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The Cleansing

Page 37

by Shane Crosby

  I've been to two meetings and left without making a purchase. They're becoming leery of me already. If I attend another one I’d have to buy something if not, possibly end up in an unmarked grave or fish good. I couldn't stand attending another one of these meetings anyway. They didn’t have to threaten me twice, this is my last meeting. I look forward to never seeing these people again except in a court of law sitting behind the defendant’s table.






  I made it out safely. I can breathe a sigh of relief for my safety, but I’ll always struggle with achieving peace because I know they’re women out there who aren’t afforded the same.

  I hated to leave them, but I couldn’t help. I’ve never actually known how it felt to be crestfallen until I attended those auctions. It’ll be difficult to sleep knowing those women and little girls are going through horrors they never imagined.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t allow myself to remain in that void. We had a task to complete tonight and I needed to focus on that.

  Mase enters the room....

  “You ready to do this?”

  “I’m ready to do some good.”

  “I know after what you saw, you need a win.”

  “I need a lot of them.”

  “We still didn’t get to see or hear anything.”

  “Yeah, I know. They made sure we walked past this door. They switched it up this time. Had I known, I could’ve let baby bird know.”

  “We’ll get ‘em.”

  “Do you guys feel like we’re working on several cases and not just one?”


  “ So do I. Only the Attorney General knows what he was thinking.”

  “Let’s go meet Alexi tonight, maybe this will shed some light somewhere.”

  “I hope so.”

  “We ready?”

  “Nothing less.”



  We learned from J that he had an asset in Russia. He’d tapped him to look for the birth certificates for the children of Gerhardt. Earlier today, my brothers learned that his asset came through. He was scheduled to deliver the birth certificates to us. J arranged for us to meet him in a tunnel somewhere in Russia. I wasn’t too eager to carry out this meet and greet session. I’m an operative. I know how these things can go and in my years of experience, you’re lucky if you’re a part of one that goes as planned. Meaning, you leave walking out the same way you came in, without any bullet holes, cuts, bruises or stab wounds to your vital organs.

  Russia isn’t a part of the world I’ve done business in often. I have conducted operations here, but they aren’t ones we want to conduct on a frequent basis. The government is corrupt. The people here are still trying to dig themselves out of a financial crisis that toppled communism. The bottom line, everyone is hungry and have a price. The bad thing for any operative running an OPS mission here is that they’re price isn’t that high. Therefore, anyone can come along right after you and undermine your deal. You never know what you’ll be walking into. I shared this with my brothers. We all agreed to approach it as we would any unknown situation, but with a little more caution.

  We arrived at the spot that J had told us to meet his asset. It wasn’t just a tunnel, it looked like an old railroad track. There were two ways in, but they were so far apart from each other, you’d never make it to safety before you were shot in the back. I didn’t like this. We couldn’t hide anywhere in here. It’s pitch black and with the echo, you can hear us coming ten miles away.

  “I don’t think we should go any further.”

  “I’m thinking the same, but we have to retrieve those documents from J’s asset.”

  “Damn, I hate operations in Russia.”

  “You and me both. They’re spooky as hell. The entire country reminds me of an old ghost town they’re trying to put back together.”

  “I’m with you on that.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He was supposed to be here like fifteen minutes ago. They don’t make a living being late, right?”

  “You know they don’t.”

  “Shoot, we’re going to have to go in further. Listen, everyone, be freaking careful.”

  “Got it.”

  With the steps of a turtle, we went further into the tunnel. What we didn’t notice when we arrived was there was a curve and you could go around it. I was betting this was where Alexi was without our documents.

  “Shhh, everybody be still. I think I hear something.”

  “I do too. It’s voices.”

  “Let’s surround them.”

  “Hard to pull off a sneak attack in here.”

  “Do the best you can.”

  Scott was right. The echo was so loud, someone a mile away could hear us, but we had to get those documents.

  We took both sides and two went down the middle of the tunnel. Before we could get to the curve, we heard gunshots. Those sounds made us pick up our feet and get to those shots quicker.

  When we got there, there was a man down and another running away. I knew the one running had our information so three went after him.

  “Don, help me get him up.”


  “Hi, you’re going to be okay. Stay with me.”



  “Don’t be afraid. You’re not in any danger.”

  Don and I helped get Alexi into a corner. Don lifted his shirt to reveal a nice bullet wound to the gut. That’s never a good place to get shot. There’s way too many vital organs lying around in there. I knew he was going to need some serious medical attention. At that moment, we did the only thing we could, apply pressure until the others came back with we hoped those birth certificates.




  Starting my day as the boss and loving it, until my phone rings. I never know if it’s one of my brothers calling to tell me the other one is dead, seriously injured or someone’s calling for a ransom.

