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The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars

Page 21

by J Palliser

  Finally Sonya reached Kara's dripping pussy, and she wasted no time lapping up the juices she found there. Kara's hands slammed down onto the floor, pushing her head and shoulders off of the ground with a scream when Sonya's tongue slashed at her clit. Electric jolts coursed through her body, and Kara could feel the slightest tingle on her skin. Her stomach tightened and heart pounded as she was again pushed towards orgasm.

  Kara could not tell what Sonya was doing to her, and she did not care. She was swimming in ecstasy, and that was all that mattered. A fog filled her mind, and she felt her hips lifting off the ground as her orgasm flooded over her. Kara cried out desperately, screaming and moaning as she writhed in the dark. Wave after wave crashed over her, and for a moment she feared she would drown. As her body thrashed and her skin burned, she reached down and grasped at Sonya's head, pulling her up.

  Kara was dimly aware of the familiar weight of Sonya's body pressing down on her and she wrapped her arms and legs around it as she quaked with pleasure. Trembling in the wake of her release, spasming in the occasional aftershock, Kara slowly descended from her high. She gradually became aware of Sonya stroking the back of her head, whispering her love in Kara's ear.

  "That was... the most intense thing I have..." Kara's hoarse voice trailed off as she fought to catch her breath. "Well, I'm glad you liked it," Sonya whispered, pecking Kara's cheek. She let her hand trail down Kara's stomach to the wet, sensitive flesh below and brushed her fingertips over Kara's clit.

  "Ohh, stop it!" Kara squealed, the sensations nearly painful in their intensity. She batted Sonya's hands away and covered her pussy with her own to avoid any more stimulation.

  "I will do no such thing," Sonya said. "But, I suppose I can give you a moment to rest, if you want," she added with mock disappointment. "I'll just lie here and wait." Kara felt Sonya's body move off of her, and immediately missed the contact. Kara strained and lifted her weak body, crawling in the direction Sonya had retreated.

  In the dark, her hand found one of Sonya's ankles and she followed the leg back towards her lover. "My turn," she whispered seductively, and started to kiss her way up the inside of Sonya's thigh. Patiently, she let her lips slowly wander over the soft flesh, hooking her arms under Sonya's legs to cradle her hips. By the time she reached the hip joint, she could feel the heat from Sonya's pussy and smell the intoxicating scent of arousal. She smiled inwardly as the small patch of hair above Sonya's clit tickled her nose, and she tightened her grip. God, I missed this, she thought, and dove in.

  Kara sucked some of the soft flesh of Sonya's outer folds between her lips and lashed at it with her tongue, using her nose to poke and prod at the clit. Sonya let out a surprised gasp and arched her back, pressing her hips forward into Kara's face. The redhead responded by pulling her head back to kiss and nip at the smooth flesh of her lover's thighs.

  "You tease," Sonya groaned in frustration.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about," Kara said innocently before taking a single quick lick at her clit.

  "Ohh! Lick it or don't, just make up your mind!"

  "Okay," Kara chirped, and stopped.

  "I take it back!" "I thought so," laughed Kara as she returned to Sonya's clit. She licked and sucked at it, letting her teeth graze the sensitive nub every so often. Her hands massaged the inside of Sonya's thighs, her fingernails gentle scratching the skin as she drove Sonya higher.

  As Sonya's juices began to flow in earnest, Kara changed tactics and turned her attention to the source of that sweet nectar. At first, she licked up and down the length of Sonya's slit, savoring the taste and the sound of her lover's sighs and moans. Eventually, though, she was overcome by her own hunger, and pushed her tongue into Sonya's opening.

  Sonya cried out as Kara slowly pressed further and further into her, until she could go no deeper. Kara pulled back and paused for a moment before ramming her tongue back into Sonya. As she fucked Sonya with her tongue, Kara felt powerful thighs wrap around her head and tension grow in Sonya's body. At the last moment, Kara managed to free one of her arms and quickly replaced her tongue with two fingers. Using her fingers to pound into Sonya, twisting with each thrust, Kara latched onto Sonya's clit with her mouth.

  Sonya's legs released Kara and slammed against the floor and she drove her hips up with a full-throat scream. Kara's shoulders and torso were lifted off the ground but she maintained her efforts, drawing cries and shrieks from Sonya. Strong hands grasped Kara's head, fingers wrapping in her hair, holding her still as Sonya's hips ground against her face.

