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Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2)

Page 5

by Rayne Reilly

  “He is through those doors over there. I’ll wait here for Grant and meet you in there,” she said. She gazed at Kellie with a worried look on her face.

  Holden and Kellie walked hesitantly through the double doors to the treatment area. A slender blond woman with red-rimmed eyes approached. Kellie reached toward her and the women hugged. Holden wondered what news they would receive and prayed Kellie's father would pull through. Seeing Kellie so upset was tugging at his heart-strings and he wasn't sure what to do to help the situation.

  “He’s in surgery now,” the woman stammered.

  “How did this happen? Is he going to be okay?” Kellie asked as the women stood back from one another. Kellie's eyes filled with tears again and Holden put his arm around her.

  The woman fidgeted with her hands as she spoke. “The arrest they were making didn’t go as planned. He was shot in the lower half of his body. That's all I could get out of anyone here. That and that we won't know anything for sure until he is out of surgery."

  Kellie folded her arms across her chest and shoved her chin out. "Why wasn't I called? I'm his family...his next of kin. I should have been called first." She sniffled and hugged herself.

  Felicia frowned. She looked away and then back at Kellie.

  "The other detectives know Terry and I are seeing each other. They thought it would better for you to hear the news from me. I got your number from your dad’s phone. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things worse. I called you right away." She said softly.

  Kellie dropped her hands at her sides. Her fists were tight. "But you didn't call me right away did you? You showed up here first and then called me. He's my've only known him for a couple of months...they had no business calling you first. So help me, if anything happens to him..." she yelled at the woman. Holden put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to one side carefully.

  "You're here now...Come and take a seat." Holden whispered in her ear.

  Kellie pulled away, glaring at him. She pointed at Felicia.

  "This woman just showed up in my kitchen one day and now she thinks she's family...Holden this isn't right...I should have been here when he arrived...He's my dad." she cried. Holden pulled her to him and hugged her tight. Kellie sobbed into his chest as he rubbed the back of her head softly. He looked past Kellie at the blond woman. She stared at the floor sadly, avoiding any eye contact with the two of them. Several minutes later Kellie lifted her head from his chest and wiped her face. Holden looked around the room for a box of tissues. Seeing a box on a small table nearby, he stepped away to grab a handful and passed them to Kellie. His chest felt tight with emotion. This wasn't the evening he had anticipated at all. The blond woman finally looked up at the both of them and pressed her thin lips together. Holden waited for a moment before introducing himself.

  “I’m Holden,” he said, extending a hand. “We spoke on the phone?”

  “Felicia.” The woman said, shaking his hand briefly. She turned her attention back to Kellie.

  “I know you are upset with me Kellie. I 'm sorry about everything. " Felicia paused. "There’s a family room down the hall. We can go in there and wait if you like?” She suggested.

  Kellie nodded as she and Holden followed Felicia into a small room with several uncomfortable-looking chairs.

  Holden walked Kellie to a seat and stood in front of her as she sat down.

  “Can I get you two something? Coffee? Juice? Water?” he asked, feeling helpless.

  “Some coffee would be great. Thanks,” Kellie said, sadly.

  Felicia shook her head, “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  Holden left the women alone and went in search of a cafeteria.

  When he returned with a cup of coffee, he bumped into Grant and Acacia standing in the hall looking a little confused.

  “Where’s Kellie?” Acacia asked anxiously.

  “She’s in that room over there,” said Holden, motioning with the coffee cup. “Felicia is with her. She's Kellie's father's girlfriend. Her dad's in surgery.”

  Acacia nodded and followed Holden into the room. Both women were seated, looking distraught and exhausted. Kellie was dabbing her eyes and Felicia was wiping her nose. Holden wondered if the women had spoken to one another yet. He watched as Acacia knelt in front of Kellie and whispered to her.

  “We’re here if you need anything. Holden brought you coffee.” Acacia reached up towards Holden and he passed her the hot cup. Acacia held it in front of Kellie, coaxing her to have a sip.

