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The Cleansing

Page 49

by Shane Crosby

  “The punishment should fit the crime.”

  “So, if you go into a department store and steal five hundred dollars’ worth of merchandise you expect them to tell you to keep it and pay you for stealing it?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then why should we reward illegals?”

  “It’s not a reward. It’s compassion we’re giving them.”

  “If they want compassion they need to go to their mama for that.”

  “The US is known for being a melting pot.”

  “Yeah, well, this pot is full.”

  “You’re fine with being the only President to feel this way?”

  “Absolutely! Do you know how many of them come over here pregnant already? I’ll tell you, too damn many! They come over here pregnant, so they can deliver a child here, get housing, food stamps and money all at the expense of the American tax payer. They frequently will be living with a man. He’ll work under the table get paid in cash and the woman will be receiving welfare. Before long, they have enough money saved up to open a restaurant and make money off the very people who took care them. Shit! They should give every American a free meal! Before long, they’re living better than someone who has lived here all of their lives and you are the one who has worked and funded their dream come true by paying taxes! Tell me, how fair is that? Do you like that?”

  “I’m sure you know no one will. I suspect that’s why you chose them to eliminate.”

  “Look at that, a halfway intelligent liberal. God is in the miracle making business.”

  “I still feel like there’s a better way. They have rights.”

  “What? An illegal fucking alien has rights? Yeah, the right to take your felon committing illegal ass back where you came from! You’re not a citizen! The only rights you have are the ones I allow you to have, which is none! How dare you have the nerve to march in my fucking country about some fucking rights! Now, that seemed to have stopped the demonstrations. It also let other illegals know if you come here a new life is not what’s waiting for you.”

  “I guess so, since they had a fear of being picked up at the march.”

  “They made it easy. They were all in one place.”

  “You deported all of them?”

  “Of course not. They were eliminated. I wanted to make certain the only way they would be returning to this country is as a ghost.”



  “How did the deficit go down to nothing so quickly?”

  “Every country except a couple wanted in on the sex trade. We put sex auction sites in their countries. They would get five percent of the profits if they agreed to wipe out what we owed. I taxed the rich more. I took the cap off the amount being paid into Social Security, I taxed Capital gains as work, no more tax breaks for oil companies, and I prevented companies from using offshore accounts and created a special tax for Wall Street.”

  “You don’t think all of those laws would’ve ended the deficit without the sex trade?”

  “Yes, it would’ve, but not as fast and the American people wouldn’t be enjoying free healthcare, free education, more money to save, a robust economy with more than enough jobs to go around, guaranteed social security, the ability to retire before you’re dead. Everything they’re experiencing now will guarantee my place in history.”

  “I see why they’re people protesting your arrest.”

  “I told you. They’ll be more people to support me than oppose me despite my methods.”

  “There's no business out there that runs their corporation like this.”

  “Our business is no more ruthless than corporate America. They cut each other's throats every day. Any time there's a promotion to be awarded, more money to have, more prestige or a better title to be had they will cut their mother's throat to be selected. There's no actual blood, but it's just as bloody, more so.”

  “I might have to agree. But, some will say you're just a killer. You’re crazy to think you were actually helping America. Only a monster could dream up and implement such a plan.”

  “I will guarantee you, there will be more people to agree with my methods than disagree.”

  “What about unemployment?”

  “If you were unemployed for more than six months we looked at your occupation to determine if you were more likely to get a job. If not, you were eliminated.”

  “What happened to the President?”

  “He was weak.”

  “Were you always planning to kill him?”


  “Even when you were Vice President?”

  “Yes. When I was a Senator, I planned his demise.”

  “You lobbied your way to the position of Vice President.”

  “Always had my eyes on the prize.”

  “The attorney general?”

  “The Vice President and George didn't want to go along with the plan. His nephew hacked the cameras in the white House. He’d be alive today had he kept his hacking skills to credit cards.”

  “So, you had them killed.”

  “They were eliminated. I don't know details. Either you're the gazelle or lion. They were the gazelle.”

