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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 49

by C. Shell

  “Not a bad idea.” Nate nods in approval. “Let’s just hope she’s clueless about the tape. Obviously, she knows you were near her house, but her big ego might chose to think that you wanted to be near her. I guess time will tell.”

  A heavy dose of guilt comes crashing down on me. I don’t want to admit it, but I jumped to conclusions and thought the worst of Dex. I never once stopped to think that he might have a respectable reason for being near Lacey’s home. I let my trust issues get the best of me.

  I glance over at Dex who has taken up a corner of the small room, his arms folded over chest. His gaze shoots back to me, and the hurt written across his features guts me.

  “I’m sorry, Dex, I handled this all wrong. I shouldn’t have let Lacey get to me. I’m a bad friend and girlfriend,” I admit, hating the way the words taste coming out of my mouth. I really did fumble this one up.

  Dex’s face darkens. Taking a step toward me, he doesn’t stop until we are standing eye to eye. “I kept my end of the bargain, Jelly Bean. Now it's your turn. When did you see Lacey?” I open my mouth to cut him off, but Dex isn’t finished. “No lies or stretched truths. What’s your secret, Jelly Bean?”

  Santa’s almost here! - Senior Year

  Dear Diary:

  It’s me again. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I have a butt load of problems these days, some of which I created for myself and others are just a byproduct of being a teenager.

  To begin, after falsely accusing Dex of cheating with Lacey, I put on my big girl panties and fessed up to him and Nate about Nicholas dating Lindsey and his frequent visits to the ice-skating rink. It didn’t go over well. In fact, Dex threw his fist into the side of the treehouse and came close to breaking his hand.

  It took hours of talking, tears, and yelling for us all to calm down and stop pointing fingers at each other. Dex and I make Nate look like a saint. He’s the only one who has been fully honest with everyone from day one. I feel like a schmuck. I’m worse than that.

  I’m the gum beneath someone’s shoe.

  The toe jam between your toes

  The sweat between your butt crack.

  That might be going too far. Back to my problems. Even though my intentions were pure, I messed up. Looking back at it now, I realize it was stupid. I should’ve trusted them with the truth. Too bad I can’t go back and fix it.

  It’s been a well over a month since the treehouse talk and nothing has been the same since. Due to the guys having a crazy soccer training schedule, I haven’t seen them much outside of school. The few times we’ve hung out have been awkward. There was nothing natural about our time together. From our laughter to our cuddling, everything felt forced and fake.

  I don’t know where to go from here or how to make it better. Cam says we all just need time to get over our own insecurities. Maybe she’s right…or she could be wrong, and time could be our enemy, unraveling the love we created one little strand at a time.

  This is another one of those instances where I wish I had a manual for our unconventional relationship. One guy is hard enough to figure out. Now double that and it's nearly impossible.

  Right now, I feel like it’s them against me.

  The holidays are around the corner and I’m already fretting. I quit my job. It was the right thing to do, but I miss the extra money. The skating rink was the first job I ever had—since freshman year. Leaving it was bittersweet.

  Mom suggested I start babysitting for some spending money. I’m not keen on the idea, but with no other choices available, it's either that or I’ll be giving everyone macaroni drawings and home-baked cookies for Christmas.

  The holidays are never easy.


  Chapter Fourteen

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  A smile creeps across my face. “You’re going to run out of pennies, one of these days if you keep asking me that.”

  “Never,” Dex retorts with a wry grin. “I store them up for this very reason.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but he suddenly pushes forward, slamming his mouth down on mine. The kiss is all teeth and tongue, brutal and carnal in every way. I melt into him, absorbing every emotion as if it’s my last. I can’t remember the last time he kissed me with such desire. I’ve missed this.

  My pulse kicks up a notch.

  Dex’s hand moves to my ribcage. I feel his thumb swipe over the side of my breast and I shiver in his arms. I don’t want this to end, but common sense rears its ugly head. “My mom’s home,” I whisper against his mouth.

