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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 8

by Reese Madison

  She’s also excellent in bed. Watching her start kissing and making out with Eve reminds me all too well. My body too. I moved around to gather Eve’s hair. I put it in a long blonde braid taking my tome to steal gentle kisses off her shoulder.

  Myk sat back giving me room to work my way around to Eve’s soft swollen lips. She melted quickly like Myk does when I kiss her. I helped her down to her back so we can enjoy our kiss while my hand does a little exploring.

  Myk tapped my arm so I begrudgingly broke my kiss with Eve and looked over my shoulder for her. “Problem?”

  “No.” She crooked her finger at Eve. “Sit up for a second.”

  Eve did as she was told. “Are you mad?”

  “Not at all. I just want to make sure you’re okay. If you decide you don’t want this just say stop, and we stop.” Myk is definitely worried about how Eve is going to handle this.

  Eve pulled her shirt and bra off in one move and tossed it over Myk’s head. “I know that. I don’t want to stop. You were right about his kiss.” She thumbed to me. “Amazing.”

  Myk tugged on the ankles of her pajama pants. “I had to check.” She looked at me now. “Go easy.”

  “You know I will.” I pretended to sneer at her for even having to ask, then looked to Eve who is laying back down giving me a beautiful view of her baby-chick-smuggling breasts. “Hello.”

  She laughed and let her fingers play and pull in my hair while I ravaged her full soft warm body. Myk is hanging back, but she’s here. She steals kisses and caresses Eve in places I’m not.

  Eve came hard twice on my fingers before I moved up to put myself in that tight channel that’s so wet I wish I had a biscuit to sop it up and relish in my mouth.

  I stopped as my tip played carefully at her opening. Her big brown eyes blinked up at me. “Hi.” She ran her hands over my shoulders and down my arms.


  She nodded eagerly then pulled me back down for a hard kiss.

  I let my weight slowly drop effectively sinking myself into her body. She moaned as I pushed her apart. Holy shit she’s tight. Wow. The last time I hurt this good was Myk’s first time. Holy shit she’s probably just as tight after all these years.

  The idea of having them both, first one, then the other and back again, unmanned me almost immediately. I pressed my forehead into the pillow behind her head. “Shit.”

  She giggled hugging me tight with both arms and legs. “Problem Cord?”

  “Yeah, but it’s a damn good problem.” Her laughter shook through her body and vibrated right down to my balls. “Whoa. Don’t laugh. Fuck.”

  That just made her laugh harder.

  Good grief what have I gotten myself into. I forced my thoughts right back to what got me here and felt my harden against the sweet pain. This time I made love to her slow and gentle, and a lot longer. Okay, well, as long as I could take it. Maybe half an hour? I don’t know. Time is losing it’s meaning right about now.

  Mykela Colson

  The day became about Eve, as it should. Cord and I will re-seal our deal later. We still have a few wrinkles to iron out. Plus I need a few minutes for all this to set in.

  Everything is different now. Eve lost her shyness completely and began acting like she truly belongs. That took a huge weight off my shoulders. I have to use Cord’s phone to handle my shit back home before I can totally relax. I have patients I’m worried about so I have to make a lot of calls to make sure they’re being taken care of properly.

  I’m borrowing Cord’s office to make these calls now. Actually I’m on hold waiting for my boss to confirm all said patients have been properly placed with long-term GP’s or whatever they need. I don’t like loose ends.

  Cord burst in and looked at the phone in my hand. “You on hold?”

  “For a minute. Why?”

  “Eve wants to go sledding.”

  I rolled my eyes. “She never could sit still. Give me ten minutes.”

  “You’re going?” He looked at me funny.

  “You don’t want me to?”

  “No, I mean, yes. I want you to come, but last time I asked you to do something fun you told me to grow up.”

  “You still need to grow up. Ten minutes Cord. Stop trying to shrink my head.” I scolded him. All this happiness is getting on my nerves.

  “Grump.” He pulled the door shut behind him.

