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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

Page 11

by G. K. DeRosa

  Maybe half-bloods weren’t supposed to carry dragon babies.

  The queen spun around, yanking my attention to her and our opulent surroundings. Everything was bathed in gold and ornate furnishings. It was nothing like Skye Lair with its understated stateliness. This palace screamed wealth and luxury. “Excuse me while I retire to my chambers. I will see you all this evening at the ball. I expect you both there promptly at eight.”

  “Of course, mother.” Drake dipped his head, and I dropped into a quick curtsy as she turned to leave.

  I wondered what kind of relationship Drake had with his mother. He’d mentioned his father a few times, but nothing about her. As she disappeared around a winding corridor, I turned my attention back to his brother.

  “So when can we talk about Ryder and Cillian?”

  Elrian scowled, his light brows knitting. “There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate.”

  “I thought you were supposed to handle the ball, brother.” Drake glared at the king.

  “There isn’t much that keeps mother entertained these days, Drake. And when she’s entertained, she’s out of my hair.”

  Drake’s lips lifted into a smile. “Things are going well then?”

  Elrian grunted. “The usual drama. The lords and ladies are nipping at my heels, looking for any reason to dethrone me and put our dear cousins the Darkhens in power.”

  “As in Darkhen Academy?” I blurted.

  The king nodded. “The one and only.” His jaw twitched as he led us down another silk-walled corridor. “It’s been a constant battle to keep them in line since our father passed. He had enough trouble keeping them restrained when he was alive. With his passing, they assumed the throne was theirs for the taking.”

  “So are you going to take mother’s advice and finally seal the alliance with the lovely Elza of the Summer Court?”

  Elrian snarled, his lips narrowing into a thin line.

  “Come on, now, brother. It’s only fair. If I have to be tied to the Spring Court, surely you can muster the guts to wed Elza.”

  The name rang a bell, but it took me a second to place it. She was the princess from the Summer Court. The one who was a total B to my half-sister. That reminded me… “Wait, wasn’t the King of the Spring Court the one that kidnapped Kimmie-Jayne? And now Drake’s marrying his daughter?”

  At least Elrian had the decency to look embarrassed as his gaze dropped to the plush carpeted floors. “Diplomacy is a fickle beast, Luna. I did what I had to do to ensure peace in the Fae realm and secure the best future for my people.”

  “How about for your brother?” The words popped out before I could stop them. Again. Drake and I had never really talked about his betrothal to Princess Miranda, but somehow I felt protective over him.

  “Believe me,” said Elrian, “Miranda is a walk in the park compared to Elza.”

  Both brothers chuckled as we rounded another corner and stopped in front of shiny mahogany doors.

  “This is my wing.” Drake motioned to the double doors as they swung open. Two young female sprites with translucent wings lingered on either side of the entryway, their gazes dipped down to my boots.

  “I’ll take my leave for now,” said the king. “I have a ball to prepare for and lords and ladies to schmooze. I’ll see you both in a few hours.” He gave me a smile, one that actually reached his icy eyes. “It’s a pleasure having you here, Luna. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay, and if there’s anything I can do to make it more pleasant do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Well, there’s the thing with Ryder and Cillian—”

  Elrian’s hand shot up cutting me off. “Except for that. Not tonight anyway. We’ll discuss everything tomorrow.”

  My chest deflated as I watched the Fae king disappear around an interminable hallway. This place was worse than Skye Lair with its never-ending passages.

  “Come on, let’s get you settled into your room.” Placing his hand on the small of my back, Drake ushered me into his chambers, shooting a quick nod to the girls hovering in the doorway.

  My thoughts flew to Scarlett’s mom who used to be one of the queen’s assistants—or slaves, as she’d put it. At least she didn’t have to deal with the vast inequality of the lesser Fae any longer. As a vampire, and a very powerful one at that, she’d never have to bow down to any of the royals again.

  Drake led the way down the hall as candlelit sconces flickered along the silk-lined walls. Ornate, gilded paintings hung across the tapestries, many of them portraits. Of past Fae royalty, I imagined.

