CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set Page 41

by C. Shell

Jimmie cringed, and his mouth dropped open. “And on that note, I’m out of here. Any conversation that involves my dick doesn’t need to be had with my sister.” He gives Nate and Dex a concerned look. “Good luck guys. With the mood Addy’s in, your going to need it.”

  I glanced back at my guys. “What does he mean by that?”

  My question isn’t meant for anyone in particular, but it’s Nate that barks out a laugh. “It means that we are two lucky guys with a beautiful date who likes to speak her mind.”

  I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not, but either way, I’m ready to have some fun. Peeking at them through my lashes, I flash a flirty grin. “We’ve got some time before the firework show. Who wants the first dance?”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  My father and Cindy threw one hell of a party. From the fancy food to the talented band, they didn’t spare any expense. There is a buzz of excitement in the air as friends and family celebrate the life and upcoming marriage of the happy couple. It makes me feel a little bit sorry for what I’m about to do. Not enough to stop me, but enough to remind me that I’m not the heartless bitch some make me out to be.

  Dex steps up beside me and takes my hand in his. “The last of the guests just left. It’s time.”

  I look around the room and watch the hustle and bustle of the clean-up crews, taking down the tables and removing the decorations. In a few more hours everything will be back in its proper place, and no one would be able to tell that anything had happened here at all.

  I stare up at Dex in concern. “Where is Jimmie?”

  “He had a little too much to drink and is sleeping it off in the basement. He’ll be out for the rest of the night. No worries on him interrupting.”

  “And Nate?” I look around the room but don’t see him anywhere. “He disappeared earlier to go to the bathroom. I haven’t seen him since.”

  Dex slips an arm around my shoulder, hugging me into his solid frame. “Already spoke with him. He ran down to the basement to grab something. He’ll meet us in your father’s study when he’s done.”

  “Oh.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Then I guess we’re all set. I don’t want to procrastinate and draw this out. Let’s treat it like a band-aid and just rip it off.”

  Dex gives me a good squeeze. “Your father was in the foyer saying goodbye to guests the last I saw him. Let’s go see if he’s still there.”

  I exhale a shaky breath and follow Dex’s lead to the front of the house where, sure enough, my father stands talking to an older gentleman with greying hair and kind eyes. We wait to the side until they finish and once his guest leaves, we make our move.

  “Father, can I speak with you in private?”

  Dad looks to Dex behind me, but he never budges from his spot. “I’m busy right now, Addison. Can this wait until tomorrow?”

  I stiffen, afraid that he will insist on denying me. Tomorrow will be crazy busy with too many people around. I will never get him alone then. “Not really. It’s important.” The urgency in my voice is as real as it gets.

  Dad rubs a hand down his tired face before motioning for me to follow him. I never told him where to go, but luck must be on my side because he leads me straight to his study. Dex and I step into the room, closing the door behind us. I don’t know where Nate is, but I’m not going to wait for him to show. My body is already trembling, and I haven’t even confronted David with the papers yet. If I don’t get this done now, I’m afraid I might chicken out.

  David takes a seat behind his desk and gestures for me to sit in one of the two chairs situated in front of him. This feels more like a meeting between business partners than it does a family matter being discussed between father and daughter. I notice David glaring behind me and turn to see Dex standing behind my chair, his hands clenched into fists as if preparing for a fight.

  God, I hope it doesn’t come to that.

  “What is he doing here?” David asks. “I thought you wanted privacy.”

  “I asked him to come,” I lie. “Dex is here for me.” That part is the truth. I could have done this on my own, but I’m glad he’s here. Would have liked Nate to be here also, but one is better than none.

  David sits back in his chair, fingers steepled in front of him and lets out a strained laugh. “Okay Addison, you have my full attention. What is this about?”

  With shaky hands, I pull my phone out from the hidden pocket in my skirt and open it up to the photos I took of the papers found hidden in this very room. Before handing it over and showing him the evidence, I’ve acquired, I fish for some answers.

