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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 50

by C. Shell

  Her lips pursed. “Good. Real good.”

  My fingers tighten on the blanket covering my legs. “And,” I prompt, feeling a big 'but' in there that she is leaving out.

  Cammy looks me in the eyes a full four seconds before her gaze cuts behind me. “You didn’t tell her about college.” It’s not a question, but an accusation, and one she’s directing at Jimmie, who now stands behind me.

  My head swivels between the two of them, waiting to see who will cave first. My bet is on Cammy, although Jimmie looks like he’s about to shit himself. Whatever they’re hiding, it's big.

  I shoot them both a peeved glare. “One of you better hurry the hell up and tell me what’s going on," I warn. “My patience is fizzling fast.”

  While I wait them out, Dex takes the empty seat behind me and Nate takes a spot on the floor directly in front of me. Their presence gives me comfort despite the rollercoaster going on in my stomach.

  If I was a betting person, I would be broke. Leaning behind Cammy, Jimmie twirls a hair as he speaks, his eyes never leaving mine. “I haven’t told Mom yet, so please don’t go running your mouth until I get a chance to talk with her.”

  “Fine,” I agree. “Just get to talking before I need a new stomach lining. I don’t know how much more I can take.”

  Nate gives my knee a good squeeze before his hand drops to my ankle. His thumb glides over my skin, soothing me from the outside in.

  Pressing his lips together, Jimmie gives me a good hard look. When the moment passes, he says,” I’ve been offered a full ride scholarship to Arizona State. Cammy’s going with me. She applied when she found out they were serious about recruiting me and got her letter of acceptance earlier this week.”

  My chest squeezes. I lower my gaze, trying to process what this all means and how it will change our dynamic. Obviously, we will all be going in different directions after graduation; this has been my biggest concern, but until now it has been just a far-off thought. Knowing decisions are being made makes it real. Too real.

  Mentally kicking myself into gear, I leap off the couch and hug my brother. “I’m so proud of you,” I tell him. My happiness for him is genuine. I only want the best for my brother.

  I move to congratulate Cammy as Nate and Dex take over talking to Jimmie. For once I’m not the only one out of the loop and I take joy in that. I shake my head at how fast our lives are moving. Within a few short months, everything we’ve known will be coming to an end.

  No more high school

  No more Lacey and Nicholas

  No more CW Boys.

  Everything with a beginning must have an end.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The CW Boys have been surprisingly subdued over the last few weeks. We’ve settled back into a familiar routine which consists of school and hanging out at either my house or Nate’s. Dex’s parents have finally decided to divorce after years of living separate lives, which has driven him to not want to go home.

  My dynamic with Nate and Dex couldn’t be better. We’re moving forward with our relationship despite having to keep it on the down low. I’m almost certain that Mom has her suspicions about us. She’s never come straight out and asked about us, so until that happens, my mouth is staying shut.

  Jimmie finally got the balls to tell Mom about his acceptance to Arizona which sent her into a fit of happy tears. All was great until she started badgering me about my plans and asking about what colleges I had applied to. At that point, I ducked out and went to Nate’s house to hide. I can’t answer those questions right now.

  Today is Christmas Eve and tonight we are having a dinner with a special guest. Mom is finally bringing around her mystery man for us all to meet. This is big. Since her divorce from my dad, Mom has never once brought another man home. I’m excited to finally meet him.

  Nate, Dex, and Cammy are coming over also. We’re going to have a full house tonight, which is why I’ve been in the kitchen prepping food and cooking all day. I’ve never proclaimed to be a great cook, but thanks to the internet and about a half-dozen cookbooks that I found in the library, I’m making a chef worthy feast tonight.

  “What smells so good?”

  I shift the pan of boiling potatoes from the stove to the sink, using the colander to drain out the hot water. Blinking, I steal a glance at Dex. “Everything.” I deadpan. “I’ve been up since seven this morning. If I knew cooking was this intensive I would’ve begged Mom to have tonight catered.”

