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A New Era

Page 36

by Chris Red

  In the park Stambouli, citizens had met and discussed in a loud voice. The most extrovert spoke for the others who observed them. The latter worried about the approach to be adopted. The authority which leaked out in the voice of Ribardielli hardly enthused them. Temba and Edwin had taken a strong support among them. Numerous militiamen, all the factions of the army by joining the crowd had cut in what concerned them. They had left the militia. No step backward would be tolerated, they were so aware of it. Suddenly, the crowd moved away to give path to a small group of men. When they had appeared to the main entrance of the park, the inhabitants had cleared up to them. From then on, a path towards the heart of the park had taken shape. Temba, followed closely by Edwin, had opened the mouth. He had contented with greeting the population with a wave of the hand. They walked without stopping, not because they patronized Stambouli, but because they were conscious that there was no time to lose. Their enemy certainly had to get ready to mobilize his men and to build a new army completely devoted to his cause. Temba managed them towards the stage, which had been intended in

  Talk about Allegro and about Eyal Turdan previously during the day. They climbed above without time-out and turned to the crowd. The founder of Phoenix spontaneously spoke.

  " I addressed you by screen interposed first to warn of all Ribardielli’s actions. Today, you are in a crossroads of your life. The fate of the city doesn’t matters much for him. On the other hand, the progress of your souls, is significant. Our city bases on lies, on feeling of illusion. As usual when we confide to other men the care of deciding for the others, they lie, cheat, plot, hide ... All this for that? For interests without real spiritual value, The power, the glory, the feeling of domination to the detriment of the truth. All that you want, undoubtedly, is to live in harmony some with the others. Then, explain me why our governor and the members of the Management Board saw fit to divide the city into districts by racial origins? Is there anybody among you who thinks sincerely that it is the behavior to be adopted between human beings? When an Apocalypse ravaged the planet, it tidied us up all on the same foot of equality. Wars had ravaged us on all the continentes. The religions had put to sleep our spirits. And the politicians cared only about their personal interests. Since then, the man learnt to live together, in unity, in a more humble way, certainly, but healthier also. Our friends who travelled could tell you the life except Stambouli City. Here, what happened? Men tried to recreate what existed before. Not for us, but for them. It's time to put an end to all this. We have to live in peace once and for all. United, we are stronger than isolated. It will always be easier to break a single branch than several stuck branches the some to the others. The humanity must be welded. Let us not let any more some firebrands control themselves and make on the top. The problem, is their ego. Unfortunately, for it, I am afraid that you should beat us. General Ribardielli is not a man to be nourishing of moods. He wants to be able to him and will be ready to exterminate us for

  Obtain the fruit which he desires since so much time. I do not like the violence, but today, however unpleasant it might seem to my dear friend Edwin here, we are going to have to fight on equal terms. What the militiamen make, know that you can make him. Each of us abounds in a fascinating potential. All that is necessary to make, is to free him. Let go, forget who we told you to be, feel the energy which lives in you and let it take up your body. Close your eyelids, think of the fire and the water, feel the air and the earth. We are elements of the nature. As it is. "

  Temba stopped, his eyelids closed, he meditated, so encouraging the crowd to do the same there. One after the other did the same. Each seeing his neighbor trusting him made it so much. Edwin, Ieleana, Carlos and Dario are also mirrored to meditate. An almost mortuary silence seized places. So many people were grouped in the same place, and not a single sound escaped in the air. Temba reopened eyes. He contemplated his assistance. He had never thought a day when he would have so many followers. Suddenly, he saw a man let go completely, his feet left the ground, he began to rise higher than the others. Then, he resumed consciousness, he opened eyes and rested his body on the ground with a big tact. Then he exclaimed:

  " This man is right! I believe that I understood whom I was really! You release my friends! "

  And then it was as the beginning of a succession of liberations of endless spirit. Each at its pace addressed as "you" finally whom he really was. The human life is so significant, they finally were realizing it. Many of them fed the same incomprehension. Why men as militiamen, who had reached this stage, they could behave like that? One of them was not able to resist the need to understand and his voice rose higher than those others in the sky.

  " Temba! You, who seem to have knowledge of certain facts of which we voluntarily stood apart, help us to clear up something! How come that me who freed their spirit so behave? They reached such

  Stage, and nevertheless, they do not think of living in harmony. Suddenly, I feel a feeling of plenitude, all which I want, it is of a better world, not of a treated on a hierarchical basis world where I would lie to my brothers. I feel that I am capable of big things, and I would like to use it for good causes. How come that they are guided by unhealthy intentions?

