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A New Era

Page 6

by Chris Red

  He stopped, while his right foot was still in the air then put it down to slow down. He was disconcerted. The young lady went totally toward him ? how could she predict from a simple look that he is in an unknown land? Him , between the crowds.

  “ yes, I am talking to you. An advise from a friend , change the way you look Yizrah, we can easily read “tourist” on your front head” she said with a smile, provocative and sweet in the same time.

  Yizrah turned and went to her, suddenly the anger replace the sseduction. Not only that he was unlikely unmask and also identified, but his arrogant also hurt.

  “How did you know my name?

  - Feminine instinct “she said in mocking tone.

  Yizrah found her devilment seducing, but incredibly haughty. He understood years ago that sometimes youth is a bit arrogant. But also we should not take it rigor. He was staggered in front of so many charm and rudeness.

  “where are you siting sweet stranger?” she continued when Yizrah was looking at her with anger no dissimulate.

  Which was highly amusing her.

  Yizrah looked to his ticket then answer without thinking:

  “seat 66, line D, stand ...although I don’t know how to get there.

  - I can come with you if you want. I think my place is close to yours, wait, I will check.”

  She put her right hand in her pocket in the back of her pants, and pick up her ticket.

  “oh you may not believe it! The coincidence is doing its things, look yourself” she said holding the edge of the paper:


  Yizrah has experience, he knew that she is playing on his nerves, and that start to seriously annoy him.

  “in fact, the coincidence really made its things. ..he grumbled.

  - Come with me, we will go together, I will show it to you” she said , showing a big smile marvelous and at the same time incredibly annoying.

  Yizrah contemplate her in a fit of pique, it is clear that he don’t have any choice and he was so curious to know how this encounter will help him , without any doubt, it is not

  A coincidence, that she waited for. Why? How? All these questions are torturing his mind. He forgot for a moment the technical innovations are beyond his understanding. Since he enter Stambouli he has been dazzle, fascinated, amazed in front of such achievements that seems to be inhuman and surrealistic, as well as his mind that was vocalized on that contemplating and nourishing a real understanding facing to the breathtaking gap separating the stambolian way of life than the rest of the planet. A simple human contact and a bit of mystery was enough to turn around his thoughts. All of a sudden , it was acclimatize to an unknown world. He advanced to its sides. She was walking in a dynamic and energetic steps. She may be a tiny bit insolent , what a style! He said. They engraved the march together. All in all they landmark hardly the route. They didn’t exchange any word. Then a great hubbub. Another few steps a barely blinding light showed up up on the stars. When they finally arrived to their destination . The arena opened to them. It was huge. The stands were not totally full . everything were spreading in front of him, the giant crystal bleu tour giving an intense brightness. His eyes were looking at right, left, up, down, in the middle... he didn’t know where to put them. His associate moves every where and whispered in his ears:

  “it’s impressive , hein?”

  Yizrah didn’t know exactly how to reply. He felt amazed from such beauty but at the same he felt oppressed from the noise, too much people... he remembered in the 21 century. The impression that the human behaviors was regressed by breaking up all the limites in using the technologies ia making him uncomfortable. His stomach has a knot , his pupils subjugate and his eardrum is painful. Under the noise caused by thousands of spectators is louder than the music notes... of the music ! it is been long time that he didn’t hear. He may hardelly hold his ears to stop. He didn’t even have the time to know its source. Then a speaker seize from the antenna. He looked to his beautiful companion of the nught in an absurd way. His big confusion didn’t went away toward her:

  “ the speaker will give the team composition. You know how it s done, don’t you?”

  Yizrah nod his head to confirm.

  “wait for a small surprise” she had the word discreetly in his ears.

  She took his hand and invited him to sit down. She tracked down their places. To tell the truth she knows well the places. They started to go down , turned to the right until they acheieved LINE D TRACED on the ground. There are no more than to find the seats. Yizrah have been earlier to football stadium when he was younger the system was the same. But he found pleasure to be guided by the beautiful stranger. At this time, the speaker proclaim loudly the players’ names of the two teams. By the evocation of their names he entered the arena. Whene they reached their seats, the speaker finished the announcement of the Black Hawks formation who waitind at the same side of the field.then it was the Stambouli thunder team.

  “Number 1 ! Seannnnnnnnnn.... Diamand !!! “

  The crowd shouted at the same moment with the speaker. Yizrah regain his feelings that he knew once. The shivers are back , even if he didn’t suspect the spectacle that he is waiting for. His charm neighbor looked at him with mischievous smile poll it discreetly to not be heard from other spectators, although that they don’t give attention to their discussion.

  “tell me Yizrah, do you have any idea the kind of sport you are assisting tonight?

  - This match is called the flyball I think.

  - It is not surprising you much , she replied surprised by his nonchalance.

  - Since I arrived to Stambouli, a lot of things are surprising me. Even though I am curious. What is surprising me, I don’t understand it, is your attitude” Yizrah told her back , wishing that she will be revealed.

  “Number 2 ! Esteban Costillooooo !”

