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A New Era

Page 12

by Chris Red

  "I accompany you.

  - No, no. Stay here. I still not dying . Continue to meditate. If you want to understand the truth of this low world, you have to know be self-aware at first. Then, only, you can think of the others and hope to save your brother. "

  Natan remained perplexed. He goes stale in fire-back. Aaron turned the back on him and returned home. Natan was not able to concentrate at first, the noise of the steps of Aaron resounded on the ground, each of them banged inside the skull as if it walked in his spirit. He was able to make the space only at the end of long moment. Quickly, he felt the same sensations of the day before, what reassured him, excited him and incited him to want to go farther. He won in determination and felt alone in the world. The first door opened. A ball of energy formed in the root

  Of his vertebral column. A light smile took shape on the face without realizing it. The energy streamed in his body. Svadhisthana and Manipura gave in while being at it, without bringing into conflict of resistance. He felt light shivers this time. He was more calmed, more serene. Confident . He thought of Anahata. The heart. Punishments and sufferings. He had to dig them up. He saw the face of his parents that appear. They were happy to be together. Then, the face of his father faded. The latter had died when Paris was under bombs. The face of his mother lost slightly of its brilliance. A dark veil began to cover her, seizing her little by little. This one seemed to open the panicked mouth, the eyes. No sound succeeded to go out. The hands recovered her mouth. She did not understand. her desperate call seemed to evaporate in the air. The eyes were spherical, her terrified look communicated a bloodcurdling dismay. Natan’s heart began beating to break everything. He tried to find the strength to hold the hand towards his mother. This one did the same. But the darkness took her. She had a discouraged look around her to notice inevitable fate. She disappeared so fast as she had appeared. Natan’s heart was about to explode. His breast trembled. Beads of sweat pearled on the forehead. Then he felt a hand settlingon the shoulder. " Natan, what does not kill you makes you stronger. You are not alone. " He suddenly felt growing, growing. He saw his child's body became an adult. His heart to harden. He saw Ilhâm appear. " Do not move, allowed me. " She bandaged his wounds in the heart with her maternal sweetness. " Here we are, it is finished. Now, it is necessary to let heal. " Then, she flew away. His blood pressure eased, The pulse which had stirred at the rate of a locomotive thrown quickly moderated. He resumed his normal rhythm. Then he felt a strength surrounding him ,covering him, submerging him. His blood bubbled in his legs. He had the sudden sensation that they stiffened up. "Fall ... Be also light as a feather, relax, he can nothing happen to you ... " And immediately, he calmed down again and did not feel his legs any more. They were not a weight any more. A pillow of energy seemed to settle down between him and the ground. He felt little by little,

  As rise. He thought again about the levitation. The violent idea of this one made him become afraid. His body wanted to leave the ground, but he was afraid. Whether he likes it or not, the practice was a little more testing and more impressive than the theory. When Aaron had spoken about it, it seemed almost fantastic, he sent the dream to him. He realized since even if he had agreed to the words of his guide, he had largely underestimated them. The border between the dream and the reality was very fragile. "The moment did not come." He reopened his eyes and noticed that his body had not left the ground. On the other hand, it was incapable to estimate the duration of its meditation. It would have been able to have lasted two minutes as two hours. What supernatural and strange feelings. Nevertheless, it was necessary to share that with Aaron. Neither one, nor two, he recovered and ran away at home. He did not even bother to get dressed again. He entered such a tornado within the orange-colored building.


  Farah and Ilhâm, who were preparing the kitchen, between mother and girl, were surprised by his resounding entrance. He looked everywhere in the room of a floodlit air. Ilhâm went away shyly from the kitchen, she went to the table.

  "You did not see Aaron?"

  Farah observed her mother of a worried sense and waited for a reaction on behalf of this one. She took a white envelope on the table and approached Natan.

  Hold. He left that for you before leaving.

