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A New Era

Page 13

by Chris Red

  And it did not arrange the next days. Natan and Ieleana became quickly inseparable. They had got closer more or less discreetly during the meals, and when the construction work was ended, they took for habit to eat together. Natan took the bad habit to abandon a little certain sessions of meditation to explore certain unknown parts of the country together with his double copy. Ieleana was never far from Natan, and vice versa. They had no more secret for each other. Nevertheless, Natan wanted to incite Ileana to accompany him

  On his spiritual way, but she remained however a little skeptical. He handled with kid gloves and tried to encourage her to it shyly. Only, Ileana had other ideas in mind, she was more inclined to undertake on a way made on love alone than on a purely spiritual way. It did not prevent them from being bound more and more. But Natan did not manage to dash. It was not the desire which was lacking him, it is Just suspicion courage. Though Ileana look lovingly, nothing could be done. When the moment lent itself to it, it always had to speak to say nothing. It was its way to him of evacuating its stress, it is like that his nervousness expressed himself. Unfortunately, Ileana perceived the situation differently, from her feminine point of view. She was made for the reason; he had to consider him only a friend, a very close friend certainly, but a friend anyway, nothing more. It seemed to him nevertheless that she attracted him, that he wanted, but he did not show it. And although she was not afraid of taking risks, she dreamed of the moment when he would embrace her. Furthermore, she did not want to waste this friendship, this link which united them. He had quickly become very important for her. More than any one. She had small flirtations, but never so deeply in touch.

  To tell the truth, Natan had never really had time to think of girls since the Apocalypse. He had to learn everything in this domain, and every night that he crossed alone in his bed without the one that he loved was torture for him. He had a stomach ache, did not manage to sleep, turned around in all directions and developed in his head a stratagem to admit his feelings the following morning, but it never took place as he expected. And in the slightest obstacle, in the slightest young and insignificant unforeseen, he shied away and postponed that in the day according to. What made that days paraded and the countdown meaning its departure had engaged. Without he knew . Salina and Yizrah were along the way. It was clear that they would not linger to Jalalah in view of the news concerning Eyal. The more the time passed, the more it pushed away the term, and the more it went away from Ieleana. When an evening, The famous one, He did not hold it anymore. He gave in finally to his drives. They had spent the day

  Together, as usual, and at the time of taking her back, a moose of boldness submerged him. She had nevertheless turned half back to him he had one more time got ready to let her leave falling asleep without trying anything; and finally, he expressed his feelings, of a simple wave of the hand. He held her by seizing her wrist. She turned around suddenly, her hair floating in the air. He fixed it.

  "What is going on Natan?" She murmured.

  He hesitated at the time of dashing. Then he suddenly kissed her. It was sudden, but intense. Their lips remained hung the one on the other during long seconds. They hugged a long moment A long embrace. So wished on both side, And nevertheless become almost unhoped-for. Then he released her, she fixed it, his eyes burned with desire.

  "I did not expect it at all Natan."

  He blushes, and kissed her again. They remained a long moment in arms together in front of the front door. Before parting, to finding themselves better the next day.

  From then on, an idyll was quickly born between Natan and Ieleana and young turtledoves shared happy moments during the next days. However, Natan never abandon his sessions of meditation. He had confided on this matter his first lady-love, that she is feeling a bit hesitating to do the same,she had encouraged him in his approach and accompanied him from time to time. This is the way every morning and every evening, Natan found himself again in private with himself. For that purpose, he had chosen a new place, a few hundred meters away from the village, convenient to let snatch by an increasing serenity. However, he always meditated moreover not when he was alone there. Sometimes, he just observed the sea, plunged into his thoughts, rocking a leg in the space not worrying about streams which poured against the cliff in a deaf noise. He thought of Ieleana, the most beautiful meeting whom the life had reserved for him since his separation from his mother and his brother. He thought of this rising link, reminding him however to the passage those who had got lost in the gaps of the life, In particular, that uniting him with Eyal. Would he see him again? He was sometimes nostalgic of the time when they lived all

  Together in Paris. The times were hard, but they lived together, they helped each other and got along with great difficulty. Everything had been destroyed, and everything was to reconstruct. It seemed that the reconstruction would take years. He would like that Ieleana establishes more than a simple adventure, that their relation is not short-lived, it, in spite of their youth. Unfortunately, he felt that Yizrah was not going to delay returning, the hour of the great departure got closer, And with large steps. And one evening, after he had abandoned Ieleana to go to settle in the face of the ocean, his fate came to call back him that it was not to Jalalah. We did not escape his fate. Jalalah represented a simple stage in Natan's route. It was what reminded him of Yizrah when he put his hand on the shoulder of his nephew.

  "I am happy to find you Natan.

  - do you have good news my uncle?

  - I have news. Good ones, I don’t know, it will belong to your judge, answered Yizrah who set at the same time finding difficulty to sit down by her side. anyway, I did not return empty-handed, cried out Yizrah, proud of him.

  - Sorry?

