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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 12

by Reese Madison

  I lunged at him just as he fired the gun. Now we’re falling. Rolling. Several rocks slammed into my body before things went black.

  The smell of a hospital woke me up. I cringed and grabbed the sheet hoping to filter the stench. No such luck.

  Someone squeezed my hand. “Go get Cord, she’s awake.” Is that Salina?

  My head hurts so bad I can’t open my eyes. “Where am I?”

  “Nowhere you want to be for long.” She assured me touching my forehead. “Take it easy, you lost a lot of blood.”

  I tried to shoo her hand away but my shoulder screamed in pain. “Ow fuck. What the hell??”

  “Easy now. The boys had a little more trouble with those Rangers than they were prepared for. You took a bullet in the shoulder and one in the foot. Congratulations Myk, for once someone cut into you instead of the other way around.”

  I forced one eye open and trained it on her. “Bitch.”

  She smiled, “Yup. Welcome back. We thought we’d lost you there for a while.”

  “You wish.” I managed to get my other eye open and blinked a few times trying to focus.

  That’s when Eve crashed into the room followed by a tall stoic Cord. “Myk!!!” Eve squealed as Sal stepped back out of the way. The pain of her impact was well worth the kisses.

  After a minute I had to call her off or cough in her face. “Easy babe.”

  She backed off too fast. “Sorry, I just… Myk you scared the shit out of me.”

  “What happened? Last thing I remember I was… in the woods?.” The memories are like scattered puzzle pieces, which is normal for patients waking up after trauma. “Peter. Please tell me on of you killed that piece of shit.”

  Eve sat on the side of the bed facing me. “We were too busy getting you and couple other guys out. Everybody is okay, but two of Cord’s men were shot.”

  “Jesus.” I motioned for her to come lay down with me for both our sakes.

  Cord is standing at the end of my bed with his arms crossed looking ten years older than yesterday.

  “Hi.” I said stupidly.

  He blinked slowly. “Hi.”

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He looked over at a man dressed like a doctor as he entered the room. “How long before we can take her home.”

  The doctor looked at me, then Eve, and back again. “She shouldn’t be in the bed with you.”

  “Wrong. She’s exactly where she belongs. When can I go home doc? As a doctor you’re going to want to get rid of me quickly before I turn into-“

  “The worst patient ever, yeah, got it.” He finished for me while reading my chart. “Let the nurses change your bandages and give you another round of antibiotics. You’ll take a Demerol shot before you go if you’re smart. I’ll leave the signed papers at the nurses station.”

  “Thank you.”

  He handed my chart to the nurse and looked at me. “Both GSW’s were clean through. The close range did some damage though. Take it easy, and don’t rip my stitches out unless you want ugly scars later.”

  “You’re telling me shit I already know Doc.” I accused him.

  “Obviously you don’t know how to not get shot.” He looked at Cord. “Do try to keep her out of any further danger Mr. Colson.”

  “I will. Thank you doctor, for everything.” Cord shook his hand and walked him out.

  I looked at Salina. “What’s up Cord’s ass?”

  “Peter made contact while you were in surgery. He promised this wasn’t over and would be in touch again. Joe seems to think his new Ranger buddies are keeping him hidden somewhere. We’re looking into it, but honestly, we have no idea where he is.” She explained.

  “I need to get Eve somewhere I can protect her better. My house in Scottsdale has a shit ton of security, and you’re just down the road. I need Slider’s help, again.” I closed my eyes afraid of her response.

  “We’re taking you home just as soon as you’re able to leave here. I’ll have Joe and Gunner make sure your house is really secure.” She put her hand on Cord’s arm turning to him now that he’s returned. “Make sure she gets some sleep. I’m going to make some calls.”

  “Thanks Sal.” He waited until she was gone to address me. “Pictures or no pictures, I want the cops in on this. Joe is working on tracing the call from Peter earlier, but he’s not holding out much hope. We need help to protect Eve, and you know it.”

