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The Cleansing

Page 36

by Shane Crosby

“Man, they were talking about women.”

  “Women, okay, they were selling........women?”


  “Yes! Selling women!”

  “For what?”

  “What do you think?”



  “In the twenty first century? What, is this some kind of bad ass joke, Dub?”

  “Man, I wish it was. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some pretty bad shit. Nothing compares to this. I just felt dirty. Oh yeah, they’re going to send coordinates to the next meeting by courier.”

  “Are you going?”

  “I have to don’t I? The more we see the more we can get on Popovich the junior.”

  “I don’t know about the next one.”


  “They were all giddy about the product.”

  “What are they selling at that meeting?”

  “The product is less aged.”

  “Less aged?”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine. I’m guessing younger women.”

  “Younger women or girls?”

  “If there are young girls there I’ll struggle to maintain my composure.”

  “Don’t lose your cover. We can’t help you and even if we were there we’d be out numbered.”

  “You have to stay cool so you can live to fight another day, remember?”


  “If you don’t think you can do this you need to stay here.”

  “I can do it, but I need a break in between.”

  “Dub, if you’re having doubts about remaining calm and being a spectator we need to pack it up and find another way.”

  “I can do it.”

  “Wow! You have to admire the guy. The way he set this up, law enforcement would never catch on.”

  “Right, we couldn’t remove anything from the meeting. They searched us during the meeting and before we left.”

  “We need to talk to J to get some equipment that can bypass their protection system and record.”

  “I know the CIA has something that can help us.”

  “I know this is switching topics but, Trevor called and they have some stuff going on there.”

  “On their way to the cousin’s house, there was an explosion. When they got to the house it was all over.”


  “Yes. They blew up the neighborhood just to kill one person.”

  “Damn! I think whomever these people are they’re killing people off who are linked to this crazy case we’ve caught.”

  “We’re always coming up short because they know who can hurt them. By the time we find them they’re already scratched off the kill list.”

  “Yeah, man. There was only a fifty percent chance we could be killed now there’s a one hundred percent chance we will be killed.”

  “We only have a few lives left. And at least one of those is on life support.”

  “Let’s regroup at home and figure out our next move.”

  “Sounds like the best option for now.”





  The startling revelation that we’d stumbled upon some sort of sex operation still had me off balance. Of everything I’ve seen, this was something I just couldn’t get a grip on. The elaborate detail and flawless planning repulsed and impressed me. The fact that it impressed me on some levels repulsed me more. I was in awe of how they were doing this right under the intelligence community’s noses. All of these countries boasting about their state of the art technology. Pulling it out in front of the other any chance they get. Battling about whose is bigger, longer and stronger and there’s one man who has beaten them all. No one would have ever guessed anything like this could be possible, but I’m a living witness to its existence.

  When we returned home, as usual, I feel relieved. Whenever we leave this place, they go out of their way to let us know they’re still watching. The fact that they haven’t killed us yet, let’s me know that they’re sending us a message that they have our longevity in their hands. Just as easily as they blew up that block in Florida, they could’ve waited until Trevor and Don were inside and done the same thing. They know they’re ahead where they’ve been since the beginning. They’re letting us know we’re no threat to them. But, my comment to them would be, read the story in the Bible about David and Goliath. Threats come in all shapes and sizes. The smaller they appear, the more determined they are to destroy you.

  Jared Morgan calling.....


  “Hey Dub.”

  “How’s it hanging little brother?

  “Low, how ‘bout you?”


  “I called to make sure everything went ok in Dubai.”

  “I’m upright so you know it’s all good.”

  Jared started to laugh slightly. “Hey, I want to let you know Tariq Akbar’s fingerprints were ran by your new friends. Everything came back accurate, no problems.”

  “Good. Have you found anything on the little boy, Jaheeb? Is he real? What about Miriam?”

  “I haven’t on either. My contact in Afghanistan is looking for his birth certificate, the mom, the family and will send a copy when he locates it. If he can find a family member to confirm it we’ll have something bordering on concrete. If he has a birth certificate, he’s real. We need a picture to corroborate what the old man told you in Sweden. Miriam, nothing. I don’t even know where to look. PPV Industries is not yielding anything regarding her. But, I don’t give up easily.”

  “I know you don’t. I believe him, though, Stravosky. We just need a picture from the CIA or your contact in Afghanistan to go forward. Locating a birth certificate in that name could be anyone. We need the mother’s name.”

  “I agree with you. We need the mother. He’ll come through. I’ve used him before, never been disappointed. What’s your next move on Popovich? I sure would like to get him, Dub.”

  “You and me both.”

  “What happened with the Florida info?”

  “They didn’t tell you?”

  “Not everything. We lost another lead I know that much.”

