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The Aftermath

Page 20

by Shelia M. Goss

  “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” I asked.

  “If you hadn’t been deceitful, you wouldn’t have to say it at all,” Charity responded.

  The truth stung. I got up and stood near her. “Look. I can’t change the past. I own up to my part in this whole fiasco. He’s my father. What did you expect me to do? Turn him in when I discovered he really wasn’t dead.”

  Charity looked directly at me with her big doe-like eyes. “Yes.”

  “So you’re telling me if the situation was reversed, that if your dad had come to you and asked you to help him, you would have turned him down and turned him in?”

  Charity couldn’t look me in the face. “I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know.”

  “Be honest,” I said.

  “Fine. Yes, I probably would have done like you. I wouldn’t have said anything. But it still doesn’t make what you did right!”

  “I understand that, baby. That’s all I wanted you to see. I wanted you to see that this was an unusual situation. I really had no choice but to do what I did. Was I wrong? Absolutely. Should I have said something to you? Yes. But what would have happened?”

  “My father would be free,” she responded.

  “Yes, maybe,” I said.

  “There is no maybe. If we knew Jason was still alive, Dad would not be locked up. He would be home with us now. For that I’m having a hard time forgiving you.” Charity looked at me with teary eyes. “This may be the last time we’ll be together,” she said.

  “Charity, you don’t mean it.”

  One of her hands touched the side of my face. “I love you. That I can’t deny. But I can’t be with you. Not after all of this.”

  I fell down to the floor on my knees. I wrapped my arms around her legs. Men weren’t supposed to be weak. But I wasn’t concerned about my ego. I wasn’t too proud to beg. Wasn’t too proud for her to see me in tears.

  “Charity, I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”

  She tried to push me away, but I wouldn’t let go of her legs.

  “If you leave me, I will die.”

  “Omar, no you won’t. Get up. You’ll be fine.”

  I stood near her. Charity didn’t hit my hand when I used one of my hands to wipe the tears from her face. I grabbed her in my arms and kissed her. Not a gentle kiss but a passionate one. I kissed her like my life depended upon it. I wanted Charity to feel how much I loved her. I wanted her to see that our bond couldn’t be broken. Yes, the circumstances were bad, but it didn’t mean we had to end.

  I pulled down her pants and removed them and her panties. I held her buttocks with my hands and made love to Charity with my mouth. I turned her around and she was now facing the wall. I eased inside of her from the back. I bit down on the back of her neck as I pounded into her wet flesh. We climaxed together as sweat dripped down both of our bodies.

  Charity turned around and faced me. She put her clothes back on while I did the same. She bit her bottom lip. She stood in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her. Charity laid her head on my shoulder and cried. I cried along with her.

  “Baby, it’s going to be all right,” I said, although I knew things between us would never be the same.



  I decided to let Jason sit in the garage all night long. I stayed at the kitchen table. Lovie and I took turns keeping watch in case Jason figured out a way to slip out of the handcuffs. I had Lovie place some tape over his mouth since Jason failed to keep his mouth shut.

  I rubbed the back of my sore neck. I dozed off several times at the kitchen table. Lovie had suggested for me to go get in the bed, but I refused to leave him down there by himself.

  The sun peeking through the kitchen window awakened me. It was a new day and now we had to deal with the problem in the garage.

  Lovie’s head was down on the table. He was snoring and I really didn’t want to wake him but had no choice. I gently shook his shoulder.

  “What!” He shot straight up in his chair.

  “Dear, we need to check on our invited houseguest,” I said.

  Lovie stretched and yawned. “So what do we do from here?”

  “We’re going to bring him back into the house. Sit him at the table and I need you to record his confession.”

  My plan sounded simple. Lovie left but instead of returning, I heard him yell. “Help. He’s passed out.”

  I ran out into the garage. “Hit him,” I said.

  Lovie hit Jason, but he didn’t wake. Lovie hit him again. He still didn’t move. His head remained limp.

  “Get him loose. Bring him into the house.”

  I ran to the stairwell and yelled out. Hope came to the top of the steps. “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Jason. Do you know CPR?” I asked.

  “No, but I know who should,” she responded. “I’ll get Omar.”

  “Bring him to the kitchen.”

  I returned to the kitchen just as Lovie placed Jason on the floor.

  Omar, with Charity and Hope behind him, rushed into the kitchen. “What happened?” Omar asked.

  “He’s not breathing is all I know,” Lovie said.

  “He still has a pulse,” Omar said. “Move out of the way,” he said to Lovie.

  We stood around him as he performed CPR on Jason. One part of me wanted Jason to really be dead because of all of the problems he’d caused my family, but we needed him alive in order to save my husband, so I said a silent prayer that what Omar was doing would revive him.

  I thanked God when I heard Jason cough.

  “What happened?” I heard Jason say.

  “Dad, you passed out,” Omar said.

  “It was hot in there. I told them it was too hot to be leaving me,” he said as he looked around with us all staring down at him.

  “Get him up,” I demanded.

