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A New Era

Page 27

by Chris Red

  Sofia answered by a smile, then she put her eyes behind him. She observed with accuracy the basilica. This contrast of blue and white established a finery of choice for such a place. She was simply amazed. She raised the eyes to heaven to perceive the monumental statue which thrones at the top of the basilica.

  "It is the Madonna and Child my darling. She protects the city and the sailors.

  - It is golden?

  - no, it is some golden copper. The copper is a part of the same family as the money and as the gold, but it degrades slowly in contact with the air.One day, this statue will have lost of its magnificence.

  - it will take years?

  - yes, even one or two centuries. But, let us return inside if you want."

  Sofia came out in favor while observing the crypt which adjoined the superior church. Michel Ribardielli grasped her with delicacy and took her with him inside an extremely beautiful treasure.

  Him, the convinced practising Catholic had not dipped his finger into the font yet to make the sign of the cross while her soft friend ran. He was filled with admiration for the marvel of architecture which raised itself in front of him. The mixture of colors was sober, but warm. The multiplicity of arches and domes offered an oriental charm to a catholic place of worship loan nevertheless of a style romano Byzantine which spattered in particular on the registrations

  Wall, which were not in Latin. He was simply stunned and knew hardly where to hold his look. As for Sofia, she took her time, while putting down her fingers moistened by the holy water on the parts of her body devoted to the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, she observed carefully the site. A main path with benches occupying all the width throne in front of them. Above, the ceiling was very high, decorated by small domes of golden color, each of these domes being bounded by a square outline where alternated with elegance the red and the white. Arches raising the same colors bounded the side paths. Suddenly, Sofia released the hand of her partner and went as she pleases to make the tour of places. She began with the left path, and noticed that three chapels followed one another, each of this one was dedicated to a saint. Saint Charles Boromée, Saint Lazare and Saint Joseph were the concerned main things. Chapels were endowed with the same white marbled altar. Only the badge of the holder of the chapel allowed differentiating them, as well as mosaicking her which enameled the ceiling over each of these altars. Sofia quickly made the tour to cross on the other side and spot the chapels of Saint-Peter, saint-Marie Madeleine and saint Roch. Marie Madeleine's chapel caught more particularly her attention. It was the only representative of the fair sex, outside the Virgin, of occupying places.

  Meanwhile, Ribardielli advanced slowly, he scrutinized to the left, then to the right, over him, in front of him, and so on, so that no mosaic escapes him. He did not support that a detail, it would not be the most insignificant, does not escape him. He so advanced until height of the Rosary, but was able to go farther, much to his displeasure, because of a barrier which forbade the access. Nevertheless, he could observe the mosaic Cull-de-four of the apse, the luxurious engraving which furnished the wall of the bottom of the Basilica. Right in the middle had been drawn a boat in the blue and white sail approaching the Phocaean city. This one was lit by the sun and accompanied by sardines which seemed to indicate him the right direction. Around him, birds had been highlighted, peacocks raising their most beautiful dress, they seemed to give him way when

  Over him parrots seemed to observe . And, in its summit, reigned a dove, a peace symbol. The presence of these representatives of the feathered species exceeded him and he did not reveal the meaning. However, the dove had managed to protect Marseille. The city was not occupied and had managed to protect its independence, what was worth for him feeling a certain satisfaction, without it shows through of course on his face which remained closed in any emotion. If Marseille had been taken, the Basilica would certainly have become a watchtower in view of the panorama which its hill proposes.

  Suddenly, he had gone out of his reflections by Sofia.

  "Tell me, you know who was Saint Marie Madeleine?"

  He sketched a derisive smile before answering.

  "Do I Have to, my darling, see the presence of an exaggerated feminism there that you had known how to skillfully hide from me until today?

  - No ... I do not believe ... She intrigues me more than the others.

  - You lie very badly my dear, he says in smiling yellow, but generous, I am going to answer you. Marie Madeleine was one of followers of Jesus. She would have been in particular the first witness of his resurrection. Any way, it is rather surprising to see that you were interested in her and not in the others.

