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The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars

Page 22

by J Palliser

  She awoke to the sensation of something pulling on her jacket. Sonya could also feel a presence next her, a weight on the bed, and heard soft breathing above her. Hands massaged her shoulders and arms, and Sonya's body relaxed. A happy smile spread over her face, and she felt someone gently brush a bit of hair off her cheek.

  "Hey, Kara," she whispered tiredly. "Guess again," sang out a familiar voice. Sonya's eyes snapped open, and she found herself staring up into Casana's grey eyes, a triumphant grin spread across her face. Sonya sprang to her feet, nearly tripping on her boots, and spun around to face Casana.

  "What the fuck are you doing here, Cass?" she yelled in alarm. "What the hell were you doing?"

  "Relax," Casana grinned, "I just wanted to see if I could fool you. I just want to talk to you."

  "Jesus Christ..." Sonya breathed, trying to catch her breath.

  "Hey, you're lookin' kind of pale."

  "I'm fine," Sonya panted. "You just scared the hell outta me. How did you even get in here?"

  "Are you sure you're okay? You look like you're gonna pass out," Casana said with some concern.

  "I'm fine, dammit. What do you want?"

  "I don't know..."

  "Casana!" "Okay, okay," Casana relented, raising her hands in surrender. "Geez, you need to relax. Oh, and you should change your door code more often."


  "I need to talk to you about Jacob."

  "How did you get my door code?" "I'm not sure I can work with him. I mean, I've still got some feelings for him," she sighed, taking a brief pause. "Plus, he's really hot. I mean really, really hot. Seriously, have you seen his ass? Holy crap! It makes ya' wanna-"

  "Casana!" Sonya shouted, taking Casana by the shoulders. Casana snapped back to reality and looked up into Sonya's eyes. "Why are you coming to me?" she asked slowly.

  "Well, we get along pretty well, and we used to be involved. Or almost involved, I guess. And you still have some feelings for me-"

  "What?" Sonya's eyes widened, and took a few steps back. "I do not," she muttered and looked away with a blush.

  "Uh-huh. Just a thought: poker is not your game." "So, you want to know how I get along with you despite having 'feelings' for you?" Sonya asked, putting air quotes over the word "feeling".

  "Yes," Casana answered with her own air quotes. "Well, it's simple really: I didn't have a choice," Sonya shrugged. "You weren't going anywhere, and I wasn't going anywhere, so I was just sorta stuck with it."

  "Seriously?" Casana said after a moment's hesitation, suspicion in her voice.

  "Pretty much."

  "So, your telling me to just get over it? Easy as that?" Casana asked, still suspicious. "Well, not exactly. I mean, it's not easy," Sonya admitted, sitting down in a chair next to the bed. "Hell, I went on five-year sex-fueled downward spiral 'til I met Kara."

  "Yeah, I already tried that," Casana frowned. "What? Really?"

  "No," Casana answered. Sonya was somewhat off put by the ease with which Casana had lied to her.

  "Oh, umm, that's a relief," she said.


  "Wait, yes to which part?" Sonya asked, again not sure if Casana was lying. "Yes, it's a relief, or yes to the sex thing?" "Maybe I should go talk to him," Casana said to nobody in particular, ignoring Sonya's confusion. "I mean, I'm 97 years old, I should be able to handle it, right?"

  "Whoa, back up a moment. Who, exactly, did you have sex with?" "I've been married, and I've been divorced. I can totally handle this," Casana said with a nod of her head. She bounced to her feet and walked confidently out the door. "Thanks, Harry!" she called as the door closed behind her.

  "Don't call me Harry," Sonya snarled at the closed door.



  Deck 5, Port Navigational Sensor Cluster Diagnostic Station, 0810 hours Kara scratched the back of her neck and stared at the screen in front of her with confusion and annoyance. "Yeah, that's gotta' be wrong," she mumbled, and started running another diagnostic. After recalibrating the system, she reentered the test data, and the sensor read it correctly. Next, she switched the sensor from diagnostic to scan mode, and whispered a silent prayer.

  "Lieutenant Morgan?" "Shit! God-bloody-damned fucking piece of crap, what the hell is your bleeding, fucking problem, you worthless sack of rubbish!" she screamed and slammed her fist down onto the console in front of her.

