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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 14

by Reese Madison

  “Speaking of sleeping.” He yanked my sweats up. “Put that away. I haven’t slept for days. Is that lasagna ready yet?”

  As soon as he let go I spun around and punched him in the face. I was aiming for that softer spot under his cheekbone but missed and nailed his jaw. I shook my hand out. “Ow. Goddammit. You suck.”

  “Then stop fucking hitting me.” He shot back as he pulled open the oven door.

  I didn’t speak to him the rest of the night until I was almost asleep and he decided to come in and sit on the other side of the bed. “Get out.”

  “Oh shut up. I’m not going to rape you.” He rolled over and grabbed me around to middle to tuck my back to his chest. “How’s your ass?”

  “Annoying as fuck, and in desperate need of a shave. Get off me.”

  “Deal with it Ranger.” He ordered hugging me tighter.

  “This is going to be a very long four months.” I sighed too tired to fight out of his grip. It doesn’t help that he kind of feels good, like a warm sock on a cold day. Smells good too. Dammit!!

  “Do you ever shut up? I’m trying to sleep.” He complained with a hint of humor in his tone.

  I pinched his arm. “You don’t like it? Go sleep on the couch.”

  He hugged me to him. “Next time you should just kiss me.”

  “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Oh? So you’re going to be nice?” He asked challenging me.

  “Why are you in here?”

  “Who said you get the big bed? Besides, the dog took over the couch. I tried to move him but he growled at me.”

  I started to elbow him but he must have felt me tense and squeezed tighter. “That’s enough out of you today young lady. Go to sleep.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Been there. Nine years was more than enough.” His tone changed to one I can relate to.

  There’s no reply that works here so I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

  Not realizing where I am and waking up feeling trapped under an unfamiliar weight threw me into a panic. I kicked and shoved at the man so hard he fell off the bed. That’s about the time it hit me.

  He sat up and looked at me. “The fuck was that for?”

  “I panicked. We can’t sleep together. I’ll end up killing you in your sleep.” I threw the sheet off and went to lock myself in the bathroom.

  He caught the door before I could close it and bent getting in my face. Incredibly light blue eyes bore into mine. “You kick like a girl. Are you cooking or am I?”

  “You’re cooking. I’m showering your stink off me.” I planted my hand on his face and gently pushed. “I am sorry I kicked you for no reason. Now go away before you give me one.”

  He licked my palm with his big wet tongue.

  I pulled my hand away and shook off the Cooties. “Gross!! Don’t lick me!!”

  “You need a good licking.” He replied before I could get the door closed.

  “And you need a lobotomy. Yuck.” I washed my hand then started the shower while mentally cussing him the whole time. It didn’t occur to me until after my shower that I spent the entire time thinking about him. Good or bad the fucker still consumed my brain. He’s lucky he has a nice ass or I’d be kicking it right about now.

  I took a quick shower just to wake up then took Theo for a long run that required another shower. I could get used to this larger hot water tank. I made a mental note to ask her just how long that water would last.

  When we left Lars was on my cell phone with someone from the club. I didn’t stick around to ask who, what, or why. I have my orders. Find a town with some work for him, help him set up, and babysit for four months. Of course it might take me four months just to find a town with some work for an ex-con.

  After a more thorough shower we had a quick breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes before I got behind the wheel to drive so I can get used to this thing. Joe gave me a quick rundown of Lily’s inner workings but I still have a ton of questions.

  I was on question number ten or so when Lars joined me up front. “Do you ever stop talking?”

  “If you don’t like it go in the back and close the door. Just don’t go sniffing my underwear and shit.” I tapped the screen so Lily knew we were done for now.

  “You don’t wear underwear.”

  I glanced over, “How the hell would you know that??”

  “I looked through your shit while I unpacked.” He added a shrug to his easy reply.


  “I was curious.” He started scrolling through the menu on the screen facing him.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Nothing in particular. You should try using this more quiet method of reading the manual.”

  “I’m driving you idiot.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Don’t call me names. Do it later.” He sounds even more grumpy than usual.

  “I’ll do it whenever I want. What the fuck is your problem? Does my voice irritate you so much you have to be a dick?” I glanced over at him.

  “Everything about this bullshit irritates me.” He admitted irritably.

  “It wasn’t my idea. You jumped in my truck, remember? Your friend, or whatever he is-“

  “Brother.” He interrupted.

  “Whatever. None of this was my idea. All I’m doing is babysitting your ass like he wants for the money.” Now he’s starting to piss me off. “Why don’t you go in the back and leave me alone?”

  “Just stop talking already.” He looked out the window to his right.

  “Fine.” I turned up the radio and decided I wasn’t going to speak to him at all unless absolutely necessary.

  By Friday afternoon when we reached the campsite I typically frequent when I’m up this way I was all too eager to get away from Lars Colson. He slept with me again last night, and tried to trap me in a spoon again, but I got away and left to sleep alone on the other side of the bed.

  When I finally chose to speak to Lars again it was to tell him to behave while I’m at work. “No hookers in the RV. Lily has specific instructions to get them out or call me and I’ll come do it myself. You go out drinking, no fights. If I have to waste money bailing you out I’m going to really kick your ass.” I pulled my bike off Lily’s rear bike rack. We should really get a trailer for two bikes. This doesn’t look very sturdy.