  Natan was unbelieving. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had taken French leave. He took the envelope which tightened Ilhâm to him, opened it with a trembling hand and removed a mail folded in three. He unfolded it: "dear Natan, You are certainly going to blame me to have left like this. Do not hold it against me, I am not very talented for the farewells. Nevertheless, you must know the truth. I met your uncle, a few months ago. It is himself who came to my search. A common knowledge put us in touch. He asked me for information on a secret city. He also told me his history, spoke to me about you, about Eyal, about your quest. He hoped

  Find your brother in this city. He followed hisintuition. Your uncle is a good man who is not aware of his potential. However, his instinct and his intuition guide him.I indicated him how to go to Stambouli. Only, I saw things there which hardly pleased me. I protect you from all this, Yizrah will evoke you his personal feeling in his return. I have to admit you that I came with full knowledge of the facts to see you to Jalalah, without telling Yizrah. I had precognitions on your subject. I told you not to act according to it, while myself made it. One needed. Do not worry, Yizrah is well, Salina, my granddaughter taking care of him. He is going to come soon to see you. It is with him that your fate is bound, not with me. Take care of yourself.

  Aaron. "

  " Undoubtedly ... "

  Farah and Ilhâm observed him intrigued by his possible reaction. It was impossible to read on the face the slightest emotion. They did not know what expect. Hefolded up the small mail and tidied up it in his pocket. And he had the most unexpected reaction, he proposed them his help, and it is true presented, of a smile of occasion:

  " You want any help you two? "

  Chapter 8: Lealeana

  It is been now one month since Aaron had left. Natan continued his solo learning. And he progressed very quickly. He did not stop maturing, from day to day, he improved. The sun never lay down unless Natan meditate previously. He practiced twice a day,In the sunrise and at sunset. The rest of the time? He participated in common life i. He played with Farah, he helped Ahmed and the other villagers, he supported Ilhâm as much as he could. He was not the same man any more. He had only an expectation: to see his uncle again and tell him by himself of the kind of man he became. And reveal to him all what this dear Aaron had taught him. He stamped with impatience to reveal to him what he kept from him. Indeed, if everybody in the village was well informed about practices of Natan and saw it’s just a technique of relaxation, that was not the case. Natan had begun to levitate. He had opened the first doors one after the other, With a disconcerting ease. However, he seemed to have reached a more delicate stage. The levitation, it was the hors d'oeuvre. He attacked the main course for several days, but he had understood well that he would need weeks even months to reach the illumination. He felt from now on his third eye. He had noticed that when he cut himself, his wounds healed more quickly. His body was the same seemingly. However, the internal change had operated. He was not really certain, but he felt intoxicating sensation to be invulnerable. The vitamin C had begun to synthesize, the pineal gland had been decalcified, it had begun its work. From now on, he experienced a feeling of eternity. But he had nobody to whom to entrust. So adorable are the inhabitants of Jalalah, he doubted hardly that they can understand what he had to say. He had seen well how Aaron had been handled this inn. Never reveal nothing of what we know, here is a principle which Aaron had omitted to teach him However, the common sense had allowed him to

  Discover himself. The only person to whom he could confess was taken away from him. He had no slightest idea of it, but he would not be the first man that Yizrah would see levitating, regrettably. As usual, he was held at the edge of the cliff in in front of the
ocean. The sun had just got up, a soft orange tint bloomed on the horizon and was reflected on the surface of the water. Natan had just ended his levitation, it was time to open eyes and to go to join the others. He ignored it for the moment, but this day was clearly going to differ from the precedents. A meeting without parallel waited for him. But he got up normally, as if nothing happen. He breathed calmly, thought the meditation which he had just finished. He thought again about this sensation of heat which browsed him at the level of the solar plexus. As if the light was about to spring except its flesh. He imagined himself more and more like a sleepy volcano. The lava rested deep down in his heart, it was calmed, passing by slowly. A volcano is ready to erupt and to reveal its real nature. That is what he is, but of whom he still not completely conscious. To meet Aaron’s expectations Yizrah on its subject, it would be necessary to him to find its complement, less passionate, less passionate, more moderate. Would he know how to recognize it? It was so close that the problem lay.

