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A New Era

Page 39

by Chris Red

  When Kerian and his men found the entrance of the tunnel leading to Stambouli, they noticed that they left. At least, he was not kept. On the other hand, they made four unexpected prisoners which seemed to run away in secret. Seen their clothes, Kerian considered that they had to be members of the cheese-topped dish of the city of Stambouli. It was not few to say actually, it was a question no more and no less only the members of the Management Board. They were lashed as sausages

  And resumed the road towards their beloved city. A little greying time which had accompanied Kerian and the men of the forest was replaced at their tunnel’s exit by a blackish and threatening sky. Certainly, the twilight had fallen, but an unhealthy blackness seemed to get free of clouds which could be distinguished at this moment of the night. Orange, pink and red nuances were reflected by places. Instinctively, they understood(included) that it indicated to them where to go.You should not lose time.The first one thought of Kerian went to his friend Edwin. Unconsciously, he knew that he was alive, he felt his presence, but he could not prevent him from being worried. Kerian led men's convoy, he gave them the direction and they followed him with a blind confidence. They might discover places, crash of stones which collided walls resounded more and more hardly. The heat of places became also more and more oppressive.

  Finally, they tumbled in the alley where the final confrontation had begun. They rushed in the direction of the place. Captain Oliveira and Kharkiv were distraught when they attended upon the arrival of what seemed to be other rebels. The men of the forest understood fast who was their enemy in view of their military suits. The despair and the doubt resumed brutally place in mind of the militiamen. Edwin and Kerian exchanged a brief look, but the hour of peaceful reunions had not come yet.

  The mess reigned, even if the violence of the confrontations began to decline. Some were burned by the fire, others felt the effects of stones disrupting members or smashing bones, the effects of the water and the air not being the slightest also. The militiamen moved back gradually and collapsed one after the other. It is this moment which chooses Ribardielli to appear right in the heart of the place. Nobody realized from where he had sprung. In a killing frenzy, he threw a series of fireballs against the rebels, trying to galvanize his troops, but especially, because he did not simply accept the defeat. The despair led him. quickly he found himself surrounded, the fire, the air, the water and the earth struck him successively. The fallen general collapsed, feeling

  The calcined skin and some blood flow in various places of his body, then he showed a clean pair of heels. Ribardielli was not fast well, he has to crawl. However, the poignant of his conduct did not incite the rebels to pursue it, nor the soldiers to pursue the fight. The militiamen, without having consulted beforehand, knelt down and raised their arms in the air, by way of surrender. The rebels were unanimously relieved by this unhoped-for outcome.

  An almost rough silence fell again. The survivors had look to see who still stood, and who was not. Everybody thought first of all of his close friends. But each took the care of drawing up the balance sheet. Scattered flames lit the cloudy sky. Roofs burned, in other places, ashes stopped wasting away. Fragments of rocks furnished alleys the closest to the place. Walls found themselves as boned, deprived of stony blocks, and we could see through of what remained houses in the surroundings. Everybody or almost seemed unhurt. The loss of Yizrah would soon would been officialized, good that no death should be to regret with regard to the others. The human beings are born and die free and equal. Having said that, two other absences would soon be noticed, those of captain Kharkov and Salina. Indeed, while general Ribardielli became ruined, the captain made a fast decision. He decided to infiltrate by a gaping hole situated in the middle of the portal, the result of the incidents of the evening. However, Salina wanted to intervene. Without hesitating, he took him with her. Exhausted nervously and physically continuation at the end of the last events, Salina did not anticipate the punch in the stomach which got away to her the breath. The captain took her with him, in the direction of the garage sub-ground. Kharkiv was such the wind, sometimes circling and fickle. He always saw the positive and negative aspects, so, while the fight had scolded, he had planned how to act, in case of victory and in case of defeat. The idea to become war prisoner enchanted him hardly. So, he had thought of a backup plan. He had moreover the surprise to notice that a place of flycar was deserted. Kharkiv had the presentiment that he was not the only one to resort to this alternative. He thought of the captain

  Oliveira, then swept this idea. He was always present on the battlefield as he had made off. Anyway, it doesn’t mattered much.

  After a few moments of torpor on the place which was the theater of terrible confrontations, a permanent agitation succeeded the peace. Ieleana had been responsible to lead the operation which consisted in cleaning the place. The men who had died were transported in a corner, while the wounded persons were arranged on the other side. Numerous elements of the water came to lavish their care, mainly to relieve burns and bruises. Of course, Ieleana did not differentiate the civil victims of those of the militia. Only a man made an exception to this special treatment, captain Oliveira. His suitof immediate superior betrays him and it was quickly surrounded. Furious, but lucid on his chances of survival if he obeyed, the captain showed himself docile. He noticed the absence of captain Kharkov, but in spite of an irritating jealousy, did not try to betray him. Edwin and Kerian inspected together neighborhood, in search of Yizrah. Unfortunately, when they met Jérémy and Ayame, and after Edwin had proceeded to the presentations, they learnt that they had lost him during the trap to help Natan to go to meet his brother. The body was moreover found in rubble of a low wall which had, partially, collapsed on him.