  “Where’s this diner?” He asked going after his bike next. I have a little Sportster I use to get around when I’m parked. Lugnut here has a giant Glide.

  “In town, south on the main road there about seven miles. You can’t miss it. Chris knows he has to feed us, but he doesn’t know you. If you come in ask for me before you order, I’ll hook you up.” That’s about as much niceness as he’ll get out of me for a whi-, no, probably forever.

  I checked to make sure the bike is ready to ride and climbed on. Hopefully Lars will behave. Since saying goodbye would be a step above what I feel obligated to do at this point I started the engine and shoved off.

  Ten minutes later I chained my bike out front of the diner and headed around to the back entrance to start working in what is now after all these years a very familiar kitchen. We have two new servers that need tweaking, and some of the supplies weren’t ordered correctly, but I managed to figure it out well enough.

  Anyone planning to attend the festival all day tomorrow is showing up tonight after a long travel day today. Nobody wants to cook so they go out. It was almost two in the morning before I was able to shut the kitchen down without stupidly turning away money for a good friend, and decent lay, who always has work for me when I need it.

  Chris is a good guy. He’s good to his girlfriends and family. He’s good to employees and customers. Nobody knows his dark side though, except me. I helped facilitate his dark side. Not on purpose, but his curiosity and my boredom got the better of me.

  Chris and his current girlfriend, whatever her name is (I know her name, I just hate saying it because she’s a bimbo bitch), showed up to he
lp me close down shop.

  Chris shook my hand. “Thanks for the bail out. I don’t know what I’d do without you this weekend.”

  “No problem. What time do you want me tomorrow?” I ignored the bimbo. She knows we used to fuck, and that he’s cheated on previous girlfriends with me, so when we’re in the same room together she folds her arms over her chest and sneers at me. I think it’s funny.

  “Can you do two shifts? Lunch and late dinner? I can handle the normal shit, it’s the chaos I can’t do alone. Tomorrow will be insane.” He reminded me of previous festivals.

  “I’ll see you at noon, we’ll go from there. Make sure nobody sets my station, fuckers did it wrong today.” I complained but at least they tried. It’s the thought that counts, unless you fuck up my space in the kitchen.

  “No problem. Paige, can you give me a minute to talk to Angela alone?”

  “Why? So you can fuck her behind my back?” She’s pissed! I love it.

  “Can we not do this now please?? Two minutes. You can wait by the door so you can see us if you want.” He sounds like he’s getting fed up with this one.

  She stomped her high heels all the way to the front door then took her phone out to pretend someone is actually up at this hour to text to her.

  “Sorry about that. We’ve been doing that pre-breakup fighting bullshit lately. She’s hanging on, and as usual I’m done. How are you?” He asked putting his back to Paige so she can’t see the want in his eyes for another woman.

  “I’m good. I’m babysitting as a side gig. If you see a big bald fucker come in here looking fresh out of prison, he’s mine. Just come get me, don’t engage. He’s got a nasty disposition and I don’t want anyone here exposed to it.” I told him.

  “You sure you’re okay with him? Alone I mean.”

  I looked at him funny.

  He smiled. “Good point. Okay, well. It’s good to see you again. As usual I missed you.”

  “Yeah yeah. Don’t start with the mushy shit you know how I feel about it. Go home and bang your girlfriend one last time. I’m going to go pass out after I wash all this grease off me.”

  He quickly squeezed my hand. “I’ll be thinking about you.” His eyes told me he might be banging her physically, but mentally he’ll be wishing he was in my bed.

  “I’ll be dreaming about curly fries and chicken wings.” I scolded him with a look then dropped my apron in his hand before walking out the front door. Barbie The Bimbo almost got knocked over trying to walk backwards out of my way in those heels. Too bad such cool shoes are being wasted on such a twit.

  I stopped and turned back to point at her with a smile on my face, “Have fun tonight for me honey.” Then I turned back around to find Lars parked right next to my bike.

  His arms are folded over his chest and his chin is dropped. Obviously he fell asleep out here while waiting for me. “Dumbass.” I whispered then woke him up with the roar of my Sportster.

  He jumped awake and flicked me off when I smiled a little too big at him. “That was fun.” I said to myself as we pulled onto the main road.

  As soon as the engines were off back at the campsite he was on me like flies on shit. “What the fuck is your problem? You couldn’t have woken me up first? Do you LIKE pissing me off?” Light blue eyes that are normally as cold as the ice are on fire tonight.

  I started chaining my bike to his and smiled up at him. “Actually, I do. I take about as much pleasure out of pissing you off as you do being a dick.” I straightened after securing the titanium lock and heard his stomach growl. “Did you eat?”


  “Why not?” I asked ducking out from under his tower and headed inside.

  “Did you eat?” He asked on my heels.

  “I think so. I forget. You were at the diner. Why didn’t you come in?” I sat to take my tennis shoes off. Normally I ride in boots but working in them doesn’t work. It’s a short ride with very little traffic. Well, normally no traffic. It was a little crowded on the way in earlier today.