  “The house exploded while we were a few blocks away. They were heros. The police Department thanked them and everything. They pulled people to safety all day.”

  “Wow! I’m jealous.”

  “Don’t be. It was all in a day’s work.”

  “Soldiers never get any thanks for putting their lives on the line so them saying thank you must have meant a lot.”

  “It did. I think they felt super-sized!”

  “I can imagine. But I still can’t help but wonder, how do they know what we’re doing before we do it? “

  “Don’t know exactly.”

  “Can you find this Gerhardt Richter’s family? The children? Their names would help. The cousins weren’t hiding so they were easy.”

  “The kids, I’m sure I can find them. The file the Attorney General gave me access to should have something in there to steer me in the right direction. I’ll keep digging and let you know. You’re going to get me fired. I just got this promotion. I just want to throw that in.”

  I laughed “You’re not going to lose your job, your life, a definite possibility but not your job.”

  “Funny, bro, real funny. Don’t ever work on a suicide hotline, okay.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement. I’m gone.”

  “Love you, bro.”





  Mase, Dub, Don, Trevor, Scott


  For this meeting, I’d prepared myself for what I could possibly see. If I expected to walk out of there as I entered.

  Russian has always been a particularly nasty county when it comes to anything crimi
nal. Any kind of international crime you can find in this part of the world. To me, these people are as well versed on right and wrong. All they see is survival and if it’s a way for them to make it until the next day, they’ll do it at your expense.

  Sense Russia is so notorious and not in any way that’s good, all of my brothers are coming with me on this trip. I can’t say I’m not happy they’ll be accompanying me. I need the motivation and support.

  J found a way to record the goings on inside of the venue. I couldn’t come up with any excuses. I had to endure another meeting from beginning to end.

  After we arrived at our hotel, we put our things down unpacked showered and went sightseeing like any other normal tourist. We filled up on the local food, took pictures purchased souvenirs, just like we were normal people and it felt good, too. We took our time and soaked it all in because tomorrow we’ll turn back into a pumpkin.

  “Dub, are you prepared for the meeting tomorrow?”

  “Hell no. Unless you’re a demented fuck like they are you could never prepare enough to see what you’re going to be witnessing there. You should be happy you can’t see it.”

  “Your description isn’t accurate enough? We still don’t have a clear picture?”

  “I’m telling you, I’ve done some things in the name of justice and liberty that would send me to hell on a speeding missile. The devil would probably send me back because things I’ve done would shame him. What’s going on in there is worse than anything I’ve ever done in the decades I’ve been a field operative.”

  “I’m glad you have to go alone.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “You might ask me to go and then we’d both be sitting on the same shrink’s couch. I’d rather be the cheerleader for this leg of our excursion.”

  “Way to watch my six, bro.”

  “Hey, I’m a team player.”

  “There’s no hope for you.”

  The rest of us left the room. Mase starts looking around the room.

  “What’d I say?”



  Jared Morgan calling...


  “Dub, it’s J.”

  “What’s the word, little brother?”

  “I have more than one.”


  “Yes. I haven’t found the names of the children, yet. The CIA has a file on the family, but the bastards listed initials, no complete names. There’s an infant and nothing is listed for him. No initials; nothing. I only have an old black and white picture. The children were all born before they arrived here. The old man was right. They were all born in Russia. None of the kids have become citizens, that I can tell. It looks like they were in New York and then Florida. I have an operative in Russia. I have the mother’s name and father so retrieving a birth certificate shouldn’t be impossible. Since the baby has no information, I asked my contact to just see if they can find six birth certificates with the same parent’s name. I don’t know if we’ll be successful in locating the baby’s identity. He arrived as a newborn. He could be anywhere and anybody.”

  “I knew it couldn’t be easy. Don’t give up, J. You can think of something. You’ve always been able to come up with a solution. Now isn’t any different.”

  “Glad you think so.”

  “I know so, little brother.”

  “Tomorrow night, you’re to meet Alexi. Do you still have the location?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, he’ll give you the documents. It should be the birth certificates of all of the children, including the last child.”

  “We’ll have a name for him, but I’ll bet that’s not still his name.”

  “I can guarantee you it isn’t. But, one block at a time.”

  “Seems like we’re never going to finish this house.”

  “You will.”

  “Glad you think so.”

  “I know so. You guys can do it. I’ll help in any way that I can.”


  “I’ll call you when I have something.”

  “I know you will, have something that is.”

  “Thanks for the vote, bro.”


  “Love you, bro.”