  After his traditional morning meditation, Natan join Ahmed fast, not without caring to saying hello to Farah and Ilhâm previously. The roguish smile of Ilhâm should have alerted Natan and to make him understand that there was something new to Jalalah. When Ahmed had informed her that this morning, they were not going to go fishing, but that they should help new frechly fish arrived the previous evening, her curiosity was put to the test. He thus accompanied his guardian with great pleasure. To discover new people always offered a perspective of unknown, novelty even sometimes of exoticism. It brought a little of spine in the everyday life of their lives. It is necessary to say that if the population had suddenly increased, the latest fad had moved back. To such a point that they hadn’t seen any more new thrombin since Aaron departure. It followed Ahmed, having only a haste, that its curiosity is quenched. And it was him Having

  Turned between some compartments of Jalalah, they arrived in front of a grouping. Ahmed opened for him the way through the crowd such Moses at the appropriate time. In the middle of the crowd, he saw an embracing couple arousing a lot of emotion on behalf of the villagers, and by their side, the one who probably had to be their daughter. Well then, all the speakers situated all around disappeared. The parents also. He saw no more than her. She turned in his direction, had a discreet look, looked down, feigned a smile half-heartedly, and turned around, not forgetting to cross a hand in her hair. Then the moment had come of recover, but this image remained engraved in his memory, he saw her, saw her again, again and again. He thought of his angel look, his oblique fine eyebrows downward, decorating eyes of a disturbing sensualist. His beautiful hair of a slightly red nuance contrasted with its visible sweetness. The ardors allied to the sweetness. From this moment, he wished no more than a thing, to be alone with her. If he had been able to remove everybody in a snap of a finger, he would not hesitate to do so. Unfortunately, it was not the case.

  Everybody was held at their disposal to help them settle down. Naturally, not without having to ask so many questions before that . Ahmed was one of the first ones to propose his help as well as Natan at the same time. The work began finally, after the most curious, but not necessarily the most inclined to put the hand in the leg decided to return to their activities. Thus it is a committee rather restricted that undertook the construction site. During all the time necessary for the works, the family was gracefully accommodated by a couple husband of which took part in the arrangement of the new compartment. Natan participated generously, while watching for the opportunity to go to get acquainted with the first one to make his heart beat. The day was long and hard, the only moment during the day which was offered to him to be in her company was during the meal. Unfortunately, she was held beside her parents while he was seated at the other end. However, he spied on him discreetly of the corner of the eye, he watched for the slightest speaking from her, but he remained rather afraid, shier certainly by the entourage and the hubbub

  Ambient of the discussions of construction site. However, she threw brief looks to his attention, quickly diverting the head so that he does not reveal the interest which he aroused also with her. The girls are more subtle when it comes to look at a being who interests them. Natan might try to be subtle, it was not really him. Ahmed had noticed well, in particular because of his sudden dumbness, that his young accomplice had found a new concern, what would soon be worth to him to laugh at.

  The construction work continued, days passed and were alike. He hardly dared to go to meet her except the moments which he spent in the construction site. His inexperience on the subject and his natural shyness to the opposite sex beings slowed down his usual boldness. He could suspect only from her side, the one who made capsize her heart had already made that of the other young men succumb during their journey. To look discreetly amused his betrothed at the beginning, but in strength, it became leaving and seeing the inactivity of Natan, she decided to take action. One evening, she went out discreetly and hide in the shade of a tree on the village square. She had been informed about the habits of the one that she desired. She had thus planned to shadow him and to surprise him so, The evening rather, at sunset, in front of the ocean. The set was romantic as one pleases.

  Natan went away to meditate without suspecting anything. He thought again about his last meditations. Since he had perceived this young woman, whose first name he knew only, and only, because he had heard his parents pronounce it. His meditations had become less intense. He was a little disturbed and had more evil to focus on Ajna, the door of chakra for which he tried to unbolt for numerous weeks. So far, he had not even managed to find the courage to approach it. It was necessary to recover, and the horizon offered him a fantastic panorama to dive back into a meditation of the most serious. All the elements were almost gathered, a dry ground, but of a warm color, a calm sea of azure bewitching one and what to say about this setting sun.

  "If there is something that I would like to show her, it would be this sunset, he thought aloud.

  - to whom would you like to show this sunset?" Asked him a charming feminine voice situated behind him.

  He jumped, as he was used to the solitude in these moments. He turned around and recognized the one who haunted his thoughts for several days already. She looked at him, smiling, while he remained dumbfounded.

