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Just for the Movie (Romance on the Go Book 0)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “You love me.”

  “Yes, I told Dean last night that I would either be coming home with you or stalking you. I decided you weren’t going to get away from me that easy.” She giggled.

  Grabbing her hand, they walked out of the hotel’s main foyer together. Niles and Dean had made sure there were guards to help them leave without a problem.

  They were still bombarded with questions.

  “Is it true you and Sarah are a couple?”

  “The rumor is it’s a publicity stunt?”

  “Are you going back to action movies?”

  “What are you going to do after this, Sarah?”

  Over and over the questions kept coming, and he ignored them. They were going to move on to their life together without looking back.


  Sarah lay on Adam’s bed, flicking through the channels. They had arrived at his country mansion four hours ago, and had only just left the bedroom. Well, he’d left the bedroom to get some food. She’d stayed wrapped in his shirt, flicking through the channels. She’d ignored her cell phone, and they had not watched television once.

  “Are we on the big screen?” Adam asked, returning with two large bowls of breakfast cereal.

  She sat up and took the bowl from him, leaving the entertainment news on.

  “In other news today, Chemistry stars Adam Feltworth and Sarah Leigh caused a stir as they were pictured leaving the same hotel. Rumor has been running rife about the costars, who are said to be in a relationship.”

  She looked up in time to see several pictures taken of them over the past couple of months. A couple were of them actually on set, while others were of them out on dates, shopping together. The one constant she noticed in each of the pictures was how happy they both looked.

  “You’re a beautiful woman.”

  Smiling, she looked toward Adam, who was staring at the screen.

  “This duo is featuring in Sarah’s first lead role, and as we all know, it’s a comeback for Adam after his less than stellar performance at the box office. What we have to wonder, though, is if this is a publicity stunt to sell their movie?” The woman onscreen chuckled. “I’m sure we’ll have an update soon enough, and if it’s the real deal, we wish them all success.”

  The story moved onto a group that had recently split. Sarah stared down at her cereal, twirling her spoon in the bowl. “Well, that wasn’t exactly friendly, was it?”

  “Then we prove to them they’re wrong. This is what we’ve got together, Sarah.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I know how you make me feel.”

  “You really do love me?”

  “Never doubt it.” He placed their bowls on the floor, and he was kissing her in the next second. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around him, tugging on the shirt he’d put on. At the same time she worked his shirt off, he did the same to her.

  Whenever his hands were on her, she forgot about everything else. All that mattered in the world were her and him, no one else.

  “I love you. We’re going to prove them all wrong.”

  She believed him. They were proving them wrong right this second. Instead of going their separate ways, they’d come together, and were working through their relationship.

  “I’m going to have to go back home,” she said, gasping as he kissed down to her neck.

  “Not tonight. You can cancel your home.”

  She moaned. “I own it.”

  “I’m going to be owning this pussy, baby.”

  “I can’t just cancel.”

  “Sell it then.” He moved down her body, kissing her nipples, sucking on them before sliding further down. Biting her lip, she tried to think of something to say.

  “I’ll sell them then.”

  “You’ll move in with me?”


  “You’ll prove to all of our haters that I’m the one who owns your heart?”


  He slid his tongue across her clit, and she just couldn’t argue with him when his mouth was on her pussy. It felt so damn good with the way he sucked on her clit, nibbling down and flicking his tongue across it. “You’ll be mine?”


  “We’re going to show the world we’re together?” he asked.

  “Yes.” God, she’d do anything so long as he kept using his tongue.

  “I love you, Sarah.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I’m going to do dirty things to you.”

  She couldn’t wait, and for the rest of the night, he proceeded to show her exactly what he wanted to do.


  Three months later

  Chemistry had released worldwide on Friday, and it was now a Monday. Adam and Sarah were together for an interview after they’d had a killer weekend with amazing reviews. He turned toward his woman and couldn’t help but smile. She was a nervous wreck. During their time together, he’d come to discover that she hated interviews and had a tendency to stutter. It was cute to watch.

  Their agents, Dean and Niles, were behind the camera watching everything. He’d gotten to know Dean and Martha quite well, seeing as he spent most of his time with Sarah. Chemistry had been such a huge success that several studios wanted them to work together in other movies.

  Their critics were eating their own words, and in fact the woman who was about to interview them had been one of their huge ones. This was the woman who insinuated they were together for publicity and called them Beauty and the Beast. Niles had made sure that there was a male present who’d given the movie a brilliant review as well.

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  “This is awful. We know she thinks we’re a fake.”

  He leaned close, kissing her neck. “She’ll soon find out that not only do we live together, we’re expecting our first child, and we’re working together on another project. We’ve even worked apart.” Adam had hated that. After one week alone together, they had to separate for a month, and he’d been so desperate for her the next time he saw her, he’d knocked her up. Bad and good for him.

  “I hate this.”

  “Come on, it’s time for us to take our seats.” He took hold of her hand, and together they walked onto the set.

  Adam watched the other woman and saw her look pale. He wondered if she was going to keep her job after all of this.

  Taking their seats, he still held her hand, and waited.

  “Good evening, everyone,” Matt said. “As you all know Friday saw the release of one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Chemistry. This had a lot of buzz as it featured a fuller woman searching for that special man in her life. What sets Chemistry apart is the lack of comedy, and yet the more erotic element to the story. I’m happy to say it was a huge hit this weekend, and is set to be one of the biggest earners this year. I’ve got Adam Feltworth and Sarah Leigh right here with me, folks.”

  Adam nodded at the camera, and Sarah smiled, lifting one hand, and giving it a wave. So far the woman had yet to speak.

