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A New Era

Page 26

by Chris Red

  Temba appears from the darkness. He appeared suddenly in the eyes of Gutierrez and of Floured, who watched for the slightest movement of Regazzi. Temba spoke and invited them to go back home with a suspicion of arrogance.

  " It is kind of you to have returned him to us the children. You can return with your dad. "

  Floured turned around and looked at his colleague, dumbfounded by the nonsense of the scene. From his part Umberto gave them with a look filled with determination, ready to throw stony piles on them at any time. He had not moreover thought about the consequences of his acts. It goes without saying that an investigation would be

  Open to discover the reasons of what could look like an act of vandalism. Any way, he covered the pension of Carlos and Dario transporting Jérémy, supported by Temba, and also by Ayame who had stayed in ambush. While both wardrobes with a mirror went away from them and while Gutierrez and Floured stayed without reaction, Navarro and Almería took the initiative to intervene. The blocks of rock maintained in levitation exploded suddenly and brightness of rock were scattered in the park. Umberto remained stunned in the face of the improper of the situation. He had not felt their presence, having so focused on both kidnappers that he had lost any lucidity. Floured had revealed the dismay of Umberto, which, apparently, did not have the same experience of the fight as them, and fell towards him. He revealed a fireball in the palm of his right hand and managed it at the level of the belly of Regazzi who did not have time to evade his attack. Almería, Navarro and Gutierrez savored this moment. They had all doubted the space of a few moments of the success of their mission. But the face of Regazzi deformed by the pain reassured them. Floured had literally carbonized the guts of his opponent. This one collapsed on the ground, not without roaring ...

  Floured looked up and down him of top. He observed it contemptuously. His attitude was disdainful. Carlos and Dario accelerated from their part to leave the park, but they could move forward hardly fast by transporting a man on their shoulders. They had to hold on Temba and Ayame to push away four men. They hesitated one moment to put down Jérémy on the ground and to come to come to help them. But a feminine voice addressed them simultaneously by telepathy.

  "Leave. Bring Jérémy under cover. I take care of him."

  Temba was alone in front of four characters. These approached shyly, as if they gave him some respite before finishing him in turn. Temba did not move back. The situation became alarming, certainly, but apparently, they had not spotted Ayame. When suddenly, a light breeze got up and seemed to invade the park. Bushes trembled, sheets ran around. A whirlwind began to form between Farina and Temba. Bits of gravel began to

  Fly away. Pieces of earth just levitated above ground level. And a whirlwind began to take shape by leaving of the ground to stretch in the air. She thickened and seemed very dark in the twilight. As if she hid something. Or rather somebody. Small pebbles came whipped the cheeks of some and others. The violence of the wind did not stop growing. They protected themselves the face by means of their fearing worst hands. The statue crumbled off and the stony pieces swirled in the sky, put forward by the clarity of the moon. When suddenly, the wind stopped dead. The whirlwind seemed to faint. But a silhouette in the disturbing forms had settled down halfway between Temba and his enemies. She floated in some centimeters above ground level. His long brown hair stirred in the air, as if each of their movements had the same impact as the beating of wings. His eyes seemed to glisten in the darkness. They seemed focused on four henchmen of the general. They were in excess, they were scared there. His left foot was gracefully defeated towards the dry land and she came down again of her base. But she remained not less impressive there.

  Temba had never seen him in such a state. And he had always been afraid of seeing her so. He knew her very well to know that when she would make the shell burst which she had built up itself to protect herself, it would not occur without losses and crash. Unfortunately, he was there. He had moved back some steps. Carlos and Dario had benefited from this moment to go away. They had arrived at the exit of the park and had only a haste, to put Jérémy under cover. They had resumed hope to bring to a successful conclusion to this collection. Have to care about their friend gave them something else to think that the precarious situation with which were confronted their other partners. A long moment of peace settled down between Ayame and her opponents. They seemed totally in the grip of the doubt. Gutierrez did not know which instructions to give to his team-mates. In vain These waited for a reaction from him. He had understood well that in front of them, they had a determined being in the grip of the anger. It was a loving woman. She seemed unpredictable and very dangerous, but especially, she did not feel anymore the fear.

  Ayame had just lost the being who held her most heart. What did she have to lose furthermore? She was ready for anything to destroy with her. In spite of the digital inferiority, Gutierrez had the feeling that it was necessary to flee. her instinct dictated her that it was necessary to stop all costs there. Otherwise, there would be nobody to make of report for Ribardielli. Nevertheless, she remained not less lucid there. Ayame did not attack. She did not jump into the lion's den as a madwoman. On the contrary, she mastered her rabies, what made her even more difficult to handle. She waited that they made the first step to counter-attack. The leader of the band thus took advantage of this moment of waiting-game to ask in Almería to settle with him a fog, while ordering Navarro and in Floured to cover them.

