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Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 6

by Marie Higgins

  Anger surged through her as she gripped the tray, marching back to the cabin. This time Gabe walked behind her instead of in the lead.

  How dare Hawk release the others and not her? Or had he killed them all? Her heart sank, believing the worst.

  Hawk’s door sat slightly ajar, so she bumped it with her hip until it opened. She marched inside and all but dropped the tray on his lap.

  His eyes widened. “Where did this attitude come from? When you left a few minutes ago, your feet were barely touching the floor.”

  She growled and bunched her hands by her sides. “Where are the others? The cook said they aren’t here.”

  Hawk glanced over her shoulder toward the door, and she figured Gabe was communicating something to the captain. She didn’t remove her glare from Hawk. The click of the door and footsteps leaving let her know she was alone with him again. Good. Maybe she’d have his undivided attention now.

  “Yes, the others have been released.”

  She hitched a breath. “Released? You didn’t kill them?”

  One of his eyebrows arched. “My dear, Miss Stanhope. Didn’t I tell you earlier I was a man of my word? I specifically remember telling you I’d release them.”

  Relief poured through her, but anger remained heavy in her chest. She folded her arms. “So why didn’t you release me with them?”

  Shaking his head, he tsked. “I cannot believe you have forgotten so soon. You’re the one being punished for trying to kill the captain. Not them.”

  “But if you had kept me with them the other day when Simon took them to the cargo hold, I’d be released, as well.”

  One of his eyebrows lifted. “Are you telling me that you wouldn’t have tried to kill me at a later time?”

  Her nails dug into her palms as she kept her hands fisted. She clenched her teeth so hard she feared she might chip a tooth.

  “Tell me.”

  She huffed. “You’re not making any sense. You are the reason I stabbed you. If you hadn’t tried to… seduce me…”

  “Then no matter how you look at it, Miss Stanhope, you’re my prisoner, and you will be punished.”

  With a groan, she covered her face with her hands. Sadness crept over her. Although she’d been without Mrs. Winters for a few days, she at least hoped she’d be with her companion again, which kept a ray of light in Isabelle. Now the light had been doused, and she feared the worst.

  “Oh, come now, Miss Stanhope. It really isn’t that bad.”

  She dropped her hands and glared at him. “Not that bad? How can you say such a thing? I’m the only woman in a house filled with men. I’m being forced to cook and clean for you in the most indecent dress I have ever seen!”

  He grinned. “And what a lovely woman you are wearing that dress.”

  Disgust turned her stomach. “You’re a vile man, Captain Hawk.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “But you forget something. You’re still my servant. The crew cannot touch you unless I give the word.”

  She took a deep breath, wringing her hands against her middle. “Do I need to worry about the others compromising my virtue?”

  “Not as long as you’re doing my bidding, and making me happy.”

  Her heartbeat skipped, either in panic or desire, she wasn’t certain. But it didn’t matter. She could not make him happy the way he wanted.

  She lifted her chin. “Captain Hawk, the only way I wish to please you is by being the best cabin… boy you have ever had.”

  His gaze swept over her attire in a leisure exploration. “Oh, my dear, you’re certainly not going to compare with my last cabin boy.”

  Growling, she spun around and grabbed the bucket, proceeding to finish what she’d started earlier. How dare he think he could treat her like that? Just because she’d tried to kill him? Now she seriously wondered why she had doubted herself. Indeed, the pirate shouldn’t be alive to torture innocent women.

  The spoon clicking against the bowl made her glance at him. He had finally stopped staring at her as he ate his oatmeal. Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten either. When did servants eat anyway? Nobody told her. Yet she didn’t dare wander to the kitchen by herself, especially now that she was the only woman here.

  Finally, she had cleared all the bandages and the floor looked cleaner. Hawk had finished his meal and set the empty bowl back on the tray. He moved his attention around the room then gave her a smile.

  “You did well, Miss Stanhope. Now if you will, please take my dishes back to the kitchen. While you’re there, get yourself something to eat.”