  Sliding down onto the bed beside me, Dex pulls me onto his lap. I drape my legs on either side of him, straddling his frame and feeling the rigid outline of his erect cock as it presses against my aching core.

  “She’s gone to the grocery store. I made sure and added a few things to the list. We’ve got about an hour before she’ll be back.”

  My jaw drops. “You’re so sneaky,” I tease.

  His full lips split into a grin. When his dimples make an appearance, I melt just a little bit more. They are such a weakness for me. “I’ve missed you,” he says, eyes locked on mine.

  “Same here,” I admit. “Your schedules have been crazy lately.” I stop myself from saying more, but just barely. I don’t want to ruin the moment with a fight, but at some point, we need to clear the air before it suffocates us all.

  “Yeah, about that.” He sighs, and I can hear the apology in his tone. “Nate and I were thinking that we should all go do something together this weekend. Maybe a bonfire at the beach?”

  A giddy pleasure fills me. “We can make s'mores.”

  “Definitely.” Clamping a hand on my butt, Dex pulls me further against him and I moan from the contact. “You know what else we can make?”


  “My favorite sandwich of all time,” he croons, placing a kiss on my chin. “An Addy sandwich,” he announces with humor in his voice.

  I roll my eyes and laugh at his stupid joke. “That was lame.”

  “It made you laugh,” he argues. “That’s all that matters.” Desire darkens his eyes and I crawl impossibly closer into his embrace

  My heart pumps harder. My lips find his as I twine my hands through his thick hair. “No more talking,” I urge. “We’re wasting precious time.”

  Dex pulls my tank top over my head as I fumble and fight to get his soccer jersey off. He always manages to make undressing look so easy. His movements are graceful, where I’m all thumbs.

  I shove him so that he’s flat on his back, then I take control, kissing every glorious exposed inch of skin I find. By the time I’m done, Dex’s eyes are hazy, his gaze unfocused. His hands skim over my back as his fingers trace a path up and down my spine. I shiver under his touch arching against him when the tingles become too much.

  Sitting up, I work my fingers under the band of his shorts, tugging until it gives, and his heavy cock pops out. My panties are next to go and before Dex can protest, I poise myself above him. Bracing my hands on his shoulders, I lock my eyes with his as I sink down, taking him inside me one slow inch at a time.

  He moans, the sound filling the room. “Condom?” His protest is weak.

  “Not needed,” I answer. “On birth control. Got the shot a few weeks ago.”

  Dex props himself up, bringing our faces close together. His new position pushes him deeper inside me allowing me to feel every delicious inch of him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks in a gruff voice.

  I bit out the answer. “You’ve been busy. I didn’t want to bother you.”

  I did want to tell them, knowing he and Nate would be pleased. The day it happened was the same day they had canceled dinner at my house, saying they were too tired after a double practice and just wanted to shower and go to bed.

  I lift off him and roll over. Suddenly feeling vulnerable, I cross my hands over my exposed breasts. In the blink of an eye, we’ve gone from hot and heavy to cold and detached.
  “We keep making mistakes,” he muses out loud.

  I nod. “I never meant to hurt you and Nate. I started looking for another job when he first started coming around, but no one was hiring. Then he and Lindsey broke up and I thought I was in the clear. I didn’t want to worry you. Instead, I made it worse.”

  Leaning on his elbows, he gives me a slow perusal. “I’m over it,” he admits. “I was undeniably pissed when I first found out, but after the shit I’ve pulled, I’m in no place to cast stones. I’m just glad you’re safe.”

  I blink, trying to stave off the flow of tears threatening to fall. He has no idea how badly I needed to hear him say that. “So, you don’t hate me?”

  In a flash, Dex rolls on top of me and captures me in a tender kiss. Air flees my lungs. He pumps himself into me, his movements determined and strong. “I could never hate you,” he groans continuing to take what’s his. “I fucking love you.”