  Of the mist began to appear very quickly. But seeing the closeness between them and their opponents, the fog really had to be thick. Ayame and Temba understood fast what they prepared. They were not born yesterday. Temba observed since a moved back point his protected young person wondering if she was going to let them run away or if her desire of vengeance was going to take him. For him, seeing their warlike intentions, make them retire was all that there was of better to hope. Umberto was lying on the ground, there has no more hope to return him. They had got back Jérémy. A split pea purée settled down inside the park and extended in the surroundings. Four characters began to move back in a synchronized way. They went there shyly always feeling the weight of the Ayame’s look of which fixed them permanently. Temba understood that these ran away and Ayame remained always motionless. He got closer slowly to her. When he was very close to her, she felt her bénéficial presence. His tension began to fall again little by little, his hair stopped fighting a losing battle, his tense muscles relaxed. She turned the face behind in the direction of Temba. The eyes were not any more under the bewitchment of the hatred, they were filled with sadness. She felt that the men of the general had reached the other end of the park. Apparently, she had made them beat a retreat. They would not return. She threw herself on Temba and collapsed in the arms. Temba felt tears wetting his trunk, he heard her

  Cry as a child. He squeezed her in the arms as a father who consoles his daughter. However, he was proud of her. She had not taken revenge and had known how to hold herself. The young Japanese had shown more in cold blood that herself a few days ago, she, who seemed so immature. They had all the same a look towards the statue. The governor was unrecognizable.,Useless to say that it was going to chatter as soon as the damages would be indicated.

  Temba took Ayame under his wing and returned her home. No word was pronounced on the path. The Numidian had nevertheless a strange feeling during the walk, he

  felt a presence which stayed in good distance of them. It would have been able to involve one of their opponents, but he had the inner conviction that it was somebody else. He stayed lying and waiting, watching for an ambush. But nothing occurred. He had looked well around him when they were in the entrance of the inn. But the darkness prevented him from discerning this man who spied on them discreetly in a dark corner, a cigarette in the hand.

  When they were inside, Temba put down Ayame on a seat and went near Dario who observed his brother looking after Jérémy. A quantity of orgone more than sufficient had been injected into him
to neutralize him. Carlos applied to transform the molecules of orgone denial it orgone is positive.The pale face of the young man grew pink at sight of eye. Temba and Dario might be usefuf , that was not less impressive there. Jérémy sat bare-chested and Carlos had put the hands on his trunk to cure him. Suddenly, Carlos released the hands and moved back. Jérémy fell slightly behind and seemed exhausted. He tried apparently to half-open the eyes, but unsuccessfully. Carlos indicated to Temba and to his brother that he had cleansed his body, but that he needed to sleep to be able to recover. So, Carlos and Dario carried him to his room. Temba, him, returned to Ayame. This one was held the face in two hands, her hair fell and masked the rest of her face. Temba could only hear sad sound emitted by her whimpering. He embraced her again to console her, without pronouncing a word before long seconds. He

  Eventually opens the mouth when he was able to look her straight in the eyes:

  " We shall arrest them, i promises you to him. And we shall need you. "

  His look was pale, but Temba had the sensation that during short moment, she had smiled to inform him that she did not give up for that their fight. But it was not enough for the moment to relieve the punishment.

  From their part, Gutierrez and his men did not really feed moods. The feelings, it was not their key point. They had been in hiding in their hiding place and thought about the way they were going to announce the news to the general. Furthermore, Ribardielli had to wait with the impatience of a whimsical child that Gutierrez contacts him to announce the complete success of the mission. Floured, Almería and Navarro observed their leader going round in circles in the room, getting dug brains to soften the piece of news. It was obvious that Jesus Gutierrez was the brain of this small group. Without him, they would not be well. He stopped suddenly. His three walk-ons fixed him with eyes of beaten dog waiting that he puts an end to their ordeal. He spoke:

  " I am sorry guys, I do not think that there are other ways than telling the truth. After all, he has just to surrender on the ground. He will certainly be disappointed, but we eliminated mentioning Regazzi and the governor will not know about his actions although the state of the statue is going to give him the flea to the ear that something is brewing in the back having said that, we did not choose the meeting place. The general should have thought of this kind of detail. "

  His three partners might not be lights, they were not either completely stupid. If they knew that their leader was right, they did not ignore either that the general was not man's kind to make such fault in front of juniors. Anyway, Gutierrez did not wait their consent to warn Ribardelli of the situation.

  " General, you hear me? "

  " I hear you my dear Gutierrez. You were long. "

  " Actually. The renegades set us a trap. "

  " What kind of trap? "

  "Regazzi collaborated with them. He threw the assault."

  "That what was surprising."

  "be sure, he died."

  "Wonderful my dear Gutierrez. And this Jérémy?"

  "They managed to save him."

  "It is annoying."

  "They were outnumbered."

