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The Return of Edgar Cayce

Page 6

by C. Terry Cline Jr.

  Q: Where will the next great threat to America come from?

  A: “From within.”

  Q: Will the threat be from Muslims?

  A: “In many cases, yes.”

  Q: So the threat is ideological?

  A: “Any threat is ideological.”

  Q: Will the threat bring down the United States Government?

  A: “No. But the turmoil that will arise from the threat will further alter the lives of citizens. In the name of combating the ideological threat, citizens will be subjected to constant erosion of the values the founding fathers promulgated. Freedoms of various types will be diminished in the name of combating the theological threat. The citizens will forfeit privacy, the sanctity of the home against intrusion and search. As has happened in many nations where citizens suffered under chaotic conditions, the population voluntarily gives up individual freedoms for a dictator’s promise of order in the society.”

  Q: Are you saying America will become a dictatorship?

  A: “If citizens seek civil order over individual autonomy, it may happen.”

  Q: How do we avoid that?

  A: “Be vigilant against political encroachment in the guise of making life safer.

  We are through for the moment.”

  Q: Is it true that British schools are having drills to teach children how to handle UFO crashes?

  A: “A few schools did this to spark the imagination of students.”

  Q: The lady who asked about crop circles says she cannot believe the phenomenon is perpetrated by any human. She believes extraterrestrials did it. She wants you to reconsider the question: who makes crop circles?

  A: “The answer is the same. A harmless hoax designed to get attention.”

  Q: What should we title this tract?

  A: “As may please you. The Return of Edgar Cayce is all right.”

  Q: What do you hope to accomplish with this exercise?

  A: “To assure mankind that Man will survive. Nothing in the future is inviolate. The strength of human will power can alter events yet to come. Have faith in self and the Creator.

  In a stable society the pendulum of human affairs swings in narrow arcs, always staying close to center point. In radical societies the pendulum swings from unyielding conservative to overly permissive liberalism.

  If you would know tomorrow, study the past. Human events and attitudes are cyclic. In the extreme these include wars, social upheavals, and mass migrations. Shifts in attitudes include clothing fashions, moral turpitude, pomp and circumstance. Sin will be redefined. In every case there will be entities predicting an end to the world, citing current circumstances as proof.

  Prosperity will come and go. Within the twenty-first century a worldwide depression will make nations shudder and subside. Localized wars will flare as populations vie for resources. Those best prepared to ride out the twenty-four years of deprivation will be entities who grow their own food. There will be a return to government-sponsored classes on canning foodstuffs, salvaging and recycling. Signs will appear in public places: Waste Not, Want Not.

  Trade and barter will replace government-issued currency.

  Affluence will be a cause for shame. The wealthiest segment of society will fear the lowest, retreating to armed compounds for security.

  Obesity in the general population will diminish. The richest man will dress like a pauper to hide any sign of wealth or privilege.”

  Q: Is America destined for economic depression?

  A: “It is inevitable and will circle the globe, brought on by irresponsible banks, greedy financial officers, and self-serving politicians.”

  Q: Is there anything an individual can do to fend off the crash?

  A: “Pay off debts, learn to garden, be self-sufficient.”

  Q: What may Americans expect in the next fifty years?

  A: “The Age of Overindulgence will pass. Honor, integrity, hard work, and generosity will be most prized among entities. Personal possessions will become less important. Private transportation will be more utilitarian and less ostentatious.”

  Q: In seventy-five years?

  A: “There will be a return to family values. Youth will shelter and care for the old. Populations will rely less on government intervention. Long-distance travel will be mostly by public transportation. For the most part, walking, bicycling, and motor scooters will replace automobiles. Many municipalities will ban motorized vehicles from city centers. Shopping malls will fail as most personal purchases take place over the Internet.”

  Q: In the next hundred years?

  A: “Nations without money cannot afford military adventures. Politicians advocating wars will be quickly removed from office. Only hunting rifles will be legal as assault weapons are outlawed. Violent crime will abate.”

  Q: One hundred twenty-five years?

  A: “A period of little change as the world pauses to catch its breath. The birth rate will climb slightly to 1.2 children per family. The death rate will decline close to zero growth in most civilized nations.”

  Q: One hundred fifty years from now?

  A: “The reappearance of individual innovation and personal ambitions will usher in a century of prosperity. Financial markets will flourish. Societies will rebuild infrastructure. Printed books will be rare as most readers will use electronic publications displayed on handheld devices. Schoolchildren will wear Global Positioning System necklaces and bracelets. Minorities will become the majorities in North America. Bilingual candidates will most likely be elected. Handwriting will be lost to technological courses; students will learn to write and calculate on computers in place of pencil and paper. Handwritten love letters will become antiquities. Fully formed words will be reduced to abbreviations, acronyms and neologisms.”

  Q: Will Nazism arise again?

