Hey, Nietzsche! Leave them kids alone
Page 35
Blue Oyster Cult, 183
Bo Diddley, 210–11
Bob B Sox, 184
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, 1, 7, 242–3
Bon Jovi, Jon, 20, 82, 104, 228
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 57–63, 117, 193, 317
Bond, Hannah, 64
Boredom, 204–6
Borgatti, Giuseppe, 195
Bowie, David, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 14, 82, 98, 105, 106–7, 114, 121, 188–90, 230, 263–7, 269, 290–3, 297
fascism and, 311–2
‘Heroes’, 178, 188
Queen, and, 188–90, 194
Screamin’ Lord Byron, 106–7
‘Space Oddity’, 263
The Man Who Sold the World, 263
Ziggy Stardust, 49, 98–105, 106, 114–15, 252, 291, 298, 315–6
Boys Next Door, The, 153
Bracewell, Michael, 206
Brecht, Bertolt, 292
Breton, Andre, 3
Bright Eyes, 36–42, 45, 189
Browning, Todd, 120, 278
Buff, Lotte, 65
Burchill, Julie, 88
Burgess, Anthony, 224, 281
Burne-Jones, Edward, 170
Burton, Robert, 90–1
Burton, Tim, 54, 132–4, 140, 142–3, 145, 228, 276
Bush, President, 38, 41
Buzzcocks, 11–12, 13, 154, 207
boredom and 205–6
Spiral Scratch, 11
Byron, Lord George Gordon, 3, 5, 6, 46, 59, 62, 74–5, 105, 107–13, 116, 159, 199, 244
Frankenstein and, 135–9
Luddites and, 225–6, 228
Nietzsche and, 259
The Vampyre, 116–22
Cabaret, 289, 295–9
Gerard Way and, 299–300
Caesar, 62
Cameron, Keith, 157
Captain Beefheart, 154
Carlos, Wendy, 182
Carlyle, Thomas, 31, 33, 62, 73–7, 325
Cave, Nick, 123, 146–50, 159, 228, 230
horror, love of, 157
mystery and, 146–50
Utopiate, 153–6
Cheap Trick, 20
Chemical Brothers, The, 247
Chicago, 20
Christiansen, Rupert, 33, 76, 77
Clairmont, Claire, 119
Clash, The, 205
Classicism, 26, 46
Cobain, Kurt, 10, 97, 114
Coldplay, 54–6
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 27, 46, 74
Conley, Chris, 287
Conrad, Peter, 297
Conway, Honorable H S, 125
Cooper, Alice, 133
Corgan, Billy, 94–8, 103, 114–15, 139, 221, 252, 286
Creswell, Toby, 210
Crowe, Cameron, 311
Crystals, The, 184
Cult, The, 82, 123
Cuomo, Rivers, 16–20, 21, 23–5, 78, 91–4, 182, 197, 269–70, 271–4, 287, 318–21
angst of, 22
In the Garage, 231
Pinkerton, 17–20, 78–9, 212, 318
sentimentalist phase, 78–80
The Red Album, 270, 318–21
Why Bother, 213
Cure, The, 2, 6, 13–15, 82, 229–30
Faith, 171–3
goth, 157
Curtis, Ian, 97, 114
Dada, 3
Berlin Dada movement, 302–5
Dallas, Robert, 108, 109
Damned, The, 158
Danzig, Glenn, 130–1
Dashboard Confessional, 80
Davies, Norman, 57, 60, 77, 128, 148, 159
de Condorcet, Marquis, 150, 155, 224
de Jonge, Alex, 51, 83, 158, 233
de Stael, Madame, 73, 74, 113
Debord, Guy, 153
Delacroix, Eugene, 47, 55–6, 59, 116
Depeche Mode, 82, 104, 159–61, 164, 165, 174–6
Stripped, 167
Violator, 251
Depp, Johnny, 136=9–43, 277
Descartes, 146
Despair Faction, 313
deVito, Danny, 277
Devoto, Howard, 11, 207–9, 212
boredom and 205–6
DeWees, James, 9
Diderot, Denis, 165
Diehl, Matt, 105
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 6, 212, 227, 232
Notes from Underground, 207–9, 216–18, 224
Dracula, 47, 120, 129, 133, 155, 156
Drive Like Jehu, 10
du Noyer, Paul, 98
E Street Band
‘Born to Run’, 50
Ebb, Fred, 294, 297, 299
Edward Scissorhands, 139–40, 161, 276–7
Electroclash, 8
Eliscu, Jenny, 231
Emerson, 208
Emo, 4–5, 22, 214
expressionism, fondness for, 305–9