  “Seven?” he questions with a laugh. “This is a side of you, I’ve never seen.”

  “Don’t get used to it,” I warn, waving my spatula in his face. “This is a one-time thing. I just want to make it special for Mom.”

  “I get it,” Dex answers with a half-smile. “Anything I can do to help?”

  That is such a loaded question. With less than an hour before everyone would arrive, I have a long list of things that still needed to be done. On top of everything, I hadn’t had time to shower or dress yet. Something tells me that pajamas and a messy bun is not going to cut it as dinner attire.

  I nod and point to the dinner table. “Would you mind setting the table?”

  “On it.” He moves to the cabinet where Mom keeps the nicer dishes. I sigh in relief and go about finishing up the mashed potatoes.

  Before I can blink, Nate and Jimmie have joined in and I’m being shooed out of the kitchen and told to go get ready. I want to argue, but one whiff of myself and I know a shower is a must. I shout out orders like a drill sergeant, giving everyone a list of duties before relinquishing my post and heading upstairs.

  Cranking the water to an almost scalding degree, I step under the stream and relax against the cool tiled wall. The heat against my skin is pure bliss. I meticulously clean my hair and lather my body, before shaving. By the time I step out of the shower, I’m feeling rejuvenated and once again excited about the night ahead.

  With a smile on my face, I pull on a fresh pair of jeans and a fitted sweater. I keep my makeup light and with a good towel-drying, I let my long hair dry by-itself, knowing the cool air will keep the frizz at bay.

  By the time I make it back downstairs, everything is done. I take a moment to admire the table set with tall candles down the center and dishes made with love. I send up a silent prayer that everything is edible. I followed the recipes to a T, but taking on something of this proportion was a first for me. Mistakes could’ve been made. If someone goes home with food poisoning, I will never live it down.


  My mother’s voice catches my attention, and I turn to find her standing before me with a man by her side. I suck in a sharp breath and take inventory before speaking. He's a tall man stands with one of his arms looped around her waist, holding her tightly. The stance instantly reminds of the way the guys hold me.

  His salt-and-pepper hair is cut short and slicked back in a distinguished style. My eyes lock onto his deep hazel ones, noting the soft crinkle of skin around the edges that match the laugh lines around his mouth. He seems to be a happy sort of man, someone who smiles a lot.

  “Addison, I would like for you to meet my George.” The slight tremble in my mother’s voice grounds me. This man means something to her and for that reason alone, I take his outstretched hand, giving it a good shake.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, George.”

  The man’s face softens, his genuine smile mimicking mine. “I feel the same, Addison. Your mother is very protective of you and your brother.” He turns his head toward her, bestowing her with a brilliant smile, making her giggle like a school girl.

  I’m thankful when Cammy interrupts the moment to announce dinner is ready. We pile into the formal dining room, something that is rarely ever used, and take our seats. Mom guides George to the head of the table and I barely hold onto my eye roll. I don’t care where her date sits, but I find it funny that Mom does.

  During dinner, I get a chance to learn more about George and that he’s not as boring as his name
suggests. For instance, he likes to skydive. It started out as a dare but has progressed into something of a hobby for him. After several pleas, George gave in and promised to take the guys with him the next time he goes.

  “Addison, everything tastes delicious,” Mom beams. “I can’t believe you cooked this all yourself.”

  “I had a little help,” I admit, glancing at the guys with gratitude.

  I smile easily, enjoying the night and the calm that comes from being around family. Conversation rolls smoothly, and as we’re finishing off our bowls of peach cobbler George starts asking us some questions of his own.

  The first few are directed at Jimmie about soccer and his plans for the future. I’m only half listening, my sole attention on the two different hands rubbing each of my thighs under the table. Dex and Nate are making me squirm with each glide of their hand, their fingers skimming over the heat between my legs with each swipe.

