Escape from Davao
Page 55
Olson, Kenneth, 196
O’Neil, Chuck, 187
“Operation Chicken,” 147–48, 161
Orani, 60, 71
Orejodos, Maximina, 195
Orion, 60, 71
Oroquieta, 253
Orr, Carey, 331
Oryoku Maru, 187, 352
Oura, Hiroshi, 130
Owen, J. A., 307
Ozamis, Casa (house), 253, 256, 261
P-38 fighter, 302–5
P-40 pursuit aircraft, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 39, 49–50, 114, 220
Pacific war:
Allied offensive in, 328, 329
impact of atrocity stories in, 329–31, 333–34
Japanese offensive in, 16, 30
as most barbaric modern conflict, 329–30
Paddle, USS, 343–44
Pagadian Bay, 261, 264
Pagadian City, 264, 265
Palawan, 123
Panay, 113–14, 239
Pandacan, 23
Panquil Bay, 184
Parsons, Charles “Chick,” 90–91, 261, 273–74
DSC awarded to, 350
escapees and, 249–54, 258, 260, 264–72
espionage activities of, 91–92, 247, 249–51, 254
Kempeitai interrogation of, 92
postwar career of, 350
in trek to Dumanquilas Bay, 264–72
Parsons, Katrushka “Katsy,” 91
Peace Now, 310, 329
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 14
Japanese attack on, 15, 16, 20, 30, 33, 366n
Peleaz, Gregorio, 243
pellagra, 96
Pensacola convoy, 371n
Perth, Australia, 273
Philippine Army reserves, 10
Philippine Bureau of Prisons, 353
Philippine Insurrection, 122, 241
Philippines, 6, 282
Allied abandonment of, 32–33, 122
as “American Thermopylae,” 31
government bureaucracy in, 28
Philippine Scouts, xiii, 10, 35, 160, 239
Philippine Sea, USS, 341
Phillips, Thomas, 12
Pilar, 60
PLUM, 14
Points, Battle of the, 35, 43
Poland, German invasion of, 32
Port Clinton (Ohio) Bataan Club, 327
Portland Oregonian, 310
Posten, John, 40
Presbyterianism, 13, 98
President Coolidge, 8, 14, 19
President Madison, 49
First Amendment and, 301, 333
and publication of atrocity stories, 319–20, 322, 331–33
and suppression of atrocity stories, 279–81, 285–86, 287–88, 291, 292, 300–301, 307, 309
Price, Byron, 281, 282, 309, 311–15
Prince of Wales, HMS, 23
Prisoner of War Bureau, Japanese, 222
prisoners of war, Allied, 149–50, 154, 283, 314
death rates of, 335
humanitarian aid for, 283, 300, 312–313, 324
on Japanese hellships, 112, 322
as slave laborers, 330, 335
prisoners of war, American:
atrocities and violence against, 69, 73, 78, 91–92, 95, 102, 107–8, 148, 150, 153–54, 158, 180–81, 196, 217, 223, 244, 254, 274, 278, 285, 287, 330; see also atrocity stories
beheadings of, 61–62, 64, 69, 70, 78, 108, 186, 291, 330
consequences of atrocity stories on treatment of, 334–36
death rates of, 73, 79, 93, 94, 97, 109, 244–45, 287, 292, 335
disease among, 64, 65, 77–78, 79–80, 93–94, 96–97, 144, 164, 244–45
escape attempts of, 389n
“every man for himself” attitude among, 66–67
food as obsession of, 96, 131, 165, 219
full food rations ordered for, 335
inadequacy of Japanese planning for, 69
on Japanese hellships, xiii, 111–12, 187, 322, 343–44, 349, 352, 353
Japanese looting of, 62–63, 75
as laborers, 123–24
postcards from, 144–45
starvation among, 65, 72, 77–78, 79–80, 96, 131, 223, 244–45, 274
submissiveness as survival tactic for, 66
sun treatment for, 1, 64, 76, 116
see also Bataan Death March; specific POW camps
PT-boats, 241
Pueblo, Colo., 137, 346
Quezon, Manuel, 9, 32, 38, 136, 287, 343
quinine tablets, 174–76, 237, 272
Quizon, Victoriano, 163
Rabaul, 329
radio communication, 226, 227, 234, 236, 238, 242, 243–44, 253, 254, 257, 270
Radio Tokyo, 43
