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A New Era

Page 35

by Chris Red

  Would you not prefer to use your capacities to help the others rather than to hinder them? Suddenly, he paused for a moment; he calmed down having begun to ignite. It was necessary to let his listeners digest what they had just heard before moving on.

  " I am going to stop for my part there, and I am going to hand over to Edwin Peters, a man who is not native of Stambouli ", concludes Temba. He ruled out and gave way to Edwin who blushes a little, imagining the crowd which was going to listen to him.

  " Hello to you all, Stambouli people. My name is Edwin, and as Temba indicated to you, I do not come from Stambouli. In fact, I have just arrived. You know, after the Apocalypse, large number of human beings' survived. Simply, we were all scattered. The governor created here an isolated, impregnable fortress. The Apocalypse was for me and my friends a chance. Finally we were able to live, finished the materialism, finish the politics, the wars, the religions, the manipulations. We were simply confronted with the life, the real, not what was managed by the men. We extricated ourselves from what I call from now on the world of the men. Unfortunately, here, Lazarus Stambouli seems he wanted to recreate a company faithful to what was formerly. He wanted his fief, with his small inhabitants. And, while he allowed you to live in a decent way, he made you mysteries. Know that there where from I come, we have no Stambouli Arena, either of fly-ball, or of buildings, or screens, or rules, or bans. We are free, we live in trees, we feed on fruits and live in community. We are in agreement with ourselves, and in agreement with our elements. We bring mutually. Fortunately, we did not limit ourselves by not exploiting our natural faculties. They allowed us to defend ourselves. If today, I discovered Stambouli, know that I had already met the militiamen; they came in our forest to plunder and remove. Unfortunately for them, they fell on our community and we them pushed away. The humanity had, through the destruction of the world of the men, one

  new opportunity to live in accordance with the nature and with the planet. These men lied to you, they diverted you from the spiritual energy, they imprisoned you into a new material sphere. I want to tell you, let us destroy by ourselves this bubble which prevents us from living a real life. Let us together become human again! "

  And the image became again dark. The message had passed. The inhabitants seemed under the shock. These words had touched their subconscious, and numerous Stambouliens began to feel funny sensations. For years, we had subtly hijacked them from feeling the spiritual energy. Edwin had struck a chord. They seemed all to be about to wake up. The militiamen were disorientated for the greater part. However, some had not been convinced by what they had heard and had decided to join Ribardielli. Those rushed in the point of meeting when others hesitated, then eventually seized the opportunity to leave the militia. Allegro took advantage of the bustle to get involved to the militiamen who were going to join Ribardielli.

  As for Eyal, he had rushed and had never roamed so fast. His heart pounded, he had decided to make a detour to be able to make most discreetly possible in his new apartments, where were hiding the secrets of his predecessor. Unfortunately, when he arrived near the governmental district, he perceived a silhouette crashed at the entrance. Somebody waited ... He got closer as close as possible that he was able to him without confiding. He had no evil to recognize the man in question. It was about Ribardielli. Behind him, some smoke continued to rise in the sky. He was held, very straight ahead, in a authoritarian way on the highest of the steps which led to an immense rather austere black portal. The domain of the governor, him, was always crashed well in the same place and was not masked by the entrance gate. Eyal decided to withdraw, to hide between two houses situated nearby and to wait till the way is free. Certainly Ribardielli would kill him to make an example if he perceived him. However, Eyal was more endowed to treat the spirit of the men. Nobody knew him, but he used it often in

  flyball matches to eliminate his opponents. Having said so, Ribardielli was a strong spirit. He concentrated and quickly felt his aura cruelly negative. It seemed relatively dangerous, but Eyal Turdan had a pronounced ego, somewhere at the bottom of him, a small voice dictated to him that it was necessary to trust in his capacities. If he concentrated, and that he did not leave with Ribardielli one second to understand what takes place, he would be on the other side without any problem. He was shared ... He had to decide fast, men would arrive certainly any time. But, then, that they would make? Would they invest places at first? Would they throw an assault in the city? He could well try to enter the head of Ribardielli ... Eyal had to decide. And fast. Every second mattered.

  Chapter 21: the Pursuit

  Temba and Edwin was rather proud of them, they had managed to pass after Ribardielli and to compromise him while being at it after he cleared himself through customs his superiors. The lifestyle of Stambouli City had finally been officially questioned. Now, the time had come to be able to fight without having to hide for the well-being of the population. The more they would release spirits, the more they would have of chances to push away the black shade which glided over the city. On the other hand, Natan cared about Eyal. He had been delivered in feed at this moment. He was to be totally vulnerable, surrounded by the crowd. How had he managed the situation? Was there still of the voucher in him? If Eyal could be saved again, it was now. It must find him and speaks to him. Natan closed eyes and concentrated by thinking of his brother. Suddenly, a vague vision came to him. He was in a luxurious room, although the decoration is a little austere. An impressive office throned. it was magnificent. He saw Eyal behind it, searching, moving papers in all directions. Suddenly, he saw him to concentrating in a particular sheet, to examine him it then to rush to the window. Eyal could see all the city. He had a simply stunning view. Nevertheless, his look seemed to go beyond city gates, in a mountainous region. He dropped the paper sheet that he held and began running, he left this place. When the door closed behind him, the vision of Natan became again dark, then he reopened eyes. His partners were always in full discussion.