  - Is that so? Why?

  - And the good, my darling, you see, the theories diverge on its subject. The Protestants, the orthodoxes and the Catholics do not see her in the same way. It is a character bound closely to Jesus, but whose life aroused various interpretations.

  - What kind of theories?

  - Oh, you know, they are diverse and varied. For example, the crunchiest evoke the existence of a blood tie between her and Jesus. According to some, she would have been the woman of Jesus, and even the mother of her son.

  - Jesus had a son? He was not blank?

  - They are only legends. Vatican has never given any credit in all this. However!

  - However?

  An abbot in France dedicated his church to saint-Marie Madeleine. She is a member of sources which give a little of weight to these famous legends.

  - It could be interesting to visit my darling. it is far from here this church?

  - Actually, it could be the opportunity to see that of our own eyes. The site is in the Aude, to Rennes-le-Château, we could make it a small hook, it seems that it is a very beautiful region. "

  Sofia expressed her delight by one of her most beautiful smiles and slid a soft kiss in expensive and soft sound. So, both young turtledoves passed a large part of their afternoon down from this hill which overhung Marseille. The future general walked and studied every centimeter of mosaics while Sofia had a walk. They also visited the crypt, stopped in front of a new statue marbled on the esplanade of stocking. Sofia thought that it was about the Virgo, but in reality, it was about Saint Véronique who had been engraved there, what was worth in Sofia a new lesson of history. In any case, it was in this place that they were trapped by a photographer. Ribardielli knew that it was the con and that ten euros the photography represented a beautiful swindle, but Sofia had insisted on keeping a souvenir of this memorable day. So, he defied his miserliness and put the hand in carry leaves, the flash of the camera crackled and the illustration of their happiness appeared in some fractions of a second. Ribardielli slid her in its invaluable banana, for most great pleasure of Sofia. Unfortunately, the time turned(shot), the wind had begun to make its appearance and very somber clouds approached in the direction of the coast.

  " Come, kitten, let us hurry to return in the hotel before you catch a cold.

  - You saw that, the weather was beautiful when we arrived and in so little time ...

  - Hey yes, that is the way it is here. It is the topography of the region that wants that. And when that blows, that does not pretend, let us hurry shall we ", he tells her in catching her by the hand.

  They did not have time to return in the hotel. The chaos seized, shortly after their departure, the harbor city, A hurricane, inconceivable for the Mediterranean coast knocked with such a scale as streets were flooded, the interrupted traffic. Each tried to save his skin as he could. Ribardielli had then put aside his dreams of domination. To protect Sofia had become his priority. But he failed. To tell the truth, the fate showed itself merciless ...

  Arrived almost at the bottom of the vertiginous descent of the street which had carried them until the heights of the Provencal capital, a deaf noise interrupted them. They turned around, watching for an unknown danger. They were immobilized in the face of the imminence of the disaster which got ready to knock. Sudd
enly, Ribardielli felt of drops of water watering his hair. He seizes abruptly Sofia and began running. They tumbled down meters of pavements unguardedly. The sea was unchained, in fury. She had decided to destroy everything. Immense waves struck the whole Azorean coast. Buildings slowed down a little his advance, but nothing seemed to be able to resist it. It was as if it had decided to shave everything. From then on, nothing could prevent him from it. Sofia and Michel looked like two ants trying to escape a volcano in fusion. Some water in abundance springs in all directions. Down from the hill, as over houses. Ribardielli pulled Sofia towards the right in a big path lined by pines. Some present pedestrians were in the grip of the same panic, while the motorists were completely thrown by the speed and the intensity of the event. The couple ran at a brisk pace and exceeded, without turning around, the cars the drivers of which were paralyzed. They transfer only an old woman to double them, taken by the power of the water. The feeling of powerlessness was as paints on his face. And suddenly, they felt as dipped. Their legs were as lifted, as if we had put them an enormous quick sweep under feet. They felt leaving behind without being able to fight. Michele and Sofia looked for themselves ceaselessly eyes. Everything would be fine as long as they would stay together they thought, the one as the other one. They were taken as in a torrent and they lowered streets

