hearing, 404–405
LaMontagne, Margaret, 60. See also
Spellings, Margaret
Laney, James (Pete), 61, 138
language, English vs. Spanish, 22
Law, Elizabeth, 432
“law of proportionality,” 130
law school, 36
Lay, Ken, 391, 462
by Gonzales, 426
Hispanics in, 472
Leahy, Patrick, 117, 148, 431
Leahy, Patrick, and DOJ documents on
attorney dismissals, 408–410
Lee, Sheila Jackson, 445
Lefkowitz, Jay
on achieving diversity, 220
meeting with Bush on affirmative
action policy, 218
and Michigan admissions policy, 216
legal defense fund, 460
Leitch, David, 216, 219, 463, 464
Leitch, Ellen, 463, 464
lethal force, UN resolution on, 257
Levin, Carl, 2
on potential military action against
Iraq, 242
Libby, Scooter, 276
at Camp David planning session, 134
conviction, 348
indictment, 347
Lichtblau, Eric, 332
Lieberman, Joe, 427
limited government, 46
Lincoln, Abraham, assassins, 164
Lincoln, Blanche, 419
Lincoln Memorial, 457
Lindh, John Walker, 150
Lott, Trent, 211, 427
Gonzales meeting with, 141
Lubbock, Texas, 466–467
Luttig, Michael, 343, 361
as potential Supreme Court nominee,
353, 354
Gonzales support for, 361–362
Madrid, Spain bombing (March 11,
2004), 323, 340
Manning, John, 102
Margolis, David, 351, 384, 398
Marine One, 11–12
Austin trip with Bush, 116
to Becky, 50
stress in, 118
to Diane, 38
of parents in Catholic Church, 18
Supreme Court on same-sex, 341
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 135
material possessions, awareness of, 25
McCain, John, 80
on waterboarding, 482n 9
McCollum, Robert, 224
McConnell, Mike, 446, 447
McConnell, Mitch, 427
McDougal, Susan, 108
McKay, John
planned removal as US attorney, 398–399
testimony in Judiciary Committee
hearing, 404–405
McLaughlin, John, 135
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 305,
McMahon, Vance, in pre-inauguration
meeting, 103
McNulty, Paul, 366, 376, 382, 385, 391,
comment on potential Justice
resignations, 384
on congressional office search, 370, 373,
possible accommodations, 379–380
on return of Jefferson’s documents,
as deputy attorney general, 367
and Sampson, 428
in Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing, 401–402
on White House participation in
US attorney removal, 410–411
McVeigh, Timothy, 275
execution of, 117–118
mediation work by Gonzales, 464–465
Medina-Mora, Edwardo, 404
Mercer, Bill, 382
acquisition and analysis in Stellar
Wind, 286–287
on bulk e-mail, 335
Mexican American heritage, 121. See also
Mexico, 271, 274
secretary of state as liaison between
Texas and, 71
Middle East
Bush interest in, 247–248
partners impatient with military delays,
Miers, Harriet, 54, 55, 372, 379, 427
on House reaction to search, 377–378
meetings on Supreme Court vacancy, 358
as potential Supreme Court nominee,
Bush decision to nominate, 362
confirmation hearing, 363–364
withdraw from, 364
in pre-inauguration meeting, 103
on return of Jefferson’s documents, 377
testimony released by House Judiciary
Committee, 421
as White House counsel, 349, 352, 396
migrant work, 16–17
military action
costs of, 249
decision on timing, 265
discussion of initiating, 138
international support for, 241
president’s request for authorization to
use, 129
military commissions, 163–171
vs. criminal trials, 165
critics of, 170
development, 166–168
Flanigan and executive order on, 169
Gonzales recommendation to Bush, 179
Great Britain and Australia views,
Military Commissions Act, 482n 4
military order
on detention, treatment, and trial of
noncitizens in war on terror, 170
of president, Nov 13, 2001, 178
Mineta, Norm, 10
minorities, Bush support for
opportunities, 224
minors, and abortion, 75–77
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM),
capture of, 198
Mondale, Walter, 46
money, stopping flow to terrorists, 129
Morales, Dan, 58, 71
Moreford, Craig, 447
Moschella, Will, 376, 382, 489n3
on possible accommodations in
Jefferson search, 379–380
Moss, Tom, 425
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 165–167
criminal trial for, 166