  Wrapping my legs around his waist I fight to draw him closer despite their being no space between us. I’d crawl inside him if I could. Anything to keep us together. Dex’s mouth explores my body, his warm breath trailing down my neck as he plants a kiss between my breasts. When his mouth latches onto my nipple I come undone.

  Waves of pleasure flood me as I moan and cry out my love for him. Dex continues to rock inside me, chasing his own release. A few more hard strokes later and he joins me in my bliss, his cock jerking inside me, coating me with his essence.

  With a sated sigh, Dex shifts onto his back. Gathering me close, he tucks me against his side, his cheek resting on the top of my head. “Things are messed up, but we’re going to fix it.”

  My heart skips. “We are?”

  “Yes, Jelly Bean,” he murmurs softly. “No more running from our problems or letting other people’s opinions define us.”

  Sitting up, I cover myself with a blanket. The hope his words evoke in me are so intense it’s almost painful. “You promise?”

  Dex pushes strands of my hair out of my face, giving him a clear view of my face. With conviction, he looks me dead in the eyes and says, “Always, baby. I won’t let anyone tear us apart.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nate’s shoulders remain stiff and unmoving despite Dex and I pouring our hearts out. I don’t know why I thought this would be easy. Probably because Dex had me so pumped up with good feelings before we arrived that I was sure I could take on the world and win with one hand tied behind my back.

  Stupid Dex. I should kick his ass for that.

  “Say something,” I urge, wringing my sweaty hands together in my lap. With his face void of any expression, I can’t figure out what he’s thinking.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Dex asks.

  “No.” Nate's tone is dry and unfeeling. “I’m just wondering why it took you two so long to get your heads out of your asses.”

  “I…” I blink in surprise. “That is not the response I expected.” I look to Dex for guidance, but he looks as comfused as I feel.

  “Yeah, me either.” Dex leans against my chair laughing. He points at Nate, whose lips are quirked in amusement. “Our Nate is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.”

  It can’t be that easy, can it?

  I was set for an explosion to happen and instead I get nothing. Where are the fireworks? I’m not complaining, but it all feels so unreal. The tension in the room falls away and in it’s place is a weird sense of peace. After a while we all start laughing. Nate was right, we have had our heads up our asses for too long. We should’ve talked about this weeks ago instead of letting everything spiral out of control.

  Being with my guys again feels good. It’s like coming home.

  Leaning back in my chair, I prop my shoulder against Dex and stretch my legs out in front of me as I get comfortable. Dex left shortly before my mom made it back from the grocery store yesterday with the promise to be back in time to say goodnight to me before I went to bed.

  He kept his promise.

  And when I woke up this morning, I was met with his handsome face sitting with my mom at the kitchen table enjoying a plate of warm pancakes and greasy bacon. We started back up as if no time had passed. It should’ve been awkward between us, but it wasn’t.

  Being with Dex has always been as natural as breathing air.

  We left my house right after breakfast and came straight to Nate’s. Of course, he was still sleeping, but we rectified that by pouring ice cubes down his pants. Nothing like a little chill on your morning wood to get you straight out of bed.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today, boys?”

  “I need nourishment,” Nate says through a loud yawn. “I’m starving. Have you eaten yet?”

  I stick out my lower lip. “Yeah, my mom cooked up some pancakes and bacon. She made a butt load, so I’m sure there are leftovers. Want to go see?”

  “Hell, to the yes.” Nate swipes a hand down his tired face. “Let me go shower and change and I’ll meet you over there.”

  Standing, Dex takes my hand in his and pulls me to my feet. “We’ll start a movie while we wait. Don’t take long.”

  I give a wave over my shoulder as Dex pulls me from the room, his steps hurried as we slip outside. A cold stream of cold air slaps at us as we scurry down the street. I wrap my coat around my frame as my feet frantically carry me past the few houses that separate our homes.