  Eve sniffled. “Not right now Cord.” She snuggled into my good shoulder. “Let her sleep.”

  “Wait. Did I hear Salina right? Is everyone really okay?”

  “All except one Ranger, and since dead men can’t talk, we still have nothing.” He sat in the only chair in the small room to pinch his forehead. “Let’s just hope wolves ate the fucker before someone finds his body.”

  “Shit.” I cussed stroking Eve’s hair

  “Get some sleep.” He ordered.

  “Just let him release the damn pictures. Fuck it. I’ll stay off the computer and hide up in Montana.” Eve offered. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.”

  “He knows where we are now Eve, he’ll just regroup and come back. We need to keep him away from my valley. Those people aren’t equipped to handle anything more than a few rogue poachers.”

  “I’m so sorry Cord. This is all my fault.” Eve sniffled again and wiped at her face.

  “None of this is your fault sweetheart.” He beat me to it. “All of this is Peter’s fault. He’s a lot more dangerous than any of us expected. Now we know. Now we’ll get the authorities involved.”

  “You do that and the feebs are going to want that Ranger’s body.” I pointed out.

  “Probably.” He agreed.

  “I said no cops. I meant it.” I kissed the top of Eve’s head suddenly way too tired to talk about this anymore. “I need to sleep on it.”

  Meanwhile just north of Tucson Lars Colson has been released from prison having served his time for the murder of Mykela’s serial killer adopted father Machete…


  For the last three years I’ve lived on the road. My home is a small RV that barely sleeps me and my German Shepard. I got the dog to help keep people from messing with me. If anyone knew what a real slut he was they’d buy his loyalty with biscuits and rob me blind.

  His name is Theo, but I call him Thor when we’re out. Poor dog thinks he has eight names. Iggit. Dumbass. Stop Scratching. The list goes on. He’s my best friend and I wouldn’t trade him for the world.

  Thor did his business so I cleaned it up and headed back to my rig. We’re stopped at a rest stop because as smart as he is he can’t hoist his big ass up on a toilet.

  I unlocked the door and jumped back when Thor barked harsher than I’ve ever heard. “Whoa. Okay.” I pulled my gun and let go of the leash.

  Thor ran inside and kept barking with even more ferocity.

  “Shit.” I know someone is in there. The question is, what the fuck do I do? And no, calling the cops is not an option. The RV is registered under a fake name, along with the insurance. One swipe of my prints and I go back to prison.

  “Get the fuck out!” I yelled.

  Thor yelped and went silent.

  I lost my mind and ran inside to kill whomever hurt my dog, or worse.

  It took me a couple seconds to focus. When I did I lowered the gun. “What did you do to my dog?”

  “Nothing. He’s not stronger than me and he knows it. Put the gun down and get behind the wheel. Pick up a phone and I’ll kill you both.”

  “I’m not a taxi service. I’ll shoot you right now and roll your ass out the door. Get out.”

  He’s rubbing Thor’s neck. “You really want to go that way with this?”

  “What do you want?”

  “A ride. Drive. Now. You don’t want me to drive.” He assured me.

  “You running from the cops?”

  He tilted his big bald head and narrowed light blue eyes in the dark shad
ow of my bed. “This from the bitch who should have dialed nine-one-one two minutes ago?”

  “Get out.”

  He gripped Thor’s mane and held it firmly but not painfully. “Drive.”

  I thought for a moment then rolled my eyes. “Just remember I have the gun. Touch me and I’ll kill you.”

  “Just shut up and head north towards Phoenix.”

  I settled in behind the wheel and left the rest stop keeping one eye on the mirror for any sudden movements the entire time.

  He let Thor go once I pulled onto the highway. “I’m not into hurting women or animals, but I will if you fuck with me. Keep driving until I tell you to stop.”

  “Calm your tits. Sit down and tell my why you’re hijacking us.” I glanced back to see him slip in behind the table.

  “Just shut up and drive.”

  I slammed on the brakes essentially punching him in the gut with the table. “Want to try that again?”

  He didn’t react which told me a lot about his character.