  “you can start by telling me your name, for example, exclaimed Yizrah.

  - My name is Salina, she looked a mischievous one then replied.

  - Good, that’s a start.”

  “Number 3 ! Felipe Solariiii ! “

  “ I must continue the the preliminary or to explain why we are sitting beside each other ?”

  Salina burst out laughing , turned her head , pass her hand on her face and looked. Yizrah draw a smile from mouth to ears.

  “so you ! You know how to talk to ladies !

  - That what we could call experience, he said while wink. Excuse me, but I should admit that you did marinate me earlier.”

  “ Number 4 Yossi ! “


  All of a sudden, the crowd impassionate and the Stambouli arena vibrates as a fusion volcano. Yizrah looked suddenly around him. The spectators seemed went into a trance. All the stadium stood up as a single man when it suddenly arise what seem to be the corridor of the changing room.

  “it a very fantastic player, people almost venerate, she explain to him. Eventhough he is not the captain of the team, she utter with a sigh .anyway he is the youngest.”

  Yizrah listened carefully, but boasted a pissed of mine when she evoked the pleasant appearance of the player.

  “you know how to change the subject easity Salina” Yizrah retorted , giving a black look , an attitude rather unusual.

  Salina felt his anger. She seemed to have pleasure playing on his nerves. She was in good position, she know it, as well. The tension was tangible between them, despite the evident affinity. But regardless the appearances, Slaina felt guilty to endure the suspense , after all, even if she will explain to him and even putting in consideration what he could see till now, would he be prepare to accept the truth? An event will be calm soon.

  His ego, to bring bach his eager of curiosity and enlarge the open mind. He waited for the best moment.

  “Number 5 ! Ryan !... HUNNNTTT ! “

  The spectators were staled for a moment, but continued to stamp, all of a sudden the calm installed between them. Salina sliped her hand bet
ween her knees , she was concerned she winked to Yizrah then looked infront of her .... Her apparent tension was clear to Yizrah . he felt it released but preferred to wait the moment she confess it herself . his look didn’t escape her , but he was looking in front of him. The right leg was on the left knee in relax way. Almost apathetic.

  “Number 6 ! Koji ! ...SHIMURAAAA ! “

  There only one player left to announce. And even before the speaker represent him the crowd stood up.

  “at the end I am asking you to make an ovation to the best striker in the history of the flyball League ! “

  “I am calling to the field number 7 of the Stamblui Thunder ! “



  The name of the player took the heart of all the arena, including the Black Hawks fans placed in the stand in the front of there’s . that name was unknown to Yizrah. At this moment he noticed a detail in the middle that he didn’t see before. Facing him , just under the stand supporters of the Black Hawks , a giant digital screen dominate in its middle. The name and the face og the players, as well as the name of their team was diffused. He noticed for the first time since the lustrum of face, still chubby, of his lost nephew. His heard beated so fast. He put his eyed down ...Eyal showed up in the field as an éclair under a thunder of applause. His entrance melted his heart. His emotions and feelings was a real prove. Too close but totally unreachable. Salina worryingly looked to him watching his reaction.

  “Salina, you didn’t tell me anything?”

  She come close to him then she whispered with her eyes down as she will abdiquate:

  “ lwt’s watch the match first, I can’t talk to you here, then you will know everything . I promise.”

  Yizrah listen with disdain, hardly looked at her, but the guilty appearance of the sweet Salina calm him regarding her intentions. How did she know? Why she waited? How did she know what represented the star of Stambouli Thunder for him ? less important, he felt that she is sincere and full of praise worthy intentions.

  He should have her confidence and prove that he is patient. But he decided after all to keep intransigent.

  “good, I don’t have a choice anyway , don’t I ?”

  Salina consented timidly with a beaten dog look.

  “That means, that you may explain the rules of the game ?”

  Salina smiled.

  “Yes, with pleasure.”

  When an electric atmosphere spread out inside the Stambouli Arena, the spectators astonished by the songs praising the players. From his part , Yizrah listened carefully to Salina:

  “ Yizrah , as you may observed , two teams composed of 7 players come face to face . the field is divided in two, each side of the field is defended by one of the teams in every extreme there is a respective goals, it is higher , see it! “

  Yizrah lifted his eyes and noticed from one side and the other two goals. But it doesn’t look at all as the ones he knew earlier. In fact it was from titanium and forming a rectangular cadre maintain high with a perpendicular bar in the ground. A net was installed behind iy to stop the ball. Yizrah looked to Salina with an dumbstruck appearance.

  “ I understand your helplessness Yizrah. In fact the players was composed by the academy that is connected directly to the governor office. When you participate the team, you are working somehow with the governor, you are included between the government members. There are part of the rare

  persons who are authorized in Stambouli to wear out certain skills. For some reasons that I will explain to you later, they can definitely avoid. You should know that every individual in the city have this ability, but to use it is totally prohibited. “ she explained whispering, in a way not to be heard by anyone.

  Yizrah was listening carefully to e every word pronounced by the beauty master of the games.

  “are you serious ?

