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A New Era

Page 40

by Chris Red

  Chapter 24: a New start

  After the chaos, it was the order which began to take its course to Stambouli City. The ardent homes went out one after the other. Everybody, with the exception of some prisoners, got down to the task. The men of the forest carried by Kerian had contributed in a crucial way at the end of the fights, and they had naturally volunteered to help the citizens to recover. Among them was Joana. In the absence of Natan, Ieleana benefited from a friendly and unhoped-for shoulder to whom to entrust. Their rising friendship had been interrupted by imperatives going beyond their personal interests. However, the fate had offered them the possibility of finding themselves and strengthening this link. The face, up to there very concentrated by Ieleana started smiling a little when contacting her friend who, in spite of the state of the city, had not lost his cheerful nature. The eyes of Joana arose on a brown young woman wearing a multicolored dress. This one denoted in the landscape. She pointed at her and asked Ieleana if she knew her.

  " She is Ayame, she is a member of main craftsmen of the population awakening. I do not know her a lot for the moment, but she seems to be a sacred personality. "

  Ayame bustled to move fragments to return places cleaner, and especially, to save people taken in collapses. If she appreciated to show herself eccentric, when it was necessary to be serious, she knew how to answer present. Ayame was really someone reliable. While she tried hard to clean the zone, her frowned eyebrows and her look filled with determination were enough to illustrate her concentration. Ieleana thought of these men eager for ambitions who treated their fellow men without the slightest shame. None of them had established a model to be followed. Ayame had committed to the side of Temba, Carlos, Dario, Jérémy and Salina to fight against the illusion of comfort offered to the citizens. They had fought up to the end, and they cared more than ever about the fate of

  Other human beings. While scrutinizing Ayame really realized the kindness and the altruism which throned in hot place in the heart of the Phoenix members. They showed the example, in spite of the fight that they had to lead. she made no doubt that their spirit must be haunted by this massacre and no doubt that they had hoped to reach their purposes without passing by such ways. Unfortunately, it was sometimes necessary to fight on equal terms.

  " Ieleana? "

  Ieleana turned the head, Joana seemed embarrassed.

  " Excuse me, I was somewhere else. When the peace will have returned, I would present her to you.

  - I consider it good! "

  Ieleana apologized then went away a few moments, and bent against a section of wall which still held.

  "Is it OK?" asked Joana who worried.

  Ieleana shook the head to reassure her, dried himself the misted eyes then got up.

  " I believe that I am pregnant. "

  Temba roamed from now on on the place, attending to some useful activity. The precarious situation of prisoners being as it was, he tried to realize by himself the situation. Everybody bustled with autonomy, nobody required to receive from orders or from indications. Each dedicated himself to the tasks which seemed to him natural for him to realize. Temba wondered about the future of all these men and women. Their life, certainly comfortable, had been dictated up to there, it was necessary free to them of their acts. The fact that he and the other members of Phoenix played a decisive role in the liberation of the spirits did not have to guarantee them any authority. The moment had come to learn them to live by themselves and in harmony. They had hardly just released their spirit, they were going to be able to discover all area of the potential which this one received. But a detail seemed to him important, it would be better for them to leave this place. The planet was so vast and so many lands were good to set. The human beings could finally get from them everywhere on any place of the surface of the globe. He thought again about the era previous to the Apocalypse, to all these rules invented by

  Men who regulated the life on Earth and who did not exist anymore. There were no more nations, properties or brakes in the free circulation of the men around the world. He hoped well that the ultimate fief which had tried to republish the errors of the past was destroyed well and truly for good. A new Stambouli City should not emerge somewhere else. Having said that, when he reviewed places, he said to himself that the time will have to flow to savor completely this fresh smell of freedom. The blood and the death risked to soak their hearts for a while. All reason run away from this city. But when he risked observing a man of the forest, attending this proof of solidarity coming from perfect strangers who benefited from their own serenity and who had put him in danger to help other men, he felt having this conviction that a new era was finally about to hatch. He would remain more than to offer a decent grave to all those who had been killed in it disastrous in the daytime.

  Meanwhile, a flycar pierced the dark clouds which wrapped the city black smokes of which stretched until merge in the night darkness. Tomas, self-confident, turned darker without stopping. Kerian, Edwin and Natan seemed a little squeezed in the back and all not to share the same feeling for this first experience. Natan seemed to appreciate while Kerian stuck his nose on the window to try to take advantage at best of sensations of their flying vehicle got. From his part, Edwin meditated eyes closed to survive this nightmare. As for Jérémy, who was in outposts together with Tomas, he seemed more reserved. It does not matter, the machine began its descent and while the mist became blurred around them, Kerian was able to distinguish a plane surface surrounded by several rocky peaks on which Tomas had planned to land. Apparently, this place was frequented because he recognized two other identical devices to the one that transported them parked below. The contact with the ground was softly made thanks to Tomas, who turned out to be an experimented pilot, worried about his travelling companions and who did not wish to draw the attention on them.