  "Is this a bad time, sir?" Becker asked from the doorway to the small room Kara was working in. "What? Oh, Lieutenant Becker," Kara said, looking up from the terminal with an embarrassed blush. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there. Please, come in. Jacob, right?"

  "Yes, ma'am," Becker said as he entered the room. He came in just far enough for the door to close and stood at attention.

  "At ease, Lieutenant," Kara said with a half-smile. "Any friend of Sonya's is a friend of mine. Do you prefer Jacob, or just Jake?"

  "Jacob, ma'am," Becker answered and relaxed ever so slightly. "Is something wrong?"

  "Oh, the graviton detector in one of the navigational clusters is acting up. What can I do for you, Jacob?"

  "Well, I need your advice. About Casana."

  "Go on," Kara said, turning back to the terminal. "Well, a few weeks before I transferred off the ship, she left for some award ceremony on Arcadia," he explained, leaning against the wall. "When she got back, the first thing she did, the FIRST thing, was break up with me."

  "Perhaps she needed time to think about it before she told you," Kara said, immediately realizing what kind of ceremony he was referring to.

  "I thought that at first, too. So, she started acting different. Stranger."

  "You mean she was normal at one time?" Kara said with a smirk. "Well, not really," he replied with a brief laugh. "But more normal than when she returned. It was like she was herself one minute, and a totally different person the next."

  "Maybe she's possessed." "Ha ha. Ma'am," he added quickly. "I'm serious. For example, she still had the same energy, the same flirty attitude, and she still tortured Sonya. But she also stopped using the transporter, started spending more time alone, and she even changed how she walked and stood!"

  "Well, except for the spending time alone, that sounds like the Casana I know." "And that's why I'm here," Becker explained. "I need to know how to deal with the new Casana. I mean, that stuff in the cargo hold was totally unlike the Casana that I knew."

  "I'm still not sure what you mean. Damn," Kara frowned after her latest attempt to fix the sensors failed. "For example, if she starts flirting with me, is she serious? Because the old Casana would do that all the time and it didn't mean a thing, but now..."

  "Look, Jacob," Kara said, choosing her words very carefully. "Casana has... matured. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

  "So what do you suggest?"

  "I suggest you just behave normally around her. Fuck!"

  "What's the problem?" Becker asked, leaning over the terminal. "This sensor cluster is detecting a weak graviton source off the port side, none of the other clusters read anything, and when we maneuver the ship, it keeps a fixed bearing and distance."

  "Sounds like an error in the computer."

  "Yeah, but the calculations all come out fine."

  "I assume the test input comes out fine?"

  "Yeah," Kara sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Maybe the test input doesn't cause the error to occur," Becker said, taking a moment to think. "What if you routed input data from another sensor cluster through this one, and sent this one's to that cluster?"

  "Yeah, that might show us were the problem is!" Kara smiled. "We'll have to adjust some of the filters to compensate for the different orientation of the clusters, but it should work."

  "I'll make the adjustments, you reroute the data," he said, walking over to another console. "What do mean, 'behave normally'?"

  "Oh, come on," Kara teased. "Don't tell me a good looking guy like you doesn't know how to deal with an ex."

  "This is no ordinary
ex, ma'am," Becker answered. "Making the filter adjustments now." "I'm going to use data from the forward cluster. Sure she is. I know Sonya and Casana have a history, and we hang out all the time. You should join us. After a few times, I'm sure everything will be okay."

  "I don't know. Whenever Sonya, Cass, and I are together, something bad happens, and frequently it happens to me. Filter adjustments complete."

  "Oh, don't be silly," Kara laughed. "Nothing is going to happen. Rerouting sensor data. Check the output from the forward cluster." Kara stared down at her screen as the readings came up. "Huh. It looks normal over here."

  "Mine isn't," Becker frowned. "Reading a graviton source off the port side. The problem has to be in the sensor cluster itself. Someone is going to have to go out there and check it manually."

  "That's what engineers are for," Kara grinned and reached for the comm panel.


  Deck 7, Officer Quarters, 1630 hours

  "Hey, sweetie, how was your day?" Sonya asked from her comfortable chair as Kara shuffled into their quarters.

  "How was your nap?" Kara sneered half-heartedly.

