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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 13

by Reese Madison

  The guy looked to Theo who is standing up between us anxious to see where he’s going to pee next and waved us in with a nod. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  I pulled off to the side so I can turn around once he gets out. “Adios muther fucker.” I sang eager to get back on the road and be done with his big ass.

  He reached over and stole my keys right from the ignition.

  I rolled my eyes. “I have spares. In fact, those are the spares.” Even if I can’t find the originals it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve hot-wired a vehicle.

  He slammed the keys on the floor and grabbed my arm. “Come with me.” He dragged me out the passenger door making me trip a couple times to keep from face-planting.

  “Let her go Lars.” A very large man with a long black goatee ordered once I righted myself. Lars huh? Different.

  “Fuck you Joe. Where’s Slider?” My vice grip barked. A biker named Joe, how original. Ten bucks there’s fifteen more just in that building over there. Hey look! A bar! I could use a drink.

  “On his way.” Joe replied looking me over. He held out his hand, “Gun.”

  “Ha! No.” I twisted my arm but couldn’t break free from Lar’s grip. He’s got hands bigger than two of mine, and I’m not a small woman.

  “You don’t want to pull that in here.” He warned lowering his hand.

  “No shit Sherlock. I’m not stupid enough to pull a gun in a gun shop full of bikers.” I sneered at him. Joe isn’t the enemy, the big idiot with his hand clamped around my arm is.

  Theo barked voicing his disapproval at being left behind in the truck.

  I thumbed over my shoulder. “He needs to take a piss.”

  “He’ll have to wait.” Joe replied.

  A woman with red hair and black leather biker jacket walked up looking back and forth between us. She settled on Lars and his grip on my arm. “Who’s your friend Lars?”

  “I didn’t ask. How long before I get my money?”

  Joe turned and motioned for us to follow him. “Salina is putting it together for you now. Doc’s inside, let him look at your nose.”

  We were ushered over and into the bar, thank god. I could use a drink. The redhead hooked me up with a glass of what she insisted was her favorite red wine. Lars hasn’t let go, but he did ease up on his grip.

  Doc turned out to be Doc’s daughter who evidently inherited his nickname along with position as the club’s doctor. She took her sweet time, which earned me another glass of wine and her an eye roll from me. Take him honey. Please. I beg you.

  A few minutes into my second glass of wine a large man with long salt and pepper beard, mostly salt, joined us about the time she finished cleaning Lars up. “What the hell happened to you?” The man asked standing directly in front of Lars and waved the doctor off.

  “Bitch bites.” He pulled me hard against his side making me juggle wine. “I need my money.”

  The older biker nodded a couple times. “I’ll give you another installment. Joe says you were robbed by a hooker.”

  “Joe talks too much.” Lars complained.

  Joe shot him a dirty look. “Want me to re-break that nose your little bitch broke?”

  “Joe.” The redhead scolded. “Go see if Salina has his money ready.” Then she looked at me. “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch. We can go walk your dog around back.”

  By the way, this bitch has a name. It’s Angela. I suggest you use it if you don’t want me to re-break your fucking nose.” I pointed to where the large man is holding my arm. “Rain check?”

  “Lars, let go. Remember where you are.” She doesn’t take these guys shit. I like her already.

  Lars tightened his grip and looked at Joe. “Reign in your wife.”

  “Yeah, because that works.” He complained. “Let go, she can’t leave until you give the word. Red will see to that.” Joe gave his wife a look that said she better cooperate.

  “Oh this is bullshit!” I yelled then covered my mouth as every head turned my way.

  “She doesn’t leave here.” Lars shoved me towards the Red.

  I rubbed my arm while giving him The Death Stare. “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing-“

  Red tugged on my sleeve. “Come on. It won’t do any good, trust me.”

  “What the hell is his problem?”

  She waited until we were far enough away not to be heard. “He spent nine years behind bars. I’m guessing that’s the root of it.” She topped off my wine.

