Book Read Free

The Aftermath

Page 19

by Shelia M. Goss

  I knew it seemed strange for me to care about Omar but I did. I couldn’t let them keep harassing him the way that they were.

  Everyone’s eyes were on me. I looked at Mom and then at Lovie. “Can y’all give me a minute alone with Omar?”

  Mom responded, “You have two minutes and then he needs to go get a car. Lovie, you will go with him and bring Jason back here. In the meantime, let me try to reach Mitch.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I said.

  They left Omar and me alone. I really had no idea what I wanted to say. This was a messed-up situation. The man that I loved and was about to marry was the son of the man that I despised.

  Omar reached for my hand, but I snatched it away. Although I took up for him in front of my family, he wasn’t off the hook for what he had done.

  I looked at him with disgust in my eyes. How could I have been so blind? I shook my head. All of this time, I’d been sleeping with the enemy.

  Omar looked at me with those piercing brown eyes as he liked to do sometimes. Those eyes used to make me melt, but now, they had no effect on me. “Charity, I’m sorry,” he said. “I regret I didn’t tell you about Jason. It’s a complicated situation with him being my father. It was completely selfish of me to keep the information from you. I knew if you knew who he was and who he was in relation to me, you wouldn’t have anything to do with me.”

  “You’re right. I never would have allowed you into my home, into my family circle and most importantly, into my heart.”

  Omar stood by me and tried to wrap his arms around me. I pushed him away.

  “Don’t! Do you realize how much I trusted you? Do you realize that I was taking up for you time after time when Lovie and Hope told me they didn’t trust you?” I turned around in a circle. “Now here I am standing looking like a fool. They were right and I was absolutely wrong. I’m beginning to think that I can’t even trust my own judgment anymore.”

  “Charity, I will do anything I can to make things right with you. Just name it and I will do it.” I could see the fear of losing me in his eyes as he spoke.

  “All I want from you right now is for you to tell the police that Jason is alive so they can release my father out of jail. You have the proof so you need to show it to them. Also while you’re doing that, don’t leave out the fact that he’s your father and you’ve known all along that he was alive.” I shook my head. “You don’t deserve to be a policeman. You’re supposed to uphold the law, but here you were helping this criminal.”

  “Baby, you’re upset. Please calm down. Please. Please don’t let this interfere with my job or us. You know how much I love you and you know how much I’ve always wanted to be a detective. If you take both of those things away from me, I’ll have nothing.”

  “You should have thought of that before you set out to hurt me and my family.”

  “Charity, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I wasn’t trying to hurt you and your family. When I first saw you, I had no idea you were a Jones. All I knew was that I needed you in my life, in my world.”

  I looked at him with pity in my eyes. “Omar, how do you expect us to be together after this? This is too much. I can’t take this.”

  Omar grabbed my hand and held it. This time I didn’t pull away. He looked into my eyes. “Charity, I’m going to do whatever I can to make this up to you. Promise me you will reconsider. Please. I beg you. Do not break up with me.”

  I looked at the ring on my finger. It was supposed to symbolize the love between the two of us. I couldn’t deny my feelings but yet, I also knew that there was too much between us for us to go forward.

  I started removing the ring. Before I could do so, Omar grabbed my hand. He got down on one knee. “Charity, please, baby, please don’t do this.”

  I was having too many conflicting emotions. The sensible side of me knew that things would never ever be the same between the two of us. But my heart still loved him, still wanted to be with him, and as strange as it seemed, I wanted to be there for him throughout all of this fiasco.

  I let the ring remain on my finger. He stood and wiped the tears that were flowing down my face.

  Mom and Lovie returned to the room without Hope.

  She said, “You two will have to talk later. Omar, we’ve already arranged to rent a car so it’s time.”

  Omar squeezed my hand.

  Mom continued to say to Omar, “Lovie’s going to go with you. You are to convince your dad to get in the car with you. Lovie will be in the backseat. You are to bring him back here. I would go with you, but I’m waiting on a call from our attorney so we can figure out a way to get my husband home.”

  “I understand,” Omar replied.

  Lovie handed Omar a clean shirt. Omar removed the torn one and handed it to me. He put on the clean shirt and buttoned it.

  “Just in case Lovie needs some backup, one of the girls will be going with you,” Mom said.

  Omar looked at me. “Charity, I think it’s best that you stay.”

  “I agree,” Mom said. “Charity’s staying with me. Hope will be accompanying you two.”

  “But, Mom,” I said.

  She looked at me. “The decision has already been made so, Charity, deal with it.”

  Mom placed her arm around my shoulder as we watched them leave out from the front door. Just like Omar had aligned himself with Jason, my allegiance was with my family. I trusted my mother and whatever happened from this point on was out of our hands.



  I knew it. I knew that I was right about Omar. I knew there was something about him that could not be trusted. Charity should have listened to me. If she would have listened to me, she could have saved herself the heartache and headache of dealing with him.

  We headed straight to the car rental location. We left Lovie’s truck in the parking lot. Omar got in the front seat. Lovie and I both got in the backseat. Lovie pulled out his gun. Omar looked in the rearview mirror. I could tell by how his eyes bucked that he saw the gun.