  Unable to see, Kara simply rode out Sonya's orgasm. She was tossed about by the frantic thrashing of the orgasm she had brought upon Sonya but she held fast, drinking in Sonya's cum and reveling in the loving pride of knowing she had brought her lover to ecstasy.

  As Sonya finally began to relax, she pulled Kara up towards her by the hair. "Hey, watch the hair, love," Kara managed to say before Sonya pressed their lips together in a powerful, passionate kiss. Untangling one hand from Kara's hair, Sonya wrapped an arm around her shoulders, still crushing their lips together with the other.

  "More," Sonya grunted when the kiss was finally broken. "I want more of you, Kara. Please." "Always, love," Kara whispered, snaking her right leg over Sonya's left and pressing their soaked pussies together. With her left hand, she managed to drag Sonya's right leg over her own left and tried to lean back on her elbow. But when she tried to pull away, Sonya tightened her grip and pulled their bodies together.

  "No!" she cried, almost pleadingly. "Please, I want to feel you." Wordlessly, Kara complied, gently wrapping her arms around Sonya as they ground their hips together.

  The unbridled, desperate aggression of moments before was gone, replaced by slow, tender caresses. Sonya let herself fall onto her back, pulling Kara gently on top of her. As their hips rocked back and forth, slowly grinding their wet pussies together, their lips met again. Moans and whispered words filled the dark room, the sounds of passion and love.

  Kara slipped her tongue into Sonya's mouth, savoring the familiar taste as they pushed each other closer and closer to the edge. No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to get enough of Sonya's taste, to feel enough of her skin. But she tried anyway, running her hands through Sonya's hair, over her chest, down her stomach, rubbing and caressing anything she could touch. Sonya, on the other hand, seemed content to simply hold Kara in her arms, squeezing the smaller woman against her chest. Kara could feel both of their hearts pound, their breathing grow shallow and ragged, and it drove her on. They pressed against each other harder and harder, each trying to push the other higher and higher.

  "Oh god, I'm gonna come, love," Kara whispered into Sonya's ear as the tension in her stomach became unbearable.

  "Do it," Sonya moaned back. "Come on, baby. I want to feel you come again." Kara's only response was a short, quiet squeal before she shuddered and came. For a moment, her body was rigid, but soon she relaxed, letting the waves wash over her. Each one brought a little moan out of her, followed by a few tremors. Beneath her, Kara felt Sonya's body tense and spasm as she, too, peaked. As the tension faded from their bodies, the two women settled into a contented peace, wrapped in each other's embrace.

  This peace was shattered when the lights came on, blinding both of them as their eyes struggled to adjust.

  "Hellooo?" crooned Casana over the speaker. "Harry? Are you in there?"


  Makov IV Capitol City, 0900 hours

  "So, how did it go?" Aka'i asked when she met Sonya again the next morning.

  "It was... intense," Sonya said as they walked down a hallway in the Makovian Defense Ministry.

  "Intense how?" Aka'i asked probing. She already knew the answer.

  "Fine. You were right. It was great."

  "And did you come to a decision about your relationship?"

  "Definitely," Sonya smiled, stopping to look out a window at the sprawling city "More than one."

  "I thought you might

  "Where did you get the idea for the darkness?"

  "Was it effective? I'm told that humans are a very visual race."

  "Ohh, it was effective alright, if a bit... unnerving at first." "I probably should have warned you. I didn't mean to startle you," Aka'i lied. "And to answer your question, Kara suggested it to me."

  "What?" Sonya spun around to face her. "That sneaky little... I can't believe I'm going to have a baby with her," she said with a smile.



  2304, Deck 10, Main Crew Lounge, KMS Bismarck, 0830 hours Casana pressed her nose against the glass, staring intently out the window into the depths of space. Seeing nothing, she frowned and turned her head to one side and then the other. As she went back to staring straight ahead, she unconsciously lifted one heel and twisted the foot back and forth on the toe.

  "What are you doing?" Sonya asked from the table a few meters away.

  "I'm watching for the ship!" she chirped back exuberantly, tapping on the glass. "The Berlin is approaching at gravity-drive velocity," Dejah stated. "As such, it will enter the system traveling faster than any photons emitted by or reflected off of it. Your efforts are therefore in vain."