fans, 81
history, 10
My Chemical Romance and, relationship between, 5–6, 7–10, 64
non-athleticism and 214
Empiricism, 52
Enlightenment, 29, 32, 45, 51, 146
God, and denial of existence of, 164
Eno, 14
Everett, Kenny, 243
Expressionism, 6, 279, 305
emo, fondness for, 305–9
Ezrin, Bob, 227
Face, The magazine, 122
Fairley, Barker, 73, 192
Fall Out Boy, 8, 93
Fascism, 311–12, 314
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 46, 193
Fisher, Ben, 267
Flesh for Lulu, 122
Flowers, Brandon, 21
diary of, 22
Foo Fighters, The, 9
Fosse, Bob, 294, 298
Frankenstein, 6, 46, 129, 133, 134–9, 144, 162–3
Frehely, Ace, 267
French Revolution, 31–6, 51
nostalgia for, 168
Friedrich, 47
Gahan, Dave, 160–1, 176–7, 251–3, 312
Gamer, Michael, 127, 129
Gang of Four, 152, 154
Genesis, 151
Get Up Kids, The, 8, 9, 214
Gill, Andy, 152, 158
Gill, Eric, 318
Giraud, Albert, 283, 285
Gittings, Robert, 88, 90–1, 166
Glitter, Gary, 104
Gnarls Barkley, 3
Godwin, Mary, 119
Godwin, William, 35, 119
Goebbels, Joseph, 309–11
Goethe, JW von, 5, 6, 46, 62, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 79, 105, 110, 116–18, 159, 179, 192, 244
The Sorrows of Young Werther, 61–2, 64–72, 73–8, 110, 113, 116, 136
Goldsmith, William, 9
Gordon, Gavin, 134
Gore, Martin, 160–1, 164, 167, 174–6
Goths, 8, 122–8, 150
emergence, 157–8
meaning, 159
Green Day, 19
Greenwald, Andy, 18, 80, 81, 214, 270
Grey, Joel, 294, 299
Gros, Antoine-Jean, 57
Grosz, George, 291, 302–3
Guercio, Joe, 260, 262
Hackett, Steve, 151
Hagen, Mark, 322
Haman, 46
Hancock, Butch, 262
Hausman, Raoul, 304
Havok, Davey, 82–5, 89, 104–5, 313
goth, appeal of, 158
horror and, 130
Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 107, 166
He, Kyung, 92
Heckel, Erich, 279
Hegel, 46, 59
Heine, Heinrich, 46, 94, 96
Hendrix, Jimi, 114
Hitler, Adolf, 309–11, 313
Hobsbawm, Eric, 57, 58, 60, 62, 168, 233–4
Hoffman, E T A, 102, 179
Hoffmeister, Gerhart, 117
Mexican, 8
Horace, 22–3, 26
Horror, 129–31
Nick Cave, love of, 157
Howard, Roland S, 153
Howe, Brian, 45
Huelsenbeck, Richard, 304
Hugo, Victor, 46, 47
Hume, David, 164–5
Hunt, William Holman, 169–70
Iero, Frank, 229
Iggy Pop, 155, 204–6
Indie rock
fans, 8
Isherwood, Christopher, 290
Jagger, Mick, 10
‘Satisfaction’, 201–3
Jimmy Eat World, 8
Johnson, 76, 105
Johnson, David, 122
Jones, Gerard, 268
Joy Division, 14, 97
Joy, Tonie, 9
Kander, John, 294, 297, 299
Kandinsky, Wassily, 279, 282
Kant, Immanuel, 148, 192
Keats, George, 86
Keats, John, 6, 46, 47, 86, 89, 94, 107–8, 110, 159, 166, 174, 208
‘La Belle Dame sans Merci’, 88, 90–1, 107
‘Ode on Melancholy’, 91
Keats, Thomas, 85–6, 88
Kelley, Trevor, 214
Kestner, 65–6
Killers, The, 21
Kingsmill, Richard, 95, 293
Kiss, 267, 269
Klimt, Gustav, 235–7, 279, 281, 282
Klosterman, Chuck, 213
Kokoschka, Oskar, 274–6, 278–9, 282, 305, 306
Kracauer, Siegfried, 280
Kubrick, Stanley, 262
Lamb, Lady Caroline, 118
Landau, John, 185
Lebrecht, Norman, 289, 294
Lessing, Gottfried, 245
Liebniz, 147–8
Little Nell, 130
Long, William J, 174
Lovel Darlene, 184
Lugosi, Bela, 120
Lukacs, Georg, 309, 310
Mann, Horace, 125
Manson, Marilyn, 8, 253–4
Manuel, 54
Marc, Franz, 279
Marcus, Greil, 185
Marcuse, Herbert, 153
Maroon 5, 45
Mars Volta, The, 3, 9
