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A New Era

Page 7

by Chris Red

  - We will have the whole night” she concluded.

  This little game of seduction boring in Yizrah’s eyes who was otherwise worry. After feeling disbelieved earlier in front of spectacle of these men making fool of the gravity laws. , his capability to stand back to get over it. The experience that he achieved by years allow him to canalize his feelings and not to give in the impulsiveness. Yizrah was a model of self-control. He confronted spate of revelation in short lap of time even though he seems calm and amost zen. Salina didn’t stop observing him by the side of her eyes while the rhythm of the encounter to be carried away. What will be extraordinary, see surrealistic in the eyes of a lot of men could divert Yizrah space in few seconds , but still giving the impression to oerfectly accept the reality even if it is not corresponded to his wishes. At his place, Salina would have panic , to be suffering of a bunch of feelings that she wouldn’t control herself. The minutes run , the match is not interested to her at all. Inside her , she knew that more young ladies , Eyal Turdan appearance

  Her confidence in him, her exaggerated joy after a goal , her insolent charm crack the stone shield around her heart and creating in her a touch of desire and a suspicion of fantasy. But a man like Yizrah fascinate her more. The same self-confidence, but without arrogant. The charisma without arrogance. and a body rather pleasant in the eyes of a lady. She got lost, Without even noticing it. She put aside what brought him here from Yizrah’s part. Her feminine instincts got over it as usual. Chasing the nature, he returned to the gallop , she was thinking. She neglected the match. She can hear the protestations and the inconvenient festivities of the spectators sitting around them, but she is not hearing them at all. She cull up in her bubble . Yizrah act the same. She kept scrutinize him secretly, he seems to be totally taken by the encounter but in reality , a discomfort gradually invading him. He took his head between his hands . his eyes slightly pleaded , focusing on the spectacle.

  “ you discovered for yourself a new passion Yizrah? she asked after several moments of silence.

  - No , not at all.

  - You are rather too serious.

  - I am longing the end of the match Salina , I am boiling deep inside” he retorted.

  Salina noticed drops of sweat in his front head, Yizrah feels to be dripping with sweat.

  “ At least if you can’t help me in integrity of the encounter , we can leave early, this will makes us avoid the crowd in the streets.

  - I think I saw what I should see.

  - There are no more than few minutes before the half time if you can wait till then.

  - It is you the boss Salina” he concluded with a small smile for the attention of his young associate to make up to be a less appreciative company since the beginning of the match.

  Salina smile in return and looked to the billboard. “more than two minutes for the game.”

  “I just have one question I need to ask you first before leaving Salina. Do you know how Eyal arrive to Stambouli?

  - Sorry , I have no idea.”



  Salina and Yizrah exchanged a stunned look.

  " It is necessary to recognize that this young is very talented. He reminds me of his uncle.

  - You then ... come on, let's go, it is half-time. "

  Salina opened the way, taking Yizrah by the hand. This one had found the sense of humor, but had difficulty in standing. Salina felthim it good, he staggered by following her, by being held the head ceaselessly. They took the same stairs as later. She held him by the shoulder to help him to come down. It was necessary approximately one minute to measure steps, but it seemed to last one hour for Yizrah who was in the grip of dizziness’s. His legs released him ,as if they were cotton, he felt hot flashes, in particular in the forehead ,light itches in several parts of the body, the arms were numbed and to finish headaches assailed him as well as with terrible tinnitus . As if we are looking for a radio frequency inside his skull.

  "Do not worry Yizrah, I am going to take you to our den, he is not very far."

  Yizrah fought ardently to maintain the open eyes, they wanted to close alone, ceaselessly. He engaged a fight of Titans to succeed in maintaining them half-opened. He perceived Salina who struggled to help this strapping lad to move. She reached with a disconcerting ease there. Everything was fuzzy around Yizrah, he did not recognize any more places, he had no more sense of direction and he simply let carry. Nevertheless, he had granted him his confidence so fast and so easily as the thought which it was able to give drugs he had not even touched him the spirit. Fortunately, because it was not the case, He had certainly made an imventors reaction see men playing with a ball in full levitation, he said himself. Every step, every meter to be traveled seemed to be a test, his veins

  Bubbled, his body was like a volcano in fusion. Then without seeing anything coming, he lost consciousness in Salina's arms.