  “Too many people.” He opened the refrigerator and started taking stuff out to make a sandwich.

  “True. I’ll bring home carryout tomorrow night.” I got up and closed the bathroom door behind me to shower and change for bed. I forgot to grab some clothes so I put my robe on before heading back out when I was done.

  I turned to find him sitting on the couch with a plate of sandwiches on the coffee table. “Sit down and eat.” He nodded to the empty space on the couch to his right.

  I grabbed half a sandwich and left to lock myself in the back bedroom. Fuck him, he can sleep on the damn couch tonight. The sandwich was in my belly before I crawled into bed. I was out cold before my head hit the pillow. Did I change clothes? Fuck it. I don’t have the energy.


  Lars must have snuck in on me later because I woke up to my alarm going off and his heavy arm around my waist. This time he let me peel him off and get up without hassle. I’m almost proud of myself for not panicking and kicking his ass to the floor.

  Proud enough it put me in a good mood. Good enough I made enough breakfast for both of us. While we ate in silence I made a grocery list and slid it to him before grabbing my shoes to get ready to leave. “I cooked, you can clean and shop. I recommend going earlier than later with all the people in town today.”

  He looked over the list then set it down with a nod.

  “I’ll be late again. Don’t stalk the diner, that’s just creepy. Some cop is going to start asking questions, and you know how I feel about cops.” I let the door close behind me without waiting for a response. I don’t care what he thinks or has to say.

  Time flew by after that. It wasn’t until eight-thirty that I finally felt like the kitchen could survive half an hour without me. I let myself in Chris’s office and flopped down on his couch.

  He must have seen me go that way from behind the bar because he walked in a few seconds later. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just getting off my feet for a few minutes. Pour me some whiskey will you?”

  “Sure.” He pulled a bottle off the shelf and poured me four fingers. “You have to sit up.”

  “What no straw?” I sat up taking the tumbler.

  “No.” He sat beside me. “How was your night?”

  I took two sips before reading his face. “I’m not sleeping with Lars. Not that it’s any of your business. How was your bimbo this morning? Sore?”

  He shrugged. “Her desperation led to anal. I didn’t get much sleep with all the prep work. Now I have to hang onto her for a while or I’m a total dick.”

  I laughed a little too hard. “Wow. She is desperate. Maybe you should keep her.”

  “Nah. That level of desperation changes from anal to diamonds, and I don’t have that kind of money. Why aren’t you sleeping with the guy?”

  “It’s just business. He’s a bigger jerk than I am. We don’t work well together.”

  “What exactly is your arrangement?”

  “I keep him out of trouble until he can acclimate back into civilian life, and his family pays me enough money to upgrade my rig. It’s time to get something big enough for a me and the dog, and new enough I’m not replacing something every other day.” I gave him the short story version.

  “How long are you going to have to babysit?”

  “A few months. Why?” I’m suspicious because he’s trying to look into my soul with those green eyes of his. I love his eyes. Chris is walking tall dark and handsome. He’s got a gym body and keeps himself tone. He’s nothing like the brick shit house I live with right now, but Lars is no match for any man I’ve ever met when it comes to muscle.

  “I told you. I miss you. I want you to come back and stay for a couple weeks when he’s not around. I can’t handle you sleeping with him. The thought of it makes my skin crawl.” He shivered then stole a sip of my whiskey.

  “We’re not like that Chris. No attachments. We’ve talked about this, a few times now.” I reminded him get
ting up to top off the glass.

  “We’re good together. You can’t deny that.” He stood backing me to his desk.

  I wavered and set the tumbler on his desk behind me. It’s been too long since we’ve been alone. “Never have, never will, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to turn into anything beyond that.”

  “I’ll take what I can get. Come back.” He begged putting his hands on my hips and bending his knees so we’re face to face.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He’s a good kisser, not too much tongue, but just enough to ignite need in the goodies down under.

  Lars Colson

  Sitting around doing nothing, does nothing for me. I went fishing and caught something to keep my belly full and my ass out of that damn diner. I don’t know how she deals with all those people.

  I wandered out long enough to get groceries and decided that would be the last time. I’d rather cook and clean than shop. Hopefully she’ll be willing to negotiate. She’s not very cooperative.

  I think the most irritating thing about her is the fact that she doesn’t like me. Check that, she doesn’t flirt like all the other floozies. I want her to flirt so I can pounce and fuck her brains out. If anyone needs a good fuck it’s Angela.

  These thoughts led me to her relationship with this Chris guy. There has to be something going on between them for her to jump to his aide like she did. It took about eight hours for those festering thoughts to send me back out to the diner to brave the idiots. I need to see how they look at each other up close.

  I walked in the front door and immediately forced two servers to dodge me with trays of drinks and food. The bartender is a cute little brunette with a big smile for me. “What can I get you big guy?”

  “Angela. Where is she?”

  She leaned back and looked in the window to the kitchen behind her. “She must be in the bathroom or the boss’s office.” She pointed down the hall. “That way for both.”

  I pushed past people hearing a glass break and a woman cuss along the way. The door at the end of the hall was locked so I shouldered it open.


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