  Casana's shoulders slumped and she pushed herself off the glass. She trudged over to the table with a forlorn look on her face and flopped back into her chair. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're kind of a buzz-kill?" she said, looking up at Dejah.

  "You have told me that on numerous occasions."

  "Well, they're late, and I'm bored," Casana said with a pout.

  "We go through this every time we get new crewmen," Kara smiled, leaning back in her seat.

  "I like meeting new people," Casana sighed before taking a sip of Sonya's lemon sharbat when she wasn't looking.

  "I just hope they know wha... hey!" she yelled, grabbing the glass out of Casana's hand. "You're like a child!"

  "Oh, you can only pray your child is as adorable as me!" she cooed back, batting her eyes and sucking her thumb.

  "I'd settle for marginally more mature," Sonya scowled at her. "Oh, don't mind her, Cass," Kara laughed, putting a hand on Sonya's shoulder. "Sonya always gets grumpy talking about our daughter."

  "When are you actually gonna to have her?" "We haven't decided yet," Sonya answered, looking away. Casana and Dejah exchanged looks.

  "You have had a considerable amount of time to plan," Dejah said. "I am surprised that you have not yet decided."

  "So, who's going to carry the little kid?" Casana asked, looking anxiously out the window.

  "We aren't telling!" Kara smiled wickedly. "You'll have to wait and find out."

  "Lieutenant Mueller," Dejah said casually, taking a sip of her tea.

  Sonya and Kara looked wide-eyed at each other, then at Dejah. "How did you know that?" Kara gaped.

  "She doesn't," Sonya scoffed. "She's guessing."

  "I do not 'guess'," Dejah replied, almost offended. "They're here!" Casana shouted, knocking her chair over as she leaped to her feet. "They're here!" The others turned to look out the window. Sure enough, a few kilometers in front of the Bismarck was another ship.

  "KMS Berlin," Sonya sighed as she got to her feet. "Phoenix-class." "Haven't seen one of those in a long time," Kara said, wrapping an arm around the taller woman's shoulder. "Hard to imagine that there's only a handful of them left in service." Casana bounced out the door, with Dejah, Sonya, and Kara following behind.

  "You know, when I was a kid, those ships were legendary, all 'First War" legends," Sonya said as they walked down the corridor towards the turbo-lift. "Graf Spree, Munich, Hamburg. I knew all of them."


  "I knew the name and designation of every Phoenixclass in service as a kid."

  "That's... kind of sad," Kara teased. "My parents met on the Bremen," Sonya said to no one in particular as they stepped into the turbo-lift. "Faulkner served on the Prinz Eugen. I remember when I first saw a Kriegsmarine vessel. It was the Dietrich, in orbit after undergoing a retrofit. My brother and I were taking a shuttle to meet my parents on Luna, and we flew right by it. We pressed our faces to the glass, staring in awe."

  "Awww," Casana grinned as the turbo-lift door opened on Deck 6. "That was the face of our parent's generation," Kara said. "Not ours. Things move forward, and the next generation takes over. Like our daughter will."

  "Or these new crewmen," Casana added.

  "Hey, you saw the list, Kara, anyone we know?" Sonya asked, her nostalgia gone.

  "Any officers?" Casana added. "I didn't recognize any of the names, and there's only one officer," she said, shaking her head as they neared the transporter room. "A security officer. Lieutenant-"

  "Holy shit," Sonya gasped as the transporter room door opened and a tall, muscular man stepped out carrying a small bag. When he saw the four of them he stopped in his tracks. Zira emerged from the transporter room behind him and smiled.

  "Hey, look who I found."

  "Interesting," Sonya said, arching an eye in surprise.

  "Lieutenant Mueller, Lieutenant (JG) Jacob Becker, reporting for duty, ma'am."


  Deck 18, Aft Cargo Bay, 1215 hours Sonya, Dejah, and Kara sat on a small cargo crate watching as Casana paced in front of them, chewing on her lip and rubbing her hands together furiously. They had been like this for an hour, ever since they found Casana after she ran from Becker outside the transporter room. Suddenly, Casana darted behind a cargo container, peeking out at the doorway.

  "Did you hear that?" she whispered nervously.

  "No," Dejah replied calmly. Casana remained behind the container for a few moments, staring intently at the door.