  “What did he go up for?”

  “It’s his story to tell, not mine. What’s your story?” She topped off her wine and we headed out to get Theo. Hopefully he didn’t lose his bladder in my rig.

  I took a sip to gather my thoughts before giving her the short of the long. “Retired Ranger living on the road because people tend to get on my nerves. Lars being a perfect example since this morning.” I let Theo out and commanded him to heel.

  Red led the way around the side of the building and through a door in the tall chain link fence separating the compound form an open desert lot out back. “Let me guess, he jumped in your RV and demanded a ride?”

  “It was either drive of kill him. He’s not the only one that’s done time, and if cops start sniffing around I’ll end up back in. I’m not interested in going back inside.”

  She raised both eyebrows and dropped her chin towards her chest. “You running from the cops?”

  “It’s a little more complicated than that. I will tell you the further I stay off their radar, the better.” I explained without giving up too much information. Last time I checked bikers weren’t eager to get cops involved, so I’m not too worried about being turned in.

  Lars started walking toward us and crooked his finger at me.

  I laughed and turned my back to him. “I’m not his fucking dog.”

  “Careful, you wouldn’t be the first one to get leashed by a Colson and like it.” Her laugh was a little disturbing.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She showed me her wedding ring. “Joe moved in with me the minute he retired from the Marine Corps. We’ve been married five years with a two year old daughter. Wrangler all but moved in with Celeste. Jasmine crashed Fletcher’s pad, he put a literal collar and leash on her, not sure he’ll ever be the same. Poor guy. Then there’s Hayle. Don’t get me started on that one.” She waved it off. “Anyway, if a Colson sinks his teeth into a woman she doesn’t stand a chance. Trust me. I’ve seen them try and fail many times.”

  “The only interest he has in me is sitting over there in the parking lot. Can’t you give him a motorcycle or something?” I asked as Lars walked past us to throw a tennis ball for Theo. I wonder where he got that? Then again I doubt I’m the only one around here with a dog.

  “He has one. Slider won’t give it to him yet. Lars is a little unstable right now.” She explained before sipping her wine.

  “How long has he been out?”

  She thought for a moment. “About three months, give or take a week.” I swear I could see the light bulb go on over her head. “Hmm. Stay here. I need to run something by the Prez.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m about to step into a huge pile of shit?”

  “You may already have stepped in it honey.” She winked at me before going back over to the guys who have now moved outside to a handful of picnic tables.

  A minute later I’m being descended upon by bikers.

  Slider focused in on me. “I hear you take on odd jobs for extra money.”

  “The answer is no.” I don’t care what they want, I want out of here.

  “You don’t know the question.” He argued.

  “No offense, but I’m not interested. Besides, I have a job waiting for me up in Seattle.” I whistled for Theo to join me so we can leave.

  “Fifty thousand dollars for six months. Half now, half in six months. Keep him in line for that long, help him set up somewhere that he’ll have a chance of staying that way,
and I’ll give you the rest in six months from today.” He offered putting his hand out stopping me from leaving but not touching me. Theo growled.

  I put my palm in front of his nose so he wouldn’t make lunchmeat out of the old man. “Three months. Cash up front.” Hey, a girl can try.

  “Five months and you get half now and half when time’s up.” He countered.

  “Four months, half up front, and I go wherever I want. He has no say.” I’ll take the money and put it towards a new rig. Fuck it. That kind of money could buy me a lot more room for Iggit here.

  “Deal.” Slider offered me his hand to shake while keeping an eye on Theo.

  I started to reach for it when Joe chimed in. “One more thing, you take Lily. She needs a test run and Laney is stuck in Indianapolis.”

  “Who’s Lily? If there’s another passenger the price goes up.” Not that I have enough room for another passenger. Lars is going to have to sleep on the roof as it is.

  “Not a who, a what. She’s a technologically advance recreational vehicle.” He stopped when I looked at him like he’d just grown a third head. “You’ll see. Do we have a deal or not?” He asked looking back and forth between us.