sentence to life in prison, 167
MSNBC, 417
Mueller, Bob, 119, 321, 435, 490n2
at Camp David planning session, 134
and Jefferson document return, 391
Gonzales meeting on, 388–391
possible presidential order, 387
views on, 384–385
NYT leak on testimony, 445–446
resignation possibility, 329–330
Senate Judicial hearing testimony, 435,
in senior staff meeting on Sept 12, 2001,
on Stellar Wind
instructions on problem resolution,
meeting on concerns, 305
mujahideen, 134–135
Mukasey, Mike, 457
Muñoz, Juan, 468
Murr, Mark, 73
Musharraf government (Pakistan), 138
Mutually Assured Destruction, US/
Soviet nuclear arms policies of, 29
Myers, Richard, 134, 145
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
and Operation Enduring Freedom, 144
Nairobi, American embassy bombing, 120
Nashville, mo
ve to, 468–470
National Commission on Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States
(9/11 Commission), 299, 337–340
National Day of Prayer and
Remembrance service, 132
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE),
declassification of hearing on report,
flaws, 253
Key Judgments summary, 253–254
National Republican Convention
escort committee, 82
Gonzales invitation to, 81–82
National Review, 113
national security, 303
Stellar Wind and, 300
national security advisor, testimony
before Congress, 338
National Security Agency (NSA), 2814,
legal guidance to support information
gathering, 284
National Security Council, 111–112, 124
and China, 115
discussions on Iraq, 256
meeting with Bush Jan 31, 2003, 264
meetings, 276
and preparations for Iraq, 261
threat reports in July 2003, 202
Zubaydah as topic, 184
National Security principals committee, 111
National Security team, meeting with
Bush at Camp David, 243
Naval Observatory, 118
Navarrette, Ruben Jr., 427
Nazi agents, 164
Negroponte, John, at UN, 265
Nelson, Carrie, 456
nerve gas, 263
New York City, Bush trip after 9/11, 132
New York Times, 226
on classified surveillance activities, 282
classified war plans published, 272
editorial on Michigan admission
programs, 215
on Jefferson documents, 390–393
on Mueller’s testimony, 445–446
October 2004 leak, 332–334
New Yorker, 438
news media, 224, 425, 453. See also New
York Times
on blocked investigation of Stellar
Wind, 350
on Gonzales, 113
on Gonzales and Card hospital visit, 319
Gonzales draft memo leaked to,
on Gonzales exoneration, 460
Gonzales interviews, 116
Gonzales on morning network news
shows, 417
on Gonzales possible removal as
attorney general, 422
on Jefferson documents, 383, 392–394
on Justice Department operation, 412
on Michigan admissions policy, 215
on Miers Supreme Court nomination,
NYT leak, Oct 2004, 332
press conference questions about
Jefferson document search, 379
prohibition on publishing classified
information, 282
and Sampson’s resignation, 416
on US attorney removals, 402–404
and White House Correspondents’
Dinner, 435
Niger, uranium ore exports, 253
9/11 attacks, 289–290
deaths, 13
discussion on responsibility, 136
focus on domestic areas of response,
Gonzales activities on, 1–14
Gonzales’ efforts to return to DC, 7–9
KSM as mastermind, 198
Pentagon, 5, 8
proportional response to, 130
threat reports, 9–10
United flight 93, 6
World Trade Center, 2, 6
collapse, 7
9/11 Commission, 299, 337–339
no-fly zone in Iraq, 110, 229
legal guidance on authority to use force,
Norfolk Naval Station, 6–7
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 138
North Korea, 137
Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan,
135, 150
Northwest airlines, 133
Novak, Bob, 347
nuclear weapons, Hussein and, 228, 253,
nudity, 196
Obama, Barack, 197, 365, 437
attorney general selection, 347
DOJ decision on “Fast and Furious”
operation, 408
and surveillance program, 333–334
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), 341
O’Brien, Miles, 417
O’Connor, Kathleen, 464
O’Connor, Kevin, 436, 456, 464
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 226
oath of office for Gonzales as attorney