  Lovie handed Omar the car keys. “Let’s get going.”

  The backseat was spacious enough for both Lovie and me to get low so we would be unnoticed. We weren’t close to the hotel so we didn’t try to hide yet.

  Lovie said, “I hope you know that just because you’re helping us out, it doesn’t change anything.”

  I said, “I can’t believe Charity’s still in love with you.”

  Omar said, while pulling on to the highway, “You don’t understand, but I promise you I will make it up to all of you.”

  Lovie said, “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Stop talking and drive.”

  We rode the rest of the way in silence. Omar pulled the car into the parking lot of the hotel.

  “Call him,” Lovie said, as he handed Omar his phone.

  “Dad, I’m outside. It’s a Green SUV,” Omar said.

  Lovie said, “Don’t forget I have this gun behind you. Don’t make any sudden moves. You need to insist that you will drive. You need to drive us straight back to our house. No funny moves because I will not hesitate to shoot. Is that understood?”

  Omar responded, “I’m not going to do anything. Lovie, chill with the gun. You don’t want anybody to get hurt. You’re simply upset right now.”

  “That psychology mess is not going to work on me,” Lovie disclosed. “Duck, Hope. That looks like him now.”

  Lovie and I shifted so we were on the floor of the SUV. I heard a knock on Omar’s window.

  Omar said, “I’ll drive. I need you to drop me off at my place.”

  Jason raged, “I don’t have time for this. I gotta get out of here.”

  Omar popped the trunk. “You can put your luggage back there.”

  I could tell Jason wasn’t happy about it because he was mumbling when he jumped in the passenger seat and clo
sed the door.

  Omar pulled off and drove onto the highway.

  “You’re going the wrong way,” Jason said.

  Lovie shifted in the backseat with his gun held high. “Hi, Uncle Jason.”

  “What in the hell?” Jason exclaimed.

  “Don’t even think about it. If you do, we’ll all die tonight because I’m busting a cap in your son’s head.”

  Jason shifted in his seat so that he and Lovie were staring at each other in the eyes.

  He then looked at Omar. “I can’t believe you set me up. My own son. I thought I could trust you.”

  Omar remarked, “Did you not notice the gun?”

  Lovie and I listened as the father and son went back and forth about their current situation.

  Up until now I hadn’t made myself known. I was still trying to come to terms with the fact that Uncle Jason was not dead; that he was alive and that he was in the car sitting right in front of me.

  Lovie said, “Omar, ignore him. Keep driving to your destination.”

  Uncle Jason said, “Can’t believe you finally got you some balls. I guess with Royce being in jail, you had to step up and act like a man.”

  “I don’t want to hear my father’s name come out of your mouth,” Lovie said.

  I broke my silence and made my presence known. “How could you? How could you let him get arrested?”

  Uncle Jason laughed. The kind of laugh that sent chills down my spine because it was so sinister. “My dear Hope. Why, I didn’t know you were here? If I had, I would have sat in the back with you so we could cuddle.”

  Lovie shoved the gun to Jason’s face. “You will not disrespect my sister ever again.”

  Jason didn’t back down. “You Jones kids are something else. You’ve always been spoiled. You always thought you were better than everyone else. I really enjoyed watching you sweat.”

  With a shaken voice, I said, “Lovie, give me the gun.”

  Lovie glanced at me. “Hope, chill out. I’ve got this.”

  My body shook with anger. Memories of everything Uncle Jason had done to my family and me came to the forefront of my mind. Charity had to see Omar for what he was. He was the seed...the product of Jason’s. Charity had to open up her eyes and see that Omar was no good. Just like his no-good daddy.

  We were finally at our family home. Omar pulled into the driveway and parked right behind Charity’s car.

  Lovie said, “Turn the ignition off and hand me the keys.”

  Omar did as instructed.

  Lovie said, “Omar, get out. Hope, get out. I’m getting out from your side.”

  I opened the back passenger door and exited the SUV. Lovie slid over, never taking his eyes or the gun off Jason. He jumped out of the backseat, then held the latch and opened the front door on the passenger side.

  “Out the car now!” Lovie yelled.

  Jason sat there.

  Lovie said, “When you get out, if you make any funny moves, like I told Omar, I will not hesitate to shoot.”

  Lovie cocked his gun and Jason jumped out.

  Omar now stood beside me. Lovie shoved the gun at the back of Jason as they walked up the walkway toward the house.

  I said to Omar, “If you love Charity the way you claim you do, I suggest you fall back.”

  “Hope, get the door,” Lovie instructed.

  I eased past Lovie and Jason and unlocked the door. I held the door open. Lovie walked Jason to the living room. He pushed him through the door. Jason stumbled and almost fell but caught his balance.

  Mom stood and came face to face with Jason. “Well, well, well. If it’s not the walking dead.”



  It’s a good thing that Hope was with me because I was so tempted to release the trigger and shoot Jason. I would have easily exchanged places with my father. I had so much rage built up inside of me that I needed to release it somehow. I felt like hitting something or better yet shooting something.

