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The Cleansing

Page 48

by Shane Crosby

  “As sex slaves?”

  “No, as investors. They were investing in their country’s future.”

  “You have to see there's something wrong with that.”

  “Only the weak hearted will see it as wrong.”

  “I'm listening.”

  “We learned welfare women were spoiled they had too many babies. The men didn't like this. A stretched out vagina was disgusting to have sex with. They were returning them and wanted their money back. They were useless, couldn't even be used to sell sex.”

  “What happened?”

  “Look at this as a business so you can stop wasting my time asking dumb questions, okay, son. What does a store do when you return spoiled product, such as fruit, food, etc.?”

  “Throw it away.”

  “Jackpot! You answered your own question.”

  “They were killed?”

  “Without a second thought.”

  “What about the families? What's the reasoning behind that?”

  “Pity, you look much smarter then you are, I see. Look at families on welfare. First notice I said, families. Once they're dependent on the government each one teach one. Each generation falls victim to that way of life. They never get off the system because they never see anything else or anyone doing something different, constructive, like working. We call this system the cancer system because this mentality spreads throughout the generations. In order to keep cancer from spreading you have to cut it out. So that's what we did.”

  “Killed entire families?” He shakes his head and looks me in the eye.

  “Why don't you let someone else ask the questions? You apparently can’t handle the answers.”

  “I can do that if that's what you'd like. If it's okay with you I'd like to hear more, please.”

  “Throw away that liberal mind set and grow some balls. That’s what got this country in the mess that it’s in. You want to coddle every damn body instead of kicking them in the ass and telling them they have to work for a damn living.”

  “You killed the families why again?”

  “Have you been listening, son? Because, they'll never be productive. How could you become a productive citizen in society when you never see anyone produce anything, but a bunch of damn illegitimate bastard babies by every man that’s dumb enough to walk them to the store? All you're surrounded by are people lying around waiting on someone to give them something. Something they don't deserve, they haven't earned. That's why this country is polluted with the "get something for nothing mentality". And, you freaking liberals encourage this behavior. Listen to you. It’s wrong. They’re people, blah blah blah like a whining baby. If you can't take care of children you shouldn't be allowed to have them. Even the Bible says “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”

  “The Bible also says Thou shalt not kill.”

  “And the Bible also says, by the sweat of your brow. God cleansed the world of undesirable behavior. But, you’re a liberal. I’m sure you know nothing about God.”

  “On the contrary. We were raised in church and I believe in God.”

  “Well I’ll be damned! A liberal who believes in God.” He started looking around out of the window.

  “Sir, what are you looking for?”


  “Pigs, Sir?”

  “Yes. I’m waiting to see them flying by any moment.”


  “Then, you know about Sodom and Gomorrah, right? Men and women having sex with each other is abominable, so sayeth Jesus. That is the most disgusting behavior; it even disgusted God so much so He destroyed the world and started over again. To be factual, homosexual acts detest God. Do you think your penis belongs inside another man’s anus? Jesus used people whom you and I would walk past on the street. I never read anywhere in the Bible where he used anyone homosexual. If you don’t like what I’m saying, go dig up Jesus, let Him know how you feel, see if it changes anything, these are His words, not mine.”

  “To make certain I address your question, I’m heterosexual. So, no sir. I most certainly do not, but what does that have to do with anything?”

  “It has everything to with what the hell is wrong with this country! It’s imploding and it all began with the dummies on that damn court and the last President you fools elected. Making what God says is wrong right isn’t the way to make this country better. Even animals don’t screw the same sex. And, people think they’re smarter than animals. People are the animals.”

  “I admit things aren’t the greatest, but there are things about this country that’s still great. Are you saying you're doing God's work?”

  “I'm sure I have His Blessings. We made patriots out of people who couldn’t even spell patriotism or knew what it meant. They were serving their country. They were giving it away why not give it away for the benefit of your country? After all they've been allowed to eat have housing clothing off the blood sweat and tears of working Americans it's time for them to give back to the ones who have given to them.”

  “Um hmm, I see. The more welfare families are gone the less payouts the more money the government saves.”

  “Tell me, do you like working and taking care of a bunch of deadbeats having a bunch of babies living with their boyfriend who just got out of prison, standing in the door, hair not combed, with his pants hanging down drinking a forty ounce of beer? He can't get a job and she doesn't want one. You like paying for that?”

  “No sir, can't say that I do.”

  “Well no one else does either they just don't have it in them to correct it.”

  “There has to be another way.”

  “What way? Those dummies on Capitol Hill don't have a clue how to correct it. They never even mention it. Do you notice that? The welfare system for the most part remains unaddressed decades and centuries later still the same bullshit. While working class Americans continue to be stuck with exorbitant taxes to take care of people with no ambition, no desire, and no drive to do anything to take care of their families or themselves. Let alone give back to their country by putting back into it. Well not on my watch.”