  Lovie assisted Omar in getting Jason situated. They sat him in the chair.

  “Y’all almost killed me,” Jason spouted off at the mouth.

  “Don’t make me regret having Omar revive you,” I said.

  I looked at Lovie. He pulled out his cell phone and got in position.

  I sat in the chair right across from Jason.

  I looked at my girls and then at Omar. “I think it’s best that you all leave us alone.”

  “We can’t leave you alone with this monster,” Hope said.

  “Lovie will stay. Y’all go ahead. Don’t let Omar leave or use the phone,” I said.

  Charity said, “Mom, Omar’s on our side.”

  “Since when?” I threw my hand in the air out of frustration. “I’ll deal with you and him later. Now go.”

  They cleared the room. “Now back to you.”

  Jason coughed. “Can I have some water?”

  “Lovie, get the man something to drink.”

  Lovie went to the cabinet and got a cup and then water out of the faucet. He placed the cup in front of him.

  Jason downed the water fast. “Some more, please.”

  “That’ll be it for now. You’ll get some more when you answer some of my questions,” I said.

  “When I get out of this, you will pay,” Jason said.

  I laughed. “You’re talking a lot of noise for a man with very few options.”

  “Omar’s a trained police officer. He loves me. Do you actually think he’s going to let you get away with this? I know my son. He’s probably planning something now.”

  “You may know your son, but I recognize a little bit about him too. He loves Charity. Don’t like that fact, but he does. And his love for her will trump his love for you. It already has.”

  “Never. You’ll see.” Jason winked his eye.

  “I was going to have Lovie give you some more water, but I don’t like yo
ur attitude. Maybe I’ll change my mind if you answer a few questions. Number one, whose body was that in the fire?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” he responded.

  “You have to know. Two men brought the body and you opened up your back door and let them in. So Jason, I’m going to ask you once more, whose body was that?” I stared him in the face without blinking.

  “The man was already dead when they brought him there,” Jason said.

  “Who? Who helped you?” I asked.


  “You just said ‘they’ who is ‘they’?” I asked. My patience was running thin with him.

  “I’m not bringing anyone else into this.”

  “Jason, it’s too late for that. Omar’s knee deep in it.”

  “I will tell you everything you want to know, but you have to promise me one thing,” Jason said.

  “Mom, don’t make a deal with the devil,” Lovie said.

  “Let me hear him out.” I looked at Jason. “I’m going to listen and then I’ll decide on whether or not I will agree.”

  “Mom,” Lovie pled.

  “I’ve got this,” I assured him.

  Jason sighed. “I will make a full confession if you promise me that it will not get out that Omar assisted me.”

  “I can’t promise you that,” I replied.

  “Then, my lips are sealed. I guess Royce and I might end up being cell mates.”

  Jason stared at me with his cold beady eyes.

  “Fine. But this is the only compromise I will make. I will make sure that none of us reveal the fact that Omar helped you while you were pretending to be dead.” I leaned back in my chair with my arms crossed. “It’s confession time. We’re waiting.”



  I stared at Lexi while she talked and acted all bad, like she was the one in control, but she wasn’t in control.

  If me being alive could free Royce, I would be at the police station now, but there was more. They needed me and if they wanted to free Royce, they would have to give in to my demands.

  I must admit that I hadn’t been the best father in the world. Although I was upset at him by siding with the Joneses, Omar had been a good son to me. He had done whatever I had asked him to do. When I had asked him to have a dead body brought to my place, he made it happen. I didn’t ask how, but he did.

  When I told him later that I hadn’t really died in the house fire, he didn’t turn me into his buddies. He assisted me in any way I needed him to. The only thing he didn’t do that I asked him to was stop seeing Charity. His love for her had placed me in this current situation.

  I’d never told him this, but his mom was the only woman that I loved. I’d been with a lot of women over the years, but Omar’s mom held a special place in my heart. I’d promised her as she lay dying in my arms that I would protect Omar. I had failed him in his teen years, so I couldn’t fail him now. I would have to go to jail for faking my death. Because of my love for Omar’s mom, I would make sure that he didn’t go along with me.

  Lexi tapped her foot under the table. “Jason, we don’t have all day. I will make sure that none of us bring Omar into this, if you make a full confession.”

  “I don’t know if I should trust you,” I admitted.

  “You can say what you want to about us Joneses, but not being trustworthy isn’t one of them.”

  “You’ve always thought you were better than other folks. You’re from the west side. You grew up right over the tracks,” I said.

  “Stop delaying and tell me what we need to know.” Lexi faced Lovie. “Record this. I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding later.”

  Lovie held his phone in the air.

  Lexi said, “Wait, I’ll be right back.”

  Lexi returned a few minutes later with a newspaper. She removed it from the plastic and handed it to me. She said, “Hold it up.”

  Lovie aimed his camera at me. He walked closer and zoomed in on the paper.

  Lexi said, “State your name.”

  I said, “I’m Jason Milton.”

  Lexi instructed, “Hold the paper up. Lovie, get another good shot.”