  Mom circled around Jason as he stood there with this disgusting smirk on his face. Jason grinned at her.

  I pushed him further into the room.

  Mom said, “Hope, take Omar upstairs. Charity’s up there. And while you’re there, stay and watch and make sure he doesn’t try anything. Lovie, bring this piece of trash with you. We’re going to the garage.”

  “You heard her. Move.”

  “I see you’re keeping the place up,” Jason said.

  “Did I tell you to talk?” Mom said without turning around. The garage was connected to the kitchen. She opened the door and went outside. Jason was behind her. He stopped in the doorway. Mom clapped and the light turned on.

  The light revealed an empty garage with a chair sitting in the middle of it. She walked and stood near it.

  “Jason, have a seat,” she said.

  He did as instructed. She reached on the shelf and handed me a pair of handcuffs. “If he decides to try something, restrain him,” she said.

  “You can’t do this. This is kidnapping,” Jason said.

  “How is it kidnapping when everyone thinks you’re dead?” I placed the handcuffs on him.

  Mom paced back and forth in front of him. “Right. You’re dead, remember!”

  “Lexi, you’re not going to get away with this.”

  Mom leaned down and got in his face. “I suggest you keep your comments to yourself until I decide on what I plan to do with you.” She looked at me. “Come on, Lovie. Let’s go.”

  I followed her to the door. She clapped her hands and the lights went out.

  “Lexi, come back here. You can’t leave me in the dark like this. There’s no air circulating. It’s hot in here,” Jason kept saying.

  We went inside and she shut the door. She went to the cabinet and found a bottle of Hennessy. I took it from her.

  “No, Mom. We need your head clear. What did Mitch say?” I asked.

  “He’s not saying anything. I’m waiting for him to call me back.”

  I poured the liquor out while I talked. “Mom, I’m thinking we should take Jason in to the police station ourselves.”

  “According to Mitch, the fact still remains that the police found a dead body in Jason’s house. They still claim to have evidence to show that Royce killed whoever the dead person is. We know it’s not Jason’s body now. We also know that Royce didn’t kill anyone, so even with the police knowing that Jason is alive, it still won’t clear Royce.”

  That bit of news almost knocked me off my feet. “I thought that now with Jason being alive, Dad would be free. This is ludicrous. Mitch doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  “I feel the same as you do. What we need to do now is find out who the body belonged to and what happened to it. The only person who knows that information is Jason.”

  “He’s not going to talk,” I said.

  “Not without being persuaded. One thing I realize about Jason that he doesn’t know I have figured out is the fact that he doesn’t like to be in complete darkness. That’s something I recall from our night of indiscretion. I was drunk but still remember how he freaked out when it appeared we were in complete darkness. He has to have some type of light on or he goes crazy. Don’t you hear him in there crying out now?”

  The house phone rang. Mom walked over to the other side of the kitchen and answered. She looked at me and said, “It’s Mitch.

  While she talked to Mitch, I opened the garage door. “You can holler as much as you want. Nobody’s around but us, so save your breath.”

  “Lovie, if I get out of this, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.”

  “Promises, promises,” I said before shutting the door.



  I wished Hope would leave the room but she didn’t. In fact, she stood at the do
or as if she was the prison guard and Charity and I were prisoners.

  Charity sat on one end of the bed and I sat on the other. I eased over nearer to her.

  “You can’t keep ignoring me forever,” I said to Charity.

  “Yes, she can,” Hope said.

  “He wasn’t talking to you,” Charity said.

  “But I was talking to him,” Hope retorted.

  “Hope, please. Can you give us a few minutes alone?” I asked.

  “No. Whatever you have to say to her, you will have to say in front of me.”

  Fine. I would have to pretend as if Hope wasn’t there.

  I reached for Charity’s hand. She didn’t pull away so maybe it was a good sign. I raised her hand and kissed the back of it.

  “Charity, it’s going to be hard at first to trust me, but if we work together, we can rebuild the trust.”

  “Please,” Hope said.

  Charity said, “Hope, I really need for you to leave the room now. You’re only making this situation worse.”

  Hope pointed at me. “He’s the reason why we’re in this situation in the first place.”

  Charity got up, walked over to Hope and whispered something in her ear. I heard Charity say, “Please, for me.”

  “Fine. But I will be standing right outside of the door.” Hope pointed at me again. “Don’t try nothing; I’m trained in karate. You might be bigger than me, but I can bring you down.” She did some type of karate move that wasn’t authentic at all.

  Charity pushed her out the door. Her back leaned against the door and she turned and faced me.

  I really didn’t know what to say. My allegiance to my father had put me in the middle and it was hard seeing my way out of the mess. But I couldn’t lose Charity.

  “Baby, come sit by me so we can talk,” I said.

  “I can talk from here,” she declared.

  I placed one of my hands over my heart. “You know I love you.”

  “You know what. I actually believe that you love me, but truthfully, Omar, that’s not enough. I can’t trust you. I can’t trust myself around you. Jason’s alive and you knew it. Come on now.”


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