  - Nothing. You will understand at the time of eating. Otherwise, it seems that you became a lady-killer."

  Natan, intimidated, blushes before answering: "lady-killer, you seem to be exaggerating."

  Yizrah answered him by an embrace.

  "It had to happen someday day. Anyway, Ahmed and Ilhâm just told me about the good about you. He appears also that you learned about the meditation, is it true?

  - yes, answered Natan a little hampered of what could his uncle think. Finally, I was introduced to it.

  - one called Aaron introduced you to it, am I wrong?

  - how you know ... Ah, but not Ahmed and Ilhâm must told you.

  - no, I knew from him before coming here."

  Natan looked at his uncle in a strange way, wondering if this one had not followed the same spiritual path as him.

  "I told you that I hadn’t come empty hands. Come, I should present you to somebody, says Yizrah while getting up.

  Granddaughter of Aaron came personally to meet you! When I told you that you are an executioner of hearts! "

  Natan followed Yizrah, taken aback by his attitude. This one led him to Ahmed, where inside an attractive surprise with brown hair waited for them.

  " Natan, here is Salina, Salina, I present you Natan, my nephew. "

  Natan went to Salina and held out her hand to greet her. the innocence which Natan showed did not leave Salina indifferent. Certainly, he had a young little face and seemed not comfortable with the fair sex in view of the trembling way he greets her, but he had a lot of charm. He looked a bit like his uncle, the maturity and the less self-confidence. On the other hand, to have seen several times Eyal Turdan evolving in Stambouli Arena, both brothers gave her diametrically opposite impressions. The one inhaled the arrogance, the other one the humility. One was brown and dark look, the other one was a fair-haired boy of whom we would drown ourselves in the blue eyes.

  Reunions took place in a good child atmosphere. Yizrah presented a little more upstream sparkling Salina. He sketched, on his subject in front of everybody, the portrait of an explorer met to Stambouli by the biggest of the fates and of which he had confidentially been bound. Aaron was repeatedly evoked, but also well Salina that Yizrah and Natan, the main parties concerned remained v
ague and discreet. They did not want to imply the poor Jalalah family in there. From his part, Yizrah hardly knew how to introduce Eyal Turdan subject on the table. Yizrah made a report of the most fascinating of the fact that he had the opportunity to see Stambouli. He had lost nothing of his narrator's qualities. All the banked listened to him with big attention, in particular Farah who had stars in eyes. But the same Salina who knew the city in its smallest nooks was subjugated by her narrative. Yizrah didn’t tell anything, he told before. Natan stomach imposed unpleasant eddies,he had less appetite and remembered why , he missed his uncle had so much. He wondered how he had been able to live distant from him for so long. Same Aaron was not provided with its eloquence. It is necessary to say that

  This time, he had put Ieleana aside, she who haunted the thoughts permanently. Worse even, he was intrigued by Salina. This one was devilishly attractive. And the shape that she have ... Certainly, she did not reveal much her body, but her skin-tight put more than in value its pulpy forms. She gave all her patents letters to the word temptation. Its mischievous look and its bewitching smile did not help stay stone-faced. He thought again about Aaron by seeing her. He had spoken of her, his feminine qualities, but he had been careful not to reveal to him how much she was charming. At the same time, he was her grandfather. He also dreaded the moment to question Yizrah about Eyal, being afraid of a negative answer. And then, he thought that if Yizrah had positive news towards him, he would have already expressed himself. But, at the same time, the guy liked to raise the suspense from time to time. In this particular case, it would be a little cruel. Or did he only wait a little of intimacy?

  Though Yizrah told, exaggerating the size of Stambouli City, to go into raptures about the technological exploit of the city, he thought about the way he should raise Eyal Turdan subject. In priori, he would not contort to express himself, but rather show himself direct, Natan had matured apparently. The problem was not how, but when. The convenient moment had appeared, at the edge of the cliff, he had not dared to seize it and had preferred to push away the term, wanting to favor reunions. Yet, he regretted now and got impatient to have to announce that he had found the prodigal son, in spite of the inextricable situation which Natan should accept. Eyal could he suspect that he caused headaches to his only close friends still alive? The only one Salina did not complicate things. She was in spectator there. She observed the scene and took certain pleasure there. She was amused seeing them happy , but feeling at the same time this tangible nervousness which however escaped their hosts. All the dinner guests were gathered around the table, it was her, the external element, which knew the most about it. It was what we call the irony of fate. But the latter was suddenly woken by a knocked at the door blow. Yizrah who pursued a long monologue

  For numerous minutes stopped dead. Ahmed got up, and went to open the door. He ruled out allowing the one who disturbed them during the meal.

  "Natan, I believe that it is for you, he says with a slightly teasing tone."

  A worried appearance show up. It was Ieleana. Natan came to find her usually after he had meditated. It would seem that the young man had been lacking, just the once will not hurt, courtesy and elegance. Ieleana looked at Natan, and at him alone, the others were totally indifferent to her. She gave at him her most melancholic look. The latter got up hastily, took his lover by the hand and went outside with her. Ahmed outbid:

  "Natan is maybe going to be entitled to his first quarrel.