  Unfortunately, nobody could allow for the moment to show his sorrow. Edwin wondered about the necessity of going that way there. Men well had died. Why? For whom? He thought again about the deceptive manipulation of the human beings by others power-hungry, by ambition, by wealth ... A man, by himself, fed this faculty to influence the fate of his walk-ons, that it is for the better or for the worse. In the eyes of Edwin, it seemed to him terrible. He hoped that most hard was finished and that the survivors could finally live in harmony, and in agreement with themselves. The best solution would certainly consist in leaving the city and in building up to himself a new future somewhere else. Then, he thought of Natan. Apparently, this one had escaped the battle, he decided with Kerian to go to inspect the residence of the governor. Jérémy surprised them in

  Suggesting joining them. From his part, Ayame left helping Ieleana, who showed organizer's undeniable qualities. She delegated and ran around. Slowly, but certainly, she succeeded in restoring certain order among the victims Carlos and Dario, due to their physical abilities, turned out to be a precious help. They examined every alley and returned on the shoulders the wounded persons met along the way. The bewilderment invades them when they perceived a group of men gathered at the bottom of an alley. They got closer to bring their help, but also to be of course not to have made a mistake. No, they did not have a distorted view. They found former new general Fernando Allegro, on the ground, dying, surrounded with four men, with men whom they had faced not so long ago, Jesus Gutierrez, Alfonso Navarro, Pablo Farina and Pedro Almeria. At this moment, they were not any more right to consider them as enemies. The military uniform of Allegro had wasted away largely burned by the fire, in the same way as the skin, the blood flowed, the pale face, fatigued, was enough, by himself, not to feel any more the slightest resentment on its subject. A strong link seemed to unite his men. They decided to respect their intimacy and to withdraw to give strong hand to people who could be also saved.

  Temba did not show either a feeling of victory very happy, the relief corresponded best to what he could feel. Nevertheless, he had to resolve to organize what delighted him hardly, worth knowing, to offer a cell to the war prisoners. He did not like too much the idea to keep captives, it seemed against the pr
inciples and against his speeches, but for the moment, he had no choice. It was necessary to guarantee the safety of the whole population before being able to grant the forgiveness and the confidence to those who had contributed to treat their fellow man. So, captain Oliveira found himself locked and lashed with at least unusual companions: the members of the Management Board. He felt nothing more that of the contempt against them, they had dashed off as wimps. To tell the truth, since the birth of Stambouli City, they had contented with pulling the strings behind the scenes without ever showing courage.

  However, this fate was not for all the militiamen, only for those considered as real threats. To tell the truth, numerous soldiers denied their servicemen's splendors and are mirrored at the disposal of Temba and at the disposal of Ieleana. The regret and the shame were perceptible on the face of a great majority of them. But the hour had not come of blame them. From this day, they will realize that they will have to redeem themselves first of all with themselves. It was not always easy to forgive oneself. It would represent a difficult exercise for these men.

  When Edwin, Kerian and Jérémy entered the residence of the governor, they faced Natan lengthened on the ground, who seemed as death. However, Edwin felt his presence. For sure, the life had not left him. They rushed spontaneously on his meeting. Kerian rushed to feel his pulse and confirmed that his heart still beat. Jérémy asked Kerian to move away.

  "In these cases, if you want my opinion, you should not beat about the bush there", announced Jérémy before slapping twice Natan.

  Surprised and sounded by the slaps which he had received, Natan opened eyes and had a backlash, but came up against carry of the elevator. He observed three faces which scrutinized him. Not only he was amazed to recognize Kerian, but he was stunned to see him together with Jérémy.

  "Then, slept well?" Questioned him Kerian by smiling.

  Natan rubbed himself the back of the skull, he felt a strong pain, and felt a little bit migrainous.

  "More or less, he answered. I remained unconscious for a long time? - good question, answered Edwin. Unfortunately, we are incapable to supply you an answer. On the other hand, the battle is ended. Thus I presume that you stayed in this state a long moment."

  In spite of his fatigue, Natan tried to get up.

  "Did you see Eyal?

  - No, but you know, there is some more of victims to identify. It is not impossible that ...

  No, you would amaze me that you find his corpse. He did not wish to participate in this conflict, he only wished to run away. For another world ...

  - Another world? Repeated Kerian opened wide eyes.

  - I see about what he speaks. When we spied on the militia through a militiaman, the rumor ran among them that a door of stars had been dug up following excavations. The militiamen ignored his utility, but I understood at once, I think that it is about a door which connects our world to an other one, explained Jérémy.

  - If I understood well, he wishes to republish over there what was built here. Become the leader of another civilization.

  - It is absurd, cried out Edwin. He ignores everything of what he can find over there. He does not think about the consequences of his acts.

  - We have to stop him, asserted Natan. We cannot let him act with impunity. Imagine that he succeeds and that he returns one day with an army ... I rave maybe, but I felt the evil in him, he admitted, the face saddened by the sorrow.