  The need in me is so great, I barely hear George when he says, “Your mother has told me so much about you, Addison, but she never mentioned a boyfriend.” He eyes Nate and Dex as if asking me to prodding for an answer.

  The room goes so silent you could hear a pin drop.

  Nate’s back straightens and the hand he has covering my mound slips away, leaving me feeling cold and bereft. He sits with a blank expression, waiting for the moment when I call out Dex’s name and proclaim him the only love in my life.

  I can’t hurt him that way. It’s not fair to push his feelings to the side so that others don’t have to get their feathers ruffled. Dex, Nate and I look to each other, not sure how to proceed. I’m not ready for this, but then again, when will I ever be?

  In the end. I decide to take the bull by the horns and answer in the most honest way I can. Smiling, I tell George, “I’ve known Dex and Nate almost my whole life. They are my family. I love them equally.”

  My eyes whip over to my mom, cataloging her response. It’s not as if I came straight out and said I was in love with two men, but my mom is no dummy. Being my mother, I expect her to be able to read between the lines.

  When I look at her all I see is trust and acceptance shining back at me. She doesn’t look at me as if I’m a freak, slut, or the other hideous titles small-minded people will throw our way. The only opinion I care about is hers.

  A teasing smile spreads over her lips as she watches me. “Addison likes to have her cake and eat it too. I’ve raised my girl right,” she beams proudly. “She enjoys life to the fullest with no regrets.”

  George grunts in response still lost in the whole conversation.

  Standing, my mom begins to busy herself with cleaning off the table. I want to help, but don’t trust my jelly legs to hold me up. I’m reeling. As she passes me by, she drops a kiss to my forehead, acting as if she hadn’t just sent my world spinning.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Christmas comes and goes, and the New Year starts off with a jolt of reality.

  George has become a permanent fixture in our house. I don’t mind him being there, especially since it means Mom is around more, but seeing my mom kissing a man that is not my father is a huge adjustment.

  University letters have started trickling in. Nate and Dex have gotten several, including ones from the University of Denver, South Florida, and Arkansas. I wasn’t surprised to learn that they applied to the same schools. Unlike Dex, whose father is financially secure enough to foot the bill as needed, Nate will require a solid scholarship. And I’m still the girl in limbo with no set course in sight.

  As my mother keeps reminding me, time is a ticking and decisions need to be made.

  Thankfully, that is not today, which is why I’m packing up a picnic for the guys and me to enjoy. We’re driving up to Seashell Park for the day. It’s nice and secluded this time of year. The beach goes on for miles and miles with nothing around but the sound of the waves and every color and size of a seashell to be found.

  It’s been a long time since we’ve gone anywhere without Cammy and Jimmie tagging along. I’m excited about today.

  “Did you pack any of those brownies I like?”

  I face Nate arching a brow. “I packed the few that were left, which wasn’t a lot.”

  His eyes dance with mirth. “Are you calling me fat?”

  “Hardly.” I run my eyes over his cut physique and scoff. “Your metabolism is insane. It’s not fair. If I ate half the crap that you and Dex eat, I would be the size of a house.”

  Nate chuckles. “Speaking of the house, we need to get going so we have time to stop by Dex’s and pick him up. Are you ready?”

  I nod, snapping the lip on the cooler closed. “I’ll carry the basket and blankets if you can get the cooler.”

  “Deal.” With our hands full we head out to Nate’s car and pile everything into the truck before driving down the road to Dex’s house. I watch from the front seat in amusement as they do the typical man hug of pounding each other on the backs.

  Dex joins us in the car, taking a spot in the backseat, making the small car seem even smaller. Their combined scents mix together and tease my senses. I inhale it as if it's my drug of choice, wishing I could bottle it up for all times.

  “Addy Bear packed us a basket of food,” Nate says to Dex.

  “Then let’s hurry and get there because I’m starving.”

  Sending him a disbelieving stare through the review mirror, I ask, “Did you not eat any breakfast?”

