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By the Light of the Moon

Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Dakota circled around Carson, sizing him up. The man hadn’t come unprepared. Two huge grey wolves flanked him and more were coming. Dakota’s ears lay back flat against his head and he let out a menacing growl loud enough that it shook the trees around them. Carson reared up and charged him. Dakota took off at break neck speed and rammed into Carson, sending him flying through the air and landing flat on his back. Dakota leapt onto him, feeling fangs sink into his neck and hind quarters. There was another loud howl as Sawyer and the rest of his pack came to the rescue, flying through the darkness. The noise of the fight was deafening. As his pack took on Carson’s, there was howling, growling and fangs snapping. The noise reverberated through the trees, growing louder.

  Archer and John took the bigger wolves, along with Sawyer. Sawyer was impressed. His dad and Archer still had the goods and were making quick work of two of the biggest wolves. His own opponent was a moron and Sawyer would have rolled his eyes had he been in human form. He was clumsy and uncoordinated. Jesus, Sawyer didn’t even have the heart to kill the guy. He wasn’t putting any effort into it, and didn’t seem like he wanted to be in on the fight to begin with.

  Sawyer leapt on the wolf’s back sinking his canines into his neck, letting out a growl of satisfaction as he met with bone. There was a loud yelp as the other wolf went down, putting his paws up and begging for mercy. Sawyer brought his muzzle level with his eyes and growled low. He was met with a soft whine and backed off, giving him a warning snap. Letting him know there would be consequences should he try to merge into the fight again. When Sawyer swiveled around he saw two

  tan wolves fighting Carson’s packandtrying to look out

  for the rest of their own pack at the same time. Sawyer recognized them as Jagger and Taylor. Jagger was having fun with his pair of wolves, snapping at the first ones face and then dancing back with quick footing, circling his way around to bite at the other wolf’s neck. More wolves flew out of the forest and Sawyer recognized the Northern pack.

  Sawyer ran and leapt, landing on another of Carson’s pack. He dug his claws into the wolf’s hind quarters while using his fangs to snap at his face. He felt pain in his back leg at the same time he realized another one was trying to drag him off. He turned and pivoted his body, sinking his teeth in the wolf’s neck and yanked, sending blood and fur flying across the snow. Another wolf pounced on his back and Sawyer heard a loud yelp and then the wolf was off of him. He looked up to see Jagger. He huffed and nodded in thanks. Jagger huffed back and urged Sawyer back onto his feet. They looked at each other and jumped back into the fight.

  ~~ Sam was running into the middle of everything, gun drawn, looking for Dakota. He’d heard the loud howl and knew instinctively that his mate was in some kind of pain. That was the last straw for Sam; he was out of the truck and running. He found Dakota fighting with Carson. Sam continued running. He didn’t care that he was human, Dakota was his and he’d be dammed if he just sat by and watched the fight. Dakota seemed to have the upper hand. That was, until Carson’s other wolves decided to jump into the mix, making it three against one. Dakota was ripping one of the back-up wolves throat open when another one jumped on his back, trying to connect with his neck. Sam felt an adrenaline rush, running faster.

  Dakota saw Sam running and tried to pull Carson away, but it was too late. Carson got a good whiff of human and turned, charging Sam. The gun fired four times before Sam was hit. Excruciating pain seared though his gut and blood flew everywhere as he collapsed on the ground. The sky was clearing and the light of the full moon illuminated everything. The stars were out and Sam smiled. What a beautiful view. He heard a soft whine. Dakota was standing over him, and Sam was sure he could see tears in his wolf’s eyes.

  “ It’s okay Dakota. I’d do it again, just like I would have fallen through the ice for you. I love you.” Dakota pressed his nose to Sam’s face and whined again. “Just do it Dakota, I told you it’s what I want. Hurry up.”

  God, there was so much blood. He could feel his connection with Sam dying as the blood ebbed from his body and soaked the white snow beneath him, dying it a rich crimson. Dakota whined and did the one thing he said he’d never do. He bit Sam. He stood watch over Sam as he lay still in the snow, breaths coming out in short ragged gasps as the change took over his body. Sweat poured from him and Dakota backed up a few steps as his body started convulsing. He wanted to help him, but he couldn’t. Sam was on his own for this.