  - We could destroy this door after his passage, suggested Kerian.

  - But it would not be just for this civilization which could meet him. What he wishes to carry out could turn out devastating for them as for us ", disputed Natan.

  Suddenly, Natan began staggering and looked for the wall of the right hand to calm down. He was held the face of the other hand. He had a vision. He confessed to his friends to have seen Salina walking in a tunnel under the earth. She followed the orders of a man who followed her, but among which the face and the identity were not confirmed. All that he was able to confirm, it was Salina's vision advancing inside the door of stars, and to disappear. Jérémy bubbled with anger in the idea that he can hurt Salina.

  " Jérémy, do you know the way? Edwin asked him.

  - No. However, I think that somebody could help us. It is enough to find an ex-militiaman who was allocated to the transport of the troops in this sector.

  - I hope that you realize that the visions always come true. It means that he is going to need that we go where goes Salina, warned Edwin.

  - We have no choice. Let us hurry, we have no moment to be lost! " Roared Natan.

  Kerian took him literally and rushed towards the door, followed by Natan then by Jérémy. Edwin enclosed the walking and muttered to himself:

  " The air, the fire, the earth and the water ... "

  Arrived outside, Jérémy took the initiative and guided them in the direction of the place of the creation. Once in this place, Jérémy perceived Carlos and Dario who made the shuttle to help the wounded persons. He explained them that they looked for a militiaman allocated to the transport of the troops. Both giants explained him that Tomas, a former militiaman, who had shown himself very active during the revolt, could help them and what it turned out around the factory of Stambouli, where violent confrontations had taken place. While they left to his search, Natan remembered himself this moment. He saw him while he had already saw him. He turned the head while they passed in front of an alley, and suddenly, he saw Ribardielli, knelt down, stained with blood, carrying a woman in the arms, were dying. She was brown, endowed with blue eyes which seemed empty, as switched off. In her lifetime, they had to enlighten a very harmonious face. Unfortunately, the sweetness of this being had fainted. In the biggest displeasure of the one who loved her. Ribardielli sobbed in hot tears. These got involved in his own blood and in that of his soul sister. The confusion took him. He had an empty look in front of him, as if he was blind. he became prisoner of the madness. Suddenly, he roared:


  Edwin, Kerian and Jérémy stared at Natan, at too disturbed by it morbid show. Having no time to lose, they resumed( their walking. The vision of Ribardielli reminded Natan the existences of Ieleana and Yizrah. He had them a little

  Abandoned and a ball squezed him the stomach. Nevertheless, his thoughts were interrupted. While they approached the factory, a violent explosion surprised them and threw them violently on the ground. By recovering, the eyes noticed that flames and smoke which resulted from the factory indicated that this one had also had to be a victim of the battle. They got up and hurried to penetrate inside the industrial perimeter.

  Jérémy recognized the man whom they looked for, he was dressed in a pants of militiaman and a white T-shirt, drilled in several places letting glimpse some deep burns. Jérémy hurried up to help him to get up. He appeared under the name of Tomas. He confirmed the statements of Carlos and Dario. Better still, he had already gone on the site of excavations where the door had been dug up. He suggested naturally carrying everybody. Ironically, the small squad had to retrace his steps in the direction of the barracks. Natan took advantage of it to get closer to Jérémy and ask about news of his most expensive two beings. Jérémy confirmed him that Ieleana went very well and that she participated actively in the care of the victims whereas Yizrah had disappeared in the confusion of the riots. The sadness and the concern displayed on the face of Natan. Jérémy did not find the courage to announce him the terrible piece of news in such conditions.

  Tomas opened them the way, he took them to the entrance of the garage sub-ground. An opening had been dug in the ground, giving the way to a staircase sinking underground. A metallic wall prevented from moving forward more Tomas went to the right-hand side of the wall and put the hand in a very precise place, a section of wall of some centimeters crumbled off to give way to a monitor screen requiring a password. A red diode shone on the left-hand side of the screen. Suddenly, it turned to green, then the wall which blocked the passage split into
two and two panels moved out to open them the way. The scene occurred without showing the slightest grating. All were stunned, nevertheless, at inventions realized under the aegis of governor Lazarus Stambouli. Tomas invited them to penetrate inside. Several flycars throned in a vast shed of which the lighting

  Set off automatically after the system detected their presence. Tomas noticed immediately that flycars two were missing. Hewent to Flycar planned to welcome four people indicating them that they should squeeze up. Tomas sat down instead of the pilot, he put the two hands on two small silvery balls situated on each side by the seat then he closed his eyelids on the eyes. A roof opened over the heads, then they felt the machine lifting itself up. They understood that Tomas controlled the flycar by his thought. They transfer to rise in the sky and enjoyed an unstoppable view on the city in the grip of flames. The extent of damage seemed more impressive than what they could imagine. But Tomas did not leave them the time to savor the panorama, he took them straight ahead towards the mountain range surrounding the city.


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