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Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2)

Page 6

by Rayne Reilly

  Holden knew that he might have ruined any chance he might have had with Kellie. He strode across the room and poured himself a drink.

  Sipping it slowly, he wandered back to look out the floor-to-ceiling window. He had gazed through this window at the city below him hundreds of times, day and night. The city had always held a certain mystique; something drew him to it.

  But suddenly that was gone. The view below him was now a barren landscape, lifeless and meaningless. The dots of people and cars moving below looked like ants scurrying in their seemingly disorganized fashion. He gulped back the rest of the drink and went to pour another.

  Looking around the room once more, he noticed the expensive artwork and sculptures. None of these things bore the same meaning that they had only days ago.

  When he had finally decided to speak to Grant about his feelings and was encouraged to ask Kellie out, he believed he could be the man she deserved. Now he wondered if he truly was or if he ever could be.

  A thought entered his mind, 'You could have gone with Tiffany but you didn't.'

  Holden pursed his lips and stroked his jaw, feeling the stubble against his palm. Downing his second drink in one gulp, he sighed in exasperation and put the glass down.

  “I am that man, damn it!” he proclaimed out loud, slamming a closed fist on the bar next to him.

  Pulling his phone out of this pocket, he dialed his business adviser.

  “Hi, Robert, it’s Holden. How are things?”

  “Good. What can I do for you?” Robert responded in a businesslike tone.

  “How have things been while I’ve been away? All good with my investments?” he asked patiently.

  “Yes. Of course. I take very good care of you and your investments, you know that. What’s going on?”Robert queried.

  “I’m thinking of leaving Las Vegas,” Holden stated.

  “Really? Oh. I must say I’m surprised. Where will you go?”

  “Seattle. My reason for calling is that I want to make sure I’m not needed here and that you have everything under control.”

  “Yes, yes. Of course. Anything you have to do, we can sort over the computer or phone. Have you bought a new home yet?”

  “No. That is my next question. Do you have a good real estate broker that I can contact in Seattle?”


  The hospital room smelled of antiseptic and cleaning solution. Kellie felt her stomach turn as she opened the door to her father's room and saw him hooked up to all the machines and equipment. Lights flashed and machines beeped. It was overwhelming and surreal. She had never seen her father looking so vulnerable and pale. Acacia followed her into the room and stood by the door in silence.

  Terry was awake and speaking softly to Felicia who was sitting at his side holding his hand. A wave of emotion washed over Kellie and she began to cry as she rushed to the other side of his bed.

  “Oh, Dad! I’m so glad you’re okay!” she sobbed.

  She leaned down to kiss his head and felt him reach for her hand. He squeezed it weakly.

  Felicia stood, letting go of Terry’s hand. “I’ll leave you two alone. I need to get something to eat.” Felicia turned to Acacia and said softly, “Would you like to join me for some breakfast?”

  Acacia nodded and smiled. The two women left quietly, leaving Kellie alone with her father.

  “Felicia says that you were here last night while I was in surgery. Thanks for staying with her.”

  “I didn’t stay for her. I was worried about you,” Kellie said gently.

  Terry frowned and looked at his daughter. “She’s a good woman, Kellie, and I do love her,” he stated.

  Kellie wiped a tear from her cheek and cleared her throat. She had to admit that Felicia had always been kind to her from the moment they met.

  “Dad, how come you didn’t tell me you were seeing someone? It was a shock to come downstairs that day and find her there…wearing next to nothing.” Kellie’s voice was still soft and warm as she spoke. She didn't want to upset him but she needed to ask.

  Terry reached out and stroked her arm. “I hadn’t seen all that much of you over the last few months. It wasn’t as though I was hiding her. I’m sorry for how you found out. But please don’t hold it against her. That's not her fault. I should have told you.”

  Kellie sniffed and felt a couple more tears trickled down her cheek. “I’m sorry, Dad. You’re right. I’ve behaved like a spoiled child. You deserve to be happy and I can see that she's good for you.”

  Terry smiled. He squeezed her hand. “So? What about you? Felicia mentioned that a handsome young man was with you last night? According to Felicia he was quite a hunk!” he laughed, then winced in pain. Kellie tensed as her father moved one hand to his abdomen.

  Kellie blushed. “His name is Holden Beringer.”

  ”Beringer? As in Forrest Beringer’s son? Does he work with Grant?” Terry asked curiously. He had heard all about Grant from her and Acacia during the months leading up to the wedding. However, Kellie had not mentioned Holden to him.

  “He is Grant’s youngest brother. He lives in Las Vegas,” she said sadly.

  Terry frowned. “Did something happen with him? Where is he?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Kellie replied dejectedly. “That’s the problem. He went home this morning and I don’t know if I will be seeing him again.”

  “Of course you will, honey. You are a beautiful woman and any man would be lucky to have you. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll come back,” Terry reassured her.

  Kellie gave a thin smile. She wasn’t convinced that Holden would call her again. The minute she gave a hint of not wanting him, he ran. Terry looked up at her with sleepy eyes. She squeezed his hand and smiled reassuringly.


