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The Return of Edgar Cayce

Page 5

by C. Terry Cline Jr.

  This reading is over for now.”

  “A drop of ocean water is a miniature ocean with all the radiations of such a body. As heretofore stated, a single atom is the universe in miniature. A microscopic cell is a mirror image of the macrocosm.”

  Q: When we dream about departed loved ones, are we actually with them, or is it a figment of our imagination?”

  A: “Love goes far beyond the grave. You are with them.

  You should not try to contact a deceased loved one with hopes of acquiring universal information. The entity that has passed on does not acquire greater knowledge, but knows only that which he knew when he died. Most have no more knowledge in the spiritual plane than they had on Earth. If God sends a messenger, accept him, and heed the message. But direct intercession by the Creator is not likely.”

  Q: What about abortion?

  A: “Fetal abortion is an abomination in the eyes of most religions. The subject, however, demands a closer examination. The legal ramifications can be addressed only by laws extant in areas where the abortion is scheduled to take place. Laws vary from one locale to another. Medically, abortion is the purview of the doctor who comes to the subject with sonograms, blood tests, and internal imagery. He is in the best position to judge the necessity for an abortion. Many things can go wrong in a pregnancy and thereby termination of pregnancy may be essential for the health and well-being of the mother. Then, there are the moral issues, quite apart from legal and medical considerations. Even this is not set in stone. Morality is determined by mores of the community and may vary widely from one society to another. In the final analysis, judgment of abortion falls to the mother, who must make the decision to give up a fetus. Whatever the outcome, God understands.”

  Q: What about gay marriage?

  A: “Again the answers lie in the tripartite response given for abortion: legal, medical, and moral. The coupling of same-sex individuals has a long history that has been well documented; all the way back beyond Alexander the Great and his male lover, Hephaestion. Alexander’s father, Philip II, pursued young male lovers all his life. Philip died at the hands of Pausanias, a jealous former lover thrown over for a prettier young boy. Aristotle had a few loving men in his life, too. Such couplings were frowned upon by some ancient societies for fear it vitiated masculinity and threatened the empires. Other societies accepted and appreciated homosexual love affairs. Such liaisons ebb and flow with temperament of the times. That which is today will not be tomorrow; attitudes change. In a Biblical sense, marriage was designed for male and female with the purpose of creating children. Marriage protected the woman and her children legally and emotionally. It is not for this entity to pass judgment on temporal subjects.”

  Q: How would you describe yourself to a fifteen-year-old boy who never heard your name before?

  A: “This entity is the harmony of body, mind, and soul, whose purpose is to help others. He is a man who cares about mankind.”

  Q: Should stem cell research be allowed to continue?

  A: “Yes, with strict controls. Destruction of one life (fetus) to extend another life is tantamount to murder. Harvesting fetal tissue must be done with reverent care. Faith is the bridge that spans the gulf between the seen and the unseen. Incarnations and reincarnations continue to repeat; the existence of the entity is evermore. However, terminating what might become life is not the same as terminating a life in full bloom. By 2170, duplicating human cells will be mastered and the question becomes moot.”

  Q: More and more young men grow up with no role models, listening to vile rap music. Will that continue?

  A: “This too shall pass.”

  Q: Is it all right to divorce a spouse?

  A: “It depends on the reason for divorce. Every step in human relations should be forward. If the end result of divorce means more productive and happy entities, then severance is good. Marriage must serve each entity well; otherwise parting company may be best. As stated before, love is a matter of reciprocity. One cannot love that which does not love in return. To love that which does not love you is not love; at best it is admiration, at worst it is obsession.

  In all cases, strive for reunification whenever possible.

  Relationships fail for a variety of reasons. One entity is not giving equally to the other. Either or both parties grow out of the relationship as one matures and the other does not. Sometimes outside forces come to bear, such as acute distress over finances, or emotional devastation over the death of a child.

  Talk to your partner. Try to remember what made you fall in love. Recall happy moments together when the two of you worked and lived as one. If all efforts fail to reignite emotions of times past, go your separate ways amicably. Do not be greedy in the division of properties. Be generous in the sharing of youthful hearts; do not punish children with pettiness between adults. Try to be friends, or at least be friendly.”

  Q: Will there be another prophet of Edgar Cayce’s abilities between now and the year 2050?

  A: “There are three currents of man: conscious, subconscious, and super conscious. The entity that is Nostradamus was an astronomer, clairvoyant, palmist and seer. He was reborn and known once as Sybil and then as Isaiah. His spirit is now known collectively as Extrasensory Perception. His spirit is one of the many this entity has called upon from time to time.

  There have been and will continue to be prophets, mystics, and seers to one degree or another. Not all will use their insights in the same manner. Some will devote their abilities to solving crimes for the police. Another will seek lost articles or missing persons. Yet another will learn parlor tricks to amuse friends.

  Extrasensory perception is not limited to prognostication. Many mothers experience a sense of discovery—or loss—where their children are concerned. Love comes with a burden of fear and evinces itself in times of great importance, or stress. There have been many cases where a mother sat upright in bed at night and realized a loved one had just perished on a foreign battlefield.