Martin, Chris, 54, 55
McLaren, Malcolm, 11, 293
Meat Loaf, 183
Meltzer, Richard, 183
Mercury, Freddie, 3, 188–90, 242, 313–4
Milton, John
Paradise Lost, 136, 161–3
Mineral, 10
Minnelli, Liza, 284, 295–9, 300–1
Minogue, Kylie, 149
Misfits, The, 54, 130, 230
Mitchum, Robert, 155
Moore, Tom, 118
Morris, William, 168–70, 227, 233
Morrison, Jim, 114
Morrissey, 82, 105, 206–9, 212, 214–5, 219, 228
Moss Icon, 9
Motley Crue, 183
Motorhead, 183
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 99, 109, 199
Don Giovanni, 99–102, 109, 113, 199
Munch, 279–80
Mundy, Chris, 19
Murnau, F W, 120
Murphy, Peter, 121
My Chemical Romance, 1–4, 48–56, 80, 221, 222–4, 228–30, 269, 299, 313–17, 322–6
despair, promotion of, 227
emo and, relationship between, 5–6, 7–10, 64
horror and, 130, 288
logo, 306
Mother War, 299–302
The Black Parade, 63–4, 83, 114–6, 241, 287, 299, 313–17, 322–6
The Misfits and, 131
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, 228–9
‘Welcome to the Black Parade’, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 49, 63, 189, 221, 222–4, 241, 284
Mystery, 146–50
Nazism, 309–11
Neo-classical theory, 23, 73
New Radicals, 17
New rave, 8
Newton, Isaac, 147, 164–5
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 3, 5, 6, 47, 105, 193, 238–41, 244
Also Sprach Zarathustra, 47, 250–1, 260–2
The Birth of Tragedy, 245
democracy, view of, 256
Dionysus, and spirit of, 246–50
Judeo-Christian morality, view of, 270
martyr, as, 254–5
Nine Inch nails, 253
Nirvana, 19, 97
Nolde, Emil, 279
Noone, Peter, 264
Oasis, 19
Oberst, Conor, 36–42, 44–5, 67, 208
O’Brien, Richard, 130
Oldham, Andrew Loog, 201, 211
Only, Jerry, 130–1
Panic at the Disco, 8, 288
Pater, Walter, 23
Pechstein, Max, 308
Picabia, Francis, 304
PiL, 154
Pink Floyd, 226–7
Lives, 136
Polidori, John, 119, 120
Pope, Alexander, 6, 22–3, 26, 46, 76, 105, 147–8
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 169–70, 174
Presley, Elvis, 210, 260, 262
Prideaux, Tom, 55
Prog-rock, 151
Psychedelic rock, 14
Puccini, 182, 195
La Boheme, 47, 195
Madama Butterfly, 195–200
Pugin, August W, 168, 171
Punk, 8, 11, 151
boredom and 205–6
Enlightenment, re-enacting, 153
Queen, 2, 9, 230, 242–3, 313
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, 1, 7, 242–3
Bowie and, 188–90
‘Under Pressure’, 9, 189, 194
‘We Are the Champions’, 50, 270
Quennell, Peter, 109, 110–11
Raphael, Frederic, 119
Read, Herbert, 265, 314, 317–8, 324
Reason, 232
Reign of Terror, 34–5
Reimann, Walter, 278
Renton, Mark, 156
Reynolds, Simon, 146, 152, 155, 157, 212
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 52, 72, 133, 245
Rezner, Trent, 253
Richards, Keith, 211, 248
‘Satisfaction’, 201–3
Rickley, Geoff, 9, 157
Ries, Ferdinand, 58
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 271–4, 319
Rites of Spring, 9, 10, 306
Robespierre, Maximilien, 33, 150, 155
Rocky Horror Show, 129–31
Rogers, Samuel, 109
Rohrig, Walter, 278
Rolling Stone magazine, 18, 19, 54, 79, 83, 93
Rolling Stones, 211
Romanticism, 3–5, 6, 44–8, 72–6
pure love, and, 177
religious temperament, 159
Ronettes, The, 184
Ronson, Mick, 267
Ross, Ryan, 288
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 169–70, 263
Rotten, Johnny, 293
