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By the Light of the Moon

Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Sam had fallen asleep and Dakota couldn’t blame him. He’d had a rough night and was still feeling the effects of shifting. When it was new, it was painful. Over time, the pain became less and less and shifting became secondary, like breathing. Dakota made his way outside quietly, looking at the full moon up in the sky; he had missed Denali, but not enough to come back. He’d changed Sam and now had the responsibility of teaching him everything there was to know. This was not what

  he’d wanted for Sam,hehad never wanted this.

  “You did the right thing.” Taylor leaned up against the door frame. “He would have died.” “ Did I really? Or was I just selfish in wanting to keep Sam with me?” Dakota sighed and sat on a rock. “What would you have done?” Dakota smiled at Taylor, he already knew the answer to that question.

  “ If it had been me? Yes, I would’ve changed him without thinking twice, but I always was one selfish son of a bitch, wasn’t I?” Taylor grinned and made his way to Dakota, taking his hand. “I’m sorry about the way things went down. When we were caught, I should have said it was me, Dakota. But the thought of being beat again...” Taylor shook his head sadly. “I let the fear take over and blamed you instead. Somehow, I knew he wouldn’t kill you, but he kicked you out and you were alone.”

  “ But not for long. Sam came into my life, so maybe it was meant to be, Taylor. I would’ve never met Sam out on the highway if I’d have been here in the cabin, or hunting with the pack, and that is just not something I want to contemplate. Life without Sam is no life at all.”

  Taylor smiled and looked up at the sky. “Sam is strong Dakota; he’s going to take this better than you think.”

  Dakota smiled, taking Taylor’s hand. “You’re a good guy, Taylor.”

  “Yeah well…” Taylor shrugged.

  Dakota elbowed him. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  ~~ Dakota spent the night watching Sam sleep; he still wasn’t comfortable with the fact that he’d changed him. What would Joe and Nadine say when they found out he had changed their son? Would they kick him out of their lives? Dakota didn’t think so, but it nagged at him nonetheless. He was in love for the first time in his life, and not just with Sam, but with his family as well. Sam moaned softly and rolled over into Dakota’s body, his skin was so hot, Dakota immediately began sweating.

  God, he didn’t even want to think about how much pain Sam would endure the next two times he changed. He would be there doing whatever he could to make the change more bearable, anything he could do to help after what he’d done. Dakota closed his eyes and begged sleep to take him. It was going to be a rough few weeks and he would need all his strength; he kissed Sam softly and closed his eyes. “Love you.”

  ~~ The plane ride home had Sam coiled tight as a spring. His new lupine side was begging to come out and play. Sam fought it as hard as he could. Just remembering the amount of pain had him biting his lips and gritting his teeth, fighting the change his body was begging for. His senses were in overload. Between the talking in his head and the effect of his mate next to him, Sam thought he’d go out of his mind. He tried to do what Wayne had taught him, but his overactive body was making it hard for him to concentrate on any one thing at the moment. Besides, fucking Dakota was currently on the top of his list of things to do.

  “Babe, you’re fighting it too hard.” Dakota ran his hand through Sam’s soft silky black hair. “ I’m not going to change, not if I can help it.” Sam closed his eyes and squeezed them shut. “Oh my God Sawyer, shut up!” Sam growled.

  Sawyer looked at Sam with a surprised face. “I didn’t say anything!” “ No, but you were thinking it. You will find your mate, although at this point he’ll probably hide from you. Damn, you’re so needy.” Sam took a deep breath and sighed. “God, I’m sorry Sawyer.”

  Archer sat by Sam and took his hands in his, closing over them protectively. “It will take time. You must not fight the wolf in you, it will be more painful as it gather’s its powers and will eventually take over. You must let it out to run free, Sam.” Archer smiled, looking in Sam’s eyes. “He’s in there, fighting to come out.”

  “ Well, can he wait to come out and play until we’re on the ground and in an open area? I’m sure these Army guys will be surprised to see a huge wolf that wasn’t here before, stalking around.”

  Dakota held him and kissed Sam’s forehead softly. “When we get back, I’ll shift with you, ok? Maybe it will make things easier.”

  Sam huffed and closed his eyes. “Sure.”