  Edwin was the first one to be relieved to extricate himself from this vehicle. Of course, he had not become aware yet that he got ready to experiment an other shape of journey even more vertiginous. Tomas indicated a dark cavity which was a few meters away in front of them.

  " Well Tomas, it is there that our paths part, thanks to you for your precious help. I hope that we are soon going to see each other again ", announced Jérémy.

  The face of Tomas darkens, he did not share their desperate attempt to run after such an enemy without knowing where it would lead them. But he understood well that they did not have to have the choice. Kerian seemed amazed also, contrary to his other companions, he had not realized what yet what their acts implied. He had a thought of all the men of the forest. After all, they did not really need a leader. They were going to miss him. As well as his children, but from now on, these had increased well, they would take part actively in this New World.

  For his part, Natan knew in what he made a commitment, but to part from Tomas meant that it would be impossible from now on to go back. He thought of Eyal, Salina ... His instinct indicated him that it was necessary to dyke this threat. A single man can be enough to corrupt the others, as well as the world. The child who traveled the world naively in search of his disappeared brother had evaporated, a young man dedicated to fight for the others and to protect a world where men and women could live in peace had succeeded him. However, for it, there was a price to pay. Leave his close friends. Maybe not definitively. But he totally ignored when he would see them again.In any way, he seemed to be surrounded well. He stared at Kerian and at Edwin, he did not know how to give him some explanation, but he felt a profound well-being to be in their company, it was as if everything was written and as if they had to be together. He knew less Jérémy and he wondered why he was so much anxious to accompany them, but he had showed a lot of courage and intelligence so far. He seemed to share the same principles as them. Anyway, to dissuade him would be impolite and inopportune, Jérémy was the best placed to decide his fate.

  It is what we name the free will, the faculty ofevery individual to make his own decisions. Jérémy did not
post the slightest sign of hesitation in his attitude. Nevertheless, to leave Temba, Ayame, Carlos and Dario did not have to look easy. Besides, without warning them.

  To tell the truth, Jérémy was going to regret, first of all, cigarettes and alcohol, two possible defects in Stambouli City, where he could not certainly enjoy any more. As for Edwin, he felt good. He had always dreamed about adventure and about unknown during his man's life before the Apocalypse. Dark thoughts had sometimes shown themselves during evenings of depression, but he had always known how to see the real sense of the life. The hope of a different world had never disappeared. Millions of people died during the Apocalypse, and nevertheless, in spite of this tragedy, this day was the beginning of a new era. Edwin found himself in the side of brave men, delighted by the prospect to spend his days trying to protect the humanity and to allow him to appear finally as a full close species, and removed from all his superficial concerns which divided formerly the men.

  Nevertheless, each of them felt these fright stage which watches for every man who dashes by chance. Kerian was not able to refrain from giving an embrace to Tomas, a man whom he hardly knew. So, the water, the earth and the fire felt a bit obliged to act also. Although, it wasn’t not disturbing Natan that much and it amused Edwin. The only one troubled was Jérémy who troubled himself a few about the modesty. But he gave in nevertheless. Tomas went away, assuring them before turning the back on them, that he would announce the nobility of their act and their courage, and that he would make sure personally that everybody waits impatiently for their return.

  Then, the black of the tunnel while sinking in limbo of the mountain which buries them. Jérémy, who understood better that whatever the mysteries of the earth, succeeded in moving forward without fear in the twilight. However, the light of the flame supplied by Natan was not of excess to enlighten Edwin and Kerian. Now that they left, several questions tapped them. If a flycar belonged to Eyal, to whom belonged

  The second? With whom had Salina left? Eyal? Or other unknown? Where did they go? Would they see this world again?

  Arrived in front of the door of stars, a last doubt seized them. They contemplated silently this building.It was in very good state, the only one of the dust came to tarnish its brightness.It raised a delicious purple color for eyes. Unknown symbols, certainly the last vestiges of an antique language, strewed the outline of the door of rounded shape. In its center, a veil slightly flouté prevented from seeing the wall situated behind the door. Their looks looked mutually to themselves. None of them dared to pronounce the slightest word. This moment seemed particular. Nobody could steal them or share this undefinable felt. The only way to find answers to their questioning consisted in crossing this door. Before them, three people had dared the unthinkable. The first one was Eyal Turdan. This one wished to leave this world where he did not feel comfortable for another than he would try to shape in his own way, just like what the one who tried that he considered as his father. Then, it was the tour of captain Kharkov and Salina to use this portal, that had been abandoned during several millenniums. In the difference near that Salina did not master her own body any more.

