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A New Era

Page 25

by Chris Red

  " Fast, it is necessary to leave. "

  Kerian struggled in all directions and shouted, shouted out that he could not leave herso, that she could not abandon them. Edwin took her by the strength. The nature fast led to forget him his wife. Pebbles grelotaient above ground level. The sky scolded(muttered). A deaf noise was listened, then a flash of lightning appeared ... Their clothes fluttered in all directions ... They had trouble to to hear each other ... Then, the car again spinned ... Edwin, Kerian, Lucas and Matthias had clung some to the others not to fly away ... And they saw with sadness the carcass of metal containing the woman of their life

  Go away in a monstrous and incredibly painful crash. However, the earth trembled hardly, very strong. Cracks multiplied and got closer to them. Kerian questioned Edwin with a pale look to ask him what it was necessary to do. He did not see how they could take out there. Edwin examined the place in which they were. They were totally discovered and consisted ideal targets for angry mother Nature. Edwin pointed out a grove in two hundred meters from there approximately.

  " Let us go over there. I do not see other solution. "

  Kerian informed him his approval with a slight movement of eyelids. They took each a child by the hand, and are mirrored to run to the safe as much as they can in the direction of trees. Edwin had thought that at least, they would be shielded from the wind there. However, happened a little bit late reflection that even if they found a place where settle, they would not benefit from foods to hold a very long time if weather conditions did not improve. Anyway, they never transfer the grove ...

  The ground split to smithereens under their feet and they stumbled all together. The ground shied away under their feet and seemed to gobble up them in the gaps of the core of the Earth. They saw coming falling underground, shaky all. They tried to be held by the hand. But nothing could be done. They found themselves surrounded with ground on both sides. And pieces of rock sprang in all directions. They were all affected by thrown stony pieces. So, they were all knocked out losing totally consciousness of the content of the events. The nothingness buries them during numerous hours.

  Edwin was the first one to wake up. He took out rubble. He had heavily been buried, but not by heavy hillocks very fortunately. The Belgian found immediately Lucas and Matthias, who were lying near him. They were fatigued. He took a look around him. Everything had been destroyed. The road was not there anymore. The grove had disappeared. The ground had been as turned. He saw a kind of bump a few meters away from there. It was about Kerian. He plunged the hands into the ground to extirpate him from there. The face of Kerian was painful, the eyes were closed, but he tried

  Many times to open them. They had all survived. Finally, almost all ... He thought again briefly about Sarah by looking at Kerian. The stomach was formed. Kerian got up shyly by moaning he half-opened eyes.

  " The children are well? "

  Edwin came out in favour to answer the question. From this precise moment, they were never separated, they learn to survive together, travelled and found one day refuge in a forest which allowed them to meet their nourishing needs. They established a village with other survivors met on their path, and they developed also certain faculties. A new life had offered itself to them. In spite of Sarah's mourning, they were happy. They had never felt really spread formerly. The religions, the politicians, the unemployment, the jobs, the laws, the consumer society of mass, the manipulation of the populations ... Nothing of that kind had never made them happy. The Apocalypse had allowed them to live while being in agreement with themselves. Edwin rethought these years of happiness shared with Kerian, the children, but also with all the members of their community. The nostalgia invaded him. The meal approached, he got up and left in the direction of the common place. He had an announcement to be made.

  The meal took place in an atmosphere good child. There were fruits at will, all kinds of Fruits. They discussed all by small groups according to the affinities. They remembered themselves the shared moments. And they also brought to room temperature on the failures that all of them had undergone during their respective trainings. Moreover, it was Natan who had picked up the palm at this level. The good atmosphere tarnishes a little when they evoked their trip towards Stambouli. He did not seem to be an easy one and Salina, the one who knew best the city, was not reassuring when she spoke about it. But Stambouli was not the center of their concerns a very long time. At the time of the dessert, Edwin, who was situated in the middle of the banked, got up. Everybody understood that he had an announcement to be made, and the hubbub stopped suddenly. He waited for a few moments to be sure that everybody was ready to listen to him then he began a speech:

  " Thank you for your silence. I have an announcement to be made. But first of all, I am anxious to thank our guests who brought a new breath to our daily life. Natan, Yizrah, Ieleana and Salina, the others here will support me, I told it to you this morning, and I repeat it in front of everybody, nobody will forget your passage. It was an honor and a pleasure to welcome you among us. "

  He paused for a moment, and all the inhabitants of the village applauded to confirm the words of the one who had stood out naturally to become their boss. He let them match good about ten seconds, so that their dinner guests are very scarlet red and so that the embarrassment invades them, then he made a sign to them with the hands to stop their ovation. Only Yizrah stared at him with suspicious, as if he read in his thoughts. But it did not prevent him from resuming:

  " I did not finish. As I told you, I have an announcement to be made for you. I am at the head of the village since quite a lot of time. We protected our forest hard during all this time. Wood are peaceful from now on. We can live in complete safety, and it's the same for birds, the squirrels and all those who live with us. I think that the moment is convenient to bring a new breath to the village. There, I understand that it's time that you have a new man at the head of the village. And I think that somebody is quite appointed for this role, a man who is devoted to his fellow men, somebody who will know how to assure you happiness and prosperity. "

  The audience were stunned. Nobody expected such an act. Not even Kerian, his best friend. This one was completely bewildered. He was as dazed. The time which he recovers, he noticed that everybody fixed him. Edwin was turned to him and seemed to appoint him.

  " This man, is you, Kerian.

  - What? Answered Kerian. But, I don't want I to be the leader of the village.

  - Attends Kerian. I did not completely finish, he says in turning around towards the rest of the assembly. If I also decide to entrus) you in the hands of Kerian, it is because I decided to leave for Stambouli too. I feel that a danger

  Roam in this city and that this threat is about to extend over the rest of the planet. Allow me, he added in addressing their guests, to join me to you. I dare to think that my participation would not be of excess. "

  While everybody was dumbfounded, Salina was the quickest to react.

  " On my behalf and in that of the Phoenix, your help is welcome. I think that you could be precious for our cause. I hope that my companions here share my point of view. "

  Three others, close by, were still perplexed, but confirming Yizrah by stammering that they accepted gladly that he accompanies them. On the other hand, Kerian did not know how to react. He got up and addressing him:

  " You really want to go away?

  - Yes, Kerian says in putting the hand on the shoulder. I entrust you the village. I count on you. But at first, I want to verify a thing. "

  Edwin studied all the villagers from the right towards the left, and he addressed them this time:

  " That those who think that Kerian is the most capable man among us to manage this community get up. And t those who see things differently remain seated. "

  As a single man, they got up all at the same time. None remained seated. Kerian was taken by a lively emotion. He had never imagined that he made the unanimity and that he was so much respected. He was extremely generou
s, but incredibly humble, he had no idea to what extent people appreciated him. He so witnessed their gratitude. He threw himself on Edwin and gave him a very virile embrace. He murmured to him in the hollow of the ear:

  " You are going to miss me, bastard.

  - You too. "

  Then they stopped their embrace and Kerian expressed himself for the first time as leader of the village.

  " Thank you for your support. That is warm to me in the heart, he faltered in wiping a tear. Now, I count on you. If things turn sour above, and that these

  Kids need us, I hope that everybody will agree to leave with me to help them! "

  The answer was immediate:

  " Kerian! Kerian! Kerian! "

  They chanted his name many times. Then some people spoke alternately and announced the solidarity and the condolence which they felt for their fight. When it would be necessary, they would come as additional help. Yizrah had not planned at all this scene,This show gave him to smile, he ignored totally what the fate reserved them to Stambouli, but it was satisfied to know that they had an asset in their sleeve, a kind of secret weapon. Natan, as for him, was not reassured, he thought again about his recurring dream, Kerian was by his side in a city of Stambouli in ashes. He had a look filled with concern to Salina, this one understood what bothered him, she put the hand on him to reassure him. What did not escape Ieleana, what contained her anger for later. The evening ended, and they went all to bed. The members of the expedition had planned to leave in the early hours.