  Once they touched down in Washington State, the drive home was just as quiet. John drove so Sam could sleep. Dakota sat next to him, watching the city fly by and massaged his mates head with his fingers. Sam had been fighting the change for hours and it was making him restless and irritable. Dakota’s eyes met with Sawyer’s and he motioned him closer, whispering in his ear. He knew Sam could hear his inner thoughts, but hopefully he was too preoccupied to hear his actual voice in a hushed whisper. Sawyer pulled away with a grin on his face.

  “You think it’ll work?” Dakota looked at Sam. His biceps were rippling and his fingers were shifting back and forth, from claws back to fingers. “Oh God, I hope so.”

  ~~ Nadine waited with Joe as the truck pulled up. She watched as all the men came out, with a few more she hadn’t seen before. She smiled, taking Dakota into her arms and holding him tight. He’d become a son to her and she loved him as such. “I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried about you.”

  “ I’m fine.” Dakota kissed her cheek. “I think there’s something you should know though. During the fight, Sam got hurt and I…” Dakota clenched his hands together; he really didn’t want to see the horrified looks on their faces for what he’d done to their son. “I…I had no choice.”

  Sawyer waited for his moment and then shifted. His clothes hung off of him, tattered. He himself was shocked at the ease of his movements in shifting, every bone had readjusted itself within seconds and he looked at Dakota with fury in his eyes. He let out a loud menacing growl and leaped at Dakota. He was struck in his side and felt his ribs crack; the loud howl that left his mouth had Grayson shifting. Sam tore at his leg until he heard Dakota from far away.

  “Sam! Stop it!”

  Nadine let out a loud gasp and looked at her son. Well, her son that was now black wolf, weighing more than two hundred pounds. “Sam?” Nadine crouched down, looking at him.

  “I’m so sorry.” Dakota whispered. “He was going to die and he asked me…” “ Stop it, Dakota.” Joe took his hand and looked in his eyes. “You did what you had to do and I’m sure Sam asked for it. Don’t you dare apologize for saving our son.”

  Sam looked down at Sawyer’s bloody leg and backed off. Grayson made his way through and shoved Sam away with his muzzle, cleaning his brother’s leg. Sam turned and made his way to his Mother, who was still crouched down looking at him. She put her hand out and Sam nuzzled it, feeling his Mother pull him into her arms.

  “ I’m so glad you’re okay.” Nadine held him tight. No matter what, this was her son and she loved him with all her heart. “Don’t worry; you’re the new and improved Sam now.” Nadine giggled.

  Dakota smiled at his mate in the arms of his mother. “I’m sorry Sam, but I had to do something to make you shift. I didn’t think you’d tear Sawyer a new one though.” Dakota smiled as Sawyer shifted back and Grayson went and got him some clothes.

  Sawyer cracked his neck from side to side, looking at Dakota. “Jesus, I knew he’d be protective, but seriously?” Sawyer waved a hand over his fully healed leg, still covered in blood. “Remind me not to do you any more favors, Dakota.” Grayson brought him some jeans and then stood in front of him as he changed.

  Archer stood looking at his pack and smiled. They’d come through unscathed with the help of the Denali pack as well as the northern.

  “Let’s drink!” Archer smiled. Nadine smiled. “Archer, allow the boys to shower first and get into some clean warm clo
thing before you haul them off and get them smashed. Besides, Sam needs to shift back and shower himself, he looks like hell.” Nadine smiled as her son huffed at her and nuzzled her hand. “I bet you’re hungry too.” Nadine smiled as Sam tilted his head looking at her, tongue hanging out and panting.

  “ Okay, everyone go get washed up, we have time.” Archer smiled watching his pack go off in different directions; Dakota stood next to him and put his arm around his Alpha.

  “Well, this should be fun.” Dakota smiled, watching Sam chase his tail.

  ~~ Sam was still in wolf form when Dakota entered their house; he sighed and made his way over, dropping into a sitting position. He knew Sam was stubborn, but Jesus, the man liked to make things hard on himself. Dakota coaxed Sam to lie down, then ran his hand softly over his belly and talked to him in soothing tones. “You know I had to push you, Sam. That’s why I asked Sawyer to come after me, so that you’d shift without even thinking. The wolf inside you took over and you need to allow yourself to relax.” Dakota ran his fingers through the soft fur, massaging Sam behind the ears. “Come on, please shift, babe.”