  Grateful, she nodded. She reached across him for the tray, but his hand grasped hers, stopping its progress. Up this close, his warm breath fanned her face.

  “I want you to remember something.” He loosened his hold, but his fingers remained circled around her elbow as he caressed her skin in gentle movements. “The kinder you are to me, the more freedom I’ll allow you.”

  “Thank you, Captain.”

  He released her. She grabbed the tray and stepped back. The rhythm of her heartbeat increased, and she wished it hadn’t. She didn’t want to be so affected by this man. She moved to the table and stacked the dishes from their dinner a few days ago, and set them on the tray.

  “I’ll take a nap while you are away. When you return, I’ll want a bath. And you will do as I instruct.”

  Her heart dropped. She prayed he only wanted her to prepare the tub, instead of actually giving him a bath.

  She hurried out the door, kicking it closed with the heel of her foot. Glancing up and down the hall, she couldn’t find Gabe. It didn’t matter. She knew the way to the kitchen. Forgetting about the overbearing man with curly auburn hair, she quickened her step toward her destination. As she passed one of the doors, someone grabbed her elbow and yanked her to a stop. She gasped, and looked over her shoulder into the dark mask of the first highwayman she’d seen when they were attacked—Simon.

  “Where do ye think ye’re going?”

  Fear rushed through her, and her hands shook the tray she held so tightly. “I’m taking the dirty dishes back to the kitchen for Captain Hawk.”

  His attention moved over her in a leisurely manner, making her stomach churn.

  “Soon you’ll serve me, wench.”

  Scowling, she tried to pull her arm out of his grasp, but he only intensified his strong hold. “Unhand me!”

  Slowly, he shook his head, his smile broadening. “I don’t think so. Now that ye’re away from Hawk, ye will do my bidding.”

  “I think not.” She shoved her shoulder into him, releasing him. He stumbled back a step, giving her room to flee. The only place to go for safety was back to the captain’s room.

  He reached for her, and she thrust the tray of dishes at him. She darted away, running as fast as she could toward Hawk. Behind her, the dishes hit the floor and shattered. Simon released a curse and his loud footsteps boomed up the hallway toward her.

  When she reached the cabin, she flung open the door, but Simon grabbed her arm. She sobbed and struggled against the band of strong arms pulling her back against his body. “Hawk—”

  From across the room, Hawk’s eyes widened, then his mouth pulled tight. Flinging the covers off his legs, he swung them to the side of the bed and stood. His legs shook as he took wide strides toward her, the color around his mouth turning white.

  “Simon!” Hawk reached for her. His arm slid around her waist as he swept her away from the wretched highwayman. Hawk growled and clutched his side, but just as quickly, he pulled back his fist and let it fly until it hit Simon’s nose.

  The man yelped and cupped his hands over the blood spurting from his face. “But Captain—”

  “Did Gabe inform the crew not to touch Miss Stanhope?”

  “Ye don’t understand…”

  “Did he?” Hawk’s voice lifted.

  Simon’s face hardened. “Yes, Captain.”

  “Then I suggest you follow orders or you’ll be p
unished severely. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You do, Sir.

  Simon turned and hurried away, cradling his bloody nose. Isabelle looked back at Hawk in time to see him grimace. Her heart still hammered with what she’d just witnessed, not believing anything. Hawk had protected her against his own crewmate, no less. Why would he do that?

  “Are you all right, my dear?”

  His breathing grew harsh as if he struggled for breath. She nodded and grasped his arm, helping him to stand. “It’s your state of health I’m concerned with now. Let’s get you back to bed.”

  His legs wobbled with each step, and when they reached the bed, he practically fell upon the mattress. She helped him in and lifted the sheets over him. “How are you? Did your stitches come open?”

  “No, I don’t believe they did. I am just weak, that’s all.”

  “Thank you for…rescuing me,” she said softly.

  Pain etched his mouth, as he nodded. “Isabelle, I promise, I won’t allow my men to touch you.”