  They had been made an appointment by the village exit. Edwin had arrived the first one. Apparently, he was in lack of adventure. Salina arrived shortly after him, followed by few by Natan and Ieleana. The latecomer of the band was Yizrah. Once all were gathered Edwin took the lead of the movement and began the walking with a simple formula:

  " On the way friends! "

  Chapter 15: the exchange

  Jérémy was lashed in the torture chamber of the prison. Sad armchair in a dirty room was immobilized on this property. If the death had a flavor, the nostrils would have perceived it. It was obvious that numerous human beings had suffered in this place. It was as if walls had retained these atrocious moments within them. His heart beat quickly and his nerves were in excitement. General Ribardielli entered, only, leaving two of his henchmen outside, guarding the chamber. he wasn’t looking at him , he maintained his downcast eyes towards the hands, he put a glove in each one of them, with the accuracy of a surgeon. As if he got ready to operate. Then, he raised the face. The eyes remained cold and impassive. He did not show the slightest emotion. He walked slowly towards his victim and was anxious to reassure him.

  " I read on your face that you are worry. You should not be afraid , I am not going to hurt you. I just want all this remains private. Can you get in touch with your boss?

  - Well, answered relieved Jérémy. Just let me concentrate.

  - Perfect. "

  Jérémy closed eyes and made the space, he thought of Temba to call him.

  " Temba? "

  " Yes, Jérémy, I hear you. "

  " The general wishes that we communicate. "

  " Tell him that I am listening"

  Jérémy did not make the effort to reopen eyes to address Ribardielli:

  " He listens to you, general.

  - Well, let him know that I am proposing the park Lazarus Stambouli as place of exchange. Two of my men will escort you by the south entrance to exchange you for Umberto Reggazzi at the level of the statue situated right in the heart of the park, and all this in the middle of the night, tomorrow evening. That's it. "

  " Well, he communicated me his conditions. "

  " Very well. Where? "

  " The park Stambouli. "

  " When? "

  " At midnight, tomorrow evening. "

  " How many men?"

  " Two men with me. We shall enter by the south entrance. "

  " Good. Tell Him that we have an agreement. "

  " All right. Just a precision, leader."

  " I listen to you. "

  " This guy is a garbage. Be careful. "

  " Do not worry. See you tomorrow Jérémy. "

  So, the connection came to an end. Jérémy reopened the eyes. The general contemplated him with a morbid coolness.

  " He accepted your conditions, general.

  - Perfect, whispered the general. I would mean seeing you tomorrow evening. We shall inject you enough orgone to make of you a vegetable the time of the operation, useless to think of playing on us a trick. I think that we have nothing more to talk about. Have sweet dreams ", concludes Ribardielli while turning the back on him and by going to the door.

  Jérémy just had time to express his confusion in front of this rather uncomfortable situation while the general had tapped in the door so that we allow him to go out.

  " You still won’t leave me here in this position? You laugh at me?

  - Not at all dear friend. If there was no wood louse of Reggazzi in the hands of your insignificant organization, you would have already been died. It is the worst that I can offer you. I personally want to give you an immortal memory of your stay within the militia. Any way, you will be a member of rare men to leave this room alive it is already a beautiful friendly expensive exploit ... "

  The general executed the military salute and withdrew, leaving behind the impassable rampart which represented the door of is cell. Jérémy so lived the longest and the most terrifying night of all its life. He would never forget this vilan Ribardielli which seemed to feel nothing

  neither remorse nor any pity. He put somebody in torture with a cleanly hallucinating looseness and the worst of all this, it is that he seemed to remove from it even from the pleasure.

  He was fatigued physically and psychologically when the door reopened the next day. Jérémy had lost hope that this event does not occur. He had lost the notion of the time and this day had seemed him last an eternity. His exhaustion was visible, the redness which surrounded his eyes was the most obvious symbol. Besides, he brought into conflict no resistance when the needle of the syringe came to pierce his skin to spread its poison in his body. He did not emit the even slightest groan, he had no more the strength . He looked like a zombie and had the pathetic air. But of course, it left unmoved the general totally. This one watched cloely the good progress of the operations. He wanted everything completed and that no detail escapes him. His meticulousness was his trademark. He accompanied Jérémy together with both prison guards until the exit of prison. Of course, he had had the good idea to bribe them so that these obey without questioning on this curious liberation.