  "Come to help me, Yizrah fainted. We are in the entrance of the street. "

  "We arrive Salina."

  Salina could not transport any more Yizrah whose numb body had become too heavy for its frail support tired by this court, but more exhausting route. She had put down Yizrah along the wall in a narrow street. Streets were deserted at this hour, those who had the means or the good contacts were at the stadium, the others attended the meeting on their personal screen; indeed, this one was broadcast. The governor wanted everybody can attend the sports jousts of Stambouli, even the most deprived. Salina thus waited peacefully beside completely sounded Yizrah, she knew that the chances to be surprised by somebody too curious would be thin. In what concerned the local militia, she was mobilized for the greater part around the Arena to prevent any risks of overflowing although it still never occurs previously. Two men appeared on the right of Salina, they looked around for her. In the darkness, she did not distinguish the faces, but she recognized clearly their silhouette. Salina recovered.

  " Here! " She says slightly raised the voice to be heard without alerting no one in the district.

  They turned around and rushed in her direction.

  " You were supposed to welcome him and to make him discover the city Salina, not to knock him out.

  - It is the first time when I make this effect to a man, she defended herself.

  - What happened?

  - He passed out. His spirit did not accept the surprising reality of our world. It is what occurs when we are not confronted with it for a long time. Come on, take him(it). "

  Both men bowed and took Yizrah by shoulders. Fortunately for them, Salina had made the hardest, they

  Were only a few meters away from the terminus for the uncle of Natan. Salina rushed to open them the door. Over this one hanged a sign: " The cheerful pig ". It was about a restaurant. Salina and Yizrah were expected. A sieved lighting emphasized the slightest harshness of the central room. Several Round Tables and wooden chairs were gathered at the heart of this one. They had been cut in the hand, in a old style furniture of the French castles. It doesn’t look at all like the ambient modernism of the city. This door led in a sub-ground of the Renaissance. in front of the front door, behind tables, was the counter, wooden also. Behind, bottles were tidied up on shelves, wine bottles for the greater part. Salina and her accomplices had opened the door of another world to Yizrah. The ground consisted of a brilliant parquet of cleanliness. Shutters were closed, it was clear that the small residents of this restaurant wished to protect a certain intimacy.

  A man waited for them behind the counter, fists were firmly put on the latter. He wore a black pullover with a turtleneck. He imposed clearly a certain stature, his bald head, the slightly crossed skin and the eyes, releasing a big confidence in him as well as a certain requirement to the others, the decorated with fine lashes contrasting and underlining its tenderness did not hide a certain male virility. Of the charisma, he had it to resell, he was undoubtedly the leader of this small organization. A young woman was half l
engthened stretched out on the counter leaned against the wall, cutting in the wood with a knife. She was very young, restrained eyes, certain Asian charm which denoted by the eccentricity of its holding(dress). She wore incomplete, pink and white stockings on one side, black and white of other one. Salina observed it with attention, her pink squared floating mini-dress and white irritated her, she masked hardly her panties, if she wore one. Salina liked having a certain femininity and a provocative speed look, but Ayame went beyond all this, she made it only for the head and her totally absurd clothing style was the perfect illustration. She had no frame. Salina concerned the eyes her pink tank top decorated with illegible Japanese symbols for her, but it was not

  That which shocked her, it was rather the black tie which hung between its breasts. On the other hand, she was jealous to death from her more original hairstyles one than the others. She changed dye every three days.

  Then the look of Salina changed direction.On the other side, almost standing up straight, a folded up leg leaning on the opposite wall was held a young man. His beret put voluntarily by fault masked the face. A cigarette hid as usual in the hollow of his ear. On the other hand, his holding was much more in adequacy with the internal decoration than that of Ayame. He wore a squared simple vest green and beige, matched with hisbrown beret. Below, he had opted for a grey plus fours. As soon as he felt the look of Salina settling on him, he took out a watch to fob of his vest.