  He stopped in front of a door, and one of the sprites appeared out of nowhere to open it. “Thank you,” I said as the young girl fluttered a few inches off the carpeting.

  “Oh yeah, if you need anything, that’s Mirila and the blonde one is Jezela.” He pointed at the girl beside me then the other who lingered halfway down the hall.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  The sprite flitted into the room and pointed out the bathroom and closet. My clothes were already hung up in the enormous space, which was almost the size of my old dorm on the dragon floor. The room dripped in luxury just like every other inch of the palace. A canopied bed sat in the middle of the room with creamy silk sheets flowing down to the floor.

  “I hope you approve of the accommodations, Ms. Hallows?” Drake smirked as he watched me take it all in.

  I sank into the bed and stretched out across the pillowy mattress. “Um, yeah, this will do just fine.”

  “Great.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “My room is across the hall if you need anything. The girls will help you get dressed for the ball. There’s a gown in the closet.” He muttered the last part so quickly I barely heard him.


  “Mother insisted on having a gown made for you for the ball.”

  “Seriously? But Cinder already lent me some of hers.” I hurried over to the closet to check it out.

  “I doubt she’d have something fancy enough at Darkhen. Maybe at Skye Lair. I have heard the dragons throw some wicked balls.”

  A massive, white garment bag hung at the back of the closet, and I scrambled to find the zipper. When I finally opened it, a gorgeous sparkly pale blue gown spilled out. I ran my finger over the silk, the softest fabric I’d ever felt.

  “Flippin’ faeries, this is incredible.” I darted out of the closet to show it to Drake. Running to a mirror, I held up the strapless, sweetheart neckline against my chest. The elegant gown flowed to the floor, skimming across the surface. “How’d she know what size I was?”

  “Magic,” he teased, something unreadable flickering across his eyes as he regarded me. He cleared his throat and swiveled his gaze. “Anyway, go get bathed and what not, and I’ll come by your room in an hour.” He pointed to the closet again. “I’m pretty sure you’ll find shoes in there too.”

  My legs propelled me forward until my arms scooped around Drake’s neck. He only tensed for a moment, which was a huge improvement for the ice prince. “Thank you,” I whispered. “This is just crazy enough to distract me from my own crazy.” I laughed. “And it’s kind of like being on my own episode of Hitched.”

  “I knew you’d like that part.” He winked and spun toward the door, leaving me to ogle my fancy dress.

  This was going to be a good weekend. Everything would work out with Cillian and Ryder—I just had a feeling.

  Chapter 16

  I stood in front of the gilded mirror as Mirila and Jezela packed away their makeup trunk. I gently swayed from side to side, entranced by the shimmery fabric clinging to every curve of my body. The silk glided over the floor, dancing across the plush carpeting.

  The girls had transformed my unruly golden locks into a sophisticated up-do with a few tendrils framing my face. The smoky navy eye shadow and dark liner had bright blue flecks popping from my irises. Now I knew what Kimmie-Jayne felt like every time she attended one of the fancy balls on the TV show. I barely recognized the woman in the mirror.

  My heart flip-flopped as thoughts of Ryder came unbidden. I wish he could see me like this. I could almost picture his onyx eyes blazing as they raked over me. No. I shook my head trying to dislodge the image from my mind. Ryder and I were over; he made it perfectly clear. Once I pleaded his case with King Elrian, we’d go our separate ways, and I’d be forced to forget about him.

  Two sharp knocks at the door diverted my thoughts to the present. I spun toward the entrance as Mirila darted to the door. “May I, miss?”

  With one last glance at the stranger before me, I nodded, folding my hands together to keep from fidgeting. As excited as I was about the ball, I was ten times more nervous.

  Drake sauntered in, his platinum hair slicked back, bringing out the dazzling lilac of his eyes. His pale blue suit matched my dress perfectly, the narrow lines accentuating his broad shoulders and tapered waist. He looked every bit the regal prince with a white sash across his jacket displaying an array of gold and silver medals.

  “You clean up nice.”