  - Very good question, friend. It would not be simple to explain, and I do not have time to repeat myself, then listen, please. Since thousands of years, the man, in a way, is locked into the duality. We are printed by opposite, sometimes positive, sometimes negative feelings. It is more collectively known under the name of Yin and under the name of Yang either under the name of the shade and the light for example. In sum, it is the cohabitation enters the good and evil. The man looks for the light through the darkness for centuries and centuries. If the good is the purpose to be reached for the great majority of us, it is not unfortunately the case for all. Some look for actively the evil and take pleasure in spreading it. It is not as long as they free their ego, but as long as they check it. Formerly, our consciousnesses and our bodies could not feel the spiritual energy, whether it is in a positive or negative way, The Apocalypse, by destroying all which is of material order, allowed the human beings to feel of new the spiritual gasoline. For some, it was subtle to understand, for others it was a revelation. For a man as Ribardielli, it was an astonishing opportunity.

  - Is it possible to dyke completely the part of the evil which is not only in us, but especially to the others? Resumed his interlocutor.

  - In us, yes, that is, and I can tell you that for the set of the people here, it is made a success. On the other hand, to the others ... It is more problematic. Each is the master of his own fate by listening to his own free will. We can tighten the hand to somebody who measures too dark way, but we cannot bring him back strength

  - We are going to keep fighting each others while in our heart, we just wish for a single thing, the peace? Resumed another inhabitant.

  - I am well afraid of it, answered Temba on a defeatist tone. It is the price of our redemption: eradicate once and for all the evil which eats away at the humanity. But no matter how. He is going to need to face, with the head up, and without feeling of hatred towards our aggressors. They are going to come to enslave us, and they will kill if it is necessary. From our part, we have to listen to our consciousness, we shall have to try to neutralize them, and not to end in their days. If needed, we shall capture some of them. We shall simply have to defend ourselves. It is thus necessary to show to them that the strength of mind is superior to the physical strength. Let us show them that we do not hate them and that we do not maintain resentment towards them in spite of their insidious acts. So, they will realize that their violence is useless, That they are in denial. Would not be more glorious victory against Ribardielli than to see him abandoned by his so-called soldiers? But to arrive at such a level, he is going to need to forgive them. Including all those who lied to you. What do you think about it? "

  The assistance remained stoical during a few moments. Citizens, very attentive to his words, were not used
that we ask them for their opinion. A feminine voice was listened:

  " I feel capable! The militiamen are considered as instruments. Even if they agree well to make the dirty work, I do not know ... They maybe need that we wake them too. Maybe we would have made as them for their place ... I do not know ... But I always tried to see the better there for the others.

  - Take revenge would not change the past anyway, pursued another voice. We would only be a cycle of endless vengeance starting. I personally lived the conflict Israëlo-Palestinien a few years ago, I do not want to relive such a period. At least, to Stambouli City, even if, apparently, we treated us, divided and used, us

  Lived up to there in peace. We have to protect it.

  - Even if we have to fight for it? A woman far off asked her.

  - Yes, even if we have to fight. But there will be pomegranates, rifles, appearances, anything of this kind. It will be another kind of battle ... "

  Edwin could not hold on sketching a smile. The public debate that attended surprised him. Temba was a talented speaker, he knew how to support the words when one needed and its body movements illustrated brilliantly his words. With few words, not only, he had managed to remove a bolt in the spirits of the inhabitants, but moreover, he had breathed into them a state of mind tinged with altruism and with condolence and deprived of aggressiveness. To crown it all, they discussed verbally between them. They were made the questions and the answers. Having said that, numerous militiamen had fainted in the nature but he did not doubt that Ribardielli would possess a robust strike force. Fight on equal terms would not be easy. Fortunately, Kerian and the others would come to bring them a reinforcement which could turn out decisive. It was simply necessary to hope that Stambouliens would not fail when they would be confronted with the first obstacle of size. Their enthusiasm was certainly comforting, but it was certainly to be tested severely. The value of a man does not judge itself in its intentions, but in its actions. To be in agreement with oneself, it is necessary to make so that its thoughts, its words and its acts are in perfect harmony. Edwin hoped that the inhabitants of the city realized the difficulty of the task which appeared at them and that they would be capable of going up to the end. He knew that those who would oppose them would not lose heart at the time of acting, it was necessary to show itself more determined that their opponents to hope to take away this challenge. The concerns which tormented him were caught up by the new questioning of the inhabitants. If they had been made at the idea of having to fight for gaining the freedom, they questioned from now on on what was once going to happen the ended battle.

  " And, what tells us that, if we manage to overcome Ribardielli, you will not try to take the power Temba?

  It was never my ambition. What will take place later is very simple. It will be necessary for us to learn to live. The men always had an inaccurate idea of the life. We have never considered its real value meaning of it fabulous present. So, we are going to make as the numerous survivors who are scattered on the surface of the Earth, worth knowing return to a simple and humble lifestyle among which the solidarity and the mutual aid are bases, Whether it is here or somewhere else. Here is all that I have to propose you. It can appear little for some, but believe in me, it represents a lot.