  Nodding, she smiled. “Rest now and gain your strength.”

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Find Gabe and stay by him until I call for you.”

  As she left the room, a different emotion settled over her. To think he’d rushed to her aid when he was weak as a newborn lamb. She smiled.

  She couldn’t believe it, but for the first time she’d been taken prisoner, she actually felt safe.

  Chapter Five

  While the captain slept, Isabelle ate her morning meal in the kitchen with Gabe present. The man didn’t say much, but at least he watched to make certain no other man touched her improperly. Once she finished eating, she cleaned up the broken dishes in the hallway when she’d thrown them at Simon, then she volunteered to help in the kitchen. She needed to keep busy so that she wouldn’t think about what Hawk had done for her today. More importantly, her thoughts turned to what he required of her when he awoke.

  Unfortunately, the cook didn’t need her help for long, and she wandered to a large room that she assumed was the parlor. Gabe kept his eyes on her, his towering height not frightening her any longer.

  “Pardon me, Gabe, but will you fetch me a broom? This floor looks dirty.”

  “Why do you want to clean here?”

  “I fear I’m bored to tears and need something to occupy my mind.”

  She detected a slight lift to the corner of his mouth as if he tried not to grin. Perhaps there was an ounce of kindness somewhere in that man.

  “The captain would certainly want you to keep busy.” He marched to the other room only to return moments later carrying a broom.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled her best, although still worried of being the only woman here.

  She swept off the rugs the best she could before carrying them outside to hang over the porch’s wooden railing. She’d beat the rugs after she swept the floor. Once she had that done, she ventured outside again. The summer breezed shifted through the air, and the gentle wind fanned her face. She welcomed the small amount of coolness, if only for a moment. She tilted back her head, lifted her hair off the back of her neck to let the wind dry the moisture gathered there. She wished she could arrange her hair in a bun to keep it off her shoulders.

  Hawk’s men walked by, taking slow steps as their attention moved over her. Bile rose in her throat, but she was certain now Hawk wouldn’t let his men touch her. If the captain could follow their example, she’d leave this place without being compromised. When she helped Hawk, she would have to remember how much she hated him.

  But did she hate him? A while ago, she’d looked upon him as her hero. Impossible. Yet because of his heroic act, she couldn’t remove the feeling of trust he instilled in her.

  Heated shivers slid over her, and she couldn’t decide if it was disgust or anticipation. Although she didn’t want to help him, her mind kept wondering what he was really like once he took off his mask.

  Gabe walked beside her and grabbed the broom. “You’re finished here. Captain Hawk wants his bath. Now.”

  Dread filled her, making her limbs weak as she trudged to his room. When she walked in, she held her breath. Hawk sat on the edge of the bed, his legs hanging over the side. At least he still wore his breeches. But seeing his bare knees and muscular calves, made a blush rise to her face.

  He looked at her with a smile. “Did you have a good morning, my dear? Gabe tells me how excited you are to help around the house. I’m pleased to know you’re eagerly accepting your new position.”

  “Uh, yes. I had a lovely time.” Hopefully, she didn’t sound sarcastic. “How are you faring? Do you feel better? You didn’t look too good when I’d helped you into bed earlier.”

  “Yes, I feel much better. The rest did wonders.”

  “I see you’re ready for your bath, so let me fetch the water–”

  “No need.” He pointed to the tub in the corner of the room. “Gabe did that already. All you have to do is take off this bandage then help me into the tub.”

  He made it sound like the task was minimal, when in fact, it would be the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  Isabelle shut the door behind her before taking slow steps to his side. Her heart hammered, beating at an incredible speed against her ribs. When she reached the side of his bed, he held his arms away from his sides as she unraveled the bandage. Standing this close wasn’t healthy. His breath blew against her, making her insides quiver. When her fingers brushed his skin, his muscles flexed.

  Once the bandages were removed, her attention fell to the evenly stitched small red puckered scab. For some reason, she’d expected it to be bigger. The dagger she’d used couldn’t have made this mark. Without thinking, she drew her finger underneath the sore. Hawk sucked in his breath.