  ~~ Carson caught sight of his son and a Queets wolf fighting two of his own and the little shits were winning. He took off and charged both of them, hitting the Queets wolf and sending him flying into a tree. He turned on Jagger, grabbing his leg as he tried to turn back on Carson and bit down. Carson shook his head from side to side, sending Jagger flying next to the other wolf.

  Sawyer crouched, readying for another attack. The loudest growl he’d ever heard reverberated through the earth below him and then a wolf he’d never seen before came barreling out of the forest. He was damn near the size of a horse.

  The large white wolf made his way over to Dakota and Sam, nudging Dakota in the side. He looked down at Sam and licked his face. Satisfied that Sam was alive, his attention’s turned to Carson. He was on the ground, covered in blood at the hands of his own sons. He made his way over and nudged Taylor and Jagger out of his way as he stood above Carson. Carson took forever to change, but when he did, he tried his best to get away from the white wolf looking down at him.

  “You said you wouldn’t interfere!” Carson pointed at the white wolf. “You left me in charge!” The white wolf shifted and everyone standing around let out a collective gasp as the park ranger, Wayne, stood over Carson. Completely naked. “I am the Alpha of this pack, as I have always been. You are the beta Carson, but not anymore. You are not fit to hold that rank in our pack. I want you out of Denali and out of Alaska. If you are found on our land again, I will personally tear out your throat.”

  Dakota was speechless. He sat by Sam in the snow, human and naked, just holding his hand. He looked at the man that’d taken him in and fed him, kept him warm and even let him sleep on his bed. Wayne was the Alpha? But he’d never felt a connection to him, had never sensed he was a werewolf, not once. “Wayne?”

  Wayne turned to look at Dakota, sitting with his mate. He made his way over and crouched in front of Dakota. He pulled his surprised face up to his own and smiled. “I couldn’t let you die that night, Dakota. When I smelled you, you were near death and I couldn’t let you die out here alone. I changed you and put you in the care of the pack. I haven’t shifted since the night I found you. I’ve been trying so hard to be normal, living my life as a human. I’d forgotten the pride I feel being a werewolf. When I found out Carson kicked you out, I knew things had to change. He’s not like you and me Dakota, we’re different. I come from a long line of werewolves and I have passed that blood on to you and you have passed it to Sam.” Wayne smiled as Sam began to come around. “He’s going to have a hard time dealing with the power; he’s going to need your help. You have come into yours, having found your mate, just as I did when I found mine.”

  They all heard the loud moan and Tucker sat up, rubbing his head and looking at all of them.

  “What did I miss?” Tucker cocked his head to the side, smiling. “Wayne? Why are you naked?” Wayne smiled and made his way over to Tucker. “Think you can get some blankets and such?” Tucker ran to the cabin without even a, “huh”? Wayne made his way over to Carson who shrank back; he looked at the man he’d trusted to watch over his pack and sighed. This was his fault; he’d spent so much time denying who he was, he’d placed his own pack in danger. He grabbed his cock and pissed on Carson. There was a loud gasp from Carson and Wayne smiled at the look on the man’s face. “Now you’re my bitch Carson, don’t think taking a shower will take care of it either. You are marked as mine and no one will ever help you if you decide to come after me or mine. And if you do…” Wayne crouched in front of Carson and grabbed his leg sn
apping it in two. A loud scream left Carson’s lips and Wayne squatted, getting up close and personal with him. “You have no idea how strong I am. Don’t test me, Carson.”

  A loud moaning came from Sam and everyone looked in his direction. Sam sat up and shook his head, blinking steadily and looking around with new eyes. He looked at the men around him and suddenly he could hear everything. He could hear the rabbit off in the distance, the water from the lake, the rustling in the trees and the thoughts of everyone standing around him. Most important of all, he could smell the alluring scent of his mate sitting right next to him. His gums stung as his teeth elongated and he let out a soft growl, grabbing Dakota around the waist and pulling him into his lap.

  Wayne chuckled and addressed the group. “We should go in, it’s going to get racy out here and the young ones don’t need to see this.”

  “Says who?” Sawyer chuckled.

  “Free porn?” Taylor looked at Jagger.