  “I heard that you’ve asked Jimmie to come and work with you this summer. By the way congratulations on the upcoming baby.”

  “I’m surprised he told you,” David says, his tone laced with surprise. “I’m glad to see that he’s taking the offer seriously.”

  “Of course, he is,” I bite out. “Jimmie isn’t one to shy away from responsibility. He is a man of his word and would move heaven and earth if it meant making you proud of him. He’s got a heart of gold.”

  My father nods as if he already knows this. “So, I’m guessing that this impromptu meeting is your way of telling me that you don’t want Jimmie to come?”

  Instead of answering, I ask a question of my own. “Why do you need Jimmie? You’ve got other people already on your payroll that could step in and help. Why take Jimmie away from soccer and his family to come help you do something he has no interest in?”

  David flinches as if I had slapped him. “His family?” he bellows. “What the hell are Cindy and I? We’re his family too.”

  Dex pulls on my shoulders, bringing me further into his body. Besides the thin backing of the wooden chair, nothing is separating us. I have no doubt he will step in if my father continues to raise his voice. To keep that from happening I try a different tactic.

  Keeping my voice even I answer. “It's different, and you know that. My brother is on the verge of getting a scholarship to college thanks to his soccer skills. Every second that Jimmie is away from the field is a lost chance for him to succeed. Don’t ask him to sacrifice his future for your own.”

  David stares at me, his fury cutting right through me. “Stop making it sound like I am forcing this on him. I made a suggestion, and he accepted. That is all there was to it. Jimmie is a big boy, he can make his own decision.”

  This conversation is pointless. It’s obvious that nothing I say will change David’s mind. He doesn’t care about anything other than his own needs. “Keep telling yourself that, Dad. Whatever makes you sleep better at night,” I say, blowing out an exasperated breath. “By the way, have you spoken to Mrs. Pevy lately? I was sad to see that she wasn’t invited to the party.”

  “Why are you asking about one of my old clients, Addison?”

  My head bobs with silent laughter. “I find the legal system fascinating, Daddy. There are so many loopholes and ways to hide money.” I lean forward placing my hands on the desk as if to tell him a secret. “I read somewhere that most crooks hide their money in offshore accounts such as the Cayman Islands.” I clap as if an idea just came to me. “What am I saying? You already know all about that. Don’t you, Daddy?”

  David’s panicked eyes dart behind me to Dex before pinning me to the chair. “Addison.” His angry voice is a warning to stop.

  I ignore him and continue. “Poor Mrs. Pevy lost all her husband's retirement money thanks to you. How much of that money did you use to buy and furnish this extravagant house?”

  David slams his fist down on the table, and I jump back in shock. Dex takes the seat beside me, pulling me next to him and away from my father. I’m riding high on righteous fury. I no longer give two shits how upset David gets. He caused this, not me.

  “Lies,” David yells. “You’re full of nothing but lies, baby girl.”

  My eyes narrow as I flip my phone around showing him the photos on it and my proof of what a sorry excuse of a human being he is. “You’ve been
a busy man,” I accuse. “I got bored and found your hiding spot. At last count, I found thirteen families that you manipulated and stole from.”

  David’s eyes flash. “You sniveling little piece of shit. Who the hell do you think pays for those nice clothes you wear? Your mother doesn’t make enough with her job to support you two kids. It’s me who keeps that roof above your heads. And this is the thanks I get?”

  In a blink of the eye, Dex is out of his chair and has my dad slammed up against the wall, his hand wrapped around his throat holding him in place. “Don’t you ever fucking speak to her like that again,” he says in a low voice.

  Dad struggles against Dex’s hold, but the years haven’t been too kind to my father, and he is no match against Dex’s strength. His eyes lock on mine, and I can see the fear and sadness shining within them. My father has reached the end of the line, and he blames me for it. I knew throwing my dad’s secrets in his face would break what little relationship we had left, but I never realized how much that would hurt. His hateful words hit their mark right in my heart and fill me with dejection.