  Dub calling.....


  “J, listen, we were ambushed at the drop. Your asset was shot. There were two men. We shot one dead and the other is wounded. I’m sending you the fingerprints and picture of the one who’s deceased. Let me know who he is.”

  “Ambushed? How did that happen? I’ll work on it now.”


  “How’s my asset?”

  “Alexi, is alive but not in great shape. The doc is working on him. I took pictures and his fingerprint. You’ll need it to make a solid ID on who we killed. I guess I can’t get out of field operative mode.”

  “No, no that’s good, great even send it. Did you get the birth certificates?”

  “Yes. Do you think you can find them with their names?”

  “Dub, honestly, I don’t know. I doubt if they kept those names on the birth certificates, but I will definitely look. I’ll do my best.”

  “Watch yourself, J. I trust your decision, but we’re dealing with people who wiped out an entire block just to keep their secret.”

  “I know. I’m watching, but now a days it’s looking more like I’m going to need to grow a set of eyes in the back of my head.”

  “I hear ya. Keep in touch often.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll send someone to retrieve my asset and take him to a safe house, they’ll be there in the morning, first thing.”

  “Do you think that’s wise? Are you sending someone from the CIA?”

  “No. I’m using what you taught me. Always plan to be the only person you can trust. I’m in a situation where I can only trust myself. I have a group of mercenaries in Europe I work with. They’ll be coming. It’ll take them awhile. Can you keep him alive until they arrive?”

  “Who you talking to?” J start
ed to laugh.

  “All right man, sorry.”

  “We’ll be waiting.”

  “Love you, bro.”



  The Process


  J sent people to get Alexi. They took him to a safe house as instructed. The certificates were delivered to J and he will continue the search for Gerhard Richter’s descendants. For now, we’re working on another angle. What it will reveal, no one knows. It seems like with this case, we’re always walking in darkness.

  After Dub was successful at penetrating PPV Industry’s sex auctions, it was time to find out how they were doing it. We worked every contact we had until we found a way in. Infiltrating the group on the ground was the best way to gather evidence against Popovich. Since I speak Russian, I was selected to be the mole. I wasn’t happy about this, but neither has anyone else been about their selected assignment since working this case.

  We’d worked the codes the Attorney General left night and day. We’d been able to crack several but not nearly all. Of the ones we were successful in figuring out led to different locations within different countries. Of those locations were shipping docks. We knew that was probably the way they were bringing in their cargo. In order to be sure, we had to figure out a way in on the ground level.

  We’d been watching that area for a few days. Each day, the docks were busy with movement, with what, we couldn’t tell, but we had an idea. It was time to make my approach. I had to find a way to get on that crew. Since I spoke Russian fluently and would be able to blend in seamlessly, it was time to approach the group. Fortunately for us, they weren’t as suspicious as Popovich. Cautious yes, speaking their language, looking like a drifter help to quiet the alarm on their radar. After my sad story of drugs, recovery and losing my family, they were eager to give me a job. Some spoke English which made me feel better. I didn’t have to communicate the entire night in Russian. I could practice my pretend broken English. They did give me one stipulation, I had to stay sober. I promised I would and I was welcomed onto the team.

  The first night, I was given instructions to speak with the crew chief. He would provide me with additional details as to what crew I’d be working on and what my duties were for the night. He was a portly guy with a crew cut, and a week old beard. He couldn’t be any more than five ten in height. He had sweat stains under his arms and was smoking a hand rolled cigarette. He likes to practice his English and always carried around a clip board. He looks like he molests children and gave me the creeps.

  “Hi, I’m Sergei, I was told to report to work tonight.” I said in broken English.

  “Oh, hello, yes, you’re the new guy.”


  “Come this way. Pay attention, this is very important. You will be trained on the process. We first check the orders, the orders are sorted by age, hair type, hair color, eye color, physical characteristics, weight, body parts, languages and origin. With all of the cosmetic surgeries going on now a days, we have a criteria for fake body parts and which parts are fake. For instance, if the tits are fake, this brings the value down. Our customers don’t like the fake tits, they feel hard and artificial. If the butts are fake, this doesn’t make too much of a difference in price our customers like the big butts. Lips, if their fake, several years ago they didn’t affect the value but now we’ve seen trend where men want natural lips, full lips are the request mostly. If she speaks English, this commands a great price. All of our customers want English speaking woman, even though they don’t understand it when they talk to them during sex. Heh heh, they still like the American woman, they feisty. Our customers like to bring them down several pegs. Spanish is requested at times, for our Latin customers, but they, too like American English speaking woman. Also, remember, pale skin is not a preference. We have to take much off the price when skin is pale. We treat product before putting on display. One other thing, if woman have baby might be able to slide and get an Okay price for her, but more than one nobody wants. Vagina is stretched way too much, nobody wants sloppy merchandise. The ones on......what they call it in America, know, when they give them money and they don’t work?”