  He quirked a brow, his gaze searing into me as it worked its way down my body. He licked his lips before clearing his throat. “I was about to say the same thing.”

  Heat shot up my neck and settled over my cheeks. Had I actually impressed the frosty prince? The lilac cord around my heart flickered, a hint of emotion fluttering through the bond.

  “Come. My mother will have our heads if we’re late.” He held out his arm, and I obediently weaved mine through it. Tonight we were on Drake’s home court, and if I wanted things to go smoothly, I could play the part of the compliant human friend.

  After what felt like hours of traipsing through winding corridors, a melodic tune filtered down the hallway. The music made my head swirl, the harmonious sounds an unearthly melody.

  I stopped halfway down the corridor and turned to Drake. “Is that faery magic?”

  “Sort of. Our music can sometimes have an unusual effect on humans. It’s nothing dangerous; you may simply feel more relaxed and even a little giddy. It wears off quickly as you become habituated.”

  Great, as if the faery wine and food weren’t enough, now I had to worry about the music too.

  I squeezed his arm as he turned us toward the entrance to the ballroom once again. “Don’t leave me, tonight, Drake. I don’t plan on getting kidnapped and dragged to a prison in the Spring Court or worse, the Underworld.”

  He smirked, his lip curving into a mischievous grin. “Is the little half-blood scared?”

  I rammed my elbow into his side, and he let out a satisfying oomf.

  Chuckling, he lowered his gaze to mine, a thousand brilliant stars swirling through the lilac. “You have nothing to worry about. But if it puts you more at ease, I promise to remain by your side.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I hope you can keep up.”

  I cocked a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Prince Drake is known for his distinction on the dance floor, and surely, I can’t disappoint all the ladies of court.”

  “First of all, don’t refer to yourself in the third person; it’s snotty. Second of all, I can keep up just fine.”

  “Funny, I didn’t think they taught the waltz or the foxtrot in public schools.”

  “Oh my God, you are such a snob!” I smacked him in the arm as we continued down the hall. Two of the royal guards eyed me as we approached, their hands making a move for their swords. Oops, I guess hitting the prince was frowned upon. I leaned into Drake as the Fae sentinels glared before finally opening the doors, and the ethereal music spilled out into the hallway. “You’re right, they don’t teach ballroom dancing in public school, but lucky for me, I have magic.”

  He grinned and ushered me across the threshold as hundreds of curious eyes roamed over me. I adjusted my grip on Drake, placing a little distance between us. The last thing I needed were these Fae royals to think I was making a move on their prince.

  We crossed the vast space, my heels clicking across the marble floor in time with my rapid heartbeats. An enormous gilded chandelier sparkled over us, and I took a minute to scan the opulent ballroom. Ignoring the Fae lords’ and ladies’ piercing gazes, I tilted my head up. The domed ceiling was bathed in gold as was every nook and cranny of the space. Gold filigree climbed up the walls like ivy, spreading over our heads.

  “Geez, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much gold in one place.”

  Drake snorted. “You should see my mother’s bathing chamber.”

  A young boy raced across the dance floor as an elderly woman dashed behind him shouting. Drake released my hand and knelt down as the little blonde barreled into him.

  “Bastien, what are you doing up at this hour?”

  The adorable boy glanced over his shoulder at the woman struggling to make her way across the packed dance floor. “Cerulla was trying to put me to sleep, but I ran away. Mama told me you were coming today, and I wanted to see you.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that snuck across my face as I watched the eager boy’s face light up as he spoke.

  Drake ran his hand through Bastien’s hair—the same platinum blonde as his. “I was going to come see you tomorrow, little brother. We got in a bit late today, and I didn’t want to interrupt your schedule.”

  Bright lavender eyes rose to meet mine, and he crinkled his nose. “Who is she? She smells different.”

  My hand clapped over my mouth to keep the giggle from slipping out.

  “How rude of me.” Drake extended his hand in my direction. “Prince Bastien, I’d like to introduce you to my dear friend from the academy, Luna Hallows.”