  Inhabitants of Marseille one after the other as if they followed a circuit. It looked like a fall of waterfalls in view of the topography of the city. Unfortunately, they could hang onto nothing. The stream was too powerful. All that they could make, it was to be held the hand and to ]pray. But this day, Ribardielli realized that pray was of no use. He saw houses scrolling and observed their congeners fighting to survive. At this stage, there were not differences anymore of social classes, races or still religions. They were all on the same galley if we could say.

  A heavy branch came to seal the fate of Ribardielli. He does not see her to come. He had turned the back on it, he preferred to stay in front of Sofia, to reassure her, but also not to lose sight of her. So, the totally branch surprised him. it struck him violently in the middle of the back. As a reflex, all his nerves relaxed and the hand that of Sofia released. The latter, terrified by this jolt, tried desperately to catch up the hand, but she did not reach there. The fingers ran around. She felt going out of depth suddenly and some water filled her mouth. She had to fight for not finding herself under the surface. her man had lost his spirits, he was slightly sounded. The hand went away slightly from that of Sofia, the eyes remained open, but seemed not to see any more, he began little by little to sink into the water, Until Sofia does not see him any more just his hair. Then, suddenly, he smelt of the movement. Sofia struggled, and roared his name. She called him. He could not hear her with the deafening noise produced by the water, but he recovered. The head appears suddenly outside the water, what reassured Sofia. She got closer to him offering the hands in his direction. He quickly looked around for her before spotting her. The fingers touched when the hands looked for themselves mutually. Sofia had arrived as high as a small alley. She was as inhaled under eyes terrorized by her lover. He, continued quite straight ahead. From this moment, he never saw her again.

  Ribardielli had put back the photography on his desk. The stomach was knotted, his heart was as repressed. A spark springs between the fingers and the last souvenir of his life before

  The Apocalypse wasted away in a morbid silence. This day, his faith had collapsed. But his love had continued. His thirst of power had however got the upper hand in view of the fact that his desire could be never quenched. An emotional height had taken place in the depths of his heart, and to forget it, it had aspired again to his dreams of power and domination. From now on, the past had no more importance. Nothing would get ) her back. The wheel of his fate had turned. Unfortunately, to continue, it was necessary for him to burn any souvenir of her. He knew that she would not have guaranteed for the actions that he had committed.

  Chapter 16: To Stambouli

  The sunlight became and the shade worn the forest. However, Edwin had decided that they would rest only once reaching the border of the wood. So, it would be the end of the first part of their journey. Ieleana began to show signs of fatigue. Salina and Natan were motivated by the will of the fire. If it was them who had to decide for the others, they would also walk at night. And, Yizrah, the man the most experimented of the group shared Edwin's point of view. So, it was him who is delighted first of all when they perceived between the boughs the first signs of the change of ground.

  "Look, we arrive there. We are going to be able to settle at the exit of the forest. It's perfect. Then, we can attack the rocky part in full ownership of our ways.

  - we would have been able as well to make a small stopping place and to walk at night, answered Natan.

  - time is short", outbid Salina.

  Edwin smiles and invited them to remember that everybody did not have the same rhythm.

  "You would have been able to, but think of Ieleana. She needs a good night of rest."

  All eyes turned towards her. Her front was clammy, hair stuck, dipped by the humidity, panting breath. Natan felt guilty when he looked at her. He had a little left him aside, being obsessed by the idea to reach Stambouli City as quickly as possible. The desire to find his brother always haunted him of course, but it had especially got to like this delicious feeling which travels you when you leave by chance. Salina also abdicated. Ieleana seemed really exhausted.