  "Ouch," Sonya laughed quietly, setting aside the smartpad she was reading. "What happened?" "Sorry," Kara said with a weak smile as she tossed her jacket onto the bed. "I spent eight hours chasing a sensor glitch in the graviton detectors."

  "What was the problem?" "No fucking clue," she sighed. Kara walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. She struggled to let the built up tension in her body fade until she felt Sonya's strong arms around her waist.

  "Don't worry about it, baby," Sonya whispered into her ear, slowly rocking from side to side. "You just take it easy now, okay?"

  "Hmm, sorry I snapped at you, love," Kara apologized and leaned her head back, letting it rest on Sonya's shoulder. She turned her head into Sonya's neck and took a deep breath, letting the familiar scent fill her nostrils. "How have you been?"

  "Oh, God," Sonya moaned and rolled her eyes. "When I came back from my shift, Casana was waiting for me. In our quarters." Kara laughed softly. "It's not funny."

  "Of course it is, love!" Kara smiled and turned around in Sonya's arms. "What did she want?" "She wanted my advice on dealing with Jacob... Lieutenant Becker." Kara threw her head back and laughed, much to Sonya's annoyance. "Kara," she said sternly, letting go of Kara's waist. "Kara!"

  "Casana came to you? For relationship advice?" she managed to say.

  "Yeah, so?" Sonya scowled.

  "About men?" Sonya nodded, and Kara exploded with laughter, nearly falling to the ground.

  "Oh, I get it," Sonya frowned. "You don't think I know anything about men, huh?"

  "Not when it involves having sex with them!" Kara howled.

  "Oh, and I suppose you do?"

  "Sweetie, if you had a cock, I could make it dance!"

  "We'll just see about that," Sonya smirked and led Kara by the hand towards the bed.

  "What are you gonna' do, break out the strap-on?" Kara giggled.

  "Yeah, actually. That's exactly what I'm gonna' do," Sonya said, looking back at her with a mischievous smile. "Good," Kara smiled and ran ahead of her to sit on the bed first. Sonya went straight to the dresser by the bed and opened one of the top drawers. From it, she retrieved a small smart-pad and the strap-on. It consisted of a black leather-like harness secured to two short, narrow, limp blue masses, one on the inside of the harness and one on the outside.

  "Aw, it always looks so sad when you first take it out," Kara laughed, pulling her undershirt off. "Poor little fake phallus. Pseudo schlong. Prosthetic pecker. Rubber ram. Wax wang."

  "How many of those do you have?" Sonya chuckled.

  "Me and Cass spent a whole afternoon coming up with them once."

  "How many?" "Oh, I don't know. A hundred-odd," Kara mused, lying back on the bed while Sonya pulled down her pants and fixed the harness to her hips. She slid the tiny, almost perfectly smooth inner dildo between her already moist lips and tightened the straps.

  "So, what'd you want?" Sonya asked, picking up the smartpad. "I'm feeling... adventurous," Kara smiled, stretching out her arms on the bed. Sonya raised her eyebrows and grinned. She pressed a few buttons of the smart-pad and the small blue mass rapidly grew to monstrous proportions. "Very funny," Kara said, looking disapprovingly at Sonya. "Here, give me that," she added, and lunged at the pad.

  "Oh, no you don't ," Sonya said gleefully, and hid the pad behind her back. Kara tried to reach it, but was stopped by Sonya's body and the enormous dildo. Frustrated, Kara turned away with a pout, and Sonya relented. "Hey, Kara, I'm kidding," she apologized, but Kara refused to turn around. "Baby, come on, I didn't mean anything by it. Here, I'll reset it." She looked down to the pad, but the moment her eyes were off Kara, the redhead spun around and seized the pad from her hands.

  "Ha! Sucker," Kara cackled, avoiding Sonya's attempt to retake the pad by leaping onto the bed. "Let's try this." She entered a few commands, and Sonya's dildo shrank back down to its original size. Sonya scrambled onto the bed after Kara, tackling her on the soft sheets, but still unable to get the pad back. Kara reached back over her head and opened a small drawer on the nightstand next to the bed and tossed the pad inside. "I win!" she giggled as she pushed the drawer shut and activated the lock.