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 6, 29–31, 32, 34, 45–6, 51, 67, 76, 77, 81, 89, 119, 131, 193, 227, 232
Julie, 76, 81
Rowe, Zan, 42
Rubin, Rick, 93
Rush, Elena Lee, 299–300
Ruskin, John, 124, 168
Russell, Bertrand, 34, 112, 137, 138, 227, 252
Safranski, Rudiger, 257
Savage, Jon, 12, 206, 294
Saves the Day, 8
Schiller, Friedrich, 38–9, 40–2, 46, 166, 248
Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 72–3
Schlegel, Friedrich, 72
Schoenberg, Arnold, 279, 282–3
Sprechstimme, 285–8
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 46, 190, 191–5, 199–201, 203, 235–6, 238–9, 244
reality, view of, 249
Schumacher, Fritz, 279
Schuster, Joe, 268
Scissor Sisters, The, 3
Scott, Bon, 154
Scott, Tony, 121
Scott, Walter, 129, 168
Scott, X V, 116
Self-expression, 317–8
Sex Gang Children, 123
Sex Pistols, The, 11, 13, 242, 293
Sham 69, 12
Sharrock, Roger, 33
Shawn, Allen, 285
Shelley, Mary, 5, 6, 46, 47, 144–6
Frankenstein, 6, 46, 129, 135–6, 144–6, 162–3
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 119, 159
Shelley, Pete,
11, 154
Sid Vicious, 242
Siegel, Jerry, 268
Simon, Leslie, 214
Siouxsie and the Banshees, 15, 122, 123, 157, 297
‘Spellbound’, 158
Siouxsie Sioux, 293
Sisters of Mercy, The, 158
Slits, The, 205
Smashing Pumpkins, 94–8, 139, 229
Smith, Robert, 10, 12, 13–15, 16, 19, 21, 82, 84, 88–90, 97, 103, 105, 123, 172, 221, 287, 293
depression of, 22
Smiths, The, 2, 211, 214, 229
albums, 220–2
‘Shoplifters of the World Unite’, 219
Soft Cell, 122
Solipsism, 51
Southern Death Cult, 123, 158
Southey, 27, 46
Specimen, 122
Spector, Phil, 184
Wall of Sound, 50, 184
Spenser, Edmund, 86
Spillane, Robert, 192
Spin magazine, 93
Springsteen, Bruce, 2, 10, 41, 230, 322
‘Born to Run’, 7, 185–8
Stanley, Paul, 267
Starship, 20
Steinman, Jim, 183
Stoker, Bram
Dracula, 47, 120, 129, 133
Stooges, The, 210, 211
Strauss, Neil, 82, 306
Strauss, Richard, 182, 260–2
Salome, 285
teen, 8, 64
Sunny Day Real Estate, 8, 9, 10, 80, 81
Supertramp, 1
‘The Logical Song’, 1
Swales, Martin, 73, 74, 78
Tanner, Michael, 180–2, 187
Temple, Julian, 106
Texas is the Reason, 10
Thomson, James, 175
Thursday, 157
Timbaland, 82
Toller, Ernst, 307–9
Tom Robinson Band, 12
Toro, Ray, 315
Trip-hop, 8
Turgot, Jacques, 29, 155
Tyler, Bonnie, 183
Urie, Brendan, 288
Used, The, 9
Utopia, 150–2
Vallon, Annette, 33
Van Gogh, 279–80
Vaughn, William, 61, 72
Velvet Underground, 102
Vincent Molloy, 132–4
Virgin Prunes, The, 158
Voltaire, 62, 148, 166
Wagner, Richard, 6, 10, 178–85, 193–4, 233, 238–9, 244, 260
history of rock and roll, place in, 182–5
Tristan und Isolde, 47, 179–82, 187, 195, 199–201, 239, 285
Walden, Herwath, 278–9
Walpole, Horace, 125–8, 159, 168
Warm, Hermann, 278
Warren, Diane, 20, 21
Waters, Roger, 226–7, 315
Way, Gerard, 2, 6, 7, 10, 48–56, 63–4, 73, 82, 103, 114–6, 220–1, 227, 228–30, 241, 284, 313–7, 322–6
Cabaret and, 299–300
goth, appeal of, 158
horror and, 130
rage of, 22
The Misfits and, 131
Weezer, 6, 8, 16–20, 23–5, 80, 91–4, 318
‘In the Garage’, 231
Pinkerton, 8, 91–4, 195–200, 318–19
Weightman, John, 81
Weill, Kurt, 291–2
Weine, 278
Wells, Charles, 85, 86
Welsh, Irvine, 156
Wentz, Pete, 93
West, Kanye, 256–9
Whale, James, 134, 278
Whitehouse, Mary, 164