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Soul Mates. The Beginning.

Page 15

by Christine Wood

  “I do and he’s shit hot… I just like being there, besides a rich Russian wants to buy into the mining operation, its bigger than I ever thought it would be, and I am considering his very nice offer.”

  “Yada, yada, I’ll believe it when I see it. When’s enough money enough Luis? What’s the point in being a multi billionaire if life is passing you by and all you do is work?”

  “Luis that was deep, especially for you, has Bella been at you again to grow up? I agree, I need to have some fun and enjoy life more.” I needed to see Bella, I wasn’t over her in any way shape or form and it is killing me, and as stupid as this sounds thinking of her my heart is really hurting. I need to get her to speak to me just for a few minutes, that’s all I will need.

  “See you later and don’t work too hard.” He left me to think over all the crap with Bella, space hadn’t worked and time certainly wasn’t working, maybe she would remember the promises we made, and give herself to me? From what Luis says there is no significant man or boy in her life, perhaps she is still waiting for me? Ha, I will remind her of the promise, if I can get near her. I do a couple of hours work before I head out to get Bella her present. The stuffed Kangaroo I bought her is cute and has a pouch for the present. I just need to hit the jewellers and buy her something nice for it to carry.

  I head out along Fifth Avenue, and look in the store windows, dressed down and in a beanie hat, gheeze I miss my hat. I head for a look see at the least favourable part of my life, shopping for jewellery. Normally Judy my assistant does all this, she sees to it the girls get the ‘sorry I had to leave’ gifts, ‘sorry it’s over’ stuff, this is only the second time ever I have shopped for jewellery, the last time Bella and her cousins chose the bracelet I gave her, this time I’m on my own.

  I head into Kwiat, a jeweller who I know Mum had a few pieces from. Dad liked to buy her nice things, and he occasionally would show me the things that adorned her body and pictures of her wearing them. Then he’d rant again, and I’d be banished to my wing of the house until he calmed down, but it was worth it to see something pretty and see the photos of her wearing those pretty things. Those and the photos of my mum, that my gran had, were all I had left of the woman I loved so dearly, and yet had never met.

  “Sir, how can I be of assistance today?”

  “Umm, I don’t know, I want something pretty, a necklace perhaps, a pendant, diamonds and if possible with an emerald or two?”

  “Certainly Sir, and as to price, what are you looking at paying?”

  “No limit, it just has to be nice.” Yeah, like I know what I’m looking at? He walked me to the glass display case and it shone brightly, wow pretty and sparkly, we could be on a winner.

  “This is an excellent piece, it is an egg shaped diamond necklace, it is five carets total and has a leaf pattern in tiny emeralds which lead to this exquisite diamond daisy, with the two caret yellow diamond in the centre, both combining diamonds and emeralds, its set in white gold and is a unique piece?” I nodded and as I fingered the egg, I muttered it would do.

  “The price Sir is fifty-seven thousand dollars.”

  “Yes that’s just fine, here’s my card, is that acceptable?” I pay enough, so best it is, why the fucking eye flutter? Then I look at my reflection in the mirrored walls, um I do look like a construction worker, shit I already have the cowboy look down, throw me in a police uniform and I could bring back the village people single-handedly. Wow, no wonder he gave me that look.

  “Sir, yes that’s perfectly acceptable.” He rang up my purchase, and wrapped the box in tissue and bagged the box. I hate jewellery shopping and now I have to hope she likes the damn thing. The card shop next and then the florist, where a basket of wildflowers is purchased, which will be delivered to my room later. Now I need to eat. I grab a cab to Mighty Quinn's Barbeque, the best barbeque place outside of Texas. I eat the best rib eyed steak and down a few beers. How the hell has my life got so fucking complicated? As I eat, my phone chirps.

  “Hi Chris, just a reminder you have to visit the dentist and you have an appointment at three thirty with De Beret and associates. Your Russian friend’s lawyers there, he wants your damn mines, Chris he has been bombarding me with phone calls on the hour, phone them and him please.”

  “Umm, sorry Judy, I have my mouth full of the best steak. Right, I will see both of them today.”

  “Dentist at two thirty, then after that De Beret at three thirty, with any luck I have left enough time between appointments. Oh, and some nutter keeps ringing saying she coming for you? Hillier is dealing with it this end and tracing the calls, but that’s all she says and hangs up, is this Gina do you think?”

