

  You already
have, asshole.

  “Please don’t move,” she said, panting.

  Staring down into her eyes, Adam was about to say the words, and yet, he stopped himself. She wouldn’t believe him. Sarah wasn’t ready to hear how he really felt about her. There would come a time and a place when she’d believe him. Now wasn’t that time. One day soon, he hoped.

  His own feelings took him by surprise. Before he met Sarah the thought of settling down had terrified him. Now, he no longer felt trapped by the thought of marriage, family, a future. Sarah made it all real, all possible. The world he’d been living in hadn’t been true to him. He’d become a shallow man with nothing to look forward to. All he needed in life was this woman in his arms, and he’d take care of her. Nothing would ever come between them.

  She was the love of his life.


  The pain took her by surprise. She’d expected it, and yet, it still took her by surprise. Sarah held onto Adam’s hands as he ground her in ways she didn’t think were possible. His cock pulsed inside her even as he stayed still.

  “I’m not going to move. You’re so tight.”

  “No one’s been there before.”

  He smiled. “I’m so damn happy about that.”

  “This is totally not fair. Why do I feel pain and you don’t?”

  “We’re just lucky.”

  Adam stopped her from saying anything else as he claimed her lips. She moaned, arching up against him as he deepened the kiss. He licked along her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth for him to take what he wanted. She loved kissing him, and now was no exception.

  Slowly, she started to wriggle to see if there was any more pain. She didn’t wish for him to stop, nor did she want pain.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got to stay still if you want me to be a gentleman.”

  “Will it hurt all the time?” she asked.


  She moved her pelvis, and when no pain happened, she started to wriggle a little more.

  “Babe, stop.” He released her hand to grip her hip. “Are you ready for me to take the next step?”


  Adam kept looking into her eyes as he pulled out of her pussy. She gasped, not from pain, but from pleasure. Sarah didn’t want him to pull all the way out of her.

  “Don’t stop!”

  He slammed every inch of his dick inside her, making her moan. “Are you ready for me to really fuck you now?”

  “Yes.” She screamed the word, needing him to help ease the sudden burn inside her. He began to thrust within her, pulling out so that only the tip remained.

  “Look at us, Sarah.”

  She looked down at where they were joined, and she gasped. His cock, covered with latex, came in and out of her body. It had to be one of the most erotic sights she’d ever witnessed and entirely surreal.

  “I’ve craved this, baby. All I’ve ever wanted was you.”

  He took possession of her lips, cutting off the view of them together. She was making love, having sex with Adam Feltworth, and it was right. He made her feel so alive, and the last couple of months filming with him had led them to this point. Sarah was terrified. He’d done what no other man had ever done before him. Adam had gotten under her skin, and now she couldn’t see a way back from him. She was in love, and she’d never been in love with anyone.

  Holy crap!

  She’d fallen in love with her costar.

  The very knowledge freed her and trapped her at the same time. They’d not known each other all that long, a couple of months.

  Other stars have fallen in love in that time.

  Closing off her doubts, she basked in the feel of him inside her, filling her.

  “Harder,” she begged as the pleasure took her to the peak but didn’t throw her over.

  He pounded inside her, giving her exactly what she begged for, and she couldn’t hold back. “Come with me, baby.”

  Adam thrust inside her, and as he threw her over the edge into a mind-shattering release, she heard him growl out his own. She didn’t know how much time had passed, when she focused once again, Adam was collapsed over her, kissing her shoulder.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  She no longer cared about the pain. “I want to do it again.”

  He chuckled. “What about being sore?”

  “I’ve waited too damn long to feel this, and I don’t want to wait another moment.” She cupped his face, pressing kisses to his lips.

  “How about I take this condom off, we take a bath, and then see how you feel?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “I’ve created a monster.”

  “A sex monster,” she said, agreeing with him.

  “Tomorrow night, I’m taking you out to dinner.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes. You, me, and a nice restaurant.”

  Biting her lip, she smiled up at him. “Are you ready for that? The paparazzi may find us.”

  “I’m ready for the world to know who you belong to. The cast, the crew, everyone, our fans.”

  “If you’re ready, then I’m ready.” She took a deep breath.