  These talents of which you inquire are available to everyone if the entities choose to develop them. Fair warning, it is not a blessing to know when someone will die or suffer financial failure. Knowledge of future events places a heavy responsibility on the psychic. It is a burden he bears alone, and not always happily. What advantage comes from knowing the date and hour of imminent demise? All entities will leave the Earth plane eventually. Knowing the point of departure does not benefit any psychic. The clairvoyant who sees the hour and cause of physical death must shelter the thought and share it not. The revelation may be detrimental.

  During World War II the president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was informed of his impending death. He had requested the information because as president during wartime there were things he needed to do before dying. The psychic Jeane Dixon related the truth regretfully. Knowing the president would soon die was an onerous weight to carry and she could not share the information with anyone. There is no pleasure in knowing such a thing ahead of the event.

  Prescience is often called a curse by those who possess insights into the future. Most psychics also say that the ability does not serve them at all. When this entity existed in human Earth form, trying to use these insights for selfish personal reasons rarely produced positive results. There were times when predicting coming events for self created terrible headaches and nausea. Overworking psychic insights drains the body human of vital life forces. Trying to respond to desperately worried inquisitors about the safety of loved ones during the war, hundreds of pleas overburdened self. The result was strokes, weakness, and death January 3, 1945.

  Do not hope to acquire precognition for selfish purposes. If the ability comes upon you, use it for the benefit of others, not self. Purity of motive is the only protection the seer has against self-destruction from overextending the mind and body.”

  Q: Do you regret anything about your life stay on Earth from birth March 18, 1877, to death on Earth January 3, 1945?

“Many things are regretted, for that is the nature of human life and sensitivity. This entity wishes he had devoted more time to family needs. Loving someone means you sacrifice for them. Upon the time of dying it was asked of his beloved, what did I sacrifice for you? Not enough. The entity’s work always came first and foremost. Is there not ego in such endeavors?

  There is regret also that the body was taxed and depleted by overwork during the days of war when hundreds of inquiring minds wanted to know about loved ones. It would have been wise to marshal strength and limit readings to two a day as had been instructed. The entity had been warned to get rest for inner strength. Readings drained away life resources drastically.

  There are regrets also for vain attempts to make money, to further the building of a hospital, and to make life easier for the family.

  Regrets for time wasted in trivial pursuits.

  Regrets for prayers not rendered or lazily made brief, thereby shirking reverence to God, for He needs much reassurance from his creations. Prayers delivered hastily are shallow. This entity wishes he had concentrated more diligently on prayerful thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon him.

  There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of petty regrets for short-tempered reactions toward persons closest to self. Impatience is a self-absorbed way of belittling the requirements of others.

  Yes. Many regrets.”

  Q: Were you ever tempted by any woman other than your wife?

  A: “No gentleman would answer such a question. It serves no purpose. By way of clarification, know this: there was no love like the love self had for wife, Gertrude. She made possible all the good things of the earthly sojourn.

  This meeting is ended for now.”

  “Before the end of the twenty-first century, all felons will be typed for their DNA. Also, newborn babies will be typed for DNA. Despite protests concerning privacy invasions, the practice will extend from Europe, where it began, to most of the world. By 2120 new babies will be issued DNA identification cards. Missing persons will be readily identified, as well as unidentifiable bodies from battlefields. Many crimes will be quickly solved with DNA evidence from the lifetime markers.

  Life in civilized nations will become more and more transparent as corporations and governments follow the purchasing habits of consumers. Video film rental histories can already predict with great accuracy what movies a person will enjoy. Large retailers can peg the likes and dislikes of customers based on their history of purchasing products. Telemarketing will become more accurate as the body of data builds, all of it tied to the DNA of the individual.”

  Q: In a reading from June 12, 1926, you mentioned information about the sphinx that would someday be found in the forearm, or leg, of the prostrate sphinx. Is it still there?

  A: “It is and will remain so until the existence of Man is ready to receive it.”

  Q: The information is in a room beneath the right paw?

  A: “In the base of the leg, in a cornerstone, as reported in the 1926 reading.”

  Q: These records are about what?

  A: “The evolution and eventual destruction of Atlantis, also the building of the great pyramids and the sphinx. As yet undiscovered is a hall between the sphinx and a chamber of records, which will reveal all at a time when Man is ready to receive it.”

  Q: That time is not yet?

  A: “Apparently.”

  Q: What will be the relevance of the information when it is finally revealed?

  A: “There will be a new awakening in many parts of the world.”

  Q: Please be specific; where are those records located?

  A: “In the tomb of records, a part of the Hall of Records which has not yet been uncovered. It lies between, or along, that entrance from the Sphinx to the temple—or the pyramid; in a pyramid of its own.”

  Q: When will they be uncovered?

  A: “As stated before, when Man is ready to receive them. Remember that most things are wrought on the anvil of public opinion. If sufficient entities affect an incident, the timing will change.

  We are through for now.”

  Q: Is the United States presence in the Middle East only about oil?