  After being dumped off the ‘sled’ four times I stepped back and let the children play while warming up to a tumbler of whiskey by a fire Cord had built earlier. The heat feels good as it starts to snow again.

  Watching these two almost made me laugh out loud a few times. After about the fifteenth time they train-wrecked down the hill Eve didn’t have the strength to walk up the hill again.

  Cord tried to pick her up but they both ended up ass deep in the snow. I jumped on the Gator and went to retrieve the giggling idiots. “Are you two done?” I asked as they piled in shaking snow everywhere.

  “Oh my god that was fun. Thank you guys for indulging me. I promise not to bug you for a while.” Eve panted.

  “Bug all you want.” Cord flicked snow on me and into my drink before stealing it. “No drinking and driving.” He downed my whiskey.

  “Hey! What about me??” Eve asked.

  I reached under the seat and handed him the bottle. “Pour her a drink you selfish prick.”

  “My bad.” He poured her a full glass, stole a sip, then handed it back. “Sorry babe.”

  “I was just messing with you, but I’ll take it.” She took the drink and a couple sips before I put the vehicle in gear. “Ahhhh. I think I’ll make a pizza tonight. Just seems like a pizza kind of night.”

  “Works for me.” Cord agreed.

  Cord’s phone chimed on the console between us so he picked it up to read the email. “This one’s for you Myk. Ah shit. Peter pinged your emails. He knows where you are. He says he’s looking forward to seeing you both in the spring.”

  “I had a feeling that might happen. I’ll take care of him as soon as the weather breaks.” I assured them.

  “The hell you will.” They sang angrily at the same time.

  I ignored their pestering after that. There’s no sense in arguing with brick walls. I’m going to do what I’m going to do and they’re going to get over it. My silence eventually earned me the silent treatment until dinnertime.

  Cord broke the silence by throwing a slice of mushroom at me. It landed smack between my tits and stuck before sliding down leaving a trail of sauce. “I know what you’re doing Myk.”

  I plucked the mushroom up and ate it before Eve arrived on scene to lick up the sauce. Obviously she’s not too mad at me. “Thank you dear.” I kissed her lips before she sat back.

  “Don’t change the subject Eve.” He scolded her.

  She stuck her tongue out at him earning an eye roll.

  I shook my head. “Just eat.”

  “If you go, I go.” Cord finally said it.

  “You’re staying here with Eve. I can’t focus if I’m worried about her.” I shoved a big bite in my face hoping the subject changes before I swallow.

  “Nope. I won’t sit back while you trash our lives. This isn’t open for debate ladies. Eat your dinner.” He sat back and picked up the remote.

  I shrugged and looked at Eve who is looking at me like she wants to rip my head off. “What?”

  “Take Cord with you. I know I can’t stop you. I know I can’t talk you out of this, but I can send him to make sure you’ve got back up. I’ll have Larry stay with me. Or better yet I’ll go down and stay with him and his wife. They can put me to work. If Peter shows up I’ll be surround by people.”

  “Stop it Eve. I’m not taking Cord. He’s your best protection.” People really need to stop arguing with me. I know what I’m doing.

  “I don’t want to ruin our day, so I’ll drop it for now, but this isn’t over.”

  I shoved more pizza in my mouth so what I’m thinking doesn’t manifest int
o audible words that will inevitably get me in even more trouble than I’m already in.

  After dinner I cleaned up the dishes so I could do shots and make myself tired enough to sleep for a few hours. Spending the day outside in the cold being physically beaten up by the snow and cold helped me fall asleep about two seconds after laying down on the couch with my head on Eve’s lap.

  Cord must have carried me off to bed. I rolled finding the bed empty and groaned. “You guys suck!!” Leave me here all by myself. Jerks. I like waking up with my wife’s warm curves. Maybe if I go back to sleep she’ll come back.

  Eve bounced into the room and landed on the bed with her newfound cheer. “About time you woke up. Do you want a waffle?”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Almost six hours. Cord says it’s probably a record. I agree.”