  He kissed her lips, pulling out of her. “Let me go and run you a bath, and you might want to tell Dean.”

  She frowned. “Why would I want to tell him?”

  “He’s going to be bombarded with questions. Tell him ahead of time and prepare him. Niles already knows about us.”

  Sarah watched him disappear, and she slapped her forehead. Reaching toward her cell phone resting on the bedside cabinet, she pulled up Dean’s number. It was nearly midnight, but he was used to getting late night calls.

  “Hello?” Dean said, sounding tired.

  “Hey, Dean, how’s Martha?”

  “You called me earlier, and nothing else has changed. She’s feeling better, which is a good sign. What’s the matter?”

  She just spilled it all out.

  “You’re dating Adam? Your costar?”

  “It just happened. Neither of us expected it, but we’re together. He told me to call you to let you know we’re together. We’re going out to dinner tomorrow night.”

  Dean was silent for several minutes.

  She spoke his name, making sure he hadn’t fallen asleep.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “I’m totally sure. I want this, Dean. I want to be with him. Please, be happy for me.”

  “I am. I’m making sure no one is taking advantage of my girl. I trust you, and if this is what you want, then I’m with you all the way.”

  She talked with him for a couple of minutes, and when Adam appeared in the doorway, she disconnected the call.

  “He’s not handling it well?” Adam asked.

  “Not as well as I expected. We’re going to get a lot of mixed comments about our relationship.”

  “Let them talk. I don’t give a shit.” He leaned over the bed and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Now, my little ex-virgin, your bath awaits.”

  Everything would be okay. Sarah really hoped it would be.

  Chapter Seven

  One month later

  Their relationship hit the press and was spread around the world like wildfire. Mitch loved the extra publicity as they finished the scenes. Now the movie, titled Chemistry, was going through editing. Adam and Sarah would be on call for whenever they had to reshoot scenes.

  The past month had been a whirlwind of work, interviews, love, romance, and fun.

  Adam stood at the reception desk in the hotel where they’d been staying. He had a week off before he was scheduled for another audition. Niles explained that he needed to use his current popularity to continue getting work. The biggest problem he faced was leaving Sarah. He’d not gotten the courage to actually tell her how he felt.

  Hearing the elevator ping, he turned around to see who’d made it to the main desk. Sarah stood with her small travel case. Her eyes were bloodshot, and seeing them wa
s like a kick to the gut.

  Over the past couple of months they’d been through a hell of a lot. He’d gotten close to her, fallen in love with her, and taken her virginity. Not to mention all of the orgasms he’d given her, and the pleasure they had shared. Watching her walk toward him reminded him of the nights they’d shared together.

  He’d taught her how to suck his dick, and he’d spent hours licking her perfect pussy. There was the time spent getting her to straddle his hips, and take his cock so deep inside her that they were both panting. Fuck, this woman was his savior, his soul mate, and he couldn’t let her leave.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “I’m not leaving you.”


  “I know we didn’t talk about this moment even though we both knew what was going to happen. Movies, they don’t last forever. What we’ve got, it lasts. This is the lasting kind.” He took hold of her hand, and just that one touch grounded him.

  “Adam, relationships, they don’t always last. What if this doesn’t last? Feelings change with time, right?” she asked.

  “I don’t care. This is what is real to me.” He took a deep breath. “Sarah, I’m in love with you, and I would very much like it if you were to come with me to start a life together.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and he didn’t know if that was a good or bad sign.

  “You’re in love with me?”

  “Yes. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t give a shit about what other people think.” He glanced around the main desk and saw they had attracted a lot of attention. “Don’t you ever want to take a chance?”

  “I took a chance with you, Adam.”

  “Then leave with me. Let’s take this chance together. I love you, and I don’t care if you don’t love me. I can make this work. We can make this work.” He tugged her close, gripping her waist. “Please say yes.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, stopping her from saying anything. All he wanted in that instant was for the whole world to disappear, only them remaining.

  Pulling away from the kiss, he stared at her. Her eyes were closed, and she smiled. “I love you, too, Adam Feltworth.” She opened her blue eyes and made him the happiest man in the world.


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