  A: “For the most part, yes. Oil is vital to the American economy. Protecting the source is important. The USA is unlikely to rush into combat in places where humanitarian considerations are uppermost.

  They should not be faulted for this. No nation can afford to be everywhere. Like any wise combatant, America must choose its battles carefully.”

  Q: Will the U.S. go back to drilling for oil in our own territories any time soon?

  A: “They have never stopped.”

  Q: If there will be an Antichrist, will he also have come from Atlantis?

  A: “More than likely he will be a descended Atlantean.”

  Q: Will Israel survive?

  A: “Yes, for the foreseeable future.”

  Q: Will Man’s extreme divisions lessen over time? Will we become more tolerant of others?

  A: “As it has already been given herein, yes.”

  Q: Why do governments suppress new technology?

  A: “What makes you think they do? In fact, it is far more likely that new advances will be seized for military purposes rather than be ignored.”

  Q: What is causing the huge and rapid rise of autism? Is it only in America, or is it worldwide?

  A: “Autism and Asperger’s syndrome are similar afflictions. Both have been around for many centuries but were not diagnosed as what they were. The cause in both cases stems from a genetic disposition caused by chemicals absorbed by the bodies of the parents, principally the mother. Eventually, researchers will isolate the cells that cause these problems, and they will learn to control them. They are close to that now, using various drugs to calm the one and augment the other.”

  Q: Is Alzheimer’s a disease?

  A: “It is not a disease in the sense that it stems from exposure to a virus. Alzheimer’s is presenile dementia with hyaline degeneration of the smaller blood vessels in the brain generally thought to be caused by faulty metabolism and misguided nutrition. Mental deterioration occurs as the blood vessels are impeded. Onset can be delayed with proper exercise, careful planning of diet, and medicines that increase blood flow to the brain. There is a genetic disposition to the dementia. If any family member has Alzheimer’s, it indicates others may be subject to the same sad fate. The symptoms may be brought on by medical intoxication, chronic infection, anemia, severe depression, stroke, brain tumor, vitamin deficiency, or thyroid disease. Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging.”

  Q: Are there drugs that will ease symptoms?

  A: “Only in a minimal way and with side effects that may be more unpleasant than Alzheimer’s itself. Only a skilled doctor should prescribe the drugs, some of which cause aggressive behavior. Then they administer drugs to subdue the aggression. It soon becomes a delicate balance of one drug ameliorating another.”

  Q: Will there ever be a cure for Alzheimer’s?

  A: “In time, yes, but not soon. An aging population will suffer symptoms, giving the impression that Alzheimer’s is increasing. It isn’t. The older patients are more likely to live long enough to suffer the symptoms.”

  Q: What is the significance of crop circles?

  A: “They are the playful result of people with too much time on their hands.”

  Q: What happens to elected officials when they get to Washington, D.C.? They seem to get greedy and become dishonest.

  A: “It is the nature of the system that newly elected officials are politically impotent unless they ally strongly with their parties. Thereby, the chase for money begins, to help them in the reelection process. Fortunately, on the truly crucial topics, most politicians vote for what is best for their constituents.”

  Q: Which book is more important: Koran, Bible, Torah?

  A: “Each is important equally to the others. The underlying message is the same as already reported herein: love, not hate; care for
others; be good in the eyes of the Creator.”

  Q: If we could live in love, would we ever feel fear?

  A: “Fear comes with love. When a precious entity goes forth to school, or war, or neighborhood shopping, those left behind suffer fear that something might happen to their loved one. One cannot love without fear of loss. It is the price we pay for loving someone.”

  Q: Should we worry about man’s addiction to the use of technology such as smart phones, Blackberries, computers, electronic books and so forth?

  A: “Not at all. Technology adapts the flow of time to a speed Man can see. Who would want to abandon television, radio, or telephone? The advance of technology will see Man to far-flung planets someday. Do not fear the advance of technology! It is Man’s way of extending his brain. As Man masters technology it will lead him to master laws of the universe.”

  Q: If I have a difficult mother, will I be a difficult parent?

  A: “As has been reported herein, a gentle, caring mother rears a gentle, caring child. The good and bad things about a parent tend to rub off on the child. Abuse is contagious. Raise your child with care; what you are, he or she will become.”

  Q: Can you name the Universal Laws?

  A: “There are three, physical, mental, and spiritual: gravity, which gives the galaxies momentum, expansion, and contraction; repetition, in which all things recycle, including the souls of spirits; and the most important universal law, God, who should be praised and admired for that which has been created. Creative thought and expression are the result of the Divine Urge and are extensions of the Creator. Use these talents judiciously. To understand the laws of the universe is to understand God.”

  Q: Thank you, sir. Do you have anything else you want to say?

  A: “Yes; don’t show off.

  The mind is both temporal and eternal, hence it is the builder. The soul is eternal because it is of God. By the manner in which you treat yourself, and your fellow man, so do you treat the Creator. Those things material are subject to decay. Those things that are temporal are material. Those things spiritual are everlasting.”


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