  "You allow? She says in sitting down near him, without leaving the time for him to answer.

  - you didn’t leave me the choice apparently, he says in a low voice with a shy smile.

  - I didn’t disturb you, at least?

  - no, don’t worry. You are called Ieleana, isn’t you?

  - yes, and you, it is Natan?

  - it is good it. Nice to meet you Ieleana. I hope that you will like here. - I hope, I'm fed up to roam from village to village. But my parents look determined this time.

  - you travelled a lot?

  - yes, a lot ... There was always something who displeased my mother wherever we go, Ieleana confessed to him by getting closer to him. But hush, I said nothing, right?

  - No worries. - and you? That makes for a long time that you are here? You travelled?"

  Natan blew before answering: "it's been months that I live here. I arrived for the foundation of Jalalah, he says in sketching a smile. Previously, I am not bad in travelling with my uncle Yizrah indeed. In fact, we looked for my brother, Eyal. We lost touch with each other during ... you know ...

  - The Apocalypse?

  - Yes ... I do not like too much this word ...

  - Neither do I, it calls back of bad memory. And you do not look for him anymore?

  - My uncle left alone to his search. I wait that he comes looking for me. It is been a while since he left me here.

  He will return Natan, and you will find your brother, you will see, she tells him with a reassuring and bewitching smile.

  - We shall see, answered Natan, affected by the words, but who needed concrete to be convinced.

  - You wait for him to leave then?

  Natan sketched a smile
to answer the question.

  - I hope that he will not return too early then, you are the only one of my age in the village.

  Natan did not answer, intimidated by this unpublished feminine presence.

  - You often come here? She let in the clutch.

  - Yes ... But it is a real interrogation , tell me.

  - I am a little bit curious, that's it! If you prefer that I do not ask questions ...

  - No, it is good, I tease you, interrupted him Natan. I come here every day, in the morning and in the evening. I feel well here, I make the space, I relax. I try to forget certain things.

  - You are very different from boys whom I met up there, that, it is sure, she asserted enthusiastically.

  - Different for the better, I hope?

  - I do not know. I shall tell you that later, she retorted with a roguish smile.

  - In any case, I hope that you will not be bored too much here. The young people are not crowds as you noticed. There is well Farah, she is smaller, but at least we are not bored with her.

  - It is the girl of Ahmed, isn’t she? The small tornado?

  - Yes, it is her, she makes some damage everywhere she passes.

  - Ahmed's family, it is a little as your family?

  - A little as the second family, answered embarrassed Natan. They have an incredible heart. I will miss them a lot when I shall leave.

  - Can I ask for you what happen to your family?

  Natan began to rub his feet on the ground, this last question made him uncomfortable, which did not escape Ieleana." Sorry, I did not want to be too indiscreet.

  No, it is OK, it is just that it's a long story, and it is getting late and then, I would not want to bother you with ...

  - That does not bother me, Ieleana interrupted him .And then, I have plenty of time. "

  Natan told her then his story, the flight of Paris, the isolation with Yizrah, quest to find Eyal, meeting with the family Jalalah until his initiation into the meditation by Aaron. Then, Ieleana entrusted him her history story, less dramatic, less rich in new developments. They remained long hours to discuss in the darkness, disturbed sometimes by the noise of the waves which collided the cliff quite hard. The times come for each one to go home, Natan took back Ieleana at her hosts of moment, but did not dare to slide her a kiss or a sign of tenderness for which she tenderly hoped nevertheless. Natan had a great deal of difficulty in sleeping. For the first time since the departure of Aaron, he had dried a session of meditation. But he had not lost the exchange there. The unexpected presence of Ileana and her uncountable questions had restored him some balm in the heart, it had been beneficial in another way. If to evolve spiritually, Natan required being in agreement with himself, he fed nevertheless the desire to feel love and affection. Ieleana, from her part, lay down in her bed not trying to fall asleep, but thinking again about the one with whom she had finally been able to converse. She had not spent such a good evening for quite a long time. Natan was sensitive, soft, shy, adorable. A single idea obsessed her when she listened to him speaking: grape him. She who was afraid of being bored in this village which she considered as a lost hole, she felt suddenly filled.


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