  “Yeah, I guess so? I don’t think I have pissed anyone else off just recently?”

  “Umm, you also had a call from Alysia, she says if you’re in New York give her a call, it’s been too long.”

  “Sorry, she’s blocked on this phone, gheeze I need to get a wife, perhaps they will leave me alone then?”

  “I highly doubt it Chris, I doubt a gold band will stop some of the nuttier woman you seem to date.”

  “Right note to Christopher no more nutters. I need to get back to the hotel do my teeth and get to the damned dentist. Thanks Judy what would I do without you?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know why you offered me the big bucks now. I sometimes feel like I’m your damned pimp Chris. When are you back here then to deal with the Australian branch of your fan club?”

  “I don’t know, I need to see to the damn Russian and this party, the New York Home Hotel is having a few problems, so perhaps a week? Who knows it could be longer? Henry needs to ramp up security on the ranch too, or we may have to move to a more secure set up, it seems all that land is a ball ache to watch over go figure?”

  “Good luck and see you soon.” She hangs up and I finish the steak and head to my hotel. They have delivered the flowers and I take them to my room. I am on the lookout for a glimpse of Bella everywhere I go, and as yet have not seen hide nor hair of her.

  I linger over the card and write, ‘Sorry I cannot be there, things are hectic here, I hope you accept these gifts, and wear the necklace and think kindly of the old fool, who keeps ruining your birthdays, but doesn’t mean too. Yours, Chris x’ I place the jewellery in the kangaroo’s pouch, and place it in the middle of the flowers. I ring Luis, leaving him a voice mail, and tell him the gift basket is in my room and I will see him at eight and he’s to give her the basket as soon as he gets in. He never answers his damned phone.

  I have a tedious dental appointment and a damned filling is needed, I’m having such a good day already and this? Well this puts the seal on the day, I’m going to a bloody important meeting with a swollen tongue and sounding like I’m speaking a foreign language, which I could possibly be doing, plus I may look like I have had a stroke, there’s drool coming from my mouth, great drooling in a meeting, so not a good look.

  My pearly whites are given a good clean and they shine brightly as I exit the dentist. I then head to the meeting. I do need to get rid of the mining, it’s getting bigger and bigger and the problems it’s expansion brought with it, were and are mind bogglingly frustrating. The small business, had now turned into a bloody full time, live over in Australia job. I head into the conference room for the informal chat.

  “I’m so sorry, I have had a dental procedure and the after affects are hindering my speech, so what is Mr Anisimov’s latest offer?”

  “He has decided he wants to go solo on all the operations, the mining rights the land everything, would you be open to begin negotiations at say forty?” I wanted to open at thirty, so he’s negotiating up. I smile this could be good.

  “I was thinking more eighty?”

  “He may be able to go to sixty?” I’m already happy, shit I have more money than I will ever need.

  “I will sell to Anisimov, for seventy.” He smiles, damn it he could have gone higher.

  “The deal will be done quickly, yes?�
� I nod. “Mr Anisimov likes to do business quickly the engineering reports are favourable to this being a great deal for my boss.”

  “I am sure it will be and I will be glad to get back home, I have things that I need to do here and spending all my time in Australia is hindering my other businesses. My solicitors here will deal with it and thank Anisimov for doing business it was and is a pleasure.” I shake a very sweaty hand and pass him a handkerchief, he is sweating profusely, and I think there was a lot riding on this for him not every day you spend seventy billion of your boss’s money?

  I am now down to just the real estate on the Western coast of Australia, and the new hotels I am building. It seems hotels are so in my blood after all. Back at the hotel I see Bella and wow she has got even more beautiful, if that was at all possible? She is with a tall guy and Cameron Bayfield. Damn it is he still hanging around her, like the bad penny he always was? I note they are getting into a limo and are heading off with security. I’m safe to get out of the car, which the car service sent me and get in the hotel unseen. Luis is in the reception with his dad and waves me by, what Hugh doesn’t want me here either? Damn it. So I head to the lift and press the button. I’m joined by Luis.

  “Hello Bro, did you have a nice time shopping? I put the mask in your room. What the hell did you buy Bella? She cried all afternoon in her room and fell asleep cuddling her teddy bear thing?”