  “Did you know the AG was putting together evidence?”

  “I didn’t, but I knew those do gooders wouldn’t be able to keep quiet. You have to be able to make the right decisions no matter what they entail.”

  “Do you have any remorse?”

  “None. Wait. I do have a couple.”

  “They are?”

  “Underestimating you and that little brother of yours. I wished we’d been successful in Prague. I wish we’d been successful in Gochian. It was obvious he was going to be a problem. They just didn’t realize one person could bring us here, where we are today. The second is not killing George sooner. I found out too late about the nephew. By then, we realized we were playing catchup. You must serve God diligently, all of you. I hope you thank Him every day because He worked several miracles on your behalf. I should be pissing on your graves right now not sitting in a cell.”

  “Well, He is in the miracle making business.”

  “Lucky you.”

  For the better part of two days we talked with the President. He was a true narcissist. He loved talking about himself. What was sad is that he was right.

  There was a special on the news. It interviewed people in different states and cities. I was sickened to see how many people wanted him to return as President. They praised his policies and the methods he used to turnaround the economy. The job market was plentiful, education was free and so was healthcare. Public housing was gone and replaced with middle class neighborhoods. In the worst neighborhoods where the people were afraid to walk by their windows, now kids were playing outside. In neighborhoods where broken glass, used condoms, crack pipes and junkies lined those same streets, now green grass and manicured bushes and evenly cut lawns are the norm.

  For the first time in this country, families were able to envision a better future for their children, earlier retirement, a plentiful job market and fat bank accounts. Now, right in front of their eyes, like a mirage, it’s going to dissipate. I’m certain, our friends and family as well as the rest of the world will become aware of the fact that we’re the reasons their lives have returned to the shit that it was before they started living in their current fairy tale. When that happens, I don’t know if returning to the United States will ever become a viable option for us. This must be how the soldiers felt when they returned from Vietnam; unappreciated, persecuted and condemned, forced to be ashamed of the role they played in making and changing history.


  After the fiasco with the mission, we were convinced someone tipped them off. The question was, who? The President and his supporters within the government had been arrested. Popovich was in custody. We even arrested his sons. We’d taken everyone into custody related to the Attorney General’s case or so we thought.

  The rumblings a
bout a mole existing inside of the CIA are still going strong today. However, no one within the intelligence community abroad or domestic believes this. It would mean career ruination and possibly jail if one was to investigate what is believed to be a ghost story.

  After three in a half years of uncertainty and then finally putting together the pieces to shut down a major conspiracy existing within the walls of the United States, there were still questions and it would appear unfinished business.

  We never found the little boy called Jaheeb. Never found any evidence that he existed. We know the photo with this boy in it means something. But, we haven’t been able to figure out what.

  The old man Stravosky played us. He kept the drive Morris made. He’s unaware that in his attempt to destroy it, it helped us to put together the broken image of the United State government. Unbeknownst to him, we’ll be paying him a visit again soon. Until then, we’ll be busy looking for that little boy in the photo. We’ll find him, it’s just a matter of time.

  To think that the US will be able to fully recover from the damage done to our intelligence organizations and our military weaponry systems would be foolish. However, we will continue to mislead the American people by making them feel safe. Duping them into believing we will defend them from what goes bump in the night, while simultaneously running behind our enemies trying to catch and overtake them.

  If you believe in a higher power, you should learn to bend your knees pray and ask Him to defend and protect this nation because we've lost the capability to do so.


  Phone is ringing....


  “Have you heard?”

  “Of course. It’s all over every channel in every country. Where are you?”

  “Still in place.”

  “Do you think that’s wise?”

  “Yes. We still have much work to do.”

  “It’s foolish to think he won’t talk.”

  “He won’t.”

  “Why would he not? He has nothing to lose.”

  “I will take care of it.”

  “Too risky. They’re aware of you now. If you’re discovered, it’ll be worse for us.”

  “I won’t be detected. We can continue our work, trust me.”

  “If you’re discovered, you’re own your own.”


  “Good Luck.”





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