  Dex stares out the back window, frowning. “Mom got a place in the city. She moved out and Dad has yet to hire someone to cook and take care of the house. My laundry is piling up and there isn’t shit to eat in my house.”

  I spare a quick glance at Nate and note his surprise. Turning in my seat, I give Dex my full attention. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  He won’t look at me but tilts his head to the side. “I didn’t realize the extent of it until this morning. I thought she was visiting friends. No one told me that she wasn’t coming back.”

  Reaching over the seat, I push my seat belt to its limit as I reach for his hand. Striking blue eyes meet mine and the sorrow in them guts me. “I’m sorry, baby. Is there anything I can do to help? You’re always welcome to eat dinner with us. I’m sure Mom would even be okay with you staying over and sleeping on the couch if you don’t want to be alone.”

  Dex’s lips twitch as if he wants to smile. “Thanks, Jelly Bean, but it’ll be okay. Besides, I stay over at your house enough without your mom ever knowing. I’ve even thought about nailing steps to that damn tree outside your bedroom window. Climbing that monstrosity is a bitch.”

  “Just a few more months, and you won’t have to worry about that damn tree anymore,” Nate assures Dex. “We’ll be college bound and free to visit our Jelly Bean as often as we like. I can’t wait until I get to start my morning by waking up to her beautiful face.”

  “That’s the dream,” Dex adds with a wistful sigh.

  My head ping-pongs between the two of them as they go on and on as if I’m not sitting right here. I don’t like them talking about a future we have yet to plan. For weeks I’ve pushed on this topic, bringing up graduation and college choices and each time they have shot me down.

  Now, they’re going to talk as if everything is already decided? I don’t think so.

  When I can’t sit and take another moment of their banter without losing my head, I blurt out. “Enough!”

  Nate’s brows fly up. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  Frustration prickles at my skin. “There will be no hanging out or waking up together. We won’t even be seeing each other day-to-day because we don’t have a future planned out. It's school, then graduation, and then nothing. We’re a blank slate after that.”

  Dex leans forward, arms resting on the back of my seat. I don’t turn to face either of them but continue to stare out the front windshield. I can feel their stares burning a hole in my head.

  “And then nothing?” Dex questions.

  I blow out a ha
rd breath. “N-O-T-H-I-N-G!”

  “Hmm,” he hums glancing over at Nate.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watch them exchange one of their known private looks before Nate ominously states, “We’ll see about that.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  With my pulse pounding in my ears, I lay back on the blanket and fight to catch my breath. With the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks as our backdrop, we’ve spent the day creating memories that will last a lifetime.

  After eating until our stomachs were about to pop, we walk along the shoreline collecting shells and talking about this and that. No heavy topics are brought up which is nice for a change. I’m just living in the moment, soaking it all in, and wishing life could always be this easy.

  We’ve been making out for the last hour, testing our boundaries as a unit and getting acquainted with each other all over again. Stretching my languid body out between Nate and Dex, I close my eyes and relax into the warmth of the sand. I could get used to this.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” Dex says, his hot breath drifting over my pebbled skin.

  I roll over onto his chest and look up into his crystal blue eyes. “I don’t believe you have a penny,” I challenge. “Show me.”

  “If he doesn’t have one, I do,” Nate laughs. “Stop stalling, Addy Bear, and tell us what’s on your pretty mind.”

  I shrug. “Prom is coming up.”

  “And you want to go?” Dex hedges.

  I swing my head between them checking their reactions. “It wouldn’t mind getting all dressed up,” I confess.

  “Then it’s settled,” Nate says, leaning in for a sensual kiss. My lips are so tender from our earlier make-out session that with one touch, I’m putty in his hands. Pulling away his eyes gleam with satisfaction. “We’ll take you to the prom.”

  “But neither of you like formal events,” I point out.

  “True. I hate wearing a suit.” Dex nods in agreement. “But I love you, and the thought of seeing you all dressed up is incentive enough for me endure it for one night.”


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