  “It was a kangaroo and I bought her a necklace. Why did she not like it?”

  “Yes, she loved it, but hates that you are not coming, I can’t figure her out, she didn’t want you here and now you’re not coming, she does want to see you?”

  “Hard to understand I know. Why did you not want me to speak to your dad?”

  “Bedford used his contacts in Italy and got hold of the pictures for Dad, the pictures have made him mad as hell, and Chris it was a massacre not just a killing. Have you seen the photos?”

  “No, I didn’t want to, besides I’m giving my statement tomorrow at the Italian consulate here with my lawyer, I will have to see them then I suppose? I just didn’t think she would go so far, killing her son and family, she needs capturing and soon.” Luis looked worried.

  “Bedford had stepped up the security, so no one will get near Bella at the ball on Saturday. Dad wants to cancel, but Bella won’t let them.”

  “Talking about Bella, who did she go out with earlier?”

  “Jack Lyle, he’s Cameron Bayfield new step brother. She’s being taken to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner, he did his homework and has been sending it her since she got here. He’s quite the smooth talking little boy, but he is gay. Stop looking at me like that he is just a friend, a gay friend. Apparently, they went to school together in London and his mother married Cameron’s dad, and they moved over here, they are just email buddies. He calls her his fag bag?” I laugh.

  “Lord no, it’s fag hag, idiot! So, is Bayfield sniffing around Bella still?”

  “Nope, like I said step brothers, and Jack’s a pain in the arse apparently, Cameron is alright now. He’s got a party the same night as this ball ache thing we have to go to, his bachelor party actually, are you pleasantly surprised? Yes, he’s marrying a socialite, Rhona Winthrop, the merchant banker’s daughter. He snagged himself a rich only daughter of a widowed wealthy banker, seems his new wife’s worth a fortune.” I laughed. “Come as my plus one, after the party here? I have to be here anyway. Come with me, it will be a blast he’s got a party bus, strippers and a pole dancing club, free booze and all the party extras?”

  “No thanks I’m not into that shit anymore, really are you?”

  “Hell yes, I’m still in my prime old man.”

  “Luis I’m a mere nine months older than you, and I might add. I have a small problem called Gina running around free and in a manic state of mind.”

  “Umm, well hopefully they will have caught her by then. I loved the flowers you sent Bella, what are you like you’re an old romantic bastard. She said through the tears that she still has some dried ones she had at a picnic, ones you picked for her at your ranch, you soppy, soppy man. You need to write a tip book you really do schmooze well. Had I sent an expensive weed basket to my dalliances they would have been sent back or been forcibly stuffed way up my arse, a good thing for Jack, but not so for me.” Oh, she remembered them and kept them, good.

  “I’ll get right on it, when I finish the bloody deal to sell the mining operation in, Australia.”

  “Oh, you are selling them? Thank God for that, are you returning to civilisation then?”

  “Yes in a while I am, I will head back to Texas if I’m honest, its home, Henry is stopping to make it safer, but it’s wide open, I may have to sell up and look for somewhere less open to my manic ex sex buddies.”

  “Umm, good luck with that. Horses need a lot of land, I know Bella’s need a damn high acreage, her spoilt demon’s eat better than I do and live better than I do too, less talking more drinking, hey you need to change your shirt you’re drooling over it.”

  “Blame the dentist, I had a filling earlier, I damn well bit my lip at the offer for the mines and when this Lidocaine wears off it will hurt like hell. Give me a minute to change is it a shirt and tie job?”

  “Nah jeans and tee shirt, we are slumming it in a student bar.” Great how old does he think he is? Dressed and out of the door we headed to the first of about eight bars, after the last one I remembered nothing. I woke shocked as hell to find myself alone and still clothed and I’d slept in my bath tub. What the hell was I doing in the tub? As I pulled myself free from the thing, I fell over the edge of the bath and landed in a heap on the bathroom floor.

  “What the fuck did I drink and do last night?” I stopped trying to get up and crawled to my bedroom, where upon I found the reason for sleeping in the tub, Luis had two women in my bed. Fuck no, I didn’t, or did I? I crawled back to the bathroom locked the door striped and showered, cold, then hot, then cold, wow that was needed. I threw the wet clothes in a heap and pulled on a bathrobe. Quietly I got dressed grabbed my wallet and took off, I hadn’t a clue what time it was, as I was missing my watch, and for some reason my wallet was lighter than it was the night before.