  “Yes, yes, this is it. We learned hard way. These women are returned because have had many babies, vagina sloppy, nobody want used merchandise. They are thrown out. You will see and then you must work. We’ll select a department for you to work in.”

  “What’s this?”

  “Oh yes, I skip the best part, we get to try out to see if sloppy. You will enjoy working here. If give good head, if like anal, some do not and if request anal must know if they’ve done it before. Prostitutes are the best for this but used, men don’t want sometimes they purchase two, a prostitute to do the real kinky stuff and another just for straight. I think you’re going to get the bad job first. Cleaning out the ship, mean you will bring them from compartment under ship. I hope you have a strong stomach.”


  I’M IN



  Several hours into my training, there was a lot of chatter going on like they were excited. I assumed it was because a ship was pulling in. Before it reached the dock, from a distance, you could see its lights. The men dropped everything and started running toward the dock like we used to do when we heard the music from the ice cream truck when we were kids. I was curious to know what was so special about this ship. Why is everyone so giddy with anticipation of it docking?

  Another worker comes to speak with the crew chief.

  “How many do we have?”


  “Forty is a good number. The accurate number we’ll know after ship is cleaned out.”

  “I hope they all make it. We need more revenue.”

  “If we lose some, it’s not the best thing, but we have other locations that have gone out on collection runs. We will count our inventory after they go through the process.”

  “Okay, yes, good?”

  I nodded ok and waited for the ship.

  I was told I’d have to work with the cleanup crew. I was assigned a trainer. When I walked onto the ship, I marveled at its beauty, state of the art everything. Sleeping quarters that rival anything in an upscale home in Beverly Hills. I never got the concept of living on a freaking boat, but this boat is damn gorgeous. I might could consider it if this was where I was going to live. Full grain leather seating, Wi-Fi, satellite television, wood grain accents throughout. While I was marveling at the beauty of this baby, I didn’t realize I was leaving the luxurious segment of the Rich and Famous to the down trodden and anguished. I was taken down a corridor to a door that led to some steps. It was dark, why does every horror movie begin with someone trying to find their way in a dark room? I knew I had to prepare myself for what I was about to encounter. I took each step carefully right behind the guy who was training me. The first thing that I noticed was the God awful stench. Stale and musty mixed in with rotting flex, urine, bile and feces. You needed a strong gag reflex and I didn’t have it. I started to wretch and cough eventually I vomited. They started to laugh.

  “Hey, we have another weak stomach over here.” The laughter was ringing off the walls of the ship. I was helped back up top and allowed to breathe fresh air.

  I watched as they brought female after female out of the bottom of that ship. Some half dead from diseases and starvation. The ones who were the most fortunate, were the dead bodies. They didn’t have to endure any more humiliation, torture and degradation. Each one that they brought up, I said a silent prayer for them and their families.

  I can’t imagine going about your seemingly normal day just as you always have for days, weeks or years. Suddenly, you’re snatched from behind. Mouth and eyes covered, drugged and rendered helpless. When you awake you’re in a place unfamiliar with people who are just as unfamiliar to you as your new surroundings. You’re forced onto a ship with a dest
ination of somewhere you’ve never been, to perform tasks you never have. The terror these women must feel when they wake up in a place like this, is hear wrenching. Lying there, wondering what your family is doing. Are they looking for you? How will they find you? When are they going to find you? Every day you pray for someone to rescue you. Until one day your prayer is simply to live through this or the flip side could be praying to die because at this point living is too hard.

  After they were removed from the ship, they were herded off to the intake area, hosed off, fed and sorted. The night had turned into morning and everyone was jovial at the night’s product offering. They didn’t lose too many this time; only eight died at sea. I was told we’d have to wait until tomorrow before we knew how many we’d bring to market.

  Even though we were all raised in church, I’ve never been much of a prayer, tonight, changed all of that. I just hope God is listening and most importantly he has a solution and one He’s willing to share.


  I remember when Dub returned from his first meeting, he had to take a shower for an hour and he still didn’t fee clean. After what I’ve witnessed tonight, I understand how he felt. Thinking about doing this again tomorrow is making my body convulse.

  As soon as I got out of the shower, my brothers were ready to discuss the night’s event.

  Knocking on the door.....

  “Come on in.”

  “We were about to come in guns blazing.”

  “Yeah, man, what took you so long to answer the door? We thought something happened to you.”

  “I reminded them that you may need some time alone after what you saw. I’ve been there. I understand.”

  “Thanks Dub.”

  “So, I we don’t have to ask how it went, huh?”

  “Not so well.”


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