  Jesus Gutierrez, the telepathist highly skilled in the personal commando of elite of Ribardielli, waited outside smoking a cigarette with his partner, Pablo Farina. He had chosen him not as his personality and his affinities with him, but for his capacities. Floured was an element of the fire and Gutierrez liked the particular complementarities which he possessed with the elements of the fire. Furthermore, he was difficult of play a guy who reads in the thoughts and another one who sees in the future. For Gutierrez, it was the combination completed to lead this forward transaction. Pedro Almeria, the element of the air, and Alfonso Navarro, the element of the earth, would wait quietly, lain in ambush well and would establish their strike force. When Ribardielli put back Jérémy between his hands, he saw the man whom this one had chosen to accompany him, he understood the intentions and the reasoning of Gutierrez. He kept smiling , he had appreciated his tactical choice and congratulated having chosen well. He was fine, cunning,

  Could read in the thoughts and seemed to him easier to manipulate that Allegro. Ribardielli trusted.

  From his sid, Temba had few options. His main asset was Regazzi. They were not supposed to know that this one had turned the jacket. He could so have the advantage of the number and the privilege to benefit from all the elements. Carlos and Dario, the water and the fire were going to escort Umberto, the element of the earth, wh
en he and Ayame, the water and the air, would wait set back to intervene. He had only Salina's absence to be regretted. Nevertheless, it would be necessary to play squeezed. Temba suspected although if there were two visible elements, there would be certainly two others in ambush. He even had strong chances there as he had to establish a group of four men. The strongest combination was always the one which involved all the elements gathered together. But many more details were taken into account. For example, the mercenaries of Hispanic origin possessed a certain experiment of the fight and the vice. To kill did not frighten them. Not in the least.

  Both groups arrived almost at the same time on the meeting place, situated in the center of the western district. Some resulted in the park by the south entrance, the others by that North, as expected. Gutierrez and Floured supervised Jérémy, lifting him by shoulders. Carlos and Dario did the same with Umberto, In the difference near which this one pretended to smooth. Almería waited by West entrance to intervene while Navarro is posted in the wing. They waited simply for a signal to enter track and concentrated on the energies in position. Navarro could detect the slightest contacts with the ground in several meters around. He put can of time thus feel the energies of two people of more posted behind north side. Immediately he warned Gutierrez. Meanwhile, both binomials observed, wondering about the attitude to be adopted. They did not mutually trust. The distrust dominated, but Carlos and Dario had this instinct that it was better to take the initiative. They pushed casually Umberto in front of them, with an impertinent casualness, as if he had strictly no value for them. Carlos addressed them:

  "Wait, you can get him back. Release our man! "

  Gutierrez gave his instructions by telepathy in Floured.

  " Accompany him until height of the statue. "

  " Then, get back Umberto. "

  " I cover you. "

  Floured obeys without flinching and lugged Jérémy with the delicacy of a pachyderm. He seemed to drag him as if it was about a bag filled with waste. The feet of the hostage rubbed the ground, some slaver flowed along his lips, his eyelids were opened, but the weight of the eyes seemed too heavy in view of the expression empty of his look. Arrived at two meters of Umberto, he threw Jérémy in his direction. This one collapsed as high as a coin. Umberto had a brief look in his direction, then he decided to take action. He undid his links, very badly tied, and managed the hands towards the statue. Two enormous granite pieces got loose from the stony base and seemed as suspended in the darkness, over the heads of both hired men of Ribardielli. The latter had not anticipated this scenario and remained motionless, at the mercy of Regazzi. Carlos and Dario took advantage of this moment to go to get back Jérémy. They lifted jointly his poisoned carcass. To see their friend in such a physical state make them feel sick. Nevertheless, they managed to dominate their anger. They thought by no means of taking revenge, but especially of leaving this place and of putting their partner in safety to be able to allow him to recover his strengths first.


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