  A: “Never like it was at the time of Hitler. Radical philosophies do not do well in reprise. Throughout history deposed despots have generally taken their dynasties to the graves with them. There are exceptions, of course; Genghis Khan’s rule transferred to his sons, notably Kub-lai Khan, thereby extending his rule through hereditary linkage. The British monarchy has survived scandals, wars, and internecine purges. Elective papal monarchies have continued with the ties to Christianity. But usually, the end of a tyrant is the end of the dynasty. After Adolf Hitler, Nazis have been discredited and abandoned.

  King Louis XIV, the tsars of Russia, and various attempts at absolute monarchies ended, and with their downfall went autocratic affiliations.

  Nazism suffered at the hands of Hitler. In isolated places it will rise, only to sputter and extinguish. Anything that is absolute will eventually perish, as witness tyrants throughout history.

  It is the nature of Man to seek the easiest route to peace; hence, he is often a follower and not a leader. And yet, as has been herein stated, under duress and social chaos, sometimes a despot seems the easiest route to tranquility.”

  Q: Will there be new dictatorships anywhere in the world?

  A: “Indeed. Look for the seed of despotism in bodies of peoples torn by strife and hopelessly immersed in poverty; there will always be entities willing to forfeit individual freedoms in exchange for order in the living plane.”

  Q: Will any of those tyrants be the Antichrist?

  A: “Satan thrives on discontent. Some politicians have learned the lesson well, showing up in troubled areas, exacerbating problems to further their personal standing.”

  Q: Are you speaking of specific people?

  A: “Actions brand demigods. They will not last. There are few that power does not destroy.

  We are through for the time being.”

  “Many of the inventions of modern-day Man are not new, but resurrections from thousands of Earth years ago. Atlanteans had electricity, radio, and television. They were capable of amplifying light rays for telescopes. Home heating and lighting were advanced beyond what Earth nations know today; wireless transmission of power for example. Out of that research evo
lved weapons of intense light, called death rays by entities of the present plane and light amplification known today as lasers. By recombination of molecular ores, Atlanteans developed metals unknown to Man today. Air- and watercraft were constructed of those metals, at first propelled by gas and electricity, but later by photocells from sunlight, captured and reflected by crystals.

  From the subconscious minds of descendants of Atlantis, memories of past inventions will continue to appear in the activities of Man. Travel to distant galaxies will evolve from the early use of molecular propulsion; photocells will push spaceships farther and faster than ever imagined possible.

  In the sacred temples of Poseidia on the great island of Parfa, holy founts of pure energy burned constantly. The fuel was the same photocells described here.

  The destruction of Atlantis threw Man back to primitive roots where he struggled to survive. Thousands of Earth years passed. For lack of financial resources and human coordination, great ideas were forgotten. Only recently have societies gathered the wherewithal to master those ancient ambitions again.

  In the world today there remains evidence of Atlantean influence, much of it not as yet recognized. Refugees fleeing destruction of their continent took Atlantean skills to newly settled lands in the form of architecture and worship of the sun, from which Atlantean power had once flowed.

  The periods of exodus from Atlantis were separated by centuries. The five regions of Atlantis did not disappear all at once, but over time. The civilizations which fled to Spain and America after the first destruction were not the same as civilizations arriving in North Africa and Central America after the next destruction. Even more removed from the others were Atlanteans who arrived in present-day Egypt and Yucatan.

  These revelations were reported in readings by this entity as he existed in the Gregorian calendar year of 1933. They are repeated here to give Man perspective on his world of today. Knowing his past may help explain developments of the future.

  It has been written in Ecclesiastes 1:9 what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

  It is a lesson Man has been loath to learn.”

  Q: Will there be changes in the Earth’s surface?

  A: “Change is the nature of the planet. It flows and grows and subducts, reshaped by shifting tectonic plates, washed by tidal waves and ground to sandy shores by ocean motion. Yes, there will be change.”

  Q: Will Earth shift on its axis?

  A: “It has before and will again.”

  Q: Should we worry about it?

  A: “Insofar as worry will do nothing to change geophysical events, be sensible. Don’t live in the shade of an active volcano; build your dwelling above the high water mark; be prepared for seasonal floods and meteorological disturbances. Otherwise, devote your energy to helping fellow beings.”

  Q: Is there any one thing we should say when we pray?

  A: “Give thanks for blessings you enjoy. Pray for strength to be worthy of those who love you. Praise God for creations He has accomplished.

  We are finished for the moment.”

  “The future is a lie posing as truth. Coming events are as variable as currents in a mountain brook. When making plans do not be motivated by fear. Think in terms of millennia, not decades. How will your actions be judged a century from now? Looking back on your earthly plane, how will you view your own life? Be brave. Do what is right.”

  Q: In your lifetime on Earth you gave readings in a self-induced hypnotic trance. When you awoke, you did not know what you had said. Do you now know all that you said?

  A: “Yes.”

  Q: From the vantage of the Universal Wave, would you now say that in your lifetime you were a major prophet?