railway, Anibogan-Lungaog, 160, 192, 205, 209–11
Rainbow 5, 11
Randall, Russell, 306
Randolph Field, San Antonio, 13, 18
Reader’s Digest, 316
Red Cross packages, 143–44, 145
Red Net, 38
Republic Pictures, 341
Repulse, HMS, 23
Reyes, Norman, 57–58
rice rash (Schistosoma japonicum), 126–27, 131
Richardson, Iliff, 260, 261
Rivera, Teofilo, 225, 230, 232
Roberts, Roy, 301, 311
Robin, Pascual, 140
Romulo, Carlos, 51, 52, 57–58, 308–9, 333
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 328
Executive Order 9066 of, 31
Executive Order 9182 of, 281
MacArthur ordered to leave Corregidor by, 53
no-surrender orders issued by, 55
Philippines and, 8–9, 11, 74
and promised reinforcements of USAFFE, 32–33, 34, 38, 321, 371n
and suppression of atrocity stories, 280, 283, 284, 309–10, 311, 315, 316, 323, 327, 400n
Rosalia, 260, 261–62
Rosenquist, Harold, 342–44
Rounds, Gerald R., 303
Roxton, Tex., 47
rules of engagement, 330
Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 14
Sakai, Saburo, 19–20, 339
Sampao, 184, 219
San Fernando, 60, 68, 71–72
San Francisco, Calif., 299–300
Santos, Paulino, 122–23
Santo Tomas University, 91
Saranac Lake, N. Y., 287
Saturday Evening Post, xiii, 298, 299, 316
Sayog, 270
Schistosoma japonicum (rice rash), 126–27, 131
Schuetz, Mrs. Oscar, 303
scurvy, 96
senakulo, 67
Senate, U.S., Military Affairs subcommittee of, 323
Seoul, 348
SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) training, 346
Severn, USS, 347
Shanghai, 11, 48, 75, 96, 250, 322
Shelbyville, Tenn., 26, 341
Shinyo Maru, 343–45
Shiraji, Sumio, 131
Shofner, Austin “Shifty,” 197, 369n
background of, 26–27
at Cabanatuan, 97, 98, 99, 100, 108, 110
on Corregidor, 24–26, 48–49, 86, 88–89
at Davao, 127, 151–52, 154–56, 159–60, 163–67, 168, 171–78, 181
DSC awarded to, 299–300
on Erie Maru, 112–15
in escape planning, 114–15, 151–52, 154–55, 156, 159, 161–64, 166–67, 171–78, 181
in march to Davao, 117–18
at Okinawa, 347
at Peleliu, 341
postwar career of, 341
in reunion with Neyland, 340
in San Francisco, 299–300
Shofner, Austin “Shifty,” in escape from Davao:
Davao swamp to Kapungagan, 198–201, 203–6, 209, 217, 219, 221, 225–27
and division of group at Medina, 259–60
evacuated by USS Narwhal, 296–99
first day, 186, 189–91, 193–94
Kapungagan to Medina, 230–32, 235–40, 242–43
leadership s
kills of, 193–94, 203–4
shooting squads, 105, 150, 153, 196, 223
Shoss, Maurice, 150
Sibuyan Sea, 113
Sides, Hampton, 353–54
Simpson, Kirke, 329
Singapore, 16, 30, 250
Singoto Maru, 343
Sino-Japanese War (1937–45), 8, 11, 48
Smith, Charles, 250, 261, 264, 266–67, 271–72
Smith, John Lee, 306
Smith, Kate, 326
Snyder, Christina, 51
Solomon Islands, 30
Soochow (dog), 75, 96
South Africa, 250
South China Sea, 6, 27, 112
Southern California, University of, 80
Southern Seas, 87
Southwest Pacific Area, 328
GHQ (Brisbane), 54, 148, 226, 239, 241–42, 250, 253, 256, 258–59, 260, 273–76, 287, 342
Philippine Regional Section, 250, 275, 342
Tenth Military District, 239, 242, 257
Soviet Union:
Allied aid to, 32, 33
Eastern Front successes of, 324
Spanish-American War, 8, 122, 241
Spanish Armada, 47
Spanish Civil War, 47
Special Warfare School, 350
Spensley, V. H., 283, 327
Spielman, Lucy McCarthy, 297
Spielman, Robert:
background of, 137–38
at Cabanatuan, 138–39
on Corregidor, 136
at Davao, 136, 139–40, 146–48, 157, 158–59, 161–62, 166, 172, 176, 179