  “If you’re running from the law I won’t help you. I will tell the cops you kidnapped me.” I informed him.

  “I thought I told you to shut up and drive.” He complained pinching his forehead.

  “There’s Tylenol in the cabinet over the sink. Be nice or I’ll sail you through the windshield.”

  “Do you ever shut the fuck up?!!” He snapped.

  I shrugged. “You’re the one in my house. Don’t like it, tuck and roll.”

  He got up and joined me by sitting down hard in the passenger seat. “You’re kind of an asshole. Put the gun away, I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I might be an asshole, but I’m not stupid. The gun stays put. What’s your deal?” I set the cruise control since the road is flat and there’s not many people out at this hour.

  “Some fucking hooker stole what was left of my money after lacing my drink with horse tranquilizers. I need you to take me to Apache Junction.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Men are such idiots. That’s what you get for messing around with cheap hookers. You better see a doctor, who knows what else you got in addition to the drug.”

  “I use protection.”

  “Oh, then I’m sure you’re fine.” I assured him sarcastically.

  “I don’t need your input.”

  “The tuck and roll option is still there for you whenever you want.” I reminded him with a nod to the door.

  “I was inside for almost nine years. Pussy is pussy when you don’t care to lead a bitch on and deal with the aftermath.” He explained simply.

  “Yeah, because the hooker worked out so much better than a broken heart and keyed car. Oh wait, you don’t have a car. Did she steal that too?” I laughed. “Wait, did you say ‘inside’? You were in prison?” Rut roe. He better not be an escapee. That could really muck things up for me.

  “If you could shut up for five minutes, and stop being such a bitch, I might not turn you over my knee and teach you some manners when we stop.”

  “HA!!” I coughed because that was so funny. “You can try, but you might want to line up a blood donor. I’m a retired military. The only thing that scares me about you is your stupidity.”

  “Just shut up and drive.” He yawned.

  I can’t help not being mad at the guy. He’s a dumbass, but then again nine years inside will rot your brain. I did two and had to get out for fear of losing my sanity. My escape was nothing short of pure epic luck. I’m known for being able to get out of tight spots so when they locked me up they put me in a high security federal pen. I shouldn’t have gotten out. My plan was good, but without the insane amount of luck bestowed upon me that night, it never would have worked.

  Maybe I don’t deserve to be out, but fuck those assholes. I did what I had to do. My god and I are fine. The rest of the world can kiss my ass.

  I turned up the radio resisting the urge to search for the song reflecting his mantra, Shut Up And Drive. I decided I needed to know his name before I start giving him shit. “What’s your name?”

  “All you need to know is where to drop me off.”

  “You better pay me back for gas money.”

  “Bitch, you’re lucky you’re not tied up in the bottom of a closet right now.”

  “And you’re lucky I don’t put a couple holes in your gut and roll you out that door.” Now he’s starting to get on my nerves. Don’t talk about closets. I’m claustrophobic after two years in a nine by twelve cell.

  My phone buzzed on the console. He snatched it up. “You can call them back.”

  “Who is it?”

  He looked at the screen. “Chris.”

  I held my hand out palm up. “I need that one. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything about you.”

  He eyed me suspiciously before dropping the phone in my hand. I swiped the screen with my thumb and tapped the speaker icon. “Hey dickhead, what’s up?”

  “I need a cook. Where are you?”

  “Tucson. Well, I’m leaving Tucson and headed up towards Phoenix. Can you wait a few days?” Chris runs a diner outside Seattle.

  “Can you be here tomorrow night?”

  “I could if I didn’t have to make a stop first.” I glanced at Lars. ”Do you still want me to come up?”

  “Get here as soon as you can.” He sounded beyond frustrated.

  “What happened to Leroy?”

  “He had a heart attack. It killed him in his sleep. You’re the only one that knows this kitchen as well as he did. I’ll pay you good money. There’s a huge festival here this weekend and I don’t want to lose customers by pissing people off with slow service from the kitchen. I need good reviews Angela. Help me out.” He begged.