  “I can see your point; sir, and I'm sure millions of Americans will thank you but what about the ones who won't because they've lost someone to your system?”

  “Oh you mean the one who was saved by another family because they were adopted? They should be thanking me, too. They don’t have to lend their shiftless family members money they can never pay back.”

  “That’s cold, Mr. President. But, okay, uh, disability?”

  “Oh, yeah right. Why pick on the disabled? What about the ones who take advantage of the system? Have you bleeding heart tree hugging solar panel using liberals ever thought about that?”

  I scoffed. “Guess not.”

  “There's a town in the south where half of the residents forty years old are on disability. Are you telling me they're deserving of that?”

  “No sir probably not.”

  “Damn it! Why can't you just tell it the way it is? No! Most assuredly not!”



  “What was the criteria? The selection process?”

  “If they had so called back problems, mental illness on drugs. I mean, whoever heard of paying a damn drug addict for being disabled? Are you kidding me? That's why this country's economy was shot to hell before I became President. They could hold a job if they were clean. Why give them money to keep getting high? I wouldn’t work either. Why should I? I’ll just wait for you to go to work, pay taxes go to my mailbox and get my check.”

  “They can be rehabilitated, sir.”

  “Ha! Into what? Listen to you. All of that objectivity and compassion just pouring out. Taking more money from working Americans to pour into shit programs for someone who’s voluntarily fried their own brain, some people for years. Now, what exactly are they supposed to be rehabilitated into; an ashtray?”

  “Sir, there are ex-drug addicts that have been sober for d

  “There are also hundreds of millions of people who are clean and sober since the womb. Why would I take from them to give to some cracked out, smoked out, drugged out junkie? Who by now doesn’t have the sense the good Lord gave a piss ant. Let me ask you and your Mod Squad over here a question.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Do either of you like or want to pay taxes and risk your lives for someone who would rob their mother and sell their children for a hit?”

  We all looked around the room at each other. None of us wanted to agree with this lunatic, but the answer is obvious.

  “I can’t hear you boys.”

  “I think you know the answer, sir, no.”

  “I didn’t think so. But, you sit in judgement of me.”

  “We sit in bewilderment of your methods, sir.”

  “Surprised that I had the courage to take action, should be thanking me, too.”

  “The government has the money to fund the addiction programs. Why decide to eliminate those people? I mean you setup a free healthcare system.”

  “Son, I personally do not believe being on drugs is a disability that the government should be responsible for. The healthcare system is for legitimate illnesses, not people who didn’t have enough common sense to stay away from drugs.”

  “They can be rehabilitated. They can get clean, become productive again.”

  “I expect to see blood seeping out of your skin at any minute from your bleeding heart.”

  “You can’t deny drug addicts get clean, sir.”

  “I also know relapse is a part of recovery. So, how long are you willing to pay for those dimwits to get clean?”

  “As long as it takes, they are Americans.”

  “So, damn what? They’ve made themselves expendable, useless. What benefit to society is someone who would kill, steal and rob their own mother to get high?

  “That’s extremely cold and detached.”

  “Well, it takes one detached bastard to know one. How many people did you murder for your country? How did you feel right before you pushed that button to blow up an entire village, town or city? How do you feel now? I’ll bet you sleep good at night.”

  “Humph, some people you didn't eliminate. I saw that for myself.”

  “I also didn’t hear you answer my questions. HA! Like I suspected. Liberals go along with anything. They turned this country into a sewer. You don’t have the wherewithal to do anything about it, but you sit around and judge those who do. Liberals are the most complaining, whining bastards I know. Well, to address your question, people who have worked thirty years and retired deserve some assistance. They've earned it. Those are the people you're referring to. People who were Veterans were allowed to live. Like I said, if you’ve served your country, I respect you.”

  “What about wet foot dry foot?”

  “What about it?”

  “Why did you eliminate that policy?”

  “Why should anyone be able to place a foot on American soil and be allowed to stay? No other country extends this type of privilege to immigrants. Do you like not being able to communicate in your own damn country? Yes or no?”

  “I don't know what you mean?”

  “I mean in Miami you practically have to speak Spanish to get a damn job and you were born in this damn country! The street signs in Miami are in Spanish! Why should we have to accommodate them? A city in the United States that has been turned into Cuba, no, damn thank you! That has to stop and now and, I stopped it. This country’s language is English. The cowardice actions of previous law makers make me want to put them on the list! They didn’t have enough balls to make the official language of this country ENGLISH!!”

  “I see your point. How did you stop this other than ending wet foot dry foot?”

  “We directed more money to hire additional border patrol agents and Coast Guard agents. When they encounter them in open seas, they sink them right there. I started sending some of them back.”

