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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 48

by C. Shell

  “Okay.” I’m uneasy knowing the world doesn’t really work that way, but if that’s the attitude we need to get through the next year, I’m on board. I’ll kick ass and take names later if that’s what it takes to keep us together.

  Chapter Twelve

  It’s been a full week since the bonfire and I can honestly say that things haven’t gotten any better since Jimmie and Dex fought Derrick and the red-haired boy who I later learned was named Roy. If anything, things are worse. Much, much worse.

  Nate, Dex, and I grabbed some fast food before taking it back to Nate’s basement where we relaxed while inhaling greasy food. Jimmie refused to join us. With split knuckles and a big chip on his shoulder, he and Cammy took off saying they needed some time alone. I ruined their big night together, so I can’t say that I blame him for being pissed off. I would probably be the same way.

  The guys and I spent the rest of that night cuddling and trying to talk ourselves into believing that we were invincible. I’m not sure if Derrick really believed anything he was saying or if he was just trying to rile Dex up, but none of it matters anymore. Dex’s reaction was all the proof our classmates needed.

  The story is so out of the norm for our little town that most of our classmates called bullshit. Though there were a few that hung onto every word out of Derrick’s raunchy mouth as if he were reading from the bible. Evil feeds evil, as my mother would say.

  School has turned into my own personal hell. I’ve gotten side glances and notes slipped into my locker with obscene messages written on them. One asked if I enjoyed taking two dicks while another was a written wish list of all the things someone wanted to do to me. I stopped reading after number five which included a jar of dill pickles and an eggplant. Enough said.

  I’ve held my head high, acting as if none of it bothers me. Of course, it’s all an act. At night, after Jimmie goes to sleep and the guys are safely back home, I turn up my music and cry until my eyes are swollen and my shirt is soaked through with my tears.

  The CW Boys are out of town this weekend for a soccer game and I’ve picked up enough shifts to keep my mind occupied, leaving very little time for me to dwell on my personal life. Plus, I want out of the house and away from my mother. She keeps trying to corner me about my college applications, or should I say my lack of filling any of them out. I can understand her worry, but I’m not one hundred percent sure the conventional college route is the best plan for me.

  If I were planning to be a doctor or a lawyer, then I would want to find the best University around. But that’s not me. I want to get an arts degree in photography and that can happen in any art institute just as easily as it would on a college campus. Plus, it offers me less schooling time and the price won’t put my mother in an early grave.

  I need to talk to her about it, but I keep chickening out. I’m afraid of disappointing her. Compared to Jimmie and the guys I look like a drifter with no land in sight. They’re all being followed by top coaches who call and mail them shiny little colorful pamphlets every week. All their applications are already typed up and mailed in. At last count, Jimmie had turned in seven. Seven! No wonder my mother is starting to freak out.

  Nate and Dex change the subject anytime I bring up the future. I guess I’m not the only one with my head stuck in the sand. They keep saying that everything will work itself out, but I don’t believe them. I might be able to go anywhere for schooling, but they can’t. What will happen if they end up hundreds of miles away? I’ll be left in the middle having to choose which one to follow. There is nothing romantic or happy about that ending. I’d rather go off on my own, then make that decision.

  “Earth to Addison!”

  Clearing my throat, I sheepishly glance up to find Seth seething in front of me. I guess I zoned out again, something that’s become somewhat of a habit as of late. “What can I help you with, Seth?”

  “Why aren’t you done yet? You’ve been in here for over an hour. A monkey could finish replacing skate laces faster than that.”

  I sigh and grit my teeth, locking away all the nasty retorts begging to come out. Seth is a crappy manager and an even worse human being. Glancing back down at the dozens of scuffed and worn out ice skates laid out in front of me, I do a quick head count to see how many I have left to fix.

  My tone is dry. “I’ve only got six left. I’ll be done within the next fifteen minutes.”

  Seth’s eyes bug out, making him look much scarier than he is. “You better, or so help me I swear I will be writing you up.”

