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Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 7

by Marie Higgins

  He’d attempted to hide his soft side, yet why would he be so accommodating? Because of her crime, he could have had her in shackles while she cleaned his room. He could have even starved her. Surely, he wasn’t as terrible as he could have been.

  He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. The satisfied grin on his face made her want to smile as well.

  “Captain? Can I ask you something?”

  “Depends on what you’re asking.”

  “Do you never take your mask off?”

  “Not while I’m a highwayman.”

  “Have your men seen you without it?”


  “What about your… er, women friends?”

  He peeked at her through one eye. “What makes you think I have women friends?”

  Embarrassment scalded her face. “I’m not that naive, you know. You are quite a handsome man, so of course you’ll have women friends.”

  Chuckling, he closed his eyes again. “No. They don’t see me without a mask, either.”

  “May I ask why?”


  She gasped. “No? I cannot even ask?”

  “You can ask, I just won’t answer.”

  She grabbed the bucket, wishing he wouldn’t be so obstinate, and poured more water on his head to rinse. She’d rather splash it in his arrogant face. He shook off the liquid, getting her wet in the process and cooled her heated skin.

  He glanced at her wet gown. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get you wet.” His gaze met hers again. “Please, continue with my bath.”

  She quickly dipped the sponge in the water then started washing his arm. He kept his eyes on her as she scrubbed.

  “Isabelle, you’re very tender with me. I like that.”

  His deep voice stirred havoc inside her. He took her hand and twined his fingers with hers. She couldn’t find the strength to pull away.

  “Just as you are with me,” she replied.

  Hawk’s gaze dropped to her mouth. A mixture of fear and excitement bounced inside her, and the urge to lean closer became strong. But she couldn’t let him kiss her, so she pulled away and picked up the sponge to wash his chest.

  “Miss Stanhope, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

  Inwardly, she groaned. That wasn’t what she wanted to hear right now. “Please, Captain, can you remain silent? You’re disrupting me. I cannot focus.”

  He laughed. “That was the idea.”

  She leaned across him to wash his other arm, and his arm dove around her waist, holding her close. “Please, Captain. Release me.”

  “You’re fine right where you are, my dear.”

  “I… I… um, you see, my gown will get wet. And if that happens, I’ll have to change into my other dress. How can I take care of you if that happens?” She licked her dry lips, praying he’d not push her into doing anything she wasn’t ready to do.

  * * * *

  Although Marcus would like nothing more than to see her wet, having these stirrings of desire inside him was not a good thing right now.

  “I see your reasoning.” He smiled.

  He leaned back in the tub, breathing slowly. Pain from his wound throbbed, but he wanted to ignore it. Having her wash him was more pleasant than he’d expected. He’d prepared for her anger through her touch, but instead received gentleness.

  She leaned forward and washed his feet. He held himself from jumping when her touch tickled him. He must keep himself in check. Men like the fearsome Captain Hawk never lost control—and especially, were not ticklish.

  Isabelle was different from the others he’d been with, and that was the problem. Whether it was her shyness or her innocence, he enjoyed making her react. He liked it too much, in fact. Somehow he’d lost track of his goal for revenge.

  He took the sponge away from her. “Why don’t you fetch the towel while I finish washing?”

  She stood and hurried to find a towel. “Would you like me to lay out some clothes for you?”

  “There are some already on top of my trunk.”

  “Will… will you require my assistance dressing?”

  Her question was so soft he almost didn’t hear. He chuckled. “No, my dear. I will save you the embarrassment and do it myself.”

  “But, you cannot. Your wound—”

  “If I need help, I’ll call for Gabe.” Marcus stood and waited for her to bring him the towel. As she brought the towel to him and met his eyes, her blue eyes softened. “Once again, thank you for the small favor.”

  Isabelle draped the towel around him as he stepped out of the tub. She hadn’t been prepared, and stumbled against him. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her upright. She inhaled sharply and looked up into his eyes.

  She chuckled uncomfortably. “Captain Hawk, why do you insist on saving me?”

  Inwardly, he cursed himself for not wanting to release her. She felt too good in his arms. “Isabelle, do you know what you’re doing to me, especially when you say things like that?”

  Her smile relaxed. “You have never said my name like that before.”

  “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No. I like the way you say it.”

  He wanted so much to kiss her, but knew he couldn’t. As much as it would torture him, he had to stay strong.

  She stepped back and helped him to the chair. Although he hadn’t a lot of strength in his limbs, he needed to change into some dry breeches.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “Step outside and find Gabe to help me change. Then you may come back in and bandage me.”

  “Of course.”

  It didn’t take long before Gabe came to Marcus’ aide, and soon he wore a dry pair of breeches and sat on the edge of the bed. Gabe walked out of the room and seconds later, Isabelle entered.

  She hurried to his desk to collect the bandages and ointment. When she returned, she sat next to him. Her gaze focused on his wound, and she frowned.

  “Please know I feel just awful for stabbing you,” she said quietly.

  His heart softened, and he wished it wouldn’t. He only wanted her for revenge, but that idea kept getting further away in his mind the longer he stared into her intoxicating eyes.