  So, they established a kind of small camp a few meters away from the exit of the forest. They ate together and resumed some strengths. Ieleana was in the center of all the discussions during the meal. Up to there, they had all evolved in an impressive rhythm, but they had still certain things to

  Learn.What concerned Natan partner , an element of the water, her spirit was still too Cartesian. She still had difficulty in imagining that we can walk without feeling of fatigue. Ieleana did get enough from the spiritual energy. Unlike others, Natan stayed ceaselessly with her and tried to comfort her by lavishing relentlessly small gestures of tenderness. But it did not restore her morale for all that. It had the impression to be a coal nut, to delay everybody, forgetting very fast the boldness and the ingenuity that it had developed to help her darling when she believed he is in danger. From her part, Salina was more worried by the behavior of Natan towards Ieleana. She did not know if she would have liked being instead of the latter or if she envied him simply the fact of having somebody to console in wrong moment, but the jealousy consumed her slowly. Yizrah tried a long moment to reassure Ieleana, but his words found no echo. So, Edwin took over.

  "Ieleana, you should simply imagine that the fatigue is a big heavy bag. All that you have to do, is to put it on the ground. When you walk, when you inhale, feel the prana, imagine that you make only one with it, that it feeds to you permanently. You have to absorb it by all the pores of your skin. When you affect a tree, or when your feet set foot, you have to feel this energy which wraps any form of life. The best way to feel it, is to visualize it. We are going to make a try, get up and close eyes please, he asked her in getting up in turn."

  Ieleana observed around her. Everybody waited for her reaction. Edwin stood, in the prospect. She hesitated a short moment.

  "What's the use to run away ..." she thought. The fire which they had installed began to weaken, flames got long and lit by alternation Natan, Salina, Yizrah or still trees around her. The darkness settled down little by little. She now stood, in the face of Edwin who smiles and encouraging her.

  "It's good. Now, close your eyes, and trust me."

  Ieleana obeys without batting an eyelid.

  "Make the space, feel my energy and serve to visualize me, as well as the others. Feel the earth. Feel trees. Come towards me, by by-passing the fire."

  Ieleana was held eyes closed in the face of Edwin, only the fire separated them. Natan was held to the left and Yizrah and Salina on her right. His arms were suspended in the air and quivere
d as if she looked for a fulcrum, but there was none at her disposal. She made a first step of backward movement, very slowly. Her right foot shivered in contact with the ground. It is only when she felt the humidity of the grass that she rested completely her arch of the foot. From then on, she concentrated on the grass and seemed to feel all the earth that surrounded them. Her heart began accelerating. She saw flames arise in her face , then go out. She did not manage to stabilize what she saw. She tried to calm down, to blow. Lights emitted by the center became softer, less brutal. It was more flames which knocked in various places, but a soft and hot home concentrated in a single point.

  "You can arrive there, concentrate", aimed to be reassuring Edwin.

  Ieleana applied to his breath. She inhaled no more oxygen, but of the prana. She felt her doors of chakra opening. The third eye opened alone, as if by magic. And coming from her feet to go back up during her spinal cord, she felt an immense strength. She felt all which surrounded him. Not only his companions and the fire or the ground, but also trees, pebbles, insects ... She heard a bird settle on a branch. He seemed to be very far. Maybe in a kilometer. All this came to her of the nature. Then, she visualized them of her companions. Edwin and Yizrah appeared in blue when Salina and Natan were wrapped with a red aura lively. And suddenly, while she had not moved since the beginning and while the others watched the slightest of his movements, she rested her arms along her body and moved with the grace of a ballerina to by-pass Natan and go to seize Edwin's hand. She reopened eyes. Edwin fixed her with a satisfied way and confirmed her the total success of this small exercise.

  "Well, that isperfect, right?"

  She just smiled to answer the question and turned to snuggle up with Natan. This one was proud of her and, especially, satisfied. Both simpered in the corner while the others evoked the way that they would have to travel the next day. For an ordinary human being, it would have established a beautiful hike, but for them, it was a walk of health. Edwin hoped only that the entrance which Salina and Yizrah had used until now was not watched yet. It was better to stay onher guard, he thought.


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