  I looked at Slider who nodded.

  I shrugged. “FIne. Whatever. I hate to run, but a friend of mine is in desperate need of a cook this weekend. There’s a festival in town and his best guy just keeled over.” I explained so they don’t think I’m trying to pull anything tricky.

  Slider looked at Joe, “Where’s Lily?”

  “The firehouse. Sawyer is using her while they have that big charity thing over there for kids. He’s showing off their equipment and skill using her projection system up against the side of the firehouse.” He looked annoyed by this.

  “Get her cleaned up and over here. Have prospects move Miss Angela’s things over from her RV as soon as possible. And get Lars some clothes. And a shower. You stink.” He scolded Lars then looked back to me and pointed at my chest. “Let Red hook you up with some food before you go.” He took an envelope from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to me. “This here is a list of contacts you may find handy. Shit spins out of control you call the first person on the list closest to whatever town you’re in. Do me a favor and stay on this side of the Mississippi. We don’t have the reach over there that we do here.”

  “Yes sir.” I wasn’t being sarcastic as I took the envelope. The man has a way about him that seems to command respect. Plus he’s paying me now, so that kind of makes him my boss, doesn’t it?

  “Alright people, let’s move! Where’s my wife?? Bitch better not be snaking money and buying shoes again.” He looked around as he left us in his wake.

  Next thing I know Lars is in my face. “Come with me. Now.”

  I snatched my arm away and smacked him on the forehead with my envelope. “Stop ordering me around.”

  Red snorted, “HA!! Good luck with that one honey!!” She spun off back towards the picnic tables.

  I rolled my eyes and let the dirty look and impending size of this giant man coerce me back inside the bar via a side door and towards a hall behind a stage. “What are you doing?” I asked as I was backed through an open door.

  “Making sure you don’t take off while I take a shower. Stay where I can see you.” He locked the door to the bedroom behind us. It looks like a nice hotel room actually. A pretty nice hotel room for a biker joint. Not that I’ve been to many biker joints. In fact this is my first other than a few random bars.

  I sat back on the bed and picked up the remote. “Take your shower. Slider was right, you smell like shit.”

  He flicked me off before disappearing into the bathroom. Disappear might not be the right word. I got a glimpse of his ass even though I tried not to look. Not bad.

  Lars isn’t exactly what you’d call handsome. He’s probably three hundred and forty pounds of pure muscle on a six-foot-seven backbone. His bald head makes him look even more menacing. The scruff on his face could use a razor, but them again he’d look good with big old beard too. If there’s anything attractive about Lars, it’s his eyes. That light blue is mesmerizing. No man has ever made me want to stutter with a look, but his eyes are piercing. Like sharp blue daggers into the soul.

  I shook the lust-filled thoughts from my head and patted the bed for Theo to join me.


  Turns out Lily is a giant RV from hell. She sounds like Siri when you ask her questions. It’s a cool rig, just too big. Well, it would have been too big except for the fact that one of its passengers takes up too much real estate for us to live together for four months in my little RV.

  I made Lars drive so I can unpack and get things situated like I want. When I finished I sat down at the table to watch the world go by. It’s nice not having to drive for a change. Theo has decided the couch is his new bed and stretched out along the length of it.

  Lars looked up into the mirror for me. “What exactly did Slider hire you to do?”

  “Play taxi and keep you out of trouble. I guess he doesn’t want to see you land back in prison.” I lifted the lid on my laptop.

  “And how the hell does he expect you to do that?”

  “Look in the mirror and ask me that again.” I laughed.

  “You’re just a woman. One who needs a very hard spanking for catching me off guard and busting my face. You didn’t need to overreact like you did Angela.” He schooled me.

  “I’m not going to engage in verbal warfare with you Lars. In your own words, shut up and drive.” He hit the brakes but I was already expecting that and braced myself. “So much for not hurting women.” I laughed.