  I’m dressed like an Eskimo compared to Dex who’s running around in long shorts and a college-themed sweatshirt. How he’s not freezing his junk off is beyond me. Taking the front stairs two at a time, I sail into my house, thankful when the central heat coats my frigid skin. I jump in place willing my numb toes to come back to life.

  “Why are you dressed like the abominable snowman?”

  I turn around and shoot Jimmie a death glare. “Don’t be rude. This weather is unnatural. Cold weather has never come so early or forceful before. All my warm clothes are still stored outside in Mom’s shed. I used what I could find on hand.”

  “Is that your old ski jacket from our Colorado vacation?”

  With my toes back in commission, I begin stripping out of my many layers of clothing. “Maybe.” I slip off the ski jacket and matching boots. “I grabbed the first thing I could find in my closet. It worked to keep me warm, so that is all that matters.”

  Jimmie snuggles further into the couch, pulling his blanket up to his chin. “Cammy’s on her way over. We’re going to watch Jaws together.”

  Dex’s expression grows eager. “Are you going to watch the first or second one?”

  “Both,” Jimmie answers with a grin. “Cammy’s never seen either of them. As her boyfriend and the coolest guy ever, I feel it’s my duty to show her what she’s been missing.”

  “Poor Cammy. I can’t believe her parents deprived her of seeing Jaws. It's only the best movie ever.”

  Oh, Lord.

  Reaching into the refrigerator I pull out containers filled with breakfast from earlier along with a few cans of soda and a tub of butter. You can’t have pancakes without butter. “You two are so weird.” Placing the food on plates, I nuke them one at a time in the microwave. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe Cammy’s parents didn’t let her watch it because it might scare her?

  “It’s a horror movie. That’s the whole point in watching it.”

  My brother can’t be this dense. “Jimmie, stop and think about what I’m saying,” I urge. I really want to shake him right now. “Cammy is very impressionable, and the movie Jaws could make anyone, especially her, not want to go swim in the ocean again.”

  “Hmm.” His brows hitch into his hairline. Turning to Dex he asks, “Do you think I should watch something else with her?”

  “No,” Dex deadpans. “It might frighten her at first, but she’ll thank you for it later. The movie is a classic.”

  The microwave dings and I throw up my hands, done with trying to talk sense into them. I did what I could. If he doesn’t listen,
then that’s on him. I make work of resetting the table with food and plates. Just as I’m finishing Nate walks through the front door.

  “Perfect timing,” Dex shouts in way of greeting.

  We all move around the table and dig in, passing food around and enjoying our meal family style. The boys are on their second plates when Cammy decides to join us. Seeing her dressed in multiple layers and a huge coat makes me feel less weird about my over-the-top attire earlier.

  And does Jimmie tease her about her clothes?

  Of course not!

  “Cam,” I call out, earning her attention. “Let’s go get comfy in the living room while the guys clean up the kitchen.”

  “Wait,” Jimmie says, his face a mask of confusion. “What? Why do we have to do the dishes?”

  “Because I got the food ready for everyone.”


  Nate sidles up and throws his arm around my brother. The hold he has on him looks anything but comfortable. Jimmie’s grimace is proof of that. “And we would love to help out. You girls go get the movie ready. We’ll be in there shortly.” Nate shoots me a wink.

  I can hear Jimmie arguing with Nate under his breath, but I tune them out and do just as Nate suggested. Scrubbing a pan or two won’t kill my brother. It’s not as if he ever does anything else to help. Mom is always yelling at him for skipping out on his chores.

  Getting situated on the couch with a blanket over my legs and a pillow behind my head, I face Cammy and tell her all about my night with Dex and our talk with Nate earlier that morning. We don’t have long before the guys come in, so I stick to the main points and when I’m done she is beaming back at me.

  “I’m glad it’s all working out for you.”

  A grin pulls at my lips. “Me too.” I lean in closer, knowing our time is coming to an end. “And how are things with you and Jimmie? Getting information out of him is like getting water out of a rock. He never tells me anything anymore.”


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