  He didn’t reply to her comment, but instructed her on how to cover his wound before wrapping the bandages around his middle. She took special care, and when she was finished, she smiled with pride. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Now see, you are indeed a very good nurse.”

  “Only from your instructions.” She sighed heavily. “Is there anything else you need?”

  Weary, he shook his head. “I’m ready for another nap. Why don’t you retire to your room and rest as well?”

  She nodded and stepped back, but he clasped her hand, twining his fingers with hers. “I must say, Isabelle, the bath you gave me was the best one I’ve ever had.”

  “I’m pleased you think so, Captain. I’d like to think I’m doing a good job with my new duties.”

  “Indeed you are.”

  Shyly, she looked down and smiled. She turned and walked out of his room. As he lay back in bed, he realized he was smiling like an idiot. The lesson in humility he’d wanted to teach her was working out well… if only he would quit thinking about kissing her.

  Chapter Six

  Isabelle kept her eyes on the lad in the laundry room as he instructed her on how to clean Hawk’s clothes. The boy’s scraggly appearance tugged at her heart, yet he smiled as he taught her about the laundry, not seeming to mind how he looked.

  Although she tried to listen carefully, her mind wandered back to the captain’s bath and how understanding he’d been. Several times she had to remind herself that he was a highwayman. Yet he certainly didn’t act like one when they were alone.

  Her thoughts came back to what she was doing as the boy dunked a shirt in the water.

  “Then, ye take the shirt like this and scrub it up and down. Do ye see now?”

  She nodde
d and followed his example, but her gaze strayed to his own façade instead of focusing on the clothes in her hands. Bushy brown hair hung to his shoulders, and the shirt on his back looked two sizes too small, as did the breeches with many rips. Why couldn’t Hawk pay the lad better? Did the captain not care?

  “What’s your name?” She gave him a caring smile.


  Surprised, she gasped and stopped her hands from scrubbing. “Did I hear correctly? You said Monkey?”


  “That cannot be your Christian name.”

  He chuckled and scratched behind his ear. “Nah, me name is Adam, but the crew calls me Monkey.”


  “Because of me duties to the cap’n, Miss.”

  “Which are?”

  “When we were on the ship, I was called powder-monkey. Ya see, me duty was to fill the cannons with powder durin’ an attack. But the name sticked with me and now it fits.”

  “What are your duties now?”

  “Whatever Hawk or the other men need me to do.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m in me twelfth year.”

  “Oh, that’s certainly an important role for someone your age.”

  “It is, Miss.”

  “Where’s your mother, and does she approve of you working for Captain Hawk?”

  He shrugged and turned his attention back to washing. “Don’t know me mother, or me father. Cap’n Hawk found me at the orphanage, and put me to work.” Monkey looked back at her and smiled wide. “That was the happiest day of me life. Nobody wanted me, and the orphanage was gettin’ crowded. Then one day, the cap’n strolled in through the doors, searchin’ for a lad who could do hard work. I knew’d I could do it, and when he looked at me, he bought me right away. Cap’n has been so good to me. And the other men treat me like their own, too.”

  Emotion clogged her throat, making her swallow hard. Could it be true? Was Hawk as thoughtful as the lad made him sound?

  “I haven’t been with any other pirates or highwaymen, but from what I’ve heard, Cap’n Hawk is the best. I knows the Cap’n hates the Royal Navy and wants to torture them, but other than that, he’s the kindest man I’ve ever met.”

  She focused on washing once again. “Do you know why the Royal Navy vexes him so?”

  “No, Miss, but I trust that whatever the Cap’n is doing is a just cause.”

  “Well, Adam, I think you’re very loyal, and that makes you a good person, too.”

  The boy’s face reddened as he grinned. “I’ll do anythin’ for Cap’n Hawk.”

  Silence lasted between them as they continued in their chores. Why hadn’t she heard these stories about Hawk before? All she knew was he’d been labeled the dreaded pirate. Men feared him—women adored him. Well, Isabelle could see why women would swoon since her knees had weakened a few times.

  Hawk had told her he didn’t kill people for sport. So why had he killed her father? Hawk gave her several chances to prove herself, why hadn’t he done the same with her sire?

  While living with her aunt and uncle, she caught hints that they didn’t approve of the way her father handled his business affairs. Aunt Margaret was Isabelle’s mother’s sister, and the woman didn’t like Commodore Stanhope and the distance he put between himself and his daughter. Uncle Bartholomew hated her father with every fiber of his being. Yet nobody told her why her parent was such a bad man. He’d always been the epitome of goodwill to her.

  Dare she ask Hawk? Would he even remember her father? But he had to since he knew who Isabelle was. She scrunched her forehead. Why did Hawk know about her? She’d certainly have to ask him about that, too.


  She looked down at Adam who now had suds up to his elbows. “Yes?”

  “Do ye hate Cap’n Hawk?”

  Her heart clenched. Too bad she still didn’t know how to answer it. Hatred was definitely not the feeling running through her since becoming his nursemaid. “I don’t know him enough to decide yet.”

  “I heard ya tried to kill him.”