  "Save your excuses." "We failed general, but ..."


  "The governor will not know. And they have no more credible witness."


  "On the other hand, get ready to lead an investigation."

  "Any particular reason why?"

  "The statue of the park underwent some damage."

  "It is annoying. But it is going to give you a second chance."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Find me scapegoats and the case will be closed."

  "In your orders."

  "Do not disappoint me. In spite of your failure, I believe in you."

  "Very well, we are going to make adjustment."

  And the communication came to an end. Ribardielli found himself once more plunged into his ocean of solitude. He grimaced, the fruitless progress of the operation worried him. His right hand scratched fervently his right thigh without realizing it. Lazarus Stambouli's vision, in the warmth in lustful sound armchair at the top of the most prestigious tours of the city, ate at him. He burned with impatiencefrom the idea of dislodging him, but the doubt began to seize him. Nothing took place exactly as he wished for. There was always an obstacle which raised itself on his way. An insignificant pawn had to come to upset his plans. The general thought again about this Umberto Regazzi. He wondered well what had been able to incite him to betray the militia and to join them, For an attractive pair of buttocks? No, it was more important than that ... When Ribardielli thought of this Regazzi deceived by the charms of one of

  Renegades, he understood immediately. He rushed on his armchair and opened the last drawer of his desk, the closest to the ground. He took out several well ordered shirts, and extirpated of the last one a very worn photography by time. It dated period preceding the Apocalypse. At that time, he kept hit permanently with him. Since the time, he had preferred to keep it row in the depths of desk. Unfortunately, it was impossible to him to part from it and to erase him it of its memory. When he contemplated this old illustration which had lost its color, he admired the one who hung on the arm. A beautiful brown young lady with blue eyes accompanied him. They complemented each other well. He was strong, she was soft, he was inflexible, She was far too sensitive. They were as the yin and the yang. But she was beautiful!

  Ribardielli avoided taking out again this memorable memory, but when that took him, he remembered every slightest details which had enameled this warm day. For the first time in his life, he had met love. Sofia was such a flower, its perfume had softened inexhaustible Michele Ribardielli. In his presence, his dreams of conquest fainted. However, his most striking defects re-appeared inexorably if somebody behaved in a way moved towards the one that he loved tenderly. After a few months of a relation which had raised them on cloud nine, they had decided to take romantic holidays, as any couples. Michel then wished to quench the desires for journey and for discovery of his beautiful. But he also needed to go away from country where he did not support the languor of his fellow countrymen. So, they had planned to travel Europe in length, in wide and across. To begin, they had gone back up their native country, Rome and

  To go farther. Marseille, the Phocaean city, was their last stopover, and this disastrous photography was the last vestige of their lost love.

  Behind them, we could guess the delicious architecture of Notre Dame de la Garde. It was about one of the key sites of the harbor city. Situated in height, he overhung not only all the urban region, but offered a sacred panorama of the surroundings. Paradoxically with regard to the man who he became afterward, Ribardielli was a convinced Catholic. He was going to go in every fief struck by the seal of the Church among the cities which he visited. So, the religious domain situated upstream of the city was not an exception to the rule. The rise was rough for his partner, while it was about a mere formality concerning him. She slowed him down when he had the faculty to swallow meters separating him from the arrival. He thought that we had put her on the path so that he helps her to harden, but he had had no idea that it was there, on the contrary, to slow down his enthusiasm. The fact remains that they had arrived hand in hand at the top of the coast which separated the Phocaean city of his invaluable place of worship. Pines surrounding the site and protecting them from the sun, as well as the wind which a little made lift their clothes, established the reward to those who had made the effort to go up up to the top. But it was necessary to climb nevertheless again some steps to be able to penetrate into the cave as desired. Ribardielli did not stop encouraging his betrothed by small words of tenderness.

  " Go kitten, we are almost there!

  - I arrive, do not worry you.

  - Fast, you have to see that, it is extremely beautiful. "

  Sofia sketched her usual smile when her man then showed his haste to want to show her a creation of the man which exhilarated him. Arrived at the summi
t, they had spent a few moments without exchanging a word. The way the eyes scrutinized the surroundings symbolized at the same time how much they were brought into conflict and complementary. Sofia observed delicately each of the hidden recesses the most delicious which were offered to him. She took her time. First, pines had caught her attention. Then, she had put her attention on her

  Sea, calms down, which bidedher time. Sofia did not suspect in the least bit what the elements of the nature simmered. Côte d'Azur mattered among the rare places which had been more or less saved by natural disasters, and it had managed to keep a little of its haughtiness. While Sofia got lost on the horizon, her surprising partner had already made the tour of the corner. He had put his attention at a furious pace. It was simply as if he photographed each of the places that he observed. A click, and to the following one. And he hurried to seize Sofia by the arm.

  "It is really luxurious kitten. I cannot believe it."


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