  I tuck a piece of my hair back, frowning. Seth’s shitty attitude is the product of love gone wrong. I accidentally overheard him on the phone telling someone that his new man dumped him for someone younger. Seth isn’t taking it well, which is why he keeps handing my ass to me on a silver platter whenever the opportunity arises.

  Ignoring the twat of a man in front of me, I continue with my work. Despite what Seth might think, I don’t enjoy changing out skate laces. It’s a tedious job that makes my fingers hurt. Seth eventually leaves in a huff giving me time to get lost in my thoughts again.

  When I finally get down to my last skate, I get sidetracked by the bell over the door ringing, indicating that a customer has arrived. My eyes lift to the ceiling and I sigh. So close to the finish line. A rumble of voices catches my attention and despite the need to complete my last task of the day, I find myself walking to the front counter.

  I walk into the entryway and stop and cold.

  The Universe fucking hates me. Either that or I’ve done something to make karma decide that I’m her bitch.

  Lindsey’s shown up for the next shift and she’s brought along a friend.

  Make that two friends.

  Nicholas stands on one side of Lindsey, his hand wrapped around her tiny waist while his evil stepsister Lacey stands on the other.

  I stare, my throat bobbing with horror, then turn my back on them and attempt to retreat before they notice me. I get a whole three steps in before my name is called, the ominous sound like a whip being cracked in a quiet room.

  I clench my fingers into fists. My heart pounds rapidly as I spin around, facing my aggressors together for the first time since the beach incident. And by incident, I mean the night Lacey drugged me and urged an all too willing Nicholas to rape me.

  “Aw, look, brother,” Lacey says, giving me a hard glare, “it’s your favorite plaything.”

  I close my eyes, willing my heart rate to slow. I try and count to ten, but I’m too worked up to get past the number four. I attempt to smile, acting as if their presence isn’t making me want to pee in my pants. “This is a place of business. Unless you plan on skating then you will need to leave.”

  “They’re with me,” Lindsey says, pressing her body into Nicholas’. I guess their break-up didn’t last. “You can’t force them to leave.”

  Nicholas’s eyes lock with mine, his features hard. Maybe it was the fact that I was tired of being everyone’s punching bag, but I decided to do something I never do. Darting down the hall, I head straight for Seth’s office.

  I don’t believe in tattling, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  Nicholas and Lacey aren’t going to keep shitting on my parade. I’m counting on Seth’s piss poor mood to help me out on this one. It’s either that or I call the cops and beg them to enforce my restraining order against Lacey. I don’t want to do that because then my mom will be notified, and she will freak out!

  Waltzing into his office unannounced, I express to Seth how unfair it is that Lindsey gets to let her boyfriend and his sister into the rink for free. I suggest that I get to have my friends come to skate for free also. Then, just to be an ass, I elaborate on the boyfriend part, telling him what a distraction that could be on her work ethic. He zeros in on that little detail, and I can practically feel his recently dumped emotions surging as he turns a bright shade of red.

  Not two seconds later, Seth is screaming Lindsey’s name and I’m smiling like
the cat that ate the canary. When she passes me in the hallway, the shoulder bump she gives me has enough oomph to knock me off balance. Even still, I smile. The bitch deserves the ass chewing Seth gives her.

  “Happy with yourself, are you?” Lacey questions as I turn the corner. Her red painted lips twist into an ugly sneer as she looks me over. “I really don’t know what they see in you,” she mutters.

  I freeze, quickly schooling my features into one of nonchalance. I’m pretty sure that like a dog, Lacey can smell fear. I won’t give her the satisfaction of knowing I’m afraid of her. Petrified is more like it.

  I am so over this week. Anger rolls off me in waves. “You need to leave.” I glance between Lacey and Nicholas. “Both of you.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Princess,” Nicholas laughs. “My sister and I have better things to do than spend our time in a run-down ice-skating rink.”