  A: “Prophesy was not the goal of this entity. The motivation was to help others, and through that endeavor, prophesies were revealed. As indicated, prophets (especially in the Biblical sense) brought messages from God and foretold the logical results of current trends. That was not the primary purpose of this entity’s activities.”

  Q: Could you clarify a timeline from this reading for a thousand years?

  A: “It is impossible; a thousand years with ten thousand possibilities! Man’s will today can change something a thousand years from today; a thousand years from today Man’s will can change it again. The only sure rules are Universal Laws as outlined herein.”

  Q: You have said, “The Lord will come when those who are His have made the way clear” for his return. Who are “those who are His?”

  A: “The faithful, believers, those who worship God.”

  Q: You once said that China will be the cradle of Christianity. What about the resulting conflict with Buddha?

  A: “There will be no conflict with Buddha. Buddha taught his disciples to be tolerant of other religions. When one lights a candle from the flame of another candle, the flame of the first candle does not lose its light. Instead, the two lights grow more brightly together. It is the same with the great religions of the world. Comparison of religions reveals many similarities. The four largest faiths—Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism—offer much the same advice.”

  Q: When you refer to the Mosaic Law, what is that exactly?

  A: “The laws given to the Israelites through Moses, beginning with the Ten Commandments. This includes rules of religious observance in the first five books of the Old Testament, the ancient Hebrew laws called the Torah.”

  Q: What did Jesus Christ learn from the prophetess Judy?

  A: “The Essenes flourished in the three hundred years from 200 BC to 100 AD. It was a movement started by Jesus during his incarnation at that time. The question should be, what did Judy and Jesus learn from each other? It cannot be answered easily. Each entity taught the other in their various times on the earthly plane. The question is like asking what did you learn from your mother? The answer is everything.”

  Q: What should be the purpose of this book?

  A: “Already it has been noted, the purpose is to reassure Man that the future is his to determine. Man will survive.”

  Q: Is there value to adding a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water daily?

  A: “Only if you swallow it.”

  Q: Should I?

  A: “The value of diets is singular: they make an entity conscious of what is taken into the body. Some fad diets are effective for weight loss, others for increased energy another to calm nervous tensions. As has been stated many times, eat in moderation. Assimilate nutrients to strengthen muscle, bone, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Consume vegetables and fruits daily. It is best for one diurnal meal to be raw vegetables only. Favor alkaline over acidic. Restrict intake of meats to those low in fat and easily digested. With any diet, do not neglect exercise.

  We are finished for the moment.”

  Q: How much of our personal/mortal consciousness do we retain after death?

  A: “While on the earthly plane, every action, association, movement and thought is stored in the human brain. Not even the most trivial experience is lost. The capacity of the brain is infinite. All thoughts and experiences are carried into the Universal Wave upon demise of the body. At the point of transfer to a gaseous state, the entity undergoes a quick review of his most recent existence. He has time to consider his experience in human form. It is a period Catholics call purgatory. Eventually the mind sheds pride, prejudice, and ambition. The essence of the earthly plane is distilled to regrets. The time it takes to overcome regret varies with the individual, but eventually he forgives himself.

  When spirit elects to return to human form, memories of past lives are erased to allow for a new beginning. Man must learn all lessons again. The new life gives Man the opportunity to overcome failings from past lives, but he is very rarely aware of the burden he bears. Indian religions call the burdens karma, the effect of an action, good or bad, from a prior plane.”

  Q: Having forgiven ourselves during the purgatory aspects of existence
, are we allowed to go on to heaven?

  A: “Via many steps or stages, ultimately shame is discarded and through good deeds nirvana achieved, and the entity is freed of suffering (for past discretions). That is what may be termed as heaven, to be unburdened of anguish from karma.”

  Q: What if the entity has no regrets?

  A: “What manner of being is this? All have regrets. Whatever his attitude on the Earth plane, upon arrival on the Universal Wave every spirit sees the errors of past judgment.”

  Q: Even tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, and others who caused such human suffering?

  A: “Especially those spirits.”

  Q: Where is Hitler now?

  A: “In the presence of millions of spirits, begging forgiveness.”

  Q: Did John really write Revelation?

  A: “Which John? He identified himself several times. He said he was on the Island of Patmos when he had his first vision, thus he is often referred to as John of Patmos, and others say it was John the Apostle. Then there were the predictions of John the Baptist. Which John? This is like the debate: Did Francis Bacon write Shakespeare’s plays? (No.)

  Most major literary works are the result of many emendations and therefore the imprint of editors must come into consideration. Not only language but the message itself was altered slightly by various entities that translated, transcribed, and edited these works. Who knows the thoughts in an author’s head? John of Patmos may have drawn on predictions of John the Baptist. The Apostle John had a hand (and a different view) in the final book now called Revelation.

  If as John said, Revelation came in visions, was not the author also one or more of his friends?

  Man requires parables to explain that which he does not understand. How was Man created? Adam was incarnated from Amilius, the preceding spirit thought-form; division took place making woman to share existence with man. How does the Master explain the process to entities who are as children, uneducated in molecular science?


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