  They were held all at the same height in front of the door. Natan decided to break the ice, determined ,advanced to the door,. He closed eyes, he thought of Ieleana, Yizrah, Temba, the Jalalah, Aaron family, the men of the forest, and all the others . Before launching, he decided to venture on something of which the fire was capable. He put the hand on the edge of the stellar door to try to see what had become enraged before them. He was suddenly taken by a torrent of flashes and collapsed at the end for a few seconds. When he regained consciousness, his three companions surrounded him.

  " Eyal just left. Then, Salina followed him. She was accompanied by a militiaman who wore a yellow and white suit ... Something else, I saw the door bustling. It is strange, it looks like nobody was present when it became functional. "

  Others agreed. They did not have much to say. The truth was beyond this door. However, they left a few moments of respite with Natan to get over the commotion. From his part, he still had the spirit misted by what he had seen, he had not told everything to them. He had believed to see the last person to use this door, very long ago ... Anyway, he did not see the importance. When he was set right again, Natan was the first one to approach the door. He was as magnetized by it, the right hand raised itself forward and looked for it with the fingertips. He was the first one to appear in front of it, and to feel sucked up in a sort of spatiotemporal tunnel. Kerian was the following one. Then Edwin. And finally, Jérémy.

  Jérémy recognized the feeling that he had experienced when he had used a teleporter. It was about the same principle. Suddenly, he felt thrown forward and banged on the ground. He rubbed himself the head. Apparently, it was not unfortunate to feel the contact of the earth. Jérémy observed around him and perceived Natan, Kerian and Edwin, who, in view of their surly appearance, had lived the same experience(experiment). Suddenly, the pain increased terribly in the already painful skulls by the landing. They took themselves all the head in two hands and held on banging the head against the wall. Suddenly, their troubles stopped and a soft voice addressed them:

  " Welcome to Akator. We waited for you. "

  To be continued...


  This first novel represented for me a long adventure. Certain people accompanied me and supported all the way, others only in a episodic way, but I have a thought for every person who encouraged me and helped to pursue my work. Nothing would have been possible without my brother, who tempted me to create my personal work and who encouraged me at the very beginning having reread the beginnings of the novel. My partner, Hélène, also showed a support and a precious help for all these long months, she contributed actively by her advice and by her confidence to the design of this novel. I thank them largely for it. Certain people did not participate directly, but helped me by their support and their presence, Mika, Sophie, Cyril, Pascal, David, my in-laws, my parents, and I ask to those that I do not mention to forgive myself. There are certain people who reviewed me and encouraged, at the very beginning, that I do not forget and that I am anxious to quote: Nelly, Bab ' and Claire. And, I thank beforehand the readers who will have trusted me by deciding to plunge into this novel. Finally, I invite you to discover my universe on the site where you will be kept informed about the publication of the next volumes, among other things.


  Ahmed Jalalah: the founder of the Jalalah community. Lives with Ilhâm, his wife, and his daughter Farah,.

  Natan Turdan: messenger of the Fire.

  Yizrah Turdan: the uncle of Natan, element of the water.

  Aaliyah Turdan: mother of Natan and Eyal.

  Jacko: innkeeper of Jameston.

  Alec: member of the Jameston community who shelters Aaron.

  Aaron: an old man met at Jameston by Yizrah and Natan. He is the grandfather of Salina.

  Ieleana: Natan’s partner , element of the water.

  Salina: member of the Phoenix group and granddaughter of Aaron, element of the fire.

  Temba: leader of the Phoenix group, element of the water.

  Ayame: member of the Phoenix group, element of the air.

  Carlos: member of the Phoenix group, element of the fire.

  Dario: member of the Phoenix group, element of the water.

  Jérémy: member of the Phoenix group and messenger of the Earth.

  Kerian The Breton: inhabitant of the forest and the messenger of the Air.

  Sarah: woman of Kerian before the Apocalypse.

  Lucas and Matthias: son of Kerian.

  Edwin Peters: inhabitant of the forest and the messenger of the Water.

  Joana: inhabitant of the forest, the element of the water.

  Lazarus Stambouli: governor of Stambouli City, element of the air.

  Michele Ribardielli: general of the militia of Stambouli City, element of the fire.

  Sofia: partn
er of Michele Ribardielli before the Apocalypse, the element of the water.

  Valeri Kharkov: captain of the faction Air, element of the air.

  Pat Khan: captain of the faction Earth, element of the earth.

  Fernando Allegro: captain of the faction Water, element of the water.

  Oliveira: captain of the faction Fire, element of the fire.

  Pedro Almeria: militiaman, element of the air.

  Jesus Gutierrez: militiaman, element of the water.

  Alfonso Navarro: militiaman, element of the earth.

  Pablo Farina: militiaman, element of the fire.

  Umberto Regazzi: militiaman and lover of Ayame, element of the earth.

  Boris Bender: militiaman, element of the fire.

  Tomas: militiaman, element of the air.

  Günther: militiaman, element of the earth.

  Eyal Turdan: brother of Natan Turdan, element of the water.























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