  “Where is he?” I pulled her down into a spoon.

  “Checking on the animals. I wanted to go but he told me to be here in case you woke up.” She explained.

  “He knows I don’t like waking up alone.” I told her as my hands found warmth under her shirt.

  “Are you really going to do it?”

  “Do what?” I have a handful of soft warm breasts begging for my undivided attention so my brain went blank.

  “Kill him.” She rolled giving me full access to get those clothes off.

  “Drop it Eve. I’m going to do what I’m going to do, and you’re going to do what I tell you.” As soon as I said them I knew those words would come back to bite me.

  Sure enough she smacked the side of my head as I worked my way down. “I hate you.”

  “I know baby. I know.” I also know how to push her buttons. Cord has his ways, I have mine. Poor Eve. Between the two of us she’s going to be annoyed with one or both of us more than not, but she’ll be well compensated in this bed.

  Her second cry of passion came with a sharp smack to my ass.

  I know who it is and wasn’t surprised when the sheet disappeared despite my protests. “Busy here. Go away.”

  “I don’t think so.” Cord slid up behind me lifting my hips. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  I’m already wet just from being with Eve so he was able to slid in with little resistance. Eve and I don’t use toys very often, so we’re probably tighter than what he’s used to. I gave up trying to get her going again and slid up to kiss and suckle her breasts while Cord found his place behind me.

  Things got a little fuzzy after that. Bodies twisted, positions changed, and orgasms were flung about followed by random laughter for who knows how long. I remember falling asleep in some strange place on the bed with Eve tucked under my arm. I think Cord is facing the other direction sound asleep on his stomach.

  Which is how I found him a while later when his phone kept ringing. I poked his butt with my foot. “Wake up idiot. Your phone is ringing.”

  “Shoot it.”

  “I can’t, you locked your fucking guns in the safe.”

  “Oh yeah.” He slid off the bed then unfurled into a stretch making him even more beautiful than he already is. “Where is the damn thing?”

  “Living room.” I pulled the comforter up over my head and debated whether or not I have to pee bad enough to get up now or after a nap.

  “Mykela!!!” Cord yelled from the hall. “Get up!! NOW!” He grabbed my arm and pulled me over Eve and to my feet shoving his phone in my face. “Lopez just passed out. His wife can’t find a pulse.”

  “Shit.” I made sure she was on speaker then began talking her through the routine. It took until Cord got the truck pulled up for me to get her doing chest compressions.

  Eve has my bag in the backseat while Cord slips and slides on roads long buried in snow. Even with her seatbelt on she hit her head on the window. “Ow.”

  I reached back and took her hand to help hold her from being tossed around so bad.

  Cord glanced into the rear view mirror. “Sorry. You okay.”

  I batted his shoulder. “Just drive. I got her.”

  He spun out again and cussed. “I need a real fucking plow.” The one on the front of his truck is causing more visibility problems than it is making the road more passible.

  “I’ll buy you one if you get us there in one piece.” I promised wondering how much a Tonka Toy of that size really costs.

  He ran over what I think is just a misplaced log before the truck whipped around to a stop. I grabbed my bag from Eve and headed towards the light on the front porch. I can’t see the steps so I tripped twice before crashing through a now open door.

  I shoved the old man’s poor wife out of my way. Her yelling went right over my ER trained brain. When I slammed the long needle into his chest to jumpstart his heart she screamed and passed out.

  Fortunately Cord and Eve took her out of the room so my patient could focus on breathing for me. “There he is. Take it easy.”

  “Wife.” He choked out.

  “She’s fine, but she might need to change her bloomers. You scared the shit out of her.”

  He laughed and coughed, both good things to keep his heart going.

  “Good boy. Let’s prop you up a little and get this breathing under control. How do you feel?”

  “Like a truck parked on my chest.”

  “That sounds about right. Steady your breaths for me while I listen to what’s going on in here.” I put my stethoscope to his chest and then his back. “I’m going to thaw out the clinic, then we’re going to run some tests. What did you eat today?”