  “Now, when I first heard about this movie, I thought, this is going to suck. I mean, who wants to see a bigger woman find love? I expected comedy, slapstick, and what I got was something entirely different,” Matt said. “Sarah, is that why you decided to take this role? It was a pretty intense one for your first movie breakout.”

  “It was a challenge. When my wonderful agent told me there was a story for me, and he gave me the rundown, I was like you. This isn’t what I want to do. When I read the script, it was unlike anything I’d ever read. I had to have this part. Of course, after I got the part, then came the part of David.”

  “What specifications were there for his role?” Matt asked.

  Sarah looked toward him. “You must answer this one?”

  Adam chuckled. “He had to be hot, of course.” He looked toward the camera, and flexed his muscles, going for the joke. Everyone laughed, even Sarah. “No, seriously, he had to connect to Sarah, and have exactly what the movie was titled abou
t: chemistry.”

  “What I heard was there were a lot of guys who auditioned for this role. Is that true?” the woman asked.

  “Yes,” Sarah said.

  “I’m the lucky guy who got the chance to know this wonderful woman.” Unable to resist, he kissed Sarah’s lips, trying to calm her down.

  The crowd erupted.

  Matt started laughing and urged everyone to quiet down. “Okay, you’ve gotten everyone in a stir, and I have to say that I like it.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Adam sat back, happy to see the woman looking embarrassed.

  “So, the rumors are true. You and Sarah are together.”

  He nodded, and Sarah mumbled a yes.

  “This is not fake or a promotional tool?” Matt asked.

  “No. We’re not Beauty and the Beast, either,” Adam said.

  “You saw that?”

  “Yes. We saw a great deal, and it was awful. Sarah and I, we’re together, we’re a couple, and it’s never going to stop. I love her, and in fact, it’s the perfect time to do this.” He slid out of his chair, and pulled the ring out of the back of his pocket. The crowd went crazy, and he heard Matt release a squeal. “Sarah, you’re my entire world. You’ve made me a better man, and you’ve challenged me in ways I never would have challenged myself. Being apart from you hurts me. I want you to be my wife, so I’m asking you first. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”


  He slid the ring on her finger, got to his feet, and pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Sarah.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “She’s going to be my wife!”

  There, the world could suck it. He’d found his woman, and no one was ever going to take her away from him.


  Five years later

  Two children and five years of marriage later, they were still going strong. Adam sat at the large dinner table as Sarah and Martha were in the kitchen cooking up a treat for Thanksgiving. Niles, Dean, and all of their families were around the table.

  The media had been watching them for the last five years, always ready to pounce on any sign they were close to a divorce. Two years ago while she was pregnant with Junior, there had been a news report out that he had cheated on her, which wasn’t true. The young starlet who’d come to his room for something more had been escorted out by security. Now, Adam never worked on a movie unless his costar was told beforehand that he wasn’t interested. He loved his wife, and the first person he’d called about it was Sarah. She’d laughed her ass off, and unless she was working, she now spent time on set with him. Their kids went everywhere with them, but they would have to stay in one place soon. It was nearly time for school for them. They were still having to decide if they wanted the children to have tutors or got to an actual school. They could make it work either way. They were both working on movies. Most of the time they worked together as there were a lot of calls for the two of them, seeing as they had so much chemistry together.

  “Here’s the large turkey,” Sarah said, taking a seat beside him. He took her hand and smiled at her. She was the love of his life, and every day with her gave him an extra day to live for.

  They said grace and dug right in. This was what he loved, being around his family, feeling the love surround him.

  Later that night, he was staring out over their garden when Sarah walked up behind him. “The kids are asleep for the night.”

  They’d been lucky that their kids happened to love their sleep and rarely got up in the night.

  He wrapped his arm around her, tugging her in close. “Five years today I first proposed.”

  “There were bets going on all around the world about how long we’d last.”

  “There are a lot of angry people out there.” He kissed the top of her head. Adam cupped her ass, giving her a gentle squeeze.

  “Do you ever regret it?”

  “Not once. I love you, and this is exactly where I want to be.” He stared into her blue eyes. “I told you, babe, you’re it for me.”

  She gave him a beautiful smile. “I heard you’re up for a possible Oscar?”

  “Then it would look great next to my wife’s.”

  Sarah had won an Oscar two years ago for a movie where she played an ex-prostitute trying to bring down the men who’d ruined her life. It had been a dark movie, and one he’d hated, as it required her to diet down and lose all of her curves. He’d made sure she put those curves right back on.

  Contrary to what everyone thought, he hadn’t been jealous of his wife’s success. He’d been so damn happy. She’d lost weight and given one hell of a performance. At least he got to see something for losing his wife for a little while. The woman in his arms had all of her curves back and had promised him she wouldn’t lose weight for a role again.

  There were still bets going on about how long they would last. It was funny really. They thought he’d be bored after five years of marriage. He wasn’t. If anything, he wanted her more. There was never going to be enough time for the love he felt for her.

  That year he did get his Oscar, and he placed it beside his wife’s, knowing that she was just as proud of him as he had been of her.

  Another five years passed, and they had two more children, and still the world expected them to divorce. They had four children together, with another one on the way, and still the world liked to question their romance.

  They were the Hollywood power couple. When they stopped being on screen, they banded together to produce movies that were huge box office successes.

  Finally, after twenty-five years of marriage, six kids in total, ten dogs, five cats, and two homes, the world started to believe that he was in love with his wife. It didn’t matter what anyone else said. Sarah knew that he loved her, and nothing was going to change that.

  Looking down at his woman, with her many wrinkles, he smiled. Growing old with the woman he loved was the best thing in the world.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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