in escape planning, 139–40, 146–48, 157, 161–62, 166, 172, 176, 179
and failed rescue of Davao POWs, 342–45
as officer in guerrilla army, 247, 297, 334, 342–45
postwar career of, 346
Spielman, Robert, in escape from Davao:
Davao swamp to Kapungagan, 201–2, 204–5, 209–10, 214
and division of group at Medina, 260
first day, 187, 190–91
Spokane, Wash., 17
Spyron, 250, 334
State Department, U.S., 314, 316, 327
Stimson, Henry, 10–11, 33, 38, 282, 291–92, 311, 315, 327
Stotsenburg, Fort, Luzon, 9, 10, 23
Strong, George V., 3, 286, 310–13, 319
Subic Bay, 39, 114, 146, 278, 346, 352
Japanese, 30
U.S., 184, 235, 238, 242, 244, 250, 256, 264–65, 271–75, 288, 296–99
Sulu Sea, 6
sun treatment, 1, 64, 73, 116
Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), 351
Surigao Province, 242, 252, 297, 345, 346
Surigao Sea, 260
Surles, Alexander, 280–81, 283, 286–88, 309, 311–14, 316, 319
surrender, Japanese view of, 62
Sutherland, Richard, 16, 44, 244
Swinson, Arthur, 68
Taft, Robert A., 34
Talacogon, 184, 235
Talakag, 184, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 257
Tarawa, 328
Ten Escape from Tojo (McCoy, Mellnik, and Kelley), 341
Tennessee, University of, 26, 369n
Teogum, 184, 235
Texas, University of, 346
Thailand, 16, 149
Thomas, Elbert D., 323
Time, 282
Tirador, George, 297
Tojo, Hideki, 123–24, 127, 338, 351
Tonelli, Maro “Motts,” 64, 79, 80, 102, 106, 160, 293
“Toonerville Trolley,” 126, 134, 178
Trail 2, Battle of, 35
Treasury Department, U.S., 324–26
Trohan, Walter, 279–81, 309, 311, 313
Trout, USS, 274, 286, 306
rendezvous of escapees with, 184, 264–65, 271–73
secret missions of, 272
Truman, Harry S., 321
Truman, Margaret, 321
Tsubota, 197
Tsuji, Masanobu, 69, 351
Tsuneyoshi, Yoshio, 76–77, 81, 94, 351–52
tuba, 217, 219, 234, 239
Tubay, 297
tuberculosis, 96
Tuganay River, 127
Tuscaloosa, Ala., 349
Tuvilla, Jose, 225, 230, 232–33, 236–39, 243, 350
Twentieth Century-Fox, 340
Type 1 bombers, Japanese (Bettys), 18
Type 96 bombers, Japanese (Nells), 18
Umayam River, 235
United States:
Europe First strategy of, 32–33, 282, 283–84, 321, 328, 331
and Japanese Pacific offensive, 16
Japan’s prewar relations with, 8
military unpreparedness of, 32
post-Pearl Harbor hysteria in, 30–31
reaction to atrocity stories in, 319–23, 331–33
United States Forces in the Philippines (USFIP), 55–56, 88, 247
see also guerrillas, Filipino-American
USAFFE, see Army Forces, Far East, U.S.
Vandegrift, Alexander A., 325
Victory, 47
Visayas, 10, 88, 115
“Voice of Freedom,” 37, 57
Wada, Shusuke “Running,” 130, 196, 223–24, 352
Wahiawa, Hawaii, 87
Wainwright, Jonathan M. “Skinny”, IV, 35, 55, 74, 86, 245
Wake Island, 16, 30
Walter, Cecil, 243
War Bonds, 325, 332, 400n
war crimes trials, of Japanese, 351–53
War Department, U.S., 3, 10–11, 340–41
atrocity stories suppressed by, 300–301, 313–14
“Chamber of Horrors” of, 282
and failure to reinforce Philippines, 34, 371n
Public Relations Bureau of, 280
Rainbow 5 plan of, 11
War Finance Committee, 324
War Loan Drives, 324, 332
Fourth, 324–26, 329
War Plan Orange, 10, 22–23
Wermuth, Arthur W., 31
West Virginia, USS, 24
wet beriberi, 78, 79, 132
Whitcomb, Edgar, 88
White, Kiefer, 40
Whitney, Courtney, 258, 259, 275, 342
Williams, Gus, 17, 19
Winchell, Walter, 329
Winter, William, 31
Winterholler, John, 160
World War I, 68, 241, 282
Worley, Eugene, 320–21