  “Okay. Okay. Calm down. I’ll call you in the morning and let you know where I am.” Chris does pay pretty well. Might as well take get the money while I can.

  “Thank you. Oh, and I’m still seeing Paige, so be nice.”

  “You’re an idiot.” I hung up on him and dropped my phone in the door out of my passenger’s reach.

  “What’s he to you?”

  “A source of extra income.” Whom I sleep with on occasion when it suits me. If he ever gets married I’ll leave him alone, but he’s the one that comes sniffing around when I’m in town, not the other way around. His fidelity issues with his latest bimbos are not my problem. Although this last one is especially tarty. Her voice makes my skin crawl.

  “I’m going to go lay down. Keep driving, and keep the music down.” He turned to duck into the back stepping over Thor who doesn’t seem bothered one bit by our unexpected guest. Traitor.

  “Stay off my bed.” I watched through the mirror as he landed hard across my bed. Resisting the temptation to slam on the brakes to see if I can roll him to the floor was one of the more difficult things I’ve done.

  I even managed to keep the music down. Whoever he is he’s obviously a fuck up. Losing all your money to hookers? That’s pathetic. He’s got prison ink, which tells me I should be somewhat careful. He may not normally hurt women, but I’m kind of a dick. There’s a good chance he’ll make an exception if I push too hard.

  It wasn’t hard to find the street he wanted, but I didn’t know where he wanted to go exactly, so I pulled over to top off on gas again in hopes of waking him up.

  Sure enough he ducked outside while I was putting fuel in the tank. He looked around. “I’ll drive from here.”

  “HA!! No. Nice try.” I shoved my keys in my front jeans pocket.

  He removed my hand from the nozzle and tried to pin me to the side of my rig.

  I kneed him in the groin, head-butted him in the face, then punched him hard in the ribs making him buckle before ducking out of his reach. Ouch, he’s solid as a rock. My hand is going to hurt for days now. Lovely.

  He unfurled looking like a bald snake about to strike and hissed, “Bitch.”

  “Asshole.” I removed my gun from under my arm and pointed it at his groin. “Want to try this again?”
  “Get in the fucking truck before we both end up in jail.” He threw open the passenger door and sat carefully.

  I hung up the nozzle and climbed back in behind the wheel. “Which way?” I asked anxious to get rid of him.

  “Take a right out of here and take a right when I tell you to.” He touched his nose. “Fuck.”

  “Is it broken?”

  “You’re going to pay for this.” He threatened sounding stuffed up.

  “No, I’m going to drop you off and head north to cook greasy food and pad my checking account.” I corrected.

  “You’ll do what I tell you.” He opened the glove box and found a rag for his face. “Fucking bitch. You broke my damn nose.”

  I slammed on the brakes bouncing his face off the dashboard. “Call me a bitch again.” I dared him looking back as Theo made a disapproving half bark. If you’ve ever had a German Shepard you know they can all but talk when they want to. Theo is telling me he’s had enough with my brake checks already.

  He punched the dashboard cracking the dry vinyl then let out some kind of beastly growl. “After the next light pull into the fenced in area. Stop at the guard.”

  “Guard? Where are you taking me??” If I have to show ID for some military base I’m fucked. They won’t fall for my fake ID any more than a cop would if I were to be pulled over.

  “Exiles MC.” He looked at the blood on the already oil ridden rag then pulled the visor down to look in the mirror. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  “Don’t fucking manhandle me then.”

  “You shouldn’t drop the f-bomb so much, makes you sound like an idiot.” He schooled me before pulling on his nose making that gross wet cracking sound setting it back in place.

  “At least I’m not the idiot with a broken nose that’ll be sitting on a bag of frozen peas tonight.” I laughed. “Besides, you drop the F-bomb as much, if not more, than I do, so kettle black my friend. Kettle black.

  He didn’t say anything until the guard stuck his head in the frame of the window and looked around inside. “Tell Slider it’s Lars. I’m here to collect.”


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