  “I’m worried about her,” Holden said to Grant in a low voice.

  Grant put a hand on his shoulder.

  “She’ll be okay. It’s just a shock. The fact that you are here for her is helping.”

  Holden bit the inside of his cheek. The evening had started out so well and now it looked as though Kellie would never be the same. He took a seat next to her and placed a hand on her upper back. Kellie closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She wasn’t saying much but she was happy he was there; he could feel it.


  Kellie had fallen asleep with her head against Holden as the two sat side by side and waited. The incessant ticking of a large white-faced clock pounded in his ears. It was nearly 3:00 a.m. and they were still waiting for Kellie’s father to get out of surgery. Grant and Acacia had left the room to get some air and Felicia was pacing nervously.

  The door opened and a short male doctor entered with a thin smile on his face.

  Felicia stopped in front of him, her hands clasped in prayer as she waited for him to speak. Kellie lifted her head slowly and rubbed her eyes.

  “Hello, I'm Dr.Gill. Detective Adams has just come out of surgery,” said the doctor. “The bullet didn’t hit anything critical. We were able to stop the bleeding and the prognosis looks good. I expect that he will make a complete recovery in time."

  "When can I see him?" Kellie asked as she stood and walked slowly toward the doctor. Holden rose beside her and steadied her.

  The doctor's brow furrowed, "He’s resting now. He should be able to see visitors tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.” Dr. Gill stated.

  “Thank God!” Felicia said.

  “Thank you!” Kellie said, raising her eyes toward the ceiling.

  The doctor smiled and left the room quietly.

  Holden breathed a sigh of relief. When Kellie turned to hug him, he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

  “I’m glad he will be okay,” he said.

  Kellie smiled for the first time since she got the phone call.

  “Me, too. Thank you for staying with me all night. I appreciate it,” she said warmly.

  Holden held her chin in his hand. “What kind of jerk would I be to just leave you here?” he asked.

  Kellie grinned and squeezed him again.

  “Where is Acacia?” she asked.

  “She and Grant went to get some air. They will be back soon. Do you want to go home and get some sleep?” Holden asked.

  Kellie looked at him sadly without responding.

  He quickly added, “I mean, do you want Grant to drop you off? You won’t be able to visit your father until tomorrow so I thought…”

  He wished he could take her to bed. That’s what the old Holden would have done. He didn’t want to be a “love them and leave them” man anymore. He cared more for her than that. Tonight had proved that. Kellie stepped back just as Grant and Acacia entered the room.

  Acacia rushed to her friend, “Have you heard something? Is he okay?”

  “He has come out of surgery. They think he'll be okay but it was a long operation. He needs rest. We can visit him tomorrow afternoon.” Kellie said, her voice sounding stronger now.

  “Then let’s go home for now,” Acacia offered.

  Kellie looked at Felicia, and Holden could see she was wrestling with leaving her there.

  Felicia shoved her hands in her pockets.

  “I’ll be fine. I think I’ll hang around a while longer. I’ll see you tomorrow,
” she said softly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Kellie asked her.

  “Yes, I am okay now. I don’t know what I would do if I lost your father,” she said.

  Kellie approached Felicia. "I'm sorry...about earlier. I was upset and I never should have spoken to you that way." she said apologetically.

  "I understand. You're forgiven." Felicia gave a weak smile.

  Acacia walked over and put an arm around Kellie’s shoulder.

  “Do you want to come back to our place for tonight? Or do you want us to drop you off at home?” she asked. Kellie pursed her lips and thought for a moment. She looked at Holden and he found himself wishing she would say she wanted to be with him.

  “I think I would rather go home right now. If you want to come back to the hospital tomorrow with me, that would be nice,” she said to Acacia. Holden felt a knife in his heart. He knew that it was too soon for him to expect her to want to be with him but he had hoped that after all that had happened that night, he had made strides to show her he was worth the risk. Maybe she wasn’t interested in a relationship with him after all?