  The members of Phoenix decided that the moment had come of show themselves personally to the general public. The whole crowd was in the Stambouli park and if they had not all scattered, also a big part of them had to be there. They would show themselves by the main entrance, Temba and Edwin in head, followed by Natan, Yizrah, Ieleana, Salina, Jérémy, Ayame, Carlos and Dario. At the time of leaving, Ieleana looked

  For Natan , but she did not see him any more. The panic seized her.

  " Wait! She shouted. Where is Natan? "

  All turned around, but nobody saw him. Yizrah was the first one to understand.

  " He certainly searched for his brother.

  - We have to find him, exclaimed Ieleana.

  - Unfortunately, nothing allows us to know where he is, answered Edwin. We have to pursue our action. Natan will know how to find us,Unless Salina can help us. That do you think Salina?

  - I am going to try. I am going to concentrate by thinking of him. "

  After a few moments of meditation, she reopened her eyes.

  " I saw him entering in the field of the governor, crossing the hall and going to the office. The continuatio still writing", he seems.

  Yizrah half smiles, the boldness of his nephew hardly surprised him. Maybe it was the moment for both brothers to confront one another. Did the fate have decided to gather them in private? He might be his uncle, he says to himself but it was necessary to let him do what he thought of having to do. Nobody would be better placed than Natan to put back his brother to his place. He felt in a row that Ieleana would be dying to leave for pursuiting him.He put the hand on the shoulder.

  " Girl, leave him alone. It is between him and his brother. He is going to return, trust him. Furthermore, your presence would just complicating things.

  - I could not forgive myself if he something arrives to him she says in lowering the head.

  - He left in the lurch in all honesty. he is stronger than you can imagine.

  - Having said that, do not forget
that Ribardielli made an appointment with his men in front of the governmental district, cut Jérémy. A little of reinforcement would not maybe be of excess. We could also take advantage of it to watch what happen over there.

  - Exact, confirmed Temba. We are going to have to get apart. A compound team of four elements appears to me to be one

  Sensible idea. Edwin, people has to see you, thus I think that Yizrah is quite indicated. Then, I would like that Salina, Ayame and Jérémy, you accompany him. Anybody does not see objection there? Ieleana was annoyed, but she decided not to show it and to trust their experience. Nobody objected, and the small group ruled out silently in pursuit of Natan.

  Eyal did not dither for a long time. The effect of surprise worked in his favor. Furthermore, Ribardielli was not on the defensive, he expected to see appearing any minute now from men being devoted to him body and soul to help him to take the power. To try to penetrate into his spirit would maybe be a little bit presumptuous. He decided to content with trapping him in an illusion. Eyal used the gift of ubiquity and became invisible for him trying hard to mask at best his spiritual energy. When he had stopped concentrating, he risked an eye behind the wall. Ribardielli was always held in the same place, motionless. He felt the adrenalin seizing him. His heart beat quickly with a fanfare, his legs trembled slightly and his breath was jerky and difficult. He had already realized the exploit, but only to score goals in a superficial game. There, it was about life and death. He played for himself. It was more exciting. He felt made drunk by this feeling. There was not any more second to lose, it was necessary to take action. Eyal went out of his hiding place, and began by approaching shyly the rampart opposite to the general. The latter did not react. Eyal accelerated the step, eventually run. At the approach of the portal, his feet left the ground with an astonishing lightness. He crosses the black rampart thanks to his talents of levitation. Then, he disappeared behind the portal. Ribardielli had been fooled there. Eyal resumed his running; he left by side the prison the smoke of which became blurred then exceeded barracks, deserted for the opportunity. Finally, he left behind the districts of the general. He slows down his running when he appeared in front of the immense building of which he should have been the master. He took a good draft of oxygen then he opened the front door by the thought. In view of the ambient atmosphere in town, places had for lost by their brightness, A greatness shown from this place. The hall was spacious; columns enamelled the decoration offering an Olympian style in

  The building. Eyal advanced between the latter, in the direction of the collection of the hall, abandoning the side doors leading to the buildings of the Academy, he penetrated into the elevator, in the direction of the last floor.

  Natan had dashed in alleys abandoned in spite of the fact that he did not know the city; he trusted totally his instinct and the domain of the governor was almost visible everywhere, what was not an unimportant help. thus he tried hard to get closer to it. Natan ran without stopping and allowed only to slow down when he had to make a choice. The palace of the governor got grew at sight of eye. His instinct dictated him to adopt a more moderate tempo and to approach with precaution. He remembered himself the presence of Ribardielli in the area. Arrived at a crossing, he risked a blow of eye on his left, expecting to fall on a straight line leading to the governmental district. And what he saw confirmed his intuition. Militiamen were gathered in rows and listened to a man talking. Certainly Michel Ribardielli. If he distinguished the sound of his voice, he did not hear him clearly. He observed the way alleys became entangled between the neighbouring houses of the district, he decided to make a way to arrive closer to them without getting noticed. He did not exactly know how nor why, but he knew which path to borrow. It resounded in him as an obvious fact. His steps touched the ground with a dexterity hiding any sound. He realized that he had no more the same perception as in the past. Le Monde appeared to him under a new perspective. The young man took support on a wall in an alley and jumps up towards the parallel wall and climbed by impulses up to the roof. From there, he flattens and observed the scene which took place in front of the portal with big attention.