  So ended the debate between Temba and the population. Then, they got ready for the fight. Having consulted, Ieleana decided on the procedure. They decided to occupy the park Stambouli. Certainly, they were uncovered, but they could see where from the danger manages and to act accordingly. They could use the vegetation to conceal some of them. They decided to introduce the pregnant women, the children and the elderly under the scene. Finally, they posted certain men among the former militiamen in every entrance of the park to watch what would come from the outside. Ieleana had considered that to send the men the most experimented and most accustomed to master their faculties in first curtain established the obvious decision to set. Furthermore, she hoped secretly that certain militiamen would be embarrassed at the idea of being in confrontation first of all. Temba, Edwin, Carlos and Dario were in charge of managing the second curtain.

  Ribardielli breathed inside a sigh of relief when he saw Oliveira and his men arising from a branch. Even if, meanwhile, some men dressed in the green suit of the militia of Earth had come to support them, his patience towards the captain of Fire was about to wait for its limit threshold. The guy had certainly taken the time to think. He had had to well think of betraying him, what did not reassure him on the intentions. However, for the moment, his contribution could turn out crucial. After all, he had not bet on the support of Kharkiv, the number of men who was held in the face of him on this place exceeded its expectations. Oliveira had come join as high as Kharkiv, which made maneuver his

  Men to make way for those of Oliveira. Rows thus tightened.

  Natan attended the show since his observation post. He had not seen Eyal around. This one had had to manage to infiltrate before these men arrive. Natan had to champ at the bit and wait that they leave places. It is only at this moment that he rethought to the others. He had acted in soloist, it was not in mind of their company, the guilt began to consume him bitterly. Ieleana must not be either delighted. However, they had to continue from their part, he hoped that they had not left to his search. Far off, he perceived three men speaking in a small group while the militiamen waited to the guard to you. The red and the yellow dominated the range of present colors among the militiamen. The green and blue suits became more scarce . Natan deducts that from both men who discussed with the one who had to be undoubtedly general Ribardielli had to be leaders. Four colors. Red, yellow, blue, green. The colors of elements. He quickly made the link. If we aimed to be logical, there should be four leaders to discuss with this general. Apparently, they were not whole. The general had lost a part of his strengths. " Nothing is lost ", he says himself.

  Salina, Ayame, Yizrah and Jérémy moved forward almost blindly. They inspected carefully every alley in which they were going to make a commitment. It was not the moment be pinched by the patrol. Unlike Eyal and unlike Natan, they favored the caution to the speed. They eventually uncorked in the path resulting in the entrance of the governmental district. Ayame took the care of observing discreetly the surroundings. She saw the militia grouped in front of the portal. But especially, she noticed the presence of Natan on a roof, spying on the militiamen. She announced it in the others, to discuss together the attitude to be adopted. Yizrah felt certain dilemma, shared enter the concern which he fed towards his nephew and the vision objectifies of the situation. He thus preferred to stand back slightly and to trust the clear-sightedness of his partners. Certainly, he began to be familiar with Salina, but he knew in

  Sadden Jérémy and Ayame. However, he felt clearly that they had the pure heart. Salina suggested to help Natan and to make a diversion to be able to allow him to cross the portal, which did not activate the enthusiasm of Ayame and Jérémy, little inclined to involve their lives for Natan, and so to favor an individual instead of the collective. However, Jérémy wondered about the interactions which a diversion could arouse. If they managed to play guile and to amuse the militiamen in front of them, not only, they could offer an opportunity to Natan to confront with his brother, but they could also destabilize the machine woman serving in the militia before the serious things begin. However, such an action entailed risks, and it was necessary to limit them. He had seen at work what Ribardielli was capable. This being was consumed by the blackness. Salina tried to defend her cause to Ayame who did not take the same view. Their debate looked like the internal dilemma which tortured Yizrah. Suddenly, Jérémy put his hand on Ayame's arm.

  "Calm down, Ayame. I have a plan."

  Chapter 22: the Ambush

  The militiamen were held standing to attention, classified by elementary faction, captain Oliveira and Kharkiv were situated at the head of their regiments. Oliveira had got back the remaining militiamen of the faction Earth while Kharkiv had seen those some Wa
ter appointing in his strengths. These two regiments had been decreased from an appreciable amount, the hour had not come of appoint two new captains among them. On the other hand, battle that began an incredible opportunity to distinguish itself. Ribardielli did not doubt that among them, some people had to feed ambitions. However, he appreciated hardly this disorganization and this improvised rickety reorganization. His right hand began to tremble convulsively, what it tried to mask subtly by maintaining the arms stuck on the body. A part of the governmental district was destroyed, and this one would once be strongly exposed the launched battle. Precious information was kept at the governor and the members of the Management Board. Unfortunately, to take the power is the priority, and he could not especially delegate this kind of responsibility. Actually, he trusted no one. He should wait to be able to seize these documents, and especially, put them definitively shielded to anyone. Some smoke continued to rise in the sky. The chaos seemed to watch for him and his men. His instinct might take him by guts, mental sound persisted in being in denial and in spite of his powers to read the future, he was too much afraid of what he could find there, thus he tried hard to content himself with the present moment. The suspense of the end was only increasing his feeling of adrenalin.


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