  I walked into another meeting and the scene was the same. Except now, the material things around me didn’t impress me. It was no longer a beautiful image and these were no longer beautiful people. I was no longer impressed by what Popovich is passing off as elegant. It's just a room full of lecherous old men looking to twist and poison the minds of these little girls. Using them for their pleasure and gratification. Any resemblance of a normal teenage life has been stolen from them in the most depraved way imaginable. It's difficult for me to converse with anyone here without vomiting in my mouth. Each time someone approaches me to engage in conversation I have to fight to keep the bile from coming up in my throat.

  The meeting started like the last one. There was one glaring difference. The crowd was worked up with excitement at the night's product offering and it was almost double the amount of people. It was loud, too. Loud like the last game of the NCAA finals and both teams are ranked number one, one minute on the shot clock and the score is tied.

  The same gentleman as before came out on stage to signal to us that they were ready to begin. I took my seat at my assigned table and tried to remember the number to the therapist I’ll be needing after this is over.

  About a half and our into me needing to collect references for a good head shrink, a man walked out on stage to being the night’s bidding.

  “Hello gentlemen and some ladies. We have for you tonight a fresh product offering. We know you’ll like these products. The prices for tonight’s auction will be a bit more than usual. This is because of the freshness of what’s being offered tonight. But, it’s well worth the increase. We’re certain you’ll agree.”

  “The first product available is fifteen years old. She's a virgin. The price is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars additional. She is inexperienced. So, this should make you all very happy. Never done anal so you can break her in. She's dirty blonde five feet six inches one hundred and twenty pounds. Her teeth aren't perfectly straight but they aren't crooked. She will walk around for you to take a better look. Please do not touch. We want you to be very excited before the auction. This way, we get more money out of you.” He says with a crooked smile. The building erupts into laughter.

  Since this product offering was so largely anticipated, they didn’t hold back on the production. The stage started to move around the room to show off the product. The men were hollering hooting and whistling. This was worse than a room full of women at a male strip club. I tried hard not to show the disgust I was feeling, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. After the stage went around the room everyone was feverishly writing down their bids and talking amongst themselves about how much this young girl was worth. I knew it. Sleepless nights and days on some shrink’s couch are in my near future.


  The product showcase went on for about an hour, this was done to get everyone riled up, horny and salivating at the mouth. They did a very great job at it, too. I still have to give them their credit. They are very well versed in depravity.

  After the product showcase was over, the same gentleman came back out onto the stage to let us know the auction was ready to begin.

  “Since we see your anticipation to have this young tender and untouched piece of merchandise, we’ve increased the starting bid. Bidding will begin at five hundred thousand.”

  “Do I hear five hundred thousand? I see you in the corner.”

  “Can I get five twenty-five? Five twenty-five thank you. Five fifty?”

  “Five fifty in middle.”

  “Now the bid is five seventy-five can I get five se
venty five. I see five seventy-five in the back.”

  “Six hundred and fifty thousand.”

  “Nice! Six hundred and fifty thousand is now the bid. Going once going twice.”

  “Seven hundred thousand!”

  “Seven hundred thousand is now the bid.”

  “Can I get seven fifty? Come on seven fifty this is a beautiful piece of merchandise. You won't be disappointed. Never touched.”

  “Nine hundred thousand!”

  The crowd erupted. Yells and whistles in celebration of the bid rattles the ceiling and shakes the walls. They were celebrating so loudly, you couldn’t hear yourself think.

  “The bid is now nine hundred thousand can I get nine twenty five?”

  “Nine twenty five!”

  “Nine twenty five on the side.”

  “One million dollars!!”

  “I hear one million dollars in the back!”

  More cheering and clapping commenced. This went on for more than an hour, there were men arguing about bidding on the product. Security had to break up several fights because me were climbing over each other trying to touch her. At the end of the bidding this little fifteen year old brought almost two million dollars. The worst part, as if there could be anything worse, the buyer was so excited with his purchase; he wanted to try it out right then. He was shown to a room and charged an additional one hundred thousand dollars to try after you buy. I just wanted to leave. My flesh started to crawl. I wanted to take a wire brush to scrub all of my skin off.

  Because the product offering was so pristine the auction lasted longer than the last one. We didn't leave until almost noon the next day. I want to do something to help these girls, but, I’m out numbered. It would be a fate worse than death. In the end what would I have solved anyway? They would still be sold or possibly killed for my interference. Of course, for some, death might be welcomed.

  Before we were escorted out of the venue, one of the organizers approached me.

  “Hello Tariq. Why didn't you purchase anything?”

  I didn't answer I just stood there and smiled. I started speaking to him in Arabic. It was then he realized I would need an interpreter.

  “Oh, excuse me.”

  He called my shadow for the night, my interpreter over to where we were standing. I explained that I hadn't seen anything to my liking. He wasn't accepting this explanation and told me he expected me to make a purchase the next meeting. I explained that I would if I see anything I like. He smiled and walked away.


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