  - it is not funny darling, responded Ilhâm. Anyway, Yizrah, see how she is beautiful this girl Ieleana. We did not lie to you.

  - that, it is sure. I am happy for him, but that seems very serious, I had no idea.

  - why, but? Scolded Ilhâm.

  - it is not what I wanted to say Ilhâm. To tell the truth, I had hidden the possibility of such a scenario.

  - nevertheless, it is a member of the classic route of the life way Yizrah.

  - of course Ilhâm, answered Yizrah, under eyes Salina amused to see him wading in the semolina. In fact, I did not dare to raise the subject and I wished to speak in private with him first ... I found Eyal. Unfortunately, I was not able to retie contact with him.

  - oh ... He lives to Stambouli City?"

  Yizrah came out in favor by way of assertion.

  "And why didn't you get in touch with him? He did not recognize you?

  - it is not completely that, says Yizrah by grimacing, little inclined to express himself on the situation of his nephew."

  But Salina came to his rescue.

  "Eyal is a celebrity at our home. We do not approach him like that.

  - A celebrity?

  - Yes, a sport close to the soccer that was created ... To amuse the inhabitants. This game knew a fast and rather incredible success. Eyal is one of better players there. It was not very difficult for Yizrah to find histrack. "

  Ahmed was not asked for freeing his point of view.

  " Here is one who does not seem to give much concern for you, if you allow me Yizrah. "

  She shared this opinion by The shy appearance of Ilhâm that was enough to express, without any word out of hermouth, (notice).

  " I had not really seen things under this angle. But let us not accuse him ... After what it passed ... Who can say that he would not have caught the ball on the bounce instead of Eyal?

  - It is rather just a man Yizrah, moderated Ahmed. We speak maybe under the blow of the emotion. You know, we like Natan a lot and we wish only his happiness. "

  Ilhâm took over:

  " you do not think that Natan place would rather not be with his partner, to live simply with somebody who loves him sincerely, Because the eyes do not lie Yizrah. She loves him. He would rather be with her rather than to run after a ghost who apparently lives very well without him. "

  Yizrah and Salina was annoyed there. Even if Ahmed and Ilhâm was in the grip of the emotion and lost a little in objectivity, their feeling was totally understandable and even justifiable. Unfortunately, they had taken well the resolution not to reveal it too much on the global situation of Stambouli City, the real nature of the sport which Eyal practices, and by incidence, of the real potential which is at the inhabitants of the city. They did not wish to mess up their life. They had nothing to do in this story. From her side, Salina worried that they convince Yizrah. For her group, Natan was important. Her grandfather had revealed in him a fantastic potential. It would be a failure for them if he did not come to help them. Without him, they would not be well far. They would continue their small missions of infiltration ... They would continue to collect information ... But what for?

  If they have nobody capable of taking action. They needed Natan. As well as Yizrah.

  " Yes, you are maybe right, confessed Yizrah. It is completely justifiable. From on my side, I saw it well, I cannot resign myself there. I would pursue our quest, with or without him. "

  A long silence settled down. Salina was frightened, she reflected. She had to react, to knock down the vapor. But in total prey in the panic, she seemed incapable to put two words together in a row, if only in his thoughts. Ahmed and Ilhâm, from their part, looked and seemed reassured, Yizrah became reasonable, it seemed resigned to continue to recruit his nephew in a quest which could make him suffer and prevent him from a real life.

  " that means...., resumed Yizrah, taking his breath before continuing then captivating his interlocutors, it belongs neither to me nor to you to decide on it. I entrusted him to you so that he becomes a man. To make his own choice from now on, To me to give him the information, The path which he has to borrow, only him who knows it. "

  Ilhâm and Ahmed collapsed at first. But they quickly felt guilty to have shown themselves too protective and to have forgotten that they did not have to decide for him.

  " You are right Yizrah, we would not have to ...

  - It's nothing, cut Yizrah. Your reaction is simply the reflection of the way you feel for him. "

  The reddish complexion which raised on the f
ace of both of them long-time bridegrooms betrayed their embarrassment. For her part, Salina had taken back hope. Ant way, everything rested in Natan’s hands from now on. But if he needed to be persuaded, Salina, she would be ready for anything. " Too bad for this Ieleana ", she said to herself. However, she knows how much the task was delicate and the uncertain future when both lovers returned inside, embraced.

  " Yizrah, I am anxious to present you Ieleana. It is the best thing that happened to me since your departure.

  - Enchanté Ieleana. I hope that Natan takes good care of you. "

  Ieleana blushes to answer the question, she is the one who was not used to the fact that all the eyes are turned to them. These were all marked with empathy, except those of Salina; her complexion goes pale when she crossed the black look of this unknown feminine presence. And thus representing a potential threat . She clung even more around the waist of her prince charming. She hold her courage in two hands then finally spoke:


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