  “There are exceptions to every rule.”

  “Yeah well, if you try to hurt me again you better sleep with one eye open.”

  “Usually do.” He hit the turn signal.

  “What are you doing? We’ve only been on the road for a couple hours.”

  “And I need to take a wicked piss. Then you need a spanking. That’s going to be the highlight of my fucking week.” He decided.

  “Your attempt will be nothing short of amusing.” I clicked on the club’s website because I found them fascinating. Not only did the prospects move everything over, but they promised to fix up my old rig by the time I get back. Evidently Lars is important to them. I want to know why.

  Lars parked the RV at a truck stop and got up to walk to the back to take his wicked piss. After emptying the tank a few times he’ll learn to walk over to the public restroom and make use of those more than not. On his way back he stopped to look over my shoulder. “Looking for something?”

  “Just research. Somehow I doubt you’re going to tell me why you spent nine years behind bars. Lars. Bars. That’s just wrong. You should change your name.” He smacked the back of my head. “Ow!” I rubbed my head but didn’t retaliate. I deserved that one.

  We stopped that night in Vegas because I won’t drive this thing at night, not yet, and we’re both getting hungry again. I put one of Red’s lasagnas in the oven to heat up while I took a shower. Lars took his new best friend Theo for a walk.

  I took my time in the bathroom because it’s luxurious compared to what I’m used to. The shower might not have been as long as what you can take in a hotel, but it was nice not to have to pack and unpack all my toiletries for a change.

  When I finally emerged I found Lars on the couch with a beer flipping channels. Men. I’ll have to help him find some work once we set up camp in Seattle.

  He saw me and looked over before pointing to my laptop on the table. “What do you want to know? The media jacked my shit all to hell. Reading that shit won’t give you the truth.”

  I shrugged and went for a beer. “There’s only one real question. Would you do it again?”


  “Did you have proof?” He killed a supposed serial killer. The cops were a little vague about whether the guy was or wasn’t because well, he was dead. Actually I’m not sure why that didn’t play more to Lars
’s defense, but like he said, the media probably jacked his shit.

  “I thought you said one question.”

  “I said one real question, not just one question.” I leaned my butt on the armrest at the opposite end of the couch after bending down to give Theo a good ear scratching. He’s panting so I know he had a good walk. Hopefully Lars ran with him some to blow off idle puppy energy. Not that he’s a puppy anymore at five years old.

  “I was under orders from my club. I didn’t need proof.” Lars replied proudly.

  “Not the question. Did you see proof this man was a serial killer?”

  “The proof is alive and well in his daughter whom he trained to do the same. She’s some kind of master surgeon at some prestigious hospital in Phoenix. Her juvie records are sealed so only a few of us know who she really is.”

  I cringed, “That has to suck to live with.” I conceded knowing it’s hard enough to live with all the shit I’ve done in the name of my government and freedom for my country.

  “I wouldn’t know.” He pushed up off the couch and stepped over planting his hands on my hips. Blue panty-dropping eyes looked into my boring hazel ones. “I do know one thing.”

  I braced myself but somehow I know he’s not really going to hurt me. “What’s that?”

  “You have exactly two choices to make in the next thirty seconds. You either let me kiss you without biting me, or I turn you over my knee for breaking my nose.”

  I snorted beer through my nose. “Wait-what? I’m not kissing you!!”

  “Wrong answer.” After a full two minutes and a good struggle he finally got the better of me and pinned me against the wall like I was under arrest. I vowed to kill him slowly when he yanked my sweats down and smacked my ass. “That’s for breaking my nose.” He smacked my ass again. “That’s for slamming on the brakes busting my face.” The third one hurt. “That’s for kneeing me in the nuts.” Then he grabbed a handful of my right ass cheek and squeezed shoving me harder against the wall. His breath warmed my ear. “That’s simply because I want to.”

  “I’m going to kill you in your sleep.” I threatened knowing that would cost me twenty-five grand, and possibly my life.


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