  I dipped into a curtsy, and the boy smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.”

  A huge grin lit up his face, revealing a dimple in each chubby cheek. He got up on his tiptoes and whispered to Drake who was still crouched down on the floor. “I like her. She’s pretty.”

  “She is, isn’t she?”

  A huffing, panting Cerulla finally reached us, her cheeks as rosy as the red wine decanters on the surrounding tables. “Bastien! It is well past your bedtime. You may visit with your brother and his friend tomorrow.” Her thick fingers wrapped around his small arm, and she yanked him to his feet. “You have made quite a scene today, running through the ball in your nightclothes.”

  I glanced down at the little boy’s silk pajama set. They were so fancy I hadn’t even noticed they were pjs.

  “Now say goodnight, Bastien.”

  “Goodnight, Drake, goodnight, Luna. See you tomorrow.” He waved his chubby little fingers at us as the nanny dragged him away.

  I turned to Drake to see his lips curve into a big smile, one that reached all the way up to his enigmatic irises. “Why didn’t you ever tell me what a cute little brother you had?”

  He shrugged. “You know me. I don’t like to brag.”


  Drake hadn’t mentioned much about any of his siblings except for Elrian. All I knew was that there were seven in total, and he was the second eldest male. I wondered if I’d meet his remaining four family members tonight.

  “Come on, mother is waiting.” He ticked his head toward the raised dais in the middle of the ballroom.

  Queen Liandra sat to the left of King Elrian and half a dozen others filled the long table. Two seats to the king’s right were vacant, and Drake led us straight toward them. I inwardly groaned. Sitting and making small talk with the royals wasn’t exactly what I’d envisioned.

  Elrian stood as we approached, and his mother gave me a half-smile. Taking my hand, the king deposited a chaste kiss. “You look beautiful, Luna.” The way his eyes roved over me with a twinkle of nostalgia made me think it wasn’t me he was seeing right now. His thoughts were in the past, reminiscing about Garrix’s other daughter.

  “I hope you’ve found everything to your liking thus far,” he continued.

  My head bobbed up and down. “Oh yes, it’s been perfect. Mirila and Jezela are great too. They were so helpfu
l.” I turned to the queen and curtsied. “Thank you so much for this gorgeous dress. It’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’re welcome, human. I will admit it looks quite striking on you.”

  Drake nudged me and whispered in my ear, “That’s a huge compliment coming from her.”

  “Son, why don’t you say a few words? Everyone came to see you after all.”

  Drake stiffened beside me. “I don’t have anything new to say, Mother. I was home only a few months ago.”

  The king cocked his head at his younger brother. “Come on now, Drake. Everyone’s wondering who the beautiful girl is. If we don’t want another fiasco on our hands with King Seris from Spring Court, we need to make an official statement.”

  Awkward! I glanced around the room trying to find the delegates from the Spring Court. I remembered their color being a pale yellow from Hitched. Scanning over the dozens of tables filled with lords and ladies dressed in the most luxurious, if not ridiculous attire, I eventually gave up.

  “Be right back,” Drake whispered in my ear, before moving to the edge of the platform and lifting his hands. The entire ballroom went silent. “Thank you all for joining us this evening. It is always a pleasure to return to my home and my people. As I mentioned before I returned to school a few months ago, and though I have finished my initial three years, I will be remaining at Darkhen Academy for the foreseeable future. I have undertaken a special project that I believe will make all the difference in both the Fae realm and all of Azar.” He motioned to me, and all eyes followed. The audience’s intense gaze burned into me, tingeing my cheeks. “I’d like to present my classmate, Luna Hallows. She’s one of the most powerful new students at the school, and I’m proud to be her mentor. Maybe one day she’ll even surpass me.” He winked. “But I doubt it.”

  The crowd broke into laughter at the prince’s cheesy joke.

  “Isn’t that the human girl that beat you at last year’s unipeg race?” A voice rang out from the middle of the dance floor. The crowd parted, and a man that looked to be only a few years older than me stepped forward. A mischievous gleam sparkled in his deep forest green eyes.


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