  Kellie stripped off her dress and hopped into bed in her bra and panties. Too exhausted to do anything else, she covered up and drifted into a fitful sleep. When the alarm went off at 8:00 a.m. Kellie popped one eye open to glare at the clock before hitting the snooze button.

  “Not enough sleep,” she mumbled, and turned over.

  Last night was mostly a blur of tears, trauma and fear. This morning, she felt far from refreshed as she closed her eyes and hoped to sleep just a little bit longer.

  Her mind drifted to Holden and the great time she had before everything went to hell. Last night, she had hoped for a future that included him. Now she was happy for a future that also included her father living a long and healthy life.

  Kellie sat up in bed. It was no use trying to sleep any longer; her mind was racing. She reached for her phone on the bedside table. There were two texts. The first one from Acacia asking her to call when she woke up and the other from Holden telling her he had to return to Las Vegas but he would call her. Her heart sank.

  He left? How could he just leave after everything they discussed? After everything they did?

  Kellie pouted and closed her eyes for a moment. She needed a shower and to prepare herself for the day ahead of her. Seeing her father later would be hard enough with Felicia there. She would deal with Holden's disappearing act later.


  Feeling refreshed and more or less awake, Kellie padded to the kitchen and made herself an instant coffee. Acacia had called when she was in the shower so she sat down to call her back.

  “Good morning, did you manage to get any sleep?” asked Acacia, concerned.

  “A few hours…I’m okay though. I got a text from Holden this morning, telling me he went back home!” Kellie moaned.

  “I know. I tried talking to him but he said he had things to do there. I think he was a little hurt that you didn’t want him to stay with you last night,” Acacia said gently.

  Kellie leaned her elbow on the table and held her forehead. She sighed.

  “It didn’t even occur to me to ask him. I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly, ‘Cacia,” she said.

  “He realizes that. I think that he just thought that you guys had connected and – ” Acacia’s voice trailed off.

  “We didn’t sleep together, we just kissed.” Kellie interjected.

  “It doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do, he really likes you and I have a feeling you’re his mate, based on how grumpy he was when we came back here without you. He’s pretty sensitive, even though he acts cocky sometimes.”

  “You’re right…I’m sorry I should have thought. We did have a nice time together earlier…before everything happened. I wonder if he will call me or if that’s it?” Kellie pondered.

  “He’ll come around. Like I said, you’re his mate…Grant and I both think so. Right now, we want to go and see your dad. What time do you want to go to the hospital later?” Acacia asked.


  After chatting with Acacia and drinking her first cup of coffee, Kellie called her boss to tell her that she would not be in for a few days. Sitting at the kitchen table her thoughts returned to her dad and the horrible hours of waiting to hear if he would survive. Holden had been incredibly patient and kind to her last night. Looking back she wished she had of invited him back with her, maybe then he wouldn't have returned home to Las Vegas.

  She looked down at her phone and scrolled through to the text Holden had sent her.

  Should I respond? She bit her bottom lip and began to type a message. Her thumbs moved quickly across the keypad.

  Thank you for staying with me last night at the hospital. Hope to see you soon, she typed. Her thumb hovered over the send button. Shaking her head she erased the text and placed the phone back on the table with a sigh.

  He can call me back first.


  After a night of tossing and turning, Holden’s mind continued to race with the feelings he had for Kellie. He was confused as to why she had chosen to be alone rather than with him to comfort her. He sat up and called the airport to arrange a flight home that morning. There was no point in staying in Seattle if he wasn’t needed there.

  Getting out of bed, he showered and dressed quickly to head home.

  Grant and Acacia were in the living room chatting over coffee when he approached them to say he was leaving.

  “I have some business to attend to at home…I’ll be heading out in a few minutes. Do you mind driving me to the airport, please? It saves me calling a cab,” he asked Grant.