  I lean against the counter, my fingers digging into the soft wood. “Good. Then there is nothing stopping you from walking out that door.” My eyes dart between them before adding, “The sooner the better.”

  Lacey’s takes a step back, her smile fading as her full lips thin. “I don’t know how I forgot that you and Lindsey worked together. We should get together sometime and reminisce about old times. I’m sure Lindsey can get me a copy of your work schedule.”

  I blanch. The threat in her words rings loud and clear to me. Lacey knows my goings and comings from the ice rink. I’m not safe here.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Nicholas throws a glance behind me. Seth must have figured out that they hadn’t left. The sound of his penny loafers shuffling down the hall is a warning of his imminent arrival.

  I watch them head for the door, my eyes following their every move, not willing to look elsewhere until I know for certain they’re gone. Lacey pushes the door open and the breath I’m holding whooshes past my lips. It isn’t until she’s one foot out the door before she drops the bomb on me.

  “Oh, and Addison, please tell Dex that I’m sorry I missed him when he dropped by my house last week. I do enjoy his weekly visits.”

  And that, my friends, is how you make a dramatic exit.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I 'accidentally' missed Dex’s numerous phone calls last night and this morning. I let my mom answer the phone and make an excuse for me each time. I need time to think before I talk with him. I’ve been stewing since I got home last night, building up an arsenal of words and accusations to shoot him down with.

  When I talk to Dex, I want it to be in person and I think Nate should be present. Dex hasn’t just screwed me over this time, he’s messed with his best friend in the process.

  I tossed and turned all night running her words over and over in my head. Lacey is a crazy cunt that could be jerking me around for pure enjoyment. But then doubt seeps in, and I have to remind myself that Dex has a history of doing ridiculous, stupid, and insane things. Even knowing that, it's hard for me to believe that he would risk what we’re all trying to build between us for a little revenge.

  Or maybe it’s not about revenge.

  I shake my head, refusing to go there. There is no way Dex would want Lacey back. Even he isn’t that suicidal.

  I glance at the kitchen clock knowing that the boys will be home any minute. Jimmie texted earlier saying that their bus was pulling into the school parking lot. My stomach is a mess of nerves. I tried eating a bagel earlier and almost threw it up.

  My ears perk up at the sound of gravel crunching under the heavy weight of tires in the driveway. My hands won’t stop shaking so I sit on them and pray that no one asks for me to get them a drink. That would not end well.

  “Anyone home?” Jimmie’s boisterous voice reaches my ears and I immediately perk up, glad that he’s home.

  “I’m in here,” I answer.

  I start to stand, then think better of it and sit back down. I swallow and concentrate on my breathing. You can do this. I’ve got to stay cool, calm, and collected.

  A walk in the park

  A piece of cake

  Easy peasy

  Hands grip my shoulders and I startle.

  “Addy are you okay?” Jimmie examines me with concern. “I’ve been calling your name. Did you not hear me?”

  I blink and open my mouth to tell him I’m fine, but the words won’t come. There is nothing about me or this situation that is fine. Jimmie gives me a little shake and I sag into his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck and taking comfort in knowing that I can count on him.

  “You're scaring us, Addy Bear,” Nate says, snagging my attention. I glance behind Jimmie, just now noticing Nate and Dex’s presence. I never heard them come in.

  “Did something happen?” Dex asks.

  I stab him with my glare. “No,” I bite out.

  Jimmie steps back and I beam up at him. I don’t want him in the middle of what I am sure will be an epic fight with Dex and Nate. “Cammy will be glad to have you back. You better go call her before she starts thinking that you don’t care.”

  “But I just got here,” he protests. “Fine, but I need to grab a bite to eat first.”

  “This is Cammy we’re talking about. We both know she can be irrational. Especially when it involves you.” I pat him on the shoulder, then give him a shove in the direction of the stairs. “One call is all it’ll take to keep her happy,” I say in a singsong voice.