  “Dex let him go,” I plead, my voice soft. “David’s upset, but he’s not going to physically hurt me. Let’s just finish this so we can get out of here.”

  Dex leans in close to David, his jaw hard. “If you lay one hand on her or say anything to upset her, I won’t think twice before ending you,” he seethes, his chest heaving from the restraint it's taking to keep from doing just that.

  Dex drops his arms and my father sags against the wall, rubbing at his throat and sucking in a lungful of air. Dex doesn’t retake his seat, and instead paces the floor as if he has too much adrenaline running through his veins. Not waiting for Dad to get settled I lay out my terms for staying quiet, something I don’t think he is expecting.

  “Here’s the deal. You are going to tell Jimmie that the position as your right-hand man has already been filled and you’re going to leave him alone. No more trying to lure him to Texas or setting him up in your corrupt company. In exchange, I will hand back the papers I found and promise not to go to the police with the copies I took.”

  “Fuck,” Dad wheezed, “you’re blackmailing me?”

  “No, that sounds scandalous,” I muse. “Think of it as me giving you a get out of jail free card. No one has to know as long as you back off and leave Jimmie alone.”

  My dad glances up and nods, his eyes filled with unshed tears. “I’ll tell him after the wedding.”

  “Before,” I insist. “No reason to put it off. Once it's done, I will return the envelope to you and all its contents.”

  “How can I be sure you won’t have a change of heart and later turn me in?” Dad’s voice wavers, sadness making him look far older than he really is.

  I chuckle softly at the audacity of him asking if he can trust me. “You don’t, but unlike you, I keep my word. No police.”

  With nothing else to say, I stand to go with Dex right behind me. Before I can slip from the room, Dad’s voice stops me. “I have one request,” he says.

  I raise a brow, interested in hearing what he has to say. “After we both fulfill our part of the bargain, I want you and your boyfriends out of my house. Make-up a lie if you have to, but I no longer want you in my house or at my wedding.”

  Tears well up behind my eyes before falling freely down my face. I take a deep breath. And then another. “Sure thing. We’ll be on the first plane out of Texas as soon as it’s done,” I answer, my voice hollow and sad.

  Dex wraps his hand around mine and pulls me from the room. I faintly hear him talking to someone, but everything around me is a blur, and I can’t seem to stop crying. I don’t remember the walk back to the basement or how I came to be in my pajamas. When I finally snap out of my lifeless existence, I’m tucked into the big bed in the basement by my two best friends.

  I glance up to find Nate staring down at me, his brows drawn down in worry. “Where were you?” I ask.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Princess. Jimmie started throwing up, and I had to help get him cleaned up. He’s fine now. I found an empty room upstairs for him. I thought we might need the privacy.”

  I nod and stare off into the dark, quiet room. The look of betrayal on my father’s face and his hurtful words keep playing on a loop in my head. “It was horrible, Nate. My dad hates me.”

  “David is just mad that he got caught. He might not be the best father, but he loves you.” Nate tips my head back, so I have no choice but to look into his eyes. Snuggling closer, I take comfort that only these two men can provide.

  Leaning forward, Nate kisses the top of my head, and Dex slips a hand around my waist, hugging me from behind. “Get some rest, Addy Bear. Tomorrow this will be all over, and then we’ll head back home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  From my window on the airplane, I can see our destination in the distance. We’re almost home. I’ve had crazy days before, but today took the cake. Dad woke us up at the crack of dawn to let us know that breakfast was ready and that we had until noon to vacate the premises.

  After a plate full of scrambled eggs and burnt bacon, Dad told Jimmie that one of Cindy’s cousins would be taking over the position as his assistant this summer. Jimmie balked and said he wanted the job, but you could tell it was all for show. My brother left the breakfast table looking as if the weight of the world had just been lifted from his shoulders. Seeing him so relieved makes all the snide looks from my dad and Cindy worth it.