  Sam closed his eyes and concentrated on shifting back. He didn’t even remember the pain from shifting before; his goal was to protect his mate. His heart was pounding in his ears as he closed his eyes and willed his body to shift. The pain wasn’t as bad as the first time, but it wasn’t a picnic either. Bones shifted and muscles and tendons stretched as Sam’s body shifted. The last of the pain ebbed away as Sam opened his eyes. Dakota’s grey ones were watching him, filled with love. “I can see your beautiful grey eyes.”

  Dakota threw himself on his mate and wrapped his arms around him. He could hear Sam’s heartbeat and snuggled into him more, loving that sound, the sound of his mate alive. “I’m so sorry.” Dakota felt the tears coming and held on. “I didn’t want this for you.”

  Sam’s now human hands made quick work of the button on Dakota’s jeans, sliding his zipper down; to feel his warm cock, hard and ready. Sam wrapped his hand around it and pumped it from base to tip. Dakota moaned and wiggled out of his jeans and briefs, spreading his legs out. Sam’s mouth met with his and Dakota’s tongue dove in, devouring his mate. Dakota wanted to feel Sam inside him, wanted that power riding him. He wrapped his legs around Sam’s waist and angled himself, lining Sam’s cock up with him and pulled him in.

  Sam pulled away, looking down into Dakota’s face. “Wait, hang on to me, okay?” Sam got up off the floor and held Dakota as he tried to find his focus and balance. Shifting had taken a lot out of him. He walked them to the bedroom and put Dakota on the bed, lubing his cock up and spreading a generous amount on Dakota’s hole. “I don’t want to hurt you, babe.” Sam crawled back up the bed and settled between Dakota’s legs, the tip of his cock sliding in to the crown. “I love you and don’t you ever feel bad about what you did. I’d rather be a werewolf then never see you again. Thank you Dakota, for saving my life.”

  Dakota broke down and cried as Sam made love to him. It must have seemed odd that he was crying during sex, but Sam knew why and he thrust in slow and deep, all while searching Dakota’s mouth. Dakota’s mind was racing as Sam’s newly found power raced through him. Their bodies were connecting on a whole new level and Dakota’s balls filled in record time. He shot hard and fast with a loud cry as Sam continued to pound into him now. “Oh shit, Sam.”

  Sweat rolled down his biceps as the smell of Dakota’s spunk filled his senses; he grabbed Dakota’s legs under his arms and threw them over his shoulders, hanging onto his lover by his ass. Spreading his ass cheeks wider, Sam slammed into Dakota; feeling his orgasm rising, his cock hardened and his balls reared up, almost disappearing inside him. Sam let loose with a hoarse cry, shooting hot cum up Dakota’s chute. His hips still bucking and jerking, Sam fought for control as his eyes shifted and his teeth elongated. He was going to be fucking his mate as a werewolf. His throat was constricting as the muscles began to shift and stretch. “Shit, don’t want to change.”

  “ Look at me Sam.” Dakota looked at his mate, changing right before his eyes. “Slow down and take deep even breaths.”

  Sam closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Slow in and slow out, as he felt his dick softening in Dakota. He pulled out with care and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling as his eyes shifted back to normal. “I have to admit, that’s fucking cool as hell, babe.”

  Dakota smiled and crawled on top of Sam. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” Dakota buried his face in Sam’s neck, taking in his musky scent. “Are you ready to eat?”

  Sam chuckled and threw Dakota over on all fours. “Hell yeah, I am.”

  ~~ By the time they made it out to the bonfire, Dakota had been well fucked twice and had one of the best rim jobs of his life. A grate had been thrown over the bonfire and deer steaks lined each side with potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil in the middle. John came out with a bowl of potato salad and Wyatt running right behind him. He came to a stop, sniffing the air.

  Wyatt giggled and threw his arms around Sawyer’s neck. “Where’s my mate?”

  John spit his beer out and covered his mouth. “Wyatt, you are too young to have a mate.”