  - It is so serious Yizrah. I can’t tell you more here, she continued whispering. Regarding the game, the two teams face each other’s on the air , the players chose’s had small magnetics sensor allowing them to be higher a bit in reasonable way. It possess also sensors in their hands to control the ball from a distance. The goal of the game is to get close to it by passing then mark one. It is slightly a mix of two sports that you may know. The handball and the football. It is slightly different , the players can play in three stages. The goals are in the middle. There is a lower level and upper one where the players can move in freely , but they can’t mark a goal except in the middle level.”

  - During that time, the two captains ,made the toss the captain of the Thunder Yossi Nimmi bring the small before-game protocol and he was opted of the possession of the ball, leaving the choice of the side to the Black Hawks captain. The players gain their camp , all of a sudden Yizrah observed them get higher in the air one by one after a short time of concentration from each one. The encouragements resound strongly at this moment, the exciting to see the men floating high overcome the public as it is the first time that they assist to such a inhumane spectacle. In Yizrah’s point of view. Eventually, his eyes he looked to his nephew who was in the front of attack. He seems to forgot about them him and Natan.

  - Salina what can you tell about Eyal ? he received an ovation from God, they said he is sacred star.

  - In fact, he is THE star of this sport in whole Stambouli, she agreed. He is the youngest player in the history of flyball, it is his third season this year. He end up to be the best striker during the two last editions and he was the great artisan of successes for the Stambouli Thuder that they used to collect the defeats previously.

  - I think you didn’t give much attention to the history of competition at the stadium entrance?

  - No, not at all, as you doubted. I saw it but it wasn’t interesting to me at all.”

  Concentrated on the purpose of the discussion with Salina, Yizrah missed the starting whistle by the referee elevated.

  “ I suppose that the players are difficult to approach?”

  Salina mischievously smiled:

  “ yes, you supposed well. Approaching Eyal in particular is almost impossible. As I told you the players are formed by the academy and they are passing their life in it.

  The only way to meet them is to go to the academy, but don’t expect to receive an invitation.

  - Listening to you, it seems like a golden prison.

  - In fact, We can see it like that. I rather said that it is barracks city. The governor is safe from the request of the rest of the know Eyal is a fantasy for a lot of stambolian girls. His mysterious look and his appearance slightly arrogant don’t leave the feminine species insensible.”

  When she talked about Eyal , she was looking to him in total action. Her eyes seems bright and her cheeks slightly blush, Yizrah didn’t miss that.

  “He is a bit young for you Salina, you know.

  - I am not one of his vulgar admirer , what do you think I am Yizrah?” she offended while putting her left arm all along Yizrah , followed by a brief look , but deliciously impish.

  Yizrah move aside her hand with a light movement.

  “stop mincing salina, that doesn’t work with me. You have an idea about the kind of life that bring my nephew in the middle of this academy?

  - I will tell during our next opening doors day.”

  - This kind of sarcasm doesn’t have any impact on Yizrah who gave her a brief disdain look. Disturb the way of humor tentative, she regain her seriousness:

  “ seriously, they are days of ...every year there are days of recruitment, before it prospectus are distributed in the city , those describing in succinct way the life in the academy. In the paper, the future of the flyball players are taking care of as they never be. Any desires for them are fulfilled. They are enjoying a lux housings, in excess Maybe as a compensation for the absence of their social life. But we never knew if it’s a faulse publicity or not.”


nbsp; “EYAL Turddaaaaaaaaaannnn !!!!”

  The speaker interrupted their discussion. In a counter attack from the Stambouli Thunder , Yossi Nimmi has eliminated three players after a series of furious movements giving the control of the bal from distance making it wheel around in the hollow of his hand avoiding the attempts of desperate intercepting of his opponents before expending the Graal to Eyal ‘s direction. this one stop it the rush of the ball with back before turning and pass between two defenses and deceive the guardian with vicious kick after mimic to hit it hard. the stands garnish with Thunder’s fans exploded with joy like one single man. Yizrah didn’t actually follow the action but noticed the the effect procured by his nephew to the stamboulians population . from now on , he wasn’t developed at all on the same planet.they are not belonged to the same world. He didn’t seize to think about Natan. Yizrah proved an admiring feeling to the older of his nephews but he can’t feel the same feeling of honor that he may have nourrich by meeting the youngest. The whirling’s that

  Manhandled Yizrah’s heart didn’t leave Salina indifferent. Her calm in front the escapade of his nephew betrayed a certain detaching regarding this one.

  “you are hiding well your emotions Yizrah.”

  Yizrah slightly winked and smile.

  “you should be relived, he lived rather good, he will be taking care of by the governor. He said he will be his small protector,” she continued.

  Salina wants to calm him, But Yizrah doesn’t look favorably that EYal will be the protector of this man slightly megalomaniacal. On the contrary, that just contributed in increasing his anguish. The young wonder was unreachable, disconnected from his family the configuration of the situation doesn’t lend to a cheerful encounters. He predicted the choc that this represented for Natan.

  “if you don’t mind Salina, I want to focus on the match, from now on. We will have more time to discuss after it, don’t we?


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