  Kellie stood up as Acacia and Felicia entered the room chatting. Acacia moved to the end of the bed and smiled at them. Kellie had moved to the other side of the bed where Felicia had been sitting earlier.

  “Hello, Mr. Adams. I’m glad you are okay,” Acacia said happily.

  “You didn’t think they could kill me that easily, did you?” Terry joked. The women chuckled nervously.

  Kellie stepped aside so that Felicia could come closer. The two women made eye contact.

  “Thank you for staying with him last night,” Kellie said to Felicia.

  Felicia smiled and nodded.

  “There was no way I would leave his side.”

  Kellie’s father spoke up.

  “I’m glad my two girls were there for one another last night.”

  He looked at Kellie, who bit her lip. She felt ashamed for her earlier treatment of Felicia and wanted to reassure them both that she understood their depth of feeling for one another.

  She stepped forward and took both her father's hand and Felicia’s into her own.

  “I…I owe you an apology,” she said to Felicia. “I have had a hard time adjusting to a third person being in our home and I didn’t mean to be so childish. It took me a little time. Now that I see how much you care for my dad and how happy you have made him, I want to give you both my blessing,” she announced.

  She held both of their hands together in hers and smiled.

  Felicia smiled warmly. “That means a lot to me, Kellie. Thank you.” Kellie let go and stepped back to take her place next to Acacia. Felicia looked at Terry and they exchanged a loving glance before both looked back at the two young women standing at the end of the bed.

  “Is Holden going to be joining you?” Felicia teased.

  Kellie felt herself tense slightly as she responded. “Not today – ” she said sadly.

  Felicia’s mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ and she frowned. “He seems to care very much for you. I hope things work out.”

  Kellie felt Acacia’s hand on her back and was comforted to have her nearby. She knew what Holden was like and could understand better than her dad and Felicia would.


  Several hours later, Kellie and
Acacia left the hospital and headed over to Kellie’s house. The two women sat chatting in the living room. Kellie was feeling more relieved now that she had seen and spoken to her father.

  Now her thoughts turned to Holden. She wondered what he was feeling since they had shared some intimacy between them.

  “I’m glad you had a chance to clear the air with your father and Felicia. They seem good together,” Acacia said.

  “Yes, they are, and I can see that now,” Kellie said wistfully.

  “Felicia was right, you know, it’s going to work out with Holden. Just give it some time. Please don’t beat yourself up over this,” Acacia said as though she had read Kellie’s mind.

  Kellie tucked her feet under herself as she leaned back on the sofa.

  “Last night. I felt like we really connected. He seemed to open up to me. I feel like there is a bond between us but something seems to keep getting in the way and I don’t know if it’s him or me,” Kellie frowned.

  “I don’t think it’s you. I think it’s him because he is so commitment-phobic. It’s a shame that Reece isn’t your mate; he’s so much more like Grant than Holden.”

  Kellie felt her hackles go up. She loved Acacia but she didn’t know what she was talking about.

  Kellie moved her feet to the floor and sat up straight.

  “You and Grant have Holden all wrong. He isn’t as bad as everyone makes him out to be. He is far more sensitive and vulnerable than even he realizes. I saw it last night when we were alone,” Kellie said defensively.

  Acacia raised her eyebrows but remained silent. Kellie didn’t care what anyone else thought. She knew that Holden was more capable of love than they gave him credit for having.

  “You also didn’t see how badly his father treated him. He just stood there and took it. It’s a shame how Forrest has his favorite and doesn’t seem to care about Reece and Holden.” Kellie felt her face go a little red with frustration and she looked down at her lap.

  Acacia spoke up gently. “I have seen how he treats his sons. Although Grant has it easier, all the Beringer sons are given a hard time. Forrest still tries to control Grant. Did you know that he wanted Grant to enter an arranged marriage with another shifter?”

  Kellie shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I am tired of everyone misjudging Holden.”

  Acacia nodded and smiled. “It’s okay. I think I understand. Give Holden a chance, I think he is going to realize how much he’s missing you.”


  Kellie and Felicia stood chatting in kitchen. Both women got along much better now that Kellie had cleared the air between them. The doorbell rang, startling them both.

  Felicia placed some dishes in the sink and wiped her hands down her sides. “I’ll get it,” she said as she padded out of the kitchen. Kellie rinsed out her coffee cup as she waited for Felicia to return.

  Seconds later, she heard Felicia’s voice, “Kellie, someone is here to see you,” she announced.

  Kellie wasn’t expecting anyone and she hadn’t heard from Holden in more than a week so she dared not get her hopes up. Puzzled as to who it could be, she walked down the hall toward the front door. Felicia stepped to one side and smiled before disappearing into another room.

  On the front step stood Holden, smiling at Kellie.

  Kellie felt like a child on Christmas morning. Seeing Holden looking at her lovingly filled her with joy. She tried not to show her excitement at seeing him again and was surprised that she didn’t feel more angry at him for not having contacted her sooner. She would hear him out and then see what happened.

  “Hi.” She spoke quietly as she approached the open door.

  “Hi,” he grinned. “I hear your dad is doing very well,” he said warmly.