  She frowned. “I didn’t, really. I tried to protect myself, and in doing so, I stabbed him. It’s what any virtuous woman would have done in those circumstances.”

  “I heard ye were mad at him for killing yer father.”

  “That, I was. I don’t know why he killed my father when the captain freed the other prisoners.”

  “Knowin’ the Cap’n, he probably killed yer father because he deserved it.”

  She scowled. “Adam, please refrain from slandering my father’s name when you don’t even know him.”

  “Aye, Miss.” He wiped his nose on his sleeve. “So does ya likes the Cap’n now?”

  She chuckled. “Why all these questions?”

  “Cuz I think the Cap’n likes ya a lot.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Indeed?”

  “Ye’ve been the first lady he’s kept for himself.”

  Heat filled her face as she stared at Adam. “I am?”

  “Aye. Usually when he takes prisoners, they all stay in the cellar until he releases them. Yer the first lady me knows that he’s takin’ an interest in enough to keep by his side.”

  She released an uneasy laugh. “I’m probably also the first prisoner who has ever stabbed him.”

  Adam shook his head. “Oh, there have been plenty, believe me. But he took an interest in ya before ya wounded him.”

  Confusion filled her even more. Why did the boy have to make sense? And why was her heart softening the more she thought about Hawk? Had she judged him too harshly? Although she hated to be wrong, this may very well be one of those times she had over-reacted.

  Her resolve weakened, knowing he had indeed shown her a man with a pure heart, instead of the black color she thought it had been.

  * * * *

  Marcus wasn’t healing as fast as he wanted. Of course, all he could think about was Isabelle and how she made him want things he couldn’t possibly have. Never had he met a woman like her, and although he still didn’t think he could trust her fully, he wanted to show her how kind he could be instead of the ravaging highwayman he was supposed to be.

  After she’d bathed him yesterday, he’d kept her busy with washing his clothes, and the poor woman was so weary she didn’t have dinner, but went straightway to bed. He didn’t have the heart to wake her just so he could show her more of his charm.

  This morning when she came to change his bandage and bring him breakfast, she hurried through her duties, informing him that Monkey wanted to continue with her washing lessons. Marcus grinned. Strange how well Isabelle picked up on the chores. Either that or she was afraid of being alone with him. He tried to convince himself being alone with her was not a good thing at all.

  He’d taken a nap after the midday meal, and now he waited for her to bring his clean clothes. He also had a surprise for her. This morning he had Gabe find her trunk she’d had on the stagecoach. Upon Marcus’ request, he had his friend bring it to his room. Now she had more gowns to wear, and a brush for her hair. He couldn’t wait to see excitement light up her blue eyes. And he prayed she’d bestow a kiss upon him—this time without having to be told.

  When she finally opened the door and walked in, she carried an armful of clothes and set them on the end of his bed. She presented him with a cheerful smile, which nearly made him sigh with happiness.

  “I have a clean shirt for you,” she said. “Would you like me to help you put it on?”

  “Yes, I believe I would.” After he’d answered, he wished he hadn’t. If she helped him, that would only mean getting closer to her.

  Without a word, he stood so she could slip the garment over his head. When her gaze met his again, he smiled. Her cheeks flamed. He loved how nervous he made her.

  “Thank you, my dear.” He rubbed a hand over his sleeve. “Was this your first time at washing?”


  “You did a remarkable job, I must say.”<
br />
  “Well, I owe it all to Monkey. He’s really a sweet boy.”

  “That he is, and a hard worker. Sometimes he works harder than my men.”

  She laughed, which made his heart soften. Why did her voice sound like angels singing? What confused him more was thinking he wanted to listen to her… always.

  She turned to move away, but he slid his arm around her waist and brought her up against his chest. Her eyes widened and she gasped. Both hands rested on his shoulders, making his heartbeat quicken. “I have a surprise for you, my dove.”

  “Why would you do that? After all, I’m merely your servant.”

  He shook his head. “You’ve been a very good servant.” He grinned and pointed to the trunk in the corner of the room. “Does that look familiar?”

  Her gaze followed his finger. She hitched a breath and covered her mouth with her hands. Tears filled her eyes as she stared. His chest twisted with an unknown emotion. Why did her reaction affect him so?

  “Oh, Hawk… you didn’t…” She left his embrace and slowly walked to her trunk, knelt and opened it. Gingerly, she swept her hand across the gown on top. “Oh, Captain, this is the best thing you could have done,” she whispered with a broken voice.

  He moved beside her and stroked her hair. “I had actually instructed Gabe to fetch this before you stabbed me.”

  She looked up at him with wide eyes, still swimming with tears.

  “I realized yesterday you needed a brush.” He grinned.

  As she laughed, a tear slipped down her cheek. She stood and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a hug. “Thank you.”

  Closing his eyes, he held her against him as he breathed in her heavenly scent. She pulled away just enough to look into his eyes. Desire darkened her gaze, but she studied him differently than she’d done before. Being like this with her was rather nice. Comfortable.

  Soft blue eyes stared dreamily into his, and she smiled. Then she dropped her gaze to his mouth, and his excitement grew. He hoped she would kiss him. But the longer he waited, the more his hopes dropped.


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