  Mykela Colson

  Four hours later I grabbed the bottle of whiskey from behind the bar and began shedding clothes on the way to the bathtub. In about six hours I’m going to be putting a pacemaker in a man’s chest. The only reason I’m not doing it right now is because I’m too tired to see straight. That and the makeshift operating room is being sterilized at the moment.

  It’s bad enough I had to cobble up a pacemaker from spare parts around here, but I can’t install it properly either. I’m going to have to insert a port and tape the damn thing to his hip. As soon as the weather clears Cord and Larry will fly him down into the city to be properly taken care of by a real hospital.

  I already have a list of shit we need up here. That list just got a lot longer. I want to fly down with Cord, but he insisted the Paramedic would have to do. He doesn’t trust me not to sneak off and hunt down Eve’s psychotic brother Peter. I don’t blame him. The only reason I’m not arguing with him is because if I go down there and start hunting the piece of shit down he’ll have to fly back up here alone.

  There’s still a few months left of shitty weather to go, and I don’t want to leave Eve for that long. Peter can wait until spring. I hope. If he uploads those pictures it will devastate Eve. Because her brother humiliated her over and over and over again growing up, she’s very sensitive about her appearance. That’s why she always looks so put together. That’s why she always seems so giddy and happy.

  The first shrink she saw after they took her brother away the first time told her she had two choices. Be sad and wallow in the hurt, or choose to be happy. Choose not to let his actions define her. He reminded her of her freedom now and encouraged her to make the most of her life now, and leave the past where it belongs. In the past.

  I have to admit she’s pretty damn good at it. I wish I could do the same, but I have intense cravings for power and control. My anger fuels my need to make evil people pay. I’ve never killed an innocent like my father. I’ve taken their bodies apart and made sure there were no remains ever to be found, but I’ve never taken an innocent’s life.

  My victims were child molesters for the most part. The rare exceptions are people like that affluenza dickhead. Unfortunately his case is too high profile. Even if I could get close to him I doubt I could get my hands on him. They lost that fucker once, they won’t risk losing him again, dead or alive. Bodies leave evidence, that’s why you dispose of the bodies.

  Cord and Eve j
oined me as I started the water. Eve popped her butt up on the counter between the two sinks. “Nice work Doc.”

  “You too. Thanks for taking care of Wendy. She was only going to make things worse.” I yawned, took a drink from the bottle, handed it to Cord then dropped my shirt on his head.

  He pulled it down. “Is that all I am to you? A clothes rack?”

  “Yes. You’re a giant tree, might as well be useful.” I teased as he sat on the toilet.

  He made room for me to sit on his leg while I took my boots off. “I’ve never seen you in action before. Not like that anyway.”

  “Cord!” Eve scolded him.

  “You know what I mean.” He replied as I stood kicking out of my jeans.

  “To be honest I just want that bottle back and for you two to give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts. Oh, Eve, can you do me a huge favor and find me something to eat?” I don’t like asking her to do this kind of domestic crap, even though she loves feeling useful.

  “Hot or cold?” She slid off the counter to her feet.

  “Hot please. Something with noodles and cheese if you can. I’m going to need the carbs for surgery in a few hours.”

  “You got it.” She skipped over and stole my face for a lingering kiss. When she let go I missed her touch already. “I’ll make you a spaghetti bake.” She was gone before I could blink twice.

  “She spoils you.” Cord handed me the bottle.

  I took a swig then handed it back and climbed in the tub to soak up to my neck as soon as the water catches up. “I know.” My whole body went numb as it thawed in the almost too hot water. “Holy fuck it’s cold up here.”

  “Yeah. We need to talk about this plow. I’m thinking it should have some medical gear on it too. My truck obviously isn’t going to cut it. Not from up here.” Most of the people live down in the valley. Only my husband had to have the castle built up into the side of the mountain.

  “Please stop talking.” If people could just shut up I could relax.

  “Would it kill you to be nice for once?”


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