general, 355
resignation, 354–355
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), 99–100
legal opinion signature, 194
legal opinions on enhanced
interrogation, 197
Offutt Air Force Base (Nebraska), 10
oil in Iraq, 262
risk of booby-trapped, 268
Oklahoma City, Federal Building
bombing, 118
Old Executive Office Building (OEOB),
Olson, Barbara, 14
Olson, Ted, 14, 102, 211, 219, 222
on affirmative action, 214, 215–219
and Michigan admissions policy, 211, 214
signature on affirmative action brief, 222
Omar, Mullah, 135
One L (Turow), 39
O’Neill, Harriet, 463
O’Neill, Paul, 136
at Camp David planning session, 134
in senior staff meeting on Sept 12,
2001, 124
Operation Desert Fox, 278
Operation Enduring Freedom, 145, 230
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Bush decision
to begin, 276
Operation Minaret (NSA), 187
Owen, Priscilla, 361
P5 nations, 259
pain, threshold from enhanced
interrogation, 191
Pakistan, relationship with, 138
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO), 247
Palmer, Scott, 373, 381, 385
and Jefferson matter, 382
parental notification cases, 75–77
PATRIOT Act, 137, 144, 284, 333,
US attorney appointment powers, 400
and US attorney interim appointment,
Patriot missiles, 258
patriotism, vs. political position, 313
Paulsen, Hank, 461
peace, 145–146
Peace Officers Memorial Day, 438
Pearl, Daniel, 153
Pelosi, Nancy, 313
on potential military action against
Iraq, 242
statement on Jefferson document
return, 381
and Stellar Wind, 288, 309
Pentagon, 8
PEOC (Presidential Emergency
Operations Center), 9
performance review, Justice Department
system for, 415
Perino, Dana, 424
Petraeus, David, 447
Philbin, Pat, 290, 349
in Ashcroft hospital room, 318
Gonzales view of, 292
and interrogation discussion, 190
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 302
review of Stellar Wind, 290–291
br /> visit to Gonzales home, 326–328
Phillips, Tom, 95
phone calls, 104
Plame, Valerie, leak and outing of, 347
political patronage, US attorney and, 396
in DC, 471
vs. patriotism, 313
vs. truth, 419
postal worker, death from anthrax, 146
poverty, efforts to hide, 25
Powell, Alma, 149–150
Powell, Colin, 80, 111, 175
on Arafat, 247
Bush instructions on UN resolution, 271
at Camp David planning session, 133,
and China confrontation, 115
debate with Rumsfeld, 230–232
discussion on Iraq, 230, 232
on Geneva Convention provisions, 152
on Hussein’s declaration, 260
on international support for Iraq
regime change, 246
and Israeli-Palestinian issues, 247
and military commissions, 170
in National Security Council meetings,
240–241, 274
on need for Iraq strategy, 230
on potential Iraq invasion, 138–139
presentation to UN, 264–266
speech to UN on Iraq WMD, 253
on UN and legal justification for war,
view of Iraq non-involvement in 9/11,
Powell, Louis F. Jr., 208
prayer, 65, 414, 436
before cabinet meetings, 459
preemptive self-defense, 238
prejudices, 471
commander in chief authority, 189,
292–298, 485n1
and intelligence gathering, 284
and metadata records collection, 298
George Bush plans for running, 70–71
protecting institution of, 337–339,
senior staff testifying before Congress, 339
State of the Union address, cabinet
member absence from, xiii
Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB), 188
presidential determination letter, for
Congress, 249
Presidential Emergency Operations
Center (PEOC), 9
presidential pardons, 108
presidential succession, 103, 107–108
pride in America, Republicans and, 47
principals committee, 483n3
prison chaplain, 64–66
prison riot, in Afghanistan, 150
prisoners, detention plans, 156–162
prisoners of war, interrogation procedures
and, 200
litigation on overcrowding, 62
racial discrimination in, 114
of American citizens, 187
right to, 75
privileged documents, White House
counsel nominations and, 363
Project Safe Childhood, 414, 416
proportionality, 130
prosecution for interrogation, risk of, 185,
protestors, at Belmont, 468
True Faith and Allegiance Page 58