  "Damn you," Sonya laughed, admitting defeat. "What did you do?" "You'll just have to wait and find out," Kara smiled, rolling Sonya onto her back. Immediately, she swung her leg over Sonya and straddled her stomach, taking her face in both hands and pressing their lips together. As their tongues dance and caressed each other, the dildo in Sonya began to stir.

  "Oh, you didn't," Sonya said, breaking the kiss when she noticed. Kara laughed and dove at Sonya's neck with an evil grin, teasing the skin with her lips and tongue. Her hands deftly undid Sonya's jacket before violently pulling it open and forcing it off of Sonya. When it came free, Kara turned her attention to the green undershirt and forced it up over Sonya's breasts. The redhead took one in each hand and squeezed, kissing the area above the valley between them.

  With a mischievous grin, Kara looked up into Sonya's eyes and drew her thigh across the fake cock. The blue material expanded and stiffened ever so slightly. But inside Sonya, the plug stirred considerably more, expanding and contacting in waves running its length. The stimulation sent shivers through Sonya's body.

  "Oh, fuck, you messed with the translational gain, didn't you?" she moaned. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Kara lied, and slid her thigh back the other direction. Sonya grabbed handfuls of the sheets and inhaled sharply, arching her back. Kara took the opportunity to unclasp Sonya's bra and tossed it over her head before seizing a nipple in her mouth. She bit down lightly and flicked her tongue across the tip, driving Sonya wild. Again, both dildos grew, though Sonya's grew more quickly and began slowly vibrating.

  "That's ch-cheating," Sonya complained just as a particularly strong tremor passed through her. "All's fair in love and war," Kara replied, rubbing her nose over Sonya's tender nipple. "And this is both." While her mouth played with one of Sonya's breasts, a hand attended to the remaining nipple. Kara's other hand slipped down between them. Fingers wrapped around the blue cock, and Kara began to slide down Sonya's body. Her tongue trailed down Sonya, leaving behind a wet path of saliva as it went.

  The dildo was only half erect, but the programmed shape was already clear. Only vaguely resembling an actual penis, the shaft was ribbed along its length, ending in a slight bulge at the tip. Smiling back up at Sonya, Kara licked along the underside of the dildo from base to tip and back again. Inside Sonya, the same area of the plug hummed and pulsed. Kara took the very tip of the cock between her lips, sucking lightly and massaging the shaft with her hands.

  Sonya sat up for a moment before flopping back down on the bed, reveling in the sensations. The plug inside her was rock hard, but not yet at full size as it vibrated and pulsed. She looked down just in time to see Kara take the length of the half-ere
ct cock into her mouth, sending a flood of pleasure through Sonya's body.

  The blue penis grew rapidly, becoming too large to fit entirely in Kara's mouth without her gagging, so she focused her attention on the head. She swirled her tongue around it, grazing the smooth material with her teeth and using her hands to spread her saliva across the shaft. Occasionally, she would dive down and take as much of the dildo as she could into her mouth before retreating just as quickly. By the time it had grown to its full size, Sonya was on the edge.

  "Oh God, baby," Sonya moaned. "God, that feels good. Oh!" she squealed as Kara forced the length of the cock into her mouth one last time, driving Sonya over the cliff. The cock pulsed and hummed in her mouth as she sucked hard on the last third of its length, pushing Sonya farther along. Sonya rode out the storm, wave after wave crashing over her and leaving her body trembling. As she started to come down, Kara released the blue dildo and climbed back up Sonya's body.

  "And no yucky aftertaste," she cooed before kissing Sonya. The brunette's senses quickly returned, and she pushed Kara onto her back. Jumping from the bed, Sonya grabbed her by the ankles and drug her to the edge on the mattress. She quickly undid Kara's pants and pulled them off, pants, panties, and socks, all at once.

  "My turn," she growled, arousal thick in her voice. "About damn time," Kara grinned, and spread her legs. Sonya positioned the cock at Kara's entrance and took hold of Kara's hips with both hands. Kara threw one arm around Sonya's shoulders and used the other to guide the dildo.

  "Take me, love," she whispered into Sonya's ear. She let out a gasp when Sonya pressed slowly forward, gradually filling her. The strap on pressed deeper and deeper, torturously slow. "God, stop teasing."

  "If I go any faster, I'm gonna lose it," Sonya moaned through gritted teeth. Inside her, the plug hummed and pulsed, its intensity determined by the pressure on the end in Kara.


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