  She jumped, removing her touch. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “Not at all. I didn’t expect the jolt of warmth that shot through me.”

  Her mouth dried. Why did he have to say that? “I thought the wound would be larger.”

  “So did I.” He glanced down at it. “I gather you didn’t push the blade in very deep.”

  “It certainly felt as if I did, and the amount of blood spurting from your body made me believe I had.”

  “If you had, I might not be alive. I think perhaps my ribs stopped the blade from going deeper.”

  She met his eyes and frowned. As much as she disliked him, she would have truly been miserable knowing she’d killed a man. “Once again, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth, and she knew it was time to back away. If he chose to kiss her right now, she was too close to stop him. “Um… may I ask what you did with the dagger?”

  “I still have it.”


  “The weapon is in a safe place.”

  Disappointment crept into her chest. He still didn’t trust her. She’d have to change that soon. The only way to feel truly safe around him was to earn his trust.

  Clearing her throat, she stepped backward. “Well, I suppose I should fill the tub with water.”

  He motioned to the corner of the room. “Actually, Gabe has taken care of that as well. All you need to do is help me to the tub then wash me.”

  Isabelle grasped his upper arm to help him stand. When he was on his feet, he slid his arm around her shoulders, and automatically she wound hers around his waist to support him. She diverted her gaze, not wanting to look at him. It was hard enough she stood this close. As they took small steps toward the tub, his chest rumbled with a low chuckle.

  “Miss Stanhope, I fear if you don’t look where you’re taking me, we may walk into a wall.”

  “Captain, forgive me, but I’m most uncomfortable doing this very personal thing for you. Bathing you is not at all proper.”

  “Since you’ve been appointed my nursemaid, those rules don’t exist.”

  If only she could believe that. She stared at the tub, trying her hardest not to focus on anything els
e. They reached the tub and he climbed inside.

  “Captain Hawk? Are you not going to remove your breeches?”

  He grinned. “Were you going to remove them for me?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  He shrugged. “Since I cannot do it myself, and since you are uncomfortable with bathing me, I decided to take a bath with them on.”

  Her face flamed with embarrassment. “A very concise decision, thank you,” she mumbled.

  She knelt beside him and grabbed the sponge and brick of soap before scrubbing them together to create lather. Although he kept his breeches on, she still hesitated to wash him. Nursemaid or not, this was highly improper!

  His strong fingers caressed her cheek then moved under her chin before he turned her face toward his. A grin stretching wide across his face made her very nervous. “My dear, this isn’t the time to be shy.”

  “Captain, please don’t tell me this. I cannot be anything other than what I am. I have never had to do such a personal task for a man.”

  He chuckled and leaned forward. “Then you can start with washing my back.”

  Sighing heavily, she dipped the sponge in the water before moving the lathered sponge over his back.

  His wide shoulders were extremely muscular, and as she washed him, she marveled at the roughness of his skin. A few scars cut across his back, but not many. He was powerfully built, indeed.

  She swept his long hair off his shoulders. Perhaps she needed to wash his hair, too, but she should take off the scarf covering his eyes, first. As she plucked at the knot tied in back, he growled and grabbed her wrists. His head whipped around until his blazing eyes met hers.

  “The mask remains on. Nobody looks at my face without it. Is that clear?”

  His voice came out harsh, deep, and stirred something inside her chest. “Yes, you are very clear.”

  She pulled away and lifted one of the buckets, pouring enough water over his hair to dampen the strands. He picked up the soap and started to scrub, then turned and looked at her, offering her the brick.

  “I would like you to do it.”

  Nodding, she did as requested while he held the mask to his face. Once her fingers were in his hair, Hawk’s body relaxed, and she thought he’d sighed as well. Now she was able to let her gaze wander over him, and she cursed herself for enjoying the view. Why weren’t all men muscular like this? But it was more than just his body that interested her, it was the kindness he had shown her—a woman who’d almost killed him, no less.


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