  “You are early Salina, he sighed.

  - And our guest does not seem to be in peak condition, outbid the man situated behind the counter. "

  Salina fixed it to begin, but she eventually lowers her eyes not supporting the vigor of her look.

  "Temba, do not look at me like that. Everything passed well, Yizrah is our man, he will help us I am sure. His spirit simply had difficulty in digesting what seemed to him physically impossible."

  Temba smiled and started smiling a little: "we tease you Salina. You are allowed destabilize too easily."

  Salina did not answer, she turned around and pointed at Yizrah: "in the meantime, it should lengthen. - well, we shall get to know each other better when he will have recovered. Dario and Carlos, take him in the guest room."

  These two last ones were relieved, because, while their companions transported Salina, they continued to support the weight of their guest.

  "Jérémy, open them the door instead of staying there doing nothing", Temba muttered.

  Salina was not able to hold on her smile.

  “Yes chef" answered on a casual tone.

  He recovered and opened the door of the reserve situated at the bottom of the room. Salina rushed while being at it behind them in front of the look stunned by everybody:

  " I am going to stay up with him. After all, my mission is not ended, right? "

  Temba agreed with a smile. He was often hard with her, but it was because he loved her a little more than the others. Sometimes his exaggerated pride reflected only its big sensibility. He knew that when she would manage to channel her feelings, she would raise mountains. Temba had faith in her more than anyone.

  Chapter 5: Natan and Aaron

  Aaron’s arrival to Jalalah had transformed Natan. Ilhâm and Ahmed whom were stunned by this rough change. Although he had always participated in the family life with them and had turned out to be a non-negligible help for Ahmed, sometimes, he withdrew on himself, keeping his feelings for him. In other words, he remained confined in his small universe. He seemed to live in the daytime and at night by their side, a point of happiness not erasing the solitude which ate away at him. Aaron brought him this small complement which the family could not bring him. Ahmed did not understand the extent of their relationships. Indeed, they often went walk together. But he was not jealous; in fact, he was rather relieved for the young man. And this one always helped them , the complicity with Farah asserted itself from day to day. Natan opened to the others simply. Ahmed wanted to thank Aaron who did not have to have idea of the change which he operated in him. Wrongly, because this one was not only conscious of it, but was also the instigator of this transformation.Nobody suspected to what extent Natan was evolving. He is the first one.

  An evening , while Ahmed felt some sleeping disorders he went to drink water and a walk round in circles in the lounge. This is when he perceived through the window both men sat on a bench. He observed them a few seconds, a smile in the corner of lips "Definitely, they never release each other’s ". He had the feeling to see a grandfather and his grandson. Nevertheless, no blood tie united them. But Aaron had to be a model of wisdom in the eyes of Natan, as the forefathers can be sometimes. Ahmed remembered moments crossed with his grandfather when he was a kid. Before finding himself taken by a torrent of memories, he decided to turn to go to bed with his lady-love while both birds of the night continued to chat ceaselessly.

  "Natan, you evolved well since our meeting, and it is really so quickly. I am impressed.

  - Thank you Aaron. However, I always feel certain symptoms, I perceive even sometimes a strong sensation of heat and light. But these humming’s, these sweats, it becomes more and more intense ... As soon as I am alone, surrounded with silence, my whole body fret.

  - I see. Do not hold it against me if I do not speak to you about it only now, I only wanted to be sure that you are about to free your spirit.

  - What do you want to say? "

  Aaron unbuttoned the top of his shirt, so revealing a blue and gold pendant, bright, round, extremely beautiful. Natan had never noticed it so far. Aaron removed this jewel which thrones on his trunk in any discretion and slid it in the Natan’s palm.

  “Hold it. I promise you that your nights will be softer from now on. I do not really need it any more. "

  Natan observed the pendant with curiosity, suspicion, but also admiration:

  “What is it thus?