  Michele Ribardielli had bet everything during his public intervention. He waited from now on in front of the portal and wondered how many men would come and if he would have a sufficient strike force to put this city in his feet. Of course, it corresponded not at all to the action plan that he had settled since a few months. The fate had made him fall of its base before offering him a possibility of acting as he pleases. He had known how to adapt himself

  And to improvise, he had nothing to lose, to win everything. After all, it suited him very well. One of his main rivals had died by his hand, others had had to feel delivered to a hostile crowd. And Phoenix? Ironically, it was partially thanks to them that he was held there, awaiting his hour of glory. Unfortunately, he would not send them a bouquet to thank them for it. No ... He would crush them. Suddenly, he saw a group of men to arrive on his right. A man got loose from the mass and managed the walking. His suit also stood out from the prize. Ribardielli was not able to hold a furtive smile expressing his satisfaction and also his surprise. He had thought of all the possible scenarios, imagining the even worst, but he had not thought of a reinforcement of such scale. Captain Kharkov personally came to support him! Kharkiv worked in a parallel to the portal and when it was good face of Ribardielli, he turned suddenly to show himself in the face of his ally of circumstance. The soldiers followed him, aligned well. He walked silently up to the foot of walking leading to the Doberman. He turned around and ordered to his men to take position in six columns and to be held in the guard. Their presence filled cheerfully half of the place, which was known under the name of place of the creation, being situated in front of the governmental district. Kharkiv turned around towards Ribardielli. His cheeks were contracted and his face of an ice-cold paleness. He was so serious. His right hand settled at the level of his temple.

  "Me, Valeri Kharkov, captain of the faction Air, I come to bring you my unswerving support. I do not wish to see at left to his own devices population. If I am not always in agreement with you general Ribardielli, your way of managing the militia was always exemplary. You are the right man for the job. You can count on me and my men, except some who ran away from such of vulgar slugs.

  - I have to admit you that I am amazed, captain Kharkov. I was afraid that some disputes which we were able to know in the past take away us one day such as today.

  - I am a man who knows how to put things in perspective general. It is necessary to know how to put aside his ego. I hope that the other captains will know how to act so, although I doubt it.

  Regrettably, we cannot count on captain Khan. He gave up the ghost. I doubt that Fernando Allegro, also if I have to consider him as one of our captains, answers our call, if he is not taken by the crowd. Captain Oliveira stays, who represents a mystery for me.

  - Even if no one knows better than you, the fire is at the same time passionate and audacious. Maybe he will seize the opportunity to take the power from his part. But the fire is also reflected and likes becoming allied to the other elements. Maybe if he will consider joining , you should be his best option if he wants to stay alive. Anyway, we should not delay being fixed ", concludes Kharkiv with his light Russian accent.

  Suddenly, Ribardielli found captain Kharkov very nice. It was really unusual on behalf of this character so austere and stiff. Although the face remained as cold and severe as a Gulag during the big totalitarian period which had struck the Soviet steppes, he didn’t express himself much under normal circumstances. It was the man who weighed carefully the weight of his words, and every syllable which was provoked by the friction of his vocal cords was not the fruit of the fate. Furthermore, he was not a fool. He had had to consider that Ribardielli represented the best alternative for him. Ribardielli ignored many things on Kharkiv, who was a very secret man. He had managed to protect number of information of his past, and he knew how to totally ma
sk his motivations. All that Ribardielli had managed to know about him, it was that this man had been brave to preside of the Soviet army, which had climbed up the ladder one after the other. He was not without knowing that the latter would gladly have updated concentration camps if it had held it only to him. When the Gulag definitively disappeared in 1991 in Russia, it was an upheaval for this man, although that he never knew the horror of these sites during Stalinist period. He was not a man to forgive the slightest step of fault, and to be inclined to waste his time in trial which he considered long and boring. The discipline was his watchword. But what could be his objectives? He was never

  Found at the top of the hierarchy. Did he really wish the power? Was he deprived of the domination? A dictator in power? Or could he content with being a right hand in a totalitarian system of which he would be a member of big beneficiaries? What was the limit of his ego? him, Ribardielli had no idea of it. For the moment, it was not important, but afterward, if he managed to obtain the seizure by the region, should watch for a dagger in the back? It seemed to him likely high. In any case, he had not felt the slightest ounce of condolence for Pat Khan. A stony heart seemed to make live this body. No matter ... He would be an ally of very useful circumstance, him who had rather bet on Oliveira. Actually, he had promoted Oliveira captain of the Fire. The latter owed him personally his place. Ribardielli had become fond of this young ambitious and passionate militiaman, in whom he became identified, without wanting him to admit. He hoped to make his right hand. The time had come to know if Oliveira shared the same prospect.


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