  Grant frowned. “Leaving? What about Kellie? She needs you. Why are you running away?” Grant asked.

  Holden shook his head and squared his shoulders. “I’m not running. She made it clear that she doesn’t need me,” he said firmly.

  Acacia stood and folded her arms. “What do you expect me to tell Kellie?” she asked sadly.

  Holden thrust his chin out. “Tell her I had business to tend to and that I will call her,” he responded briskly.

  Grant stood and walked toward Holden.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? You could risk losing her,” he warned.

  Holden pursed his lips and nodded. “I’ll call her later.” He turned to leave the room and heard Grant whispering to Acacia that he would be back shortly.

  Holden didn’t want to leave but he wasn’t sure how to be there for Kellie, especially when she didn't seem to need him. He’d never been in a situation like this before.

  It was clear that she was close to her father and he was glad that it appeared he would be okay. But Kellie had made it clear that Acacia, and not him, was the person she wanted with her when she went to see her father. There was no point in hanging around waiting for her to reject him again.


  Holden sat looking out the window of the plane, lost in his thoughts when he heard a familiar female voice call his name. He turned to see a dark-haired woman whom he knew was a flight attendant. He hadn’t noticed her when he boarded the plane but he knew her well. They had spent a weekend together at her hotel room over a year ago between flights out of Vegas.

  “Holden? I didn’t see you board the plane. How are you?”

  “Tiffany…Long time no see. I’m fine. How are you?” He wasn’t feeling talkative but didn’t want to be rude and ignore the woman.

  Tiffany leaned forward. “I’m good. I haven’t worked this route for a long time.” She paused a moment and winked. “I’m going to be in Las Vegas for a couple of days…maybe we could get together?” She cocked her head flirtatiously.

  Holden smiled politely, “I’d love to but I have a lot going on at the moment.”

  Tiffany pulled a pen and piece of paper out of her pocket and jotted something down quickly.

  “Well, let me give you my phone number. Maybe later when you’re free?”
Tiffany murmured.

  Holden put up his hand, palm facing Tiffany. “Actually…” he paused “I’m seeing someone.”

  His response surprised him and he felt himself tense slightly. The old Holden would have been happy to take Tiffany’s phone number and lose himself for a few hours in pleasuring them both. He sighed and pressed his lips together before forcing a smile.

  Tiffany stood up straight and shoved the piece of paper in her pocket, obviously disappointed. Holden knew he was great in bed, as many women had told him so. He just wasn’t interested in the attractive woman that was throwing herself at him. It didn't interest him like it might have in the past. Something inside him had changed and it was because of Kellie.

  Tiffany shrugged and smiled. “Okay. I understand. I hope I haven’t offended you. I just thought we could have some fun. I had a great time with you last time we were together.” She paused. “I know you’re not the commitment type…this lady must be pretty special to have you all to herself. Is she waiting for you at home?” She eyed him skeptically.

  Holden turned his gaze to the seat in front of him and then back to her. “No. She’s in Seattle. I’m here on business,” he stated firmly.

  Tiffany smiled. “Lucky lady. I hope she is good to you,” she said before walking away.

  Holden felt a tug of emotion in his chest when he thought about Kellie. She had been warm and kind to him on every occasion when they saw one another. He had been the jerk, making a mess of things time and again. The fact that she wanted to be alone last night made him think that he had misread her.

  ‘No way, last night she admitted that she felt something for him' he reminded himself.

  Smoothing his hair, he gazed out the window. There was no escaping the fact that she was his mate. He just had to figure out what to do about it.


  Back in Vegas, Holden looked around the quiet condo feeling intensely lonely. He had felt this way ever since Grant's wedding but now it was worse. He wandered around his home looking at his things and finally stopped at the large windows overlooking the city of Las Vegas. Since he had moved there, never before had he felt so alone or missed the freedom of the forest so much. Had he been too rash in his assumption that Kellie didn’t need him? She had admitted that she wanted him too. Damn it.


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