  “Yes, he is. Um, why are you here?” she asked hesitantly.

  Holden bit his lip and tilted his head. Raising his brows he gave a thin smile as he motioned toward the door.

  “May I come in and speak with you?” he asked carefully.

  Kellie stepped back and waved him inside. Closing the door, she turned to look at him. His face was filled with emotion. She held her breath for a moment.

  Clearing his throat, he spoke quietly. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the past ten days and something is very clear to me now.”

  Kellie felt excitement mixed with trepidation growing inside her.

  “Oh? What’s that, then?”

  Holden put his hands in his pockets.

  “I think you already know that I care about you?” he asked.

  Kellie shrugged. "I thought so until I didn't hear from you for more than a week."

  Holden pursed his lips. "I deserve that. I'm sorry. I behaved selfishly the last time I saw you. I thought that you would want me to stay with you the night your father was shot. When you didn't-"

  Kellie interrupted. "When I didn't, you ran away. I was in shock that night...not thinking clearly."

  Holden nodded. "There are things I wish I had done differently. I hope you can forgive me and give me another chance to prove to you that I do care about you?"

  Kellie felt a great swell of empathy for him. She looked at him and gave a weak smile. He put his hands out as if wanting to touch her. She remained still, her arms at her sides.

  “I have cared about you from the moment I first laid eyes on you, Kellie. You are the only woman for me.” Holden paused. Placing his hands on her waist, he continued, “I believe I am in love with you, and that you are my mate.” He finished speaking and pulled her close to him.

  Mate? Seriously? Is that what this is? Kellie felt a mix of emotion along with the tingles that his touch always seemed to generate within her. She inhaled his intoxicating scent and put her arms around him.

  “I didn’t mean for you to feel that I didn’t want you here. I want to be with you,” she whispered.

  Holden pulled back and stroked the back of her head.

  “Being away from you has made me realize that I can't live without you...I won’t live without you,” he said passionately.

  Kellie’s breath caught in her throat. This was the last thing she expected. She gazed up at Holden, her heart fluttering. ‘Is this a dream?’she thought.

  He reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a key, grinning mischievously.

  “What’s this?” she blurted, grinning back at him.

  “It’s the key to my new home.”

  “What? I…I…What?” Kellie’s mouth was agape. She was shocked at the change in him. He had clearly given things a great deal of thought.

  Holden laughed. “I didn’t want to contact you until I had made some much-needed changes in my life…in myself. I’m leaving Vegas and selling my condo. I’ve bought a home here in Seattle so that we can try to make things work between us. I want to prove to you that you mean the world to me. Let me show my new house to you?” he asked.

  In that moment, Kellie felt as though she was caught in a dream and about to wake up. She closed her eyes and held her breath before releasing it. On opening her eyes, she saw that Holden was gazing at her lovingly.

  Now that she knew her dad would be okay and no longer alone, she had been thinking about her future in Seattle. The idea of moving away didn’t seem quite as scary now as it once had. Having Holden living in Seattle was perfect. Starting a new relationship was exactly what she was ready to do.

  “I can’t believe you will be living in town,” Kellie murmured.

  Holden chuckled and pulled her close again. “I will do everything I can to make your dreams come true and to keep you happy. Starting with moving to Seattle to be near you.”

  “I believe it. ” Kellie beamed at him.

  Holden tilted her chin toward him and they leaned in to share a passionate kiss.


  Kellie was walking on air as she bounced into the kitchen excitedly. Felicia was sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Oh my God! You aren’t going to believe what just happened!” Kelli
e declared eagerly.

  “What? Tell me?” Felicia asked leaning on the table in front of her.

  “Holden has bought a house in town. He's moving here and wants to be near me. He’s coming back in a couple of hours to pick me up to show me his new house!” Kellie blurted, waving her arms in the air dramatically. She couldn’t contain her excitement.

  Felicia jumped up and hugged her.

  “I’m so happy for you!”

  “I am so glad to finally have a chance with him! He’s all I have thought about since I met him.” Kellie exclaimed.

  “Your father will be so happy for you. Congratulations.”

  Kellie smiled widely. “Thanks. I better go and call Acacia and tell her the news.” She hugged Felicia again and bolted out of the kitchen to make the call.

  Kellie was still buzzing with excitement when Acacia answered the phone.

  “Acacia…oh, my God…oh, my God! You won’t believe who just dropped by!” Kellie said quickly.

  Acacia chuckled. “Hmm, let me guess, a sexy Las Vegas billionaire, perhaps?” she teased.

  Kellie narrowed her eyes and put a hand to her hip. “How did you know?” she asked.

  “Because he called us to tell us that he was moving back here and had bought a house. Then he asked for my blessing for your relationship.”

  “No way! Really?” Kellie was shocked.

  “Yes. Apparently, he thought I wouldn’t support the idea because of his earlier behavior. Grant and I think it’s great news and we are happy for both of you. I guess I was wrong about him. He really does love you Kel. I have had a hard time keeping this from you. I almost let it slip once or twice!” she giggled.

  Kellie shook her head and laughed. She was glad that Acacia supported the idea of her and Holden being together.


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