  "Could you possibly relax?" Kara said, concern starting to creep into her voice.

  "No!" Casana hissed back desperately. "I can't let him find me!"

  "Why not, exactly?" Sonya asked, cocking her head to one side. "Because, the last time we talked, he asked for a transfer! I broke his heart, and now he's come back! For revenge..." she said, letting her voice trail off dramatically.

  "What?" Sonya laughed. "It's not like you killed his father. You broke up with him, that's all."

  "Shhh!" Casana hissed, bringing a finger to her mouth. "He'll hear you!"

  "He's nowhere near here," Kara said, trying to reassure her.

  "I tried to go to my lab a few hours ago, and he was waiting for me!"

  "He's stationed there!" Sonya cried.

  "Convenient, isn't it?" Casana whispered, looking back around the container. Sonya shook her head.

  "What is your plan of action?" Dejah asked, leaning forward in an attempt to see the doorway.

  "My what?" "Your plan. How do you intend to deal with Lieutenant Becker?" she explained, stepping off her seat and coming to stand next to Casana.

  "I'm hiding," Casana said slowly, as if to a child. "I thought that was obvious."

  "Indeed," Dejah replied, undeterred. "I was referring to after you are done hiding."

  "What do you mean 'after I am done hiding'?" "Logically, you cannot hide forever," she explained, folding her hands behind her back. "Assuming you are not discovered, you cannot remain here longer than 72 hours without water."

  Casana stopped and looked at her. "I hadn't thought of that." "There are no provisions in this hold, so you will have to leave the hold in order acquire supplies," Dejah said. Sonya and Kara looked at each other.

  "It'll be hard to avoid detection," Casana said to herself.

  "And if you do not report for duty in a few hours, security will likely take notice."

  "That's right," Sonya said. "We'll be forced to search the ship for you."

  "Oh, crap," Casana frowned.

  "Logically, then, you have only one option: you must confront Lieutenant Becker," Dejah said matter-of-factly. "You're right," Casana said, folding her arms. "I know what I have to do. I have to ki..." She stopped mid-sentence when Lieutenant Becker walked out from behind the container. He was looking at a smart
-pad. but stopped the moment he came around the corner. Becker raised his head and turned it to look at Sonya and Kara. They simply stared back at him, and he turned to look at Casana and Dejah.

  "I-" Becker started to speak, but Casana interrupted him.

  "You'll never take me alive!" she yelled and started to run for the exit, but Dejah grabbed her by the shoulders. "A moment, Lieutenant," Dejah said, holding on to her firmly but gently. "I believe you came to speak with Lieutenant Shen?" she said to Becker, still holding on to Casana.

  "Actually," Becker said, "Chief Zira asked me to come down here and get some spare phaser charge packs out of storage. I believe you're sitting on them," he nodded to Sonya and Kara. "But, now that you mention it, I think maybe we should talk," Becker said, looking back at Casana.

  "Time to go," Sonya said, hopping off the crate and heading for the door.

  "Yup," Kara added, following her out the door. "I believe I should leave the two of you in private," Dejah said, nodding to both Becker and Casana in turn before she, too, left the room. Becker and Casana looked at the door, then at each other.

  "What were you guys doing back here? And who's the redhead? Wasn't she with you in the corridor?"

  "Hiding, Harry's lover, and yes," Casana answered, looking at the floor as she shifted her weight back and forth.

  "Okay," he said. "Let's start with the easier one. She's Sonya's girlfriend?"


  "How long?"

  "About five years now. She actually arrived aboard the same ship you left on."

  "What's her name?"

  "Lieutenant Kara Arwen Morgan. They met in a shuttle craft crash. They're gonna to have a kid soon."

  "Good for them," Becker said with gentle smile. "They'll be glad they did."


  "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm married."


  Deck 7, Officer's Quarters, 0810 hours Sonya walked slowly into her quarters, rubbing her neck with an exhausted sigh. She sat down on the bed, kicked her boots off, and then simply collapsed, intent on not moving unless absolutely necessary. For a long time, she lay blissfully still, letting the tension of a long shift drain away. She had stayed in the Armory an extra hour getting the new personnel settled in and planning the new duty roster with Zira and Faulkner. For a moment she wondered where Kara was, but exhaustion quickly overwhelmed her mind and she drifted off to sleep.


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