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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

Page 12

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Ah, hello cousin.” Drake’s emotionless mask slid into place. If the guy had planned on ruffling the prince’s feathers, he hadn’t succeeded. “I didn’t know you were here this evening.”

  “Where else would I be other than celebrating the return of the great Prince Drake from my academy?”

  His academy? Is he one of the Darkhens?

  “In any case, Julias, you are very astute in your observations. As I just said, this is the girl I am mentoring.”

  Wait a second… Julias Darkhen? This was the guy our dorms were named after. Crazy! Focusing on the familial connection was the only way for me not to concentrate on the fact that I was getting outted as the human the prince kissed at the races.

  “Ah, mentoring. Is that what they call it these days?” He smirked, and muffled gasps tore through the crowd.

  Elrian shot up to his feet and moved in front of his younger brother. “Julias, this is hardly the type of conversation to carry at a celebratory ball. I doubt our lovely guests wish to hear about the mundane activities at the academy.” The king turned his steely gaze to the orchestra, and the ethereal music once again swirled through the air. “Enjoy your evening, lords and ladies.”

  Casual conversations began to pick up, and the Fae filled the dance floor once again. The king returned to his seat, scowling. “Those Darkhens will be the death of me,” he growled.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught Drake jumping off the platform and heading straight for his cousin. Oh, crapcicles. That couldn’t be good. I hesitated for a moment, bouncing from toe to toe, then followed after him. I just hoped Drake’s betrothed hadn’t caught that debacle, but what were the chances of that?

  Chapter 17

  By the time I weaved my way through the mass of dancing Fae, I found Drake with his cousin and a wispy brunette. A pale yellow ball gown hung to her lithe frame as she stared adoringly at the prince, her arm wrapped around his.

  “Luna.” Drake’s eyes locked onto mine, and as was becoming too common, something unreadable flashed across his mysterious irises.

  The girl turned to me, and her lips curved into a half-smile. She extended her hand as her inquisitive eyes scrutinized every inch of me. “I’m Princess Miranda Daffilia of the Spring Court, Prince Drake’s betrothed.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to curtsy or not, but I decided against it. It was obvious she was stating her claim on the prince, and I wasn’t about to stroke her ego on top of that. I took her hand and shook it, the good old human way. “Luna Hallows, human from New York, Prince Drake’s friend and mentee.”

  From the corner of my eye, I caught Drake’s lips twitch, but he schooled them back to normal in seconds.

  “I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave the ball early, Drake,” said the princess, turning her attention back to the prince. “I’d hoped for the pleasure of at least one dance before I departed.”

  Drake smiled—one of those cold emotionless ones I hadn’t seen on him in a while. “Of course.” He extended his hand and she happily took it, a smile stretching from ear to ear.

  I twirled toward the head table to wait for Drake when a hand clasped onto my wrist. I spun around to meet Julias’s dark mossy green orbs.

  “Would you care to dance?”

  My first impulse was to say no, but then I glanced over at the royal table. Elrian sulked in silence, and the queen was gulping down faery wine like it was water. Maybe Julias was the best bet for now. At least this way, I’d be near Drake in case anything went wrong. “That would be lovely,” I finally said.

  Julias took my hand and led me toward the center of the dance floor, only a few feet away from Drake and Miranda. The prince’s brows shot up when he saw me dancing with his cousin.

  I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but his focus had already returned to the princess. Whatever.

  Mr. Darkhen himself twirled me around in a circle, and I refocused my thoughts on the task at hand. Not making a fool of myself in front of Julias Darkhen or the entire Winter Court. Calling on my magic, I whipped up a quick shadowing spell. If it worked as I’d hoped, my legs would follow along with the movements of my partner’s.

  My feet effortlessly glided along the marble dance floor, matching each of Julias’s intricate dance steps. Not even my flowing ball gown tripped me up. Score one for my fickle magic!

  “You’re surprisingly graceful for a human.” Julias arched a dark brow as his inquisitive eyes bored into mine.