  I looked up at Lovie directly into his camera and said, “I, Jason Milton, am alive as you can see. The paper I’m holding in my hands will show you today’s date. I faked my death to save my life. I’d been receiving death threats from an unknown person and thought the only way to ensure my safety was to fake my death. Royce Jones was a friend of mine and had nothing to do with my death. Nor is he behind any of the death threats I’d received. I am asking that you release him as soon as possible.”

  Lovie stopped recording. “Who else wants you dead besides us?” Lovie asked.

  “It was you, wasn’t it?” I asked. A light bulb went on in my head. All of my money that went missing was because of Lovie. Had to be. He was the only person I knew smart enough to do it. No one else would have been able to figure out my account information and passwords.

  Lovie smiled. “Checkmate.”

  I jumped out of my chair, but I was weak and fell back down. “You had no right to touch my money.”

  Lexi kicked me.

  “Ouch,” I said.

  “I gave Lovie the permission to return all of the money you stole from your clients back to them. In fact, some of your clients have no idea that you stole from them. So consider yourself lucky.”

  “Lexi, you need to stay out of my business. That was millions of dollars. Lovie, I hope you’re prepared to deal with the aftermath of what you’ve done.”

  “No, Uncle Jason. I hope you’re prepared. Because as soon as you’re arrested, it’s going to come out how you stole money from your clients. Are you ready? Because we both know that some of your clients aren’t the reputable type?”

  “This wasn’t part of our agreement,” I said.

  Lexi said, “We only agreed not to incriminate Omar along with you. We never agreed on not sharing your underhanded business practices with the police.”

  I wanted to reach across the table and grab Lexi around the neck and not let go until I choked her last breath from her body.

  Lovie said, “And what about Mr. Franklin?”

  Lexi added, “And Diana. You killed them, didn’t you?”

  “I’m not admitting to that. I am guilty of faking my death. That’s the only thing I’m admitting to.”

  “That’s enough. Lovie will show them the video of your confession. They’ll have to do their own homework in reference to those things,” Lexi said.

  “So you do have a heart?” I asked.

  “No. It’s not about you at all. I’ve done enough of their work. If they want to link you to those other murders, it’s up to them to do it. I’m through with it. All I want is my baby home with me.”

  The doorbell rang. Lexi got up. “Jason, can’t say this reunion has been nice.”

  “Lexi, who is it?” I asked.

  “We’ll both see in a minute.”

  Two uniformed officers walked in. Hope followed behind them.

  One of the officers asked, “Are you Jason Milton?”

  I remained quiet.

  Lexi said, “Yes, that’s him. That’s him right there.”

  “Jason Milton, you are under arrest for fraud. You have the right to remain silent.” The officer read me my Miranda rights.

  “Lexi, this isn’t over!” I yelled as they took me out in handcuffs.



  I tossed and turned on the cot. I didn’t sleep well last night and couldn’t sleep now.

  One of the guards said, “Jones, you’ve got a visitor.”

  This wasn’t one of my regular visiting days, so it must have been Mitch. I got off the bunk, slipped on my shoes and followed the guard to the private visit
ing room. The guard opened the door and I walked in.

  My entire family and Mitch were standing inside, catching me off guard.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked.

  Lexi ran over to me and wrapped her arm around my neck. My hand automatically wrapped itself around her. “Baby, you’re coming home.”

  I blinked my eyes a few times and when I opened them, they were all still standing there. I wasn’t dreaming. This was real. “Mitch, is this true?”

  “Royce, you’re a free man. We’re just waiting on the warden to finish with your release papers.”

  Tears that I’d been holding back for the last two months flowed down my face. Each one of my kids came over to me and hugged me. Lexi stood by my side with a smile on her face.

  Lovie reached from behind the table. “Thought you could use this.”

  Lexi said, “It’s one of your favorite suits.”

  “Are they going to allow me to take this?” I asked Mitch.

  “The guard’s aware that you’re being released.”

  “I’ve got a few things I have in my cell that I want to get and I’ll be right back,” I said.

  I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. The smile on my face reached from ear to ear.

  The guard said, “Jones, I heard you got your walking papers.”

  “Yes, indeed. I’m about to clean out my cell and I’ll change in there.”

  In less than fifteen minutes, I was dressed and had the few items I wanted to take with me in a bag and back near the visiting station. The guard looked at me and said, “I knew you were innocent.”

  “I did too, but didn’t know if I would ever see my freedom,” I admitted.

  “You’re a good man.” The guard shook my hand. “Here are your papers. You’re free to go.”

  I took the papers and walked into the room. “Let’s go. I’ve got them.” I waved the papers in the air.

  Mitch opened the door. Lexi and I walked down the long hall, hand in hand.

  We walked out of the front door. I stopped and closed my eyes. I said a quick prayer. I inhaled the fresh air. We stepped around the corner into flashing lights. Cameras were flashing and reporters with microphones were walking over to us. Mitch walked around me and tried to push them away.


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