  As promised, I returned the incriminating paperwork to my dad’s office and booked an early return flight for the guys and myself. I knew Jimmie would be pissed about us leaving, so I faked a stomach bug and told him I was afraid of being contagious and getting Cindy sick. With my dad backing up my story and decision, we packed up our bags and got the hell out of there.

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  I lean back into my seat and twist around, flashing Dex a timid smile. “Just wondering where we go from here?”

  Dex laughs, reaching a hand around and hugging me to his side. “We go home.”

  “You know what I mean.” I tuck my feet under my thighs, sitting Indian-style on the seat and face Dex and Nate. This isn’t exactly the time and place for this conversation, but our relationship status needs to be sorted before we get off this plane.

  “Where do the three of us go from here? I can’t exactly go back to school with two boyfriends and not become the town freak. What we have going on won’t be accepted, and I can’t chance having my mother look at me with disgust the way my father did.”

  Dex grits his teeth as if gearing up for a fight. “Jelly Bean, I’m sure we—”

  “No Dex,” I interrupt. “There is no way our small town will see what we have as anything but weird. They won’t care that we’re almost legal adults or that we love each other. I will be labeled a slut, and my mother’s reputation will be soiled in the process. It’s stupid and wrong, but you know it’s true.”

  Nate’s heavy exhale is loud in the quiet cabin.

  The silence between us is interrupted by the hum of the landing gear being activated. We glance around realizing that our decision-making time is almost up. I can’t choose between them, and I don’t want to say goodbye to them either, which leaves me…where?

  “I don’t know what to do,” I whisper.

  “I do,” Nate says, surprising us all. “What we’ve been doing is new. We are in uncharted territory. No decisions need to be made right now. In public, you will be Dex’s girl. In private, you are ours. We only have one more year until school is out. At that time, we will all be leaving to parts unknown. If what we have is strong enough, then we all go together and make our life together work where it can’t harm our families.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “And if it’s not?”

  “Then you’ll either choose one of us, or we all go our separate ways.”

  I look out the window watching the plane as it starts its descent. Nate’s
plan is crazy and has enough holes in it to sink us all. “Jealousy will tear us apart. How will you be able to sit back and watch us kiss in public knowing that you can’t be a part of it? You’ll be a dirty secret, Nate. I don’t want that for you. You’ll end up hating us for it.”

  “First off, I could never hate you. Either of you. Secondly, it’s the best chance we have of making this work. I don’t want to lose you, and Dex and I are level-headed enough not to let stupid crap get in the way of loving you. Together we can make this work.”

  I want to believe him, but it all sounds too easy. I’m on the cusp of saying no when Dex speaks up. “Let’s do it. I’m all in.”

  They look at me, their eyes pleading with me to give in and it about breaks me. I don’t deserve their love. Here they are, willing to do whatever it takes to keep me in their lives, and I’m the stupid bitch too scared to say yes.

  My bottom lip quivers, and I bite it to keep from showing my nerves. I can do this! No more overthinking and worrying over things I can’t control. It’s time to take control of my life and see where this new level in our relationship will take us. I don’t want to live with regrets and wondering what could have been.

  The airplane’s tires hit the ground, and we get jostled about as the plane slows to a stop. Clearing my throat, I peer up at them through my lashes, too nervous to look them straight in the eyes. “We all have to agree that there can’t be any lies between us,” I prattle on nervously. “If someone gets upset, jealous, or their feelings hurt, we talk about it before it can blow up in our faces.”

  “Deal,” the guys say in unison, hope in their voices. The big smiles on their faces with dimples in full view is my undoing.

  “Okay. I’m in.”

  To be continued…

  CW Boys: Happily Ever -Book Four

  C. Shell

  Copyright C. Shell 2018

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