  I hold my breath not saying another word until I hear Jimmie’s door click shut. Then I turn my attention and anger at Dex, who is propped against the kitchen table studying me like one would a two-headed animal.

  “Let’s go have a chat in the treehouse,” I tell them, my voice hollow.

  I dart out of my chair and head outside not once looking over my shoulder to see if they’re following. Of course, they are. If nothing else, they’re curious to see what’s got me in a tizzy.

  None of us speak until we are nestled inside the old treehouse, each of us claiming a different wall as if we’re squaring off for battle. I really hope it doesn’t come down to that.

  Typical Dex jumps right in and gets straight to the point. “Obviously you’re pissed about something. Why?”

  My hands fly to my hips. “Have you been going over to Lacey’s house?”

  “Wh…what?” Dex says, his face going pale. “Who did you hear that from?”

  Nate lets loose a string of curses. Shoving his hand through his tousled hair, he paces from one window to the next, despite the space only being a few feet wide. “Dex, please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did,” he murmurs under his breath, his voice barely audible.

  I huff in and out as I try to calm my erratic breathing. I concentrate on the small creaks from the wooden floor as it protests every hard step Nate takes. I can’t tell them about Lacey’s visit. Doing so will only shine a light on the fact that I never told them about Nicholas’ visits to my work. The difference in our secrets is that I never once sought Nicholas out and apparently Dex did just that with Lacey.

  “So, it’s true.” I’m not asking anymore, so I don’t wait for him to answer. “After everything, we’ve been through, why would seek her out?”

  Dex and I lock eyes, neither of us backing down. “Who told you I went to see Lacey?”

  I tremble from pent-up frustration and anger as I glare back at Dex, my chin raised in defiance. “You first,” I challenge.

  “Fine,” he concedes, shaking his head. “Yes, each week I take a stroll through Lacey’s neighborhood and past her house.” I close my eyes, fighting the pain that his words provoke.

  “And?” I push, knowing there must be more to it than that. “Do you go see her?”

  Dex throws me a harsh look before answering, No,” in a flat tone, “I didn’t even realize anyone knew I was near her house.”

  “Stop playing word games Dex, and just tell us what you’ve been doing behind our backs,” Nate demands.

  “Once a week I go hang out at Dean Johnson’s
house for an hour. He lives two houses down and across the street from Lacey. From his bedroom, I can see everything going on at her house and in her bedroom.”

  I blink in surprise. That is not the answer I was expecting. “I, uh…why are you looking into her bedroom?”

  “The first time was a mistake,” he replies while rubbing the back of his neck. “And then I saw her having sex. I kept going back after that to see if I could catch her in the act again.”

  “What the fuck?” Nate’s pacing stops, and he just stares at Dex as if he’s never seen him before. I guess that’s what happens when your actions are that of a complete stranger.

  “You don’t understand,” Dex interjects, “she was fucking Nicholas. The bitch is sleeping with her stepbrother.”

  I suck in a deep breath, my lungs inflating to the point that it's painful. “Seriously?” I stop freaking out long enough to let his words sink in. Then I start laughing, and when I start it’s hard to stop. By the time I’m done, I’ve got mascara running down my face and the guys have joined me, their stances no longer rigid like a warrior preparing for battle.

  “That’s so…wow…” Nate shakes his head. “I never would’ve imagined that they were getting their freak on.”

  I snicker. “Certainly, explains a few things. Like how she was able to talk him into doing her dirty deeds so easily. There is a certain eww factor to it, even if they aren’t related by blood.”

  Nate chuckles again. “They’re perfect for each other.”

  “I thought it was a drunken fluke at first, so I went back the following week, same place and time, and there they were in her bedroom fucking like bunnies.” His expression turns sheepish. “I got it on camera.”

  “You what?”

  Dex cocks his head in my direction and smiles. “Trust me when I say I didn’t do it for enjoyment. I just thought that if they ever came at one of us again, we might be able to use it against them. It’s kind of like insurance or a get out of jail free card.”


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