  I headed for the cash machine, and took out a couple of hundred bucks and looked for somewhere to eat breakfast. I needed coffee, I needed food and I needed to know what I did, with whom and where? The only one who could tell me what we had done was sandwiched between two women and had a kick arse smile on his face. I headed for Sarabeths's by the park, for a much needed coffee.

  “Sir, what can I get you today?”

  “Can I start with fresh orange juice, strong black coffee, the lemon and ricotta pancakes, then I will have the bacon, pork sausages and two orders of the Popeye eggs please, and please keep the coffee coming?” The waiter left, bringing back the coffee and orange juice. I watched through the window where I saw Bella out running with her security, her arse was mighty fine. I watched as the slight girl looked lost, she is also swamped by her security. As she jogs she busied herself listening to her music, her hair is in pig tails at each the side of her head. She gets better looking every time I see her, mores’ the pity. I am brought around from arse watching by the arrival of breakfast part one. When all the food was eaten and a multitude of cups of coffee were drank, I asked for the bill and wow, I had an expensive breakfast, I gave her a hundred and headed back to my rooms.

  “Luis, Luis are you in here?” No reply to my gentle knocks, good they had gone. I had phoned and asked for room service to come and do the room, and was told they were on the way already. I ordered more coffee and French toast. Then set about work in the lounge, my phone was on the table with the things from my pocket including a pair of red panties? What the hell did we do last night, or mores the point, what did I do and did I join in the threesome on the bed? I had to hope not.

  “Hello Sir, you called for room service?” I knew that voice. Shit, shit, shit it was Bella, fuck. I grabbed my laptop, my walle
t and headed into the toilet. “Mr Hayes room service, can I come in or do you later?” Umm do me later that sounds like fun.

  “What? Wait a moment err, yes, yes carry on I’m in the tub. Will that be alright?”

  “Err yes, yes, but please stay in there until we leave, this is highly irregular Sir.”

  “Sorry, but I wanted to shower before breakfast, I’ll be a while in here and I can assure you I will be in here long after you have gone. I like a long soak after my shower.” Shit hurry up and go for fucks sake. I sat and listened to her sing, wow her voice is so good Alanis Morissette if I’m not mistaken, singing Ironic? She sang as she tided hovered and I presumed she had made the bed.

  “All done Sir and your breakfast is here, enjoy it... Luis what are you doing here and why the hell did you not come back last night?”

  “I was with friends and I am here checking on Cooper, he’s an old friend from college, here for Cameron’s bachelor party.”

  “Why, oh never mind, I am sick of asking why you get out of these mornings Dad has me working. Mum is pissed at you and pissed Chris isn’t coming, the arse.” I oh-ed. “Still he has better things to do than come ruin another party of mine.”

  “Really and the flowers, the teddy and the necklace he got you were crap then?”

  “No, no it wasn’t, they were beautiful I would have liked to thank him for them in person, I may have been a little rough on him.” My heart raced, should I go out and say you’re welcome? “Had he come though I would have smacked him stupid and enjoyed it too, this birthday is ruined and he’s not even here, damn him.” Oh. No, I think I’ll stay put. “Right I’m off, see you for lunch.” I heard the door click shut and Luis laugh.

  “You can come out now, sorry I didn’t think they would send her. We had a wild old time last night, well I did, you just drank the last bar dry, ten bars visited in total, and we had a blast.” Why is he so fucking perky? I feel like crap and have a bad head, a really bad head.

  “Where’s my watch?”

  “Oh that, it was left behind the last bar we went in, you left your cards here and only took out cash and when you ripped the felt on the pool table, we hadn’t enough money, so you promised to go back and pay them, he was for calling the cops, but you gave up your watch. I sent my security for it this morning with the funds to repair the table, because I lost my wallet, I think one of the twins has it, they were both very light fingered, if you get my drift. It was damn well worth it, because they were fucking awesome. Here you are one Rolex and my apologies for having you sleep in the tub, you were offered either Sherry or Jerry, one or both of the twins, but chose to be a Wet Whiney Willy and chose to sleep in the tub, or on the closet floor? Either way I had a good night, balls deep in twins, I’m the man.”


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