  “Move it.” John pushed the guys towards the cabin.

  ~~ Sam felt his cock getting harder by the second. His instinct was to take Dakota and make him his. Dakota fell limp in his arms and Sam growled, loving his mate’s submissiveness. He grabbed Dakota, putting him on all fours and took him with force from behind, slamming into him over and over again. The need to possess him was strong and Sam felt his body surging with power as he took Dakota harder and harder, spearing his ass with force.

  Dakota was jacking himself off and the smell of semen was strong on the night air as his mate took him. Sam leaned over Dakota and kissed his neck, then sunk his teeth into Dakota’s shoulder tasting blood as he rammed into him relentlessly. Dakota cried out and hot spunk escaped his cock into the white snow, as his body jerked with the force of his orgasm. Sam’s nose twitched at the smell of semen in the air and he exploded in Dakota’s ass, holding his hips. His body jerked and bucked into Dakota as his balls emptied into his mate. He kissed Dakota’s shoulder softly where he’d bit him and saw it was already healed.

  “ I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me, are you okay?” Sam whispered in Dakota’s ear, kissing his neck softly. What the fuck had come over him? Was this his new wolf side? He didn’t want to hurt Dakota and if this was part of being a wolf, he was almost sorry he’d been changed.

  Dakota smiled as Sam pulled out of him slowly. His ass was on fire from being taken with no lube, but he knew Sam had needed to take him right away. It was instinct. “I’m okay, don’t worry about it. I knew it was coming.” Dakota caressed Sam’s face. His muscles rippled just under the surface and the air started to heat around them. Dakota took Sam’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “ For what?” Sam felt pain sear up his spine and let out a loud shout as it rippled through his shoulders and arms. His hand changed before him, long claws stretched out from his fingers and his arm bent in an odd direction, sending another blast of pain through him. “Dakota?”

  Dakota sat and watched his mate shift for the first time. Sam’s garbled words made it hard for him to watch. He knew the first change was painful, but Sam’s large frame was making it worse on him. The arms bent and angled downward as his thighs crunched, readjusting themselves. A loud howl of pain left Sam’s lips and Dakota cringed at the sound of bones cracking. He ran his hand over Sam’s rippling back and prayed it would be over for him soon. “God, I’m so sorry.”

  It seemed to take forever before Sam lay fully shifted on his side, breathing hard, his tongue lolled out as he panted heavily. Dakota looked at the magnificent animal sitting next to him. The brown eyes were looking at him with such love. Sam was beautiful, his black fur was thick and the warmth coming from him was like a furnace in the cold night air. Dakota snuggled next to his mate and sighed. “I love you.”

  Sam nuzzled Dakota and ran his muzzle over him. God,

  but he smelled so fuckinggood.He tried to stand up and

  all four legs went out from underneath him, out to the side. His stomach was on cold snow and he whined, looking up at Dakota, who was laughing. Sam let out a snort and tried to get up again, pulling his hind legs under him and forcing his front ones to obey. He took a tentative step forward with one paw and then another and another. Dakota was clapping, sitting naked on the ground. Sam made his way back over and nudged Dakota, sniffing the blanket next to him.

  “Okay, let’s get inside.”

  ~~ The two Alphas and a Beta supervised and made sure Carson packed up his shit. Some of the wolves that’d been with him refused to follow, after seeing Wayne’s display of power. The others, in their stupidity, followed. Wayne had offered the ones that chose to stay behind, sanctuary in his own pack. After what they’d been a part of, they were surprised and grateful. All in all, the pack had grown bigger by four more wolves. Sawyer surveyed the new pack members and sighed. None of them gave off any scent he’d associate with his mate. Dakota came in with Sam padding in right behind him. Jesus, but Sam was huge.

  “ Damn Sam, I knew you were tall but…Jesus.” Sawyer shook his head with a smile. Sam stood at Dakota’s chest in wolf form. He was just huge.

  “ How bad was it?” Wayne crouched down and took Sam’s face in his hands. He caressed his muzzle and smiled. “You look beautiful.”

  “It was pretty bad.” Dakota looked at Sam. “I could

  barely watch. Jesus, it hurtme to watch him shift.”

  Dakota hugged Sam around his neck and placed a kiss on his nose.