  - It is a pendant made from orgonite. The orgonite is a material which was invented by a scientist in the XXth century, Wilhelm Reich. You remember what I told you about the prana?

  - Yes, the vital energy which circulates in anything and to be everything, the one that I feel soaking my body.

  - Here we are. Aristote, a Greek philosopher of the Antiquity considered her as the fifth element. Albert Einstein, about whom you maybe already heard also, researched this energy. And it is finally Wilhelm Reich who called it the orgone. He made numerous works on the interaction of the orgone, or the prana, on the various materials. He noticed that organic substances attract and absorb the orgone, and those metallic substances, not only attract it, but also make it shine. Are you still following Natan?

  - Continue.

  - Based on these works, he decided to create accumulators of orgone to get this energy and keep it.

  But that is not all Natan. He also discovered afterward that this vital energy, can be altered: when it becomes stagnant or when it enter in touch with certain pollutions: electromagnetic, nuclear, psychic ... Pollutions which are obsolete Natan today, but which were present everywhere during the XXth century. Following these interactions, this energy became negative, it could damage all which was alive, as well the human beings and the animals or the vegetables.

  - But that's not all, I suppose? Says Natan , on the tone of the joke.

  - Indeed, I did not finish. Another scientist, Karl Hans Welz pursued these searches. From his part, he discovered that an object made of resin and metal transformed the negative disturbances accumulated by the orgone in positive energy. It became the base of the invention of the orgonite.

  - It is fascinating, answered Natan by examining the small pendant. "Aaron laughed:" but another scholar went that way Natan.

  - Still?

  - Yes. Certain Don Croft, he improved the orgonite by adding it to the crystal rock what allows the orgonite to get the negative energy, to filter it and to totally transmute it in positive energy. And the pendant which you hold in your hands is a worthy inherited from its finders. At that time, to create one was not
that complicated, numerous open-minded people made their own orgonites.

  - There were only pendants? Natan wondered.

  - No, there were also bigger objects the energy of which could spread on a more or less big scope and have a positive impact on every human being surrounding it, in particular plants. A pendant possesses a weaker brilliance, but being enough for a single individual. I was the one who made it, now it is not really useful for me anymore. it belongs to you. it will help you to calm and to feel better the prana which circulates in you.

  Natan did not answer, he smiled. He knew that it was not nonsense; he felt his beneficial energy in the hollow of the hand and crossed him around the neck.

  "Thank you Aaron."

  Natan crossed the hands behind the head and posted a stupid smile. Aaron was not amazed. He remembered the first time when he had carried the pendant. It had been a relief for him, and an immense sensation of well-being. Then Natan fixed him and threw to him: “what is the next stage? The telepathy? "He slid in the form of joke" no, not yet, Aaron answered on a more serious tone. It is necessary to continue to purify your body. And I admit that I ignore how long it is going to set. In my time, we were invaded by chemicals everywhere, by unhealthy substances, in our food, our drinks, our cleaning products. Nothing was natural Natan. The pollution was present everywhere, excepted in rural areas of course. You were lucky to know an uncluttered world of all this muck ... If you allow me Natan ...

  - I understand ... I know what you mean ... I was not a very young child, during the Apocalypse you know ... "

  Aaron looked at Natan with condolence:

  " You maybe want to speak about this day? "

  Natan was surprised of this question. He had always dreaded it, he was used not be asked by anyone. For the first time, he was offered the opportunity to confide regarding it. He sometimes dreamed of this day, but he did not feel at ease when this subject was approached. In fact, not much people liked speaking about this period, it was a part of the past, traumatizing period for numerous men and women populating the planet. Aaron really had the serene air. Only Yizrah could show such a looseness in toward such a subject. And still, even Yizrah seemed to lose heart when he spoke about it, he accelerated his story, jumped passages, tried hard to finish it fast. The soothing tone of Aaron reassured him and invited him to open up. After all, it would maybe do well to him to evacuate all this, who knows?


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