  “But I saw him!” Wyatt pouted. “He covered me.” Nadine put her arms out to Wyatt. She took Wyatt’s face in her hands and kissed his cheek. “When you are old enough, your mate will come for you and then you will have love for the rest of your life.”

  Nadine wanted to hear all about the fight and how her son became a werewolf. Dakota sat back against Sam’s chest and let Archer tell the tale. He looked around the bon fire and saw his new family, all smiling and happy after everything. This was what true families were about, acceptance, understanding and love. Thanks to just one man, he now had it all. Dakota squeezed Sam’s hand and kissed his neck, feeling the heat from him. Sam’s arms surrounded him, keeping him safe and warm.

  “Love you.” Dakota whispered. “ Love you.”

  ~Chapter Eight~

  Mark had to laugh. He and Josh had just gotten back from Georgia, where he had finalized not only his resignation, but cleaned out his storage unit. The best part was seeing Annette’s face when her eyes took in Josh Montgomery, and then the look that followed, when she’d realized Josh was his. Mark chuckled. They were now boarding a flight to Washington and were hiding from Sabine behind quite a few passengers. Which was comical, seeing how Josh was taller than most of them. He was scrunching himself down to hide behind the man in front of him.

  “Do you see her?” Josh tried to look around the man in front of him, but a woman was blocking his view. “ She’s right in front, taking tickets.” Mark watched as the line got shorter. Sabine had her hair in its usual twist and was smiling broadly at all the passengers boarding. “Okay, stand up now.”

  Josh stood up and squeezed Mark’s hand. He put the tickets in front of him and smiled when Sabine’s eyes met

  his. “Well,bonjour.” Josh winked.

  “Joshua!”Sabine smiled wide. “ Yes, Joshua.” Josh looked over at Mark. “With his husband.”

  Sabine squealed. “You got married!”

  “We did.” Mark smiled and was promptly pulled into a hug.

  “I am so happy for you both!” Sabine hugged Josh.

  Mark felt the air leaving his lungs. “I think we’re holding up the line.”

  Sabine smiled and stepped back. “I will talk to you when we are in the air.”

  Josh found their seats in first class and sat down. Mark

  was looking out the window; Josh took his hand and laced their fingers together.

  “Are you happy?”

  Mark turned to look at Josh, the beautiful face and eyes of Josh Montgomery. “Of course I am. I love you Josh.”

  “You ready for our crazy life together?” Josh waggled his eyebrows.

  Mark cracked up and kissed Josh’s cheek. “Yes, I am.”

  The plane taxied out to the runway and sped up,

  leaving Georgia behind. Mark sat back and
closed his eyes. That part of his life was over, he was now starting a new one, with the love his life.

  “So, what do you think Sam wants to tell me?” Josh fumbled with his seat belt.

  Mark smiled and reached over, clicking it into place. “I have no idea, but I’m sure it’s important if he wanted you there in person.” Mark sat back and closed his eyes as the plane lifted off the ground.

  Josh stretched his legs out, the perks of first class. Within minutes, Sabine was sitting across from them with a smile.

  “I am so glad to see you two together.”

  Mark sat forward and took her hand. “Thank you.”

  “So you’re not freaked out?” Josh put his arm around Mark.

  “No.” Sabine shook her head with a smile. “Sometimes it takes years to find the one you are meant to be with. I am very happy that the two of you found each other.” Sabine sat back and crossed her legs. “Now kiss for me, I am bored.”

  Mark laughed out loud and covered his mouth. “Sabine!”

  Sabine shrugged. “It was worth a try.”


  The following week Dakota was making plans for Christmas and this time things were different. He had a family that he loved and was finally at peace with himself. He pulled up in front of the house and saw a truck parked out front next to Sam’s. Dakota grabbed the grocery bags and made his way inside. “Hey, I’m back.” Dakota stopped mid-walk and looked at Josh and Mark, sitting on his couch with Sam. “Oh, I didn’t realize we had guests.”

  “Dakota, you remember Josh and Mark.” Sam smiled, standing up.

  Mark took one look at the man standing by the door

  and his mouth fell open. “Itisyou. I’d know those eyes



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