  Wayne took a look at Sam’s pupils and told Dakota. “Get him a blanket, he’s shifting back.” Sam felt the ripple up his back and his hind legs shook, as the muscles and tendons readjusted themselves. Bones cracked and Sam howled again as the change took place. His skin was on fire as the pain ripped through him. He felt his teeth receding and color coming back in his vision. The room was spinning as his back cracked and readjusted and then Sam lay on the cabin floor, human once more, breathing hard and sweating. “Oh fuck, that hurts like a mother fucker.”

  Wayne crouched next to him, pushing his sweaty hair from his brow. Sam was perfect for Dakota. His strength was already flowing through him. “I’m sorry this happened to you, Sam. I know Dakota would have rather gone about this another way, but I think this was meant to be. From what I heard, you hit Dakota on the road and took him home with you. You fell in love with him probably from the moment you touched him, am I correct?”

  Sam smiled and looked at Dakota. He’d felt a connection from the moment he had looked into those grey eyes on the road. Did he love Dakota? Oh yes, he did. More than his own life. “Yes, he’s mine in every way.”

  Wayne looked at his pack, and theywerehis pack. He

  needed to come home and take care of the younger ones now, they were his responsibility. The Denali and Queets packed had merged and were now run by two Alphas in different states. He looked at Archer and put his hand out, baring his neck in a show of respect for the older Alpha. “It’s good to meet you, I’m Wayne Maccon.”

  Archer eyed the younger wolf; he knew the proper respect and bared his own neck, taking his hand. His mind searched the expansive library in his head and he smiled. “Son of a wolf in Celtic.”

  Wayne smiled wide; the old man had his number. “You know of us?” “ Old stories told around the bonfire. My father used to say there was a pack of werewolves that were not made, but created. They were the strongest of any wolf and feared, but also respected. They led with fairness and were kind to all. My Father always said they were six feet tall. I did not believe him.” Archer chuckled. “Let me introduce the Northern packs strongest fighters. This is Nicholas Stevens, Kellan Brady, Scott Delange and Jude Brooks.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Wayne shook their hands. “Thank you for pitching in.”

  “Hey,” Nicholas winked. “We love a good fight. Isn’t

  that right, Sawyer?” Sawyer smiled. “Yep.” Sawyer noticed the three Denali wolves looking at him in awe. “What?”

  Tucker smiled and blushed. “We were just hoping to have some sense ab
out you. You know, as a mate.”

  Preston tilted his head. “Your brother is my mate.” “ Huh?” Sawyer narrowed his eyes. “You’re the white wolf. Wyatt’s your mate.” Sawyer chuckled softly. “Oh, I feel for you.”

  “ I thought you were my mate, too.” Taylor looked at Sawyer. “So did Jagger. Something’s weird, I can hear you guys talking.”

  Archer raised a brow.

  “Well, that would mean you are part of the pack somehow.” Archer looked at Wayne in confusion. Sawyer smiled at them. “Yeah? Well I’d be happy if it was either one of you.” Sawyer looked at them. One was maybe sixteen and he thought he’d heard Jagger call him Tucker. The other one was Wesley, and he was roughly the same age as Tucker. Both cute as could be, but way too young for Sawyer to have fun with. His eyes fell on another man. He shrunk back as Sawyer looked him over, it was the wolf he’d fought. “And you are?”

  The man put his hand out and shyly smiled at Sawyer. “Conner, thanks for not killing me.”

  “Ah, what the hell.” Sawyer smiled. “I was feeling generous.” Wayne cleared his throat and looked at the group surrounding him in the small cabin. “Well, we’re here for the night, so let me teach you guys how to turn that voice off in your head when you don’t want it bothering you. Along with a few other things that will come in handy.

  “Oh, thank God.” Sawyer leaned against Taylor. ~Chapter Seven~ The fire was stoked and cider was poured, along with some hot chocolate for the younger ones. Wayne sat in the middle of the cozy living room telling the story of his life. He’d been alone for some time now, as his mate had died at the hands of poachers. Wayne had decided to become a Park Ranger to put an end to that. He made it as simple as he could for the new wolves. Teaching them how to turn off the nagging thoughts of others, as well as powers they weren’t aware of yet.


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