  “Wait, Cubans who had established a life here?”

  “Absolutely, they’re immigrants just like Mexicans, Haitians, or any other group of people who were not born here. I was happy to end it and couldn’t wait to do so. Why should Cubans be treated differently?”

  “How did that play into the Cleansing method?”

  “I was righting a wrong.”

  “How did kids in reform school play into your plan?”

  “They’re from broken families, single parent homes. Already in jail, becoming a problem for society at young ages. What are they going to become as adults? Adult problems. A lot of our clients like young girls. The ones without babies became a product for display and later sell. The others were eliminated. The boys were sent to do hard labor in other countries. They need to learn to work. They weren’t leaning anything else. And, any time you have a kid who will kill their parents or shows disrespect to the people who created them, killing is too good for them. I was happy to get rid of their dysfunctional asses.”

  “Was they’re a plan to acknowledge they’ve been rehabilitated?”



  “Now, that shouldn’t even be a concern to you. But, Liberals will kiss a skunk in the ass if they think it will give them votes. Why do you care about a criminal?”

  “Not saying I care, just asking a question.”

  “Did you know working class Americans pay for prisons too? State run prisons get money from somewhere. Where do you think it comes from?”

  “I understand how it works.”

  “Well then, why ask the question?”

  “Like I said, curious as to how all this works. How did you select them?”

  “If they committed sex crimes they were gassed. I have not one once of sympathy for some sick, twisted, demented S-O-B who rapes a woman or child. Human waste is worth more than they are.”

  “What about nurses who kill?”

  “Serial killers were dealt the same hand they dealt to someone else. Abusers, were thrown on top of the pile.”

  “Pile of what?”


  “Wow. “

  “Basically, any type of violent crime and you were added to the pile. If you read the book you would know it’s important to create a safe environment for your citizens.”

  “Right. Yes. I remember that part. Sir, can’t you see the contradiction here? You’re judging people and condemning them to death for essentially the same crime you’re doing.”

  “I’m not raping or murdering anyone.”

  “You’re selling them to be raped. You ordered them to be murdered.”

  “I am giving people who have never worked in their lives employment. All of the people within the social categories you mentioned were garbage. They dirtied up any society. I was Cleansing our nation and making it better.”

  Amazing how crazy people can’t see their own crazy, I thought. No sense in going back and forth with a maniac. I kept it moving to another topic.

  “The crematoriums?”

  “We learned early on not to leave evidence.” He nodded his head toward Trevor.

  “You taught us that. You found Navarro's wife. Someone identified her. So, after that no more identifying evidence left. From then on we burned them to ash or almost ash no evidence left.”

  “Can I ask you why you never became a citizen?”

  “Didn't need to. Americans believe anything the person they voted for tells them, especially Republicans. Put it on a conservative media network and they believe it. I wasn't worried.”

  “At some point you were because everyone in your family was marked for death.”

  “Selective elimination.”

  “You know it's funny. Someone who came into this country illegally has a problem with immigration and illegal aliens when you're one yourself.”

  “There's nothing illegal about me. I was welcomed into this country by your government. It's totally different.”

  “I can guess wh
y you deported people back to Mexico but why don't you tell me.”

  “Simple. They come here illegally can't speak the language have kids and expect our government to pay them for breaking the law via the welfare system. They don't have a social security number, can't pay them by check. They don't pay taxes but they can apply for a handout. You liberals will destroy this country. I'll bet if you look up Mexico it says their official language is Spanish! Suck ass liberals scared to do what it takes to turn this country around from being a cesspool. Australia doesn't have the issues we do. You know why? They only allow the cream of the crop to enter their country. People, who have a work ethic, produce and put back into their economy. We allow shit. People who drain our economy can't give back just take.”

  “That's what happened to the illegals at the detention centers. They were murdered or sold for sex?”

  “You betcha.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, they had families who are still wondering what happened to them. What did they do wrong? They just wanted a better life.”

  “Why should Americans be responsible financially to give them a better life?”

  “I’m not saying that. I’m just saying, they’re usually hard workers and keep to themselves.”

  “And, that justifies America funding they’re attempt at a new life?”

  “How does it hurt, sir? It’s the land of opportunity.”

  “Yeah, opportunity for them to come over here and leech off our government and give nothing in return.”

  “Why do you dislike them so much?”

  “I hate liberals. I struggle to understand why God would create a liberal. I don’t hate them, illegals. I hate the fact that they’ve been trained to believe this country and the people running it are fools.”

  “Fools? I don’t follow.”

  “They come over here illegally, live with their illegal ass family members, get pregnant and expect us to pay them for breaking the law by way of the welfare system. Why should our government pay them a damn dime for committing a felony? We don’t pay people who break the law. We punish them. We get free labor from them. Why should they be treated any differently?”


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