  “Thanks,” I muttered. “For that backhanded compliment.”

  He chuckled. “I can see why Drake took you on as a mentee. I’ve never seen my cousin do anything that wasn’t in his best interest, but perhaps with you it’s different.”

  “I’m a puzzle to him. He just wants to figure me out.”

  “And has he?” His eyes sparkled beneath the flickering lights of the chandelier.

  “I can’t make it that easy.” I glanced over Julias’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of Miranda whispering in Drake’s ear.

  A pang of jealousy twisted my gut, and my eyes widened at the unexpected emotion. Drake was betrothed, and I knew that. Plus, I barely liked the snotty Fae most of the time.

  “I was disappointed to hear about your instructor.”

  My eyes jumped up to meet my partner’s. “Excuse me?”

  “The demon training you all. It was a shame he was lost to the darkness. That’s the problem with demons…” He let his words fall away as he took in my shocked expression. “Don’t be so surprised, half-blood. There isn’t much that goes on at the academy that I don’t know about. My father may not be involved in daily operations, but that doesn’t mean that he’s negligent. Darkhen Academy is the most prestigious school in all of Azar, and we intend to keep it that way.”

  “So do you have a say if Cillian remains as headmaster?”

  He spun me around, and I twirled amongst the crowd of Fae before he pulled me back into his arms. “Of course, we do. A board oversees the running of the academy, and my father sits at the head along with my uncle, Elrian. I’m also a member, of course.”

  A flicker of hope ignited in my chest. “Julias, I know we don’t know each other well, but I’m going to ask you for a favor now.”

  He chuckled, and for the first time I noticed how handsome this Darkhen was. “I definitely see why Drake chose you.” He stopped dancing and watched me expectantly. “Go ahead.”

  “I need you to convince your father not to fire Cillian. The attack at the academy wasn’t his fault. It was mine, and if he gets blamed for it, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  He frowned, his dark brows bunching. “Don’t tell me you’re a fan of that pious, holier-than-thou, guardian angel?”

  “Very much so.”

  He grunted. “I’m sorry, Luna, but my father has wanted him out of the position since before he stepped in. The Sons of Heaven practically pulled a coup to get him in there. My father has been anxiously awaiting a moment like this to throw him out.”

  Freakin’ faeries!

  I was so involved in our conversation, I hadn’t even noticed Drake walk up or his princess and her entourage of escorts leave the ballroom. Their footfalls echoed in the distance as I glanced over my shoulder to confirm their departure.

  “If you don’t mind, Julias,” Drake interjected, “I’d like to dance with my friend now.”

  His cousin arched a mischievous brow as he followed my sight line to the departing Spring Court delegates. “Of course. You don’t waste any time, do you?”

  “Just leave, cousin,” he snarled. “Don’t you think you’ve caused enough mischief for one night?”

  With a quick bow, he spun away, leaving my thoughts a scattered mess. Drake pulled me into his arms, his hands resting on the small of my back as he guided us into the quick steps of the foxtrot.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, once we’d moved toward the outer edge of the circle and away from prying eyes.

  “Not really. Julias said his father wants C
illian out. Even if we can convince Elrian against it, could his father outvote him?”

  “Don’t listen to my pompous cousin. Elrian holds the final vote, and we’ll be sure he sees it from our side.”

  My lips melted into a smile. “Thank you, Drake. Thanks for bringing me to your home, even though I can tell you don’t really want to be here. Thanks for agreeing to speak to the king on our friends’ behalf. I know you really couldn’t care one way or the other.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe you’re starting to make me care. A little.” He twirled me around, and I laughed as I spun across the dance floor. The prince was a phenomenal dancer. Even with my magic, I could barely keep up.

  We danced for hours, and eventually the curious stares I got from the lords and ladies no longer bothered me. I was so wrapped up in the quick steps, ethereal music, and okay, maybe a little bit of faery wine that the night flew by. I never thought I could feel so at ease with the ice prince. He smiled, joked and was altogether pleasant to be around—a marked departure from his normal surly mood.

  Maybe I’d been wrong, and he did enjoy being home in the palace.

  As the night wound down, so did the music. The lively pace was replaced by a slower, softer tune. After Drake spun me one last time, he pulled me close into his body. My chest heaved against his from the dancing, and then from something else. Pressed against the prince, a frosty layer sloughed off, revealing unexpected swirling emotions.

  The cord between us tightened and for a brief second, a wave of intense sensations pummeled me in the chest. It was so powerful I staggered back, pressing my palm to my heart. What in the world?

  “Are you all right?” Drake whispered, staring down at me from beneath hooded lids.

  I nodded, and just like that, the icy wall slammed back into place. The tightness in my chest receded, and Drake took a step back, putting some much needed distance between us. We continued to dance, but neither of us spoke even though my mind was whirling a mile a minute.

  I’d been so caught up in the unexpected moment I hadn’t heard the king’s approach. “Sorry to interrupt.” Elrian tapped Drake on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

  Drake groaned. “Fine.”

  “Excuse me.” Elrian nodded to me and disappeared into the diminishing crowd.

  It was getting late, and from the looks of it, the party was winding down. “What was that about?” I asked.

  “My brother reminded me of my princely duties. I have to dance with a few of the noble ladies before the night is out, or they’ll have my brother’s head.”

  A twinge of disappointment fluttered in my chest. “No problem. I’m actually pretty tired. I think I’ll just head back to my room.” If I can ever find it.

  “No, don’t be silly; I’ll walk you back. You’d never find it by yourself.” Drake motioned to Elrian who watched us from the dais, his lilac eyes glinting. His lips pulled into a thin line as Drake led me out of the ballroom.

  My heels clattered along the marble floor, echoing across the vast hallways of the luxurious palace. I couldn’t imagine growing up in a place like this. Despite the tapestries, plush carpeting and magical faery heating system, the ice palace lacked any warmth.

  “So what did you really think about your first Fae ball?” Drake cocked his head at me as we walked.

  “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I didn’t get kidnapped so that was a definite plus.”

  “I assure you, your half-sister’s experience was not the norm. What you saw tonight was—typical jealous bickering and inane politics among the lords and ladies.”

  “The dancing was fun.” I stopped as we finally reached the door to Drake’s wing.

  “It was.” He quirked a brow. “I’m glad your magic worked so well. I thought I was going to get stepped on all evening.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny, ice prince.” I smacked him in the chest and his hand clamped over mine, pressing it into his fine suit.

  My breath hitched as I glanced up and met his blazing irises. The lilac cord around my heart tightened once again as the rapid beats of Drake’s heart thundered against my palm.

  He inched closer, his lips only a few millimeters from mine. His icy breath swirled between us, sending a wave of goose bumps up and down my bare arms. He shook his head, lowering his gaze and ran his tongue over his lips. They parted into a smile as he regarded me. “I had more fun than I’d expected this evening, Luna. After Miranda left, that is.”

  Drake reached around my waist and twisted the doorknob. I staggered backward before he grabbed my hand to steady me. “Thanks,” I mumbled, all the words sticking to the back of my throat. What just happened?

  “I’ll be by in the morning to collect you for our meeting with Elrian. Be ready by eight.”

  I nodded, chewing on my lower lip. “Goodnight, Drake.” As soon as the door closed behind him, I leaned against the thick timber, sucking in deep breaths to steady my rapid pulse. What was that about?

  Chapter 18

  King Elrian’s throne room was every bit as extravagant as the rest of the ice palace. The vast space boasted soaring ceilings with brilliant frescoes painted overhead. I’d never actually been to the Sistine Chapel, but it reminded me of pictures I’d seen online.

  Drake and I walked beneath a gilded chandelier as we approached the raised dais where Elrian and his mother, the queen, sat atop high-backed thrones. They, like everything else in the room, were bathed in gold and deep purple velvet fabric.

  The two royal guards escorting us down the aisle split up to stand on either side of the king when we reached the marble steps. Drake dipped into a bow, and I followed his lead with the best curtsy I could muster. I hadn’t realized this discussion was going to take place in such a public venue. Besides the dozens of guards lining the walls, a handful of Fae lords shuffled about the grand space. I was suddenly thankful I opted for one of Cinder’s dresses instead of my old shirts and ratty jeans.

  A royal sentinel dressed in the pale blue officer’s uniform stepped forward and ticked his head at us. “You may now address the king and queen mother.”

  “Thank you for seeing us today,” said Drake.

  “Yes, thank you, Your Highnesses,” I quickly added, straightening to my full height.

  “The reason we are here is to plead on behalf of our headmaster, the guardian angel Cillian as well as our team instructor, Ryder Strong.” I was beyond glad Drake was taking the lead because I really had no idea what to say. “Cillian has been a dedicated leader at the academy for two years now. The attack on campus and ensuing loss of life was a terrible tragedy, but not one that he should be held responsible for.”

  “And why do you believe he should not be held accountable?” asked Elrian. “He is the headmaster. He’s responsible for each and every student and faculty member on campus. He’s the one that monitors the wards that guarantee the students’ safety. He should have known they were weak and vulnerable to an attack.”

  “How could he have known that?” I blurted. “Luxora and her forces aren’t just any old demons. She’s super powerful and the daughter of Lucifer for crap sakes.”

  “But this wasn’t the first time a demon had broken through the wards,” added the queen. “There had been quite a number who had gotten into the academy when you bore the devil’s mark.”

  My mouth went dry. Geez, they knew about everything. Did they know about my father too?

  “That wasn’t due to faulty wards,” Drake interrupted. “One of the teachers on staff was actively working with Luxora against us. She was the one getting the demons in.”

  Elrian huffed. “And all of this was happening right under the headmaster’s nose.”

  I balled my fingers into tight little fists at my sides. This was not going well. “None of this was his fault. It was mine.” Both royals turned their icy gazes to me. I nearly lost my nerve, but steeling my voice, I continued on. “I’m the one that planned to lure Luxora out, and I purposely left Cillian in the dar
k about it, knowing he wouldn’t approve. Most of the things I did were behind Cillian’s back, and others paid as a result of my dishonesty. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt; I was only trying to end this once and for all. No one at the academy has been safe since I arrived.”

  The king nodded, his frosty glare warming a tad. Or maybe it was hopeful thinking. “I will consider what you’ve said and bring my recommendations to the Darkhen Academy board. Once a decision has been rendered, you’ll be among the first to know.”

  I opened my mouth to say more, but Drake nudged me in the side. That couldn’t be it could it?

  “As for the second issue, the demon, Ryder Strong.” Elrian’s lips twisted into a scowl. “While I understand he’s accomplished wonderful things with the team, he also murdered forty-seven of my subjects.”

  “Dark lesser Fae that should’ve been imprisoned anyway,” added Drake. “If you think about it, Ryder did us a favor.”

  The queen mother shook her head. “It is not for him to decide the fate of our people. That judgment lies only with the king.”

  Elrian sat forward, pivoting his gaze to me. “I will be honest with you, Luna. My people are calling for Ryder’s execution. A lifetime sentence is the best I can do.”

  My lungs constricted, all the air siphoning out in a single beat. Black spots skirted the edges of my vision, and it took everything I had to fight the dark blanket descending over me. “No…”

  “I’m sorry, Luna, but there is nothing I can do in that matter. If I release him, the Darkhens will have my head, and with me gone, Ryder would surely be next.”

  My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as panic seized me. I stood gaping, sucking air in like a fish flopping on dry land.

  “So don’t release him,” said Drake. “Send him to the SIA rehabilitation